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so my husband and I we cannot seem to come to an agreement and I wanted to know if you can help us so we're having the thermostat issues we're trying to negotiate my husband turns the thermostat down so low it's snowing in our house I like it like a bombing 78 and he can't seem to negotiate with me he tells me I can throw on layers or cover up with the blanket it's just so cold and I've talked to a few of my friends and they say that their husbands say the same thing Steve why don't you understand we just want to be warm what wait how did this just become about weak well you're a man you're guilty too you know I'm not guilty no it's a direct opposite in my house and I'll tell you that in a minute but most men who want it cold in the house it's because they ass is cheap and they don't want to pay that eaten beer this guy has looked at this bill coming into the house and he has based his comfort level purely on this bill now we got this high heating bill coming in here let's cut this damn heat off he would like it to be a balmy 78 - I know but you haven't won that BAM yes bill they keep coming in the house it's an economic issue with a man now in our house is the direct opposite my wife we live in a meat locker her mother at her house my father law he tells me he lives in the meat locker my daughter loves the house cold she's the only one left at the house she liked living in the meat locker me and Wynton we're in that diet we have permanent sinus conditions because we live where they should store half of cows and Marjorie wantz shakotan and she always tell me you could just bundle up why am i walking around my damn house with a hoodie on and I'm bald-headed anytime that air goes across it's an extra cut man it's freezing in my house and my wife and I don't understand this cause y'all's bath water is the direct opposite I can't take a bath with her cuz no she can cut up carrots and potatoes in that damn water but the house is ice-cold that I do not understand I can't stand that man so I can't help leave he'll take that ring off set it on that coal ash counter I can walk out the door when you come back in the house it'll be 78 but to do when it that the dude is cheap we're looking at the bill and they ain't got nothing do with the comfort that's all that is cuz my wife man be freezing my father-in-law feels so sorry for this dude he bet he leave his house they live in Memphis he come down house to visit our house cold to my father-in-law 80 years old puppy sitting up there man they were shopping one day I cut all the heat on he said man appreciate it you
Channel: Steve TV Show
Views: 1,054,233
Rating: 4.930532 out of 5
Keywords: Steve, Harvey, funny, humor, comedy, tv, steve harvey, steve harvey daytime, steve harvey show, Talk Show (TV Genre), 5054, temperature, men vs. women, men v. women, battle of the sexes, thermostat
Id: ub8bxNOZUf0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 40sec (220 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 17 2016
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