Ask Me Anything: The Most Disturbing Thing I've Ever Eaten

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what's up spilled milkers ask me anything coming to you on a Monday I hope you had a lovely holiday weekend for all who celebrated uh Easter uh let's get right to it uh oh hey by the way if you're listening to this and you aren't coming on my trip to Sicily why not why not uh all you got to do is go to my website Andrew Zimmer or the like I did that or the top of this uh post and there's information on how you can sign up uh it's going to be incredible uh nine eight eight days nine nights nine days eight nights uh in sis Le with me just 20 of us it's it's going to be incredible and I'm with you the the whole way taking you to a lot of my favorite little spots it's going to be a blast um Bruce wres hi Andrew we have two pheasants six quail and a healthy supply of ojibway parched wild rice from upper Minnesota and upper Wisconsin aren't you lucky I have a lot of the same in my freezer uh we'd like to make and serve both game birds for a meal we have two ovens if that's important I'm I'm guessing neither bird has much fat so keeping them moist would be essential what's your suggestion for preparing a meal that exudes a Northwoods Ambiance and taste in a suburban Chicago setting by the way I saw your test testimony to the late chef David Boule on Instagram I ateed his restaurant Monet shortly after it opened many years ago um memorable blah blah blah will you be appearing in Chicago for an event anytime uh this year um yes probably in the fall um I'm also going to be at um oh why am I blanking uh on the name at that uh a food festival in Wisconsin about an hour and a half away from Chicago uh more on that later that's not till October November um but let's get back to the important part um I I would think of this as two different courses and what I would do is I would go look at my um season two of wild game kitchen we have the recipes on our website I have a it me style Quail salad but what I would do is I would I would take the quail uh I would cut the backbones uh out I would um unless they're already semi- boneless um but if you shot them I would take the backbones out and do the best to trim out as many of those little bones as possible marinate them uh soy sauce sugar lemon scallions ginger garlic a little sesame oil let that sit overnight and and just pop them underneath the broiler or if you have a grill on your porch you can Grill them to about medium Rish let them rest till medium and serve them on top of some kind of salad you could take it in a French Direction with a mustardy vinegret on wintry greens you could serve it with spring greens Water Crest spinach things like that in a citrus vinegret that would go great with that sort of Asian marinade um but I I think you serve at room temperature uh and have that sort of like a first thing or a platter in the middle of the table then uh with the pheasants I would cut them in parts and again I I mean my favorite recipe I would go back to season 1 of wild game kitchen uh recipes on my website at inter as well uh where I brown the Pheasant quarters and then I uh delaz the pan uh with shallots and apples and Apple Brandy and apple cider you know apple vinegar apple apple apple apple apple uh some cream and then put the Pheasant back in there to cook till about mediumish uh pull the breasts let the dark quarters keep cooking for a while platter them up serve that uh incredible uh French inspired uh Normandy inspired pheasant dish and with the wild rice with wild rice that good and I have the same stuff in my pantry I'm lucky enough to get uh from uh first peoples that live up in northern Minnesota that send me some every year um I think all you have to do is cook it like pasta till it's about 3/4 of the way done drain it and then sauté it in brown butter with little bits of uh onion maybe some uh you know a little bit of salt uh hint of acid sometimes just to sit with that brown butter and uh I usually like to fry some sage in the brown butter at the beginning reserve it and then put it back in let it crumble up and there'll be delicious with that meal so there you go Karen writes I really like your travel restaurant recommendations and wondering if you have a compilation somewhere well if you subscribing to my substack then you have access to the archive so if you go back to all those ask me anything uh we actually put them in written form there um so you have access to dozens and dozens and dozens but we are also working on an interactive map uh for my website with uh little pins all over the world to all of the places that I love to eat how's that for fun um we're going to Santa Fe would appreciate your culinary uh input wow Santa Fe great part of the world uh love it been there shot some shows there uh gono is fantastic it's you know it's literally a restaurant that's used to be a home um it's just absolutely spectacular the food is great um and and by the way everything here is you know either uh inspired uh by true New Mexican first people's food or uh the food across the border in Mexico or a southwestern United States kind of vibe I don't go to Santa Fe to eat Thai food the same reason I don't go to Thailand uh to eat uh pepper rubbed elk tender line um anyway so go to gono uh the shed is really great uh they're famous for their uh red and green Salsas they do a lot of stuff Christmas style fantastic pole and great enchiladas um let's see uh seison there are a couple highly awarded uh restaurants in uh that part of New Mexico seison is one of them uh 2022 the chef at seison Fernando OA uh won the James Beard award uh for that part of uh for that region and the I mean his Chile and noata is about as good as it get uh As Good As It Gets uh if you feel like real grand mother food go to Tia Sophia's uh spectacular um you know they didn't invent the breakfast burrito but they sure have perfected it um Jambo uh Cafe I know this sounds crazy after what I just said about the Thai food um but they have a Kenyan born uh Chef named Ahmed uh OBO who has infused African and Caribbean flavors into Southwestern food and it works uh beautifully um the compound is another restaurant I love um another James Beard uh winning restaurant uh traditional food uh of course um let's see what else do I like oh El chili toriado t o r ea uh do uh they are I mean it's fantastic um the the the folks who run the place used to operate food trucks and and food carts and so their their their street food their breakfast burritos their tacos their adobada um it's just fantastic um let's see what else uh oh uh horno H uh n o uh weekly Fried Chicken uh dinners there are not to be missed um let's see uh Paloma in the uh Rail Yard District also Mexican also fantastic that should uh I don't know that should keep you busy for a while um Cassie writes I'm hoping you can settle an argument I think it's fine to eat chicken that looks a little pink in spots as long as the overall temperature is above 165 yes you are correct my sister won't touch it that's a shame but it just means more for you Cassie uh here's the deal um the better the quality of your chicken the Pinker your meat has the potential to be and with really good chicken the stuff that I buy at our Farmers Market here in Minneapolis in St Paul uh is uh I'll get chickens that the dark meat actually there's there's veins in them and they had real blood in them so you'll you'll bite into it and there'll be a a dark line or something that the meat's coming right off the bone it's well over 165 um and I'm talking about brazing dark quarters and uh it still is pink in the white meat and sometimes red around the uh Knuckles of the dark meat so it's not about color it's about food safe temperature uh and and everyone overcooks their chicken chicken I I my white meat when it goes to 150 155 I stop it it'll rise in temperature but I don't want to dry it out Angie writes should I always rinse canned beans yes uh when beans are canned they they are acidulated uh in other words there's some water that goes in there which has an acid in it as a uh natural preser S as an unnatural preservative as well uh so I always rinse my beans if I use canned beans um I guess my burger video has inspired a lot of questions what's your favorite fast food uh chicken sandwich um oh my gosh uh I don't know uh I I'll eat them wherever I get them high low doesn't matter I I will say um fresh like at the place uh Popeye's is just fantastic um and uh for for chicken tenders my kid has turned me on to Canes uh and obviously uh you know Culver sometimes uh offers one um and I'm there a lot so uh Matt writes best onion rings uh The Varsity in Atlanta uh that's a one-off I don't know any chains that do good onion rings onion rings have to be hand dipped um I guess a bunch of people also were saying I I get these questions uh from the team that works on uh the substack and the note here is a bunch of people were saying they like Inn out in five guys if you care to comment um Five Guys is great um it just they're they're not as ubiquitous uh it's a very nice burger my kid likes them um when the fries are hot the fries are great unlike In-N-Out which has the worst french fries in the universe that they are allowed to serve that and people pay for it shocks me they're starchy dry and flavorless um and rarely hot even when you get them there um and I've said it before and I stand by I don't think there's a restaurant in America that has as many people saying they love it but every time I'm go there I reminded how much how overrated it is I don't think there's a a place I can say that more about than Inn out the the burger just doesn't taste like meat I mean just it's not good um and I get it a lot of people in the west grew up on it and so it's your thing thing I'm not trying to yuck on your yum I'm just like the fries are terrible and the bur burgers are me and I don't care if they have cute names like double double animal style it doesn't make any difference to me it's just I don't care about the hacks in ordering I just it's not good um Ian writes favorite Grateful Dead song oh come on uh here's the deal song list uh set list discography is so deep um I mean certain live versions of Knocking on Heaven's Door have floored me uh but that doesn't mean that it's my favorite Grateful Dead song um but off the top of my head um you know a a you know St Sten dark stone are when it's a good one is is mindboggling Cassidy when you when you catch it right uh epic a good eyes of the world amazing um uh China cat Rider fantastic uh Scarlet fire you know Scarlet Bon is Into Fire on the Mountain uh amazing um sugar I just just played sugar with the Jerry Garcia band cover band in Atlanta um it's just a beautiful beautiful song um I'm I'm you know uh a good War frat I mean I there's so I mean I I listen to Grateful Dead all the time I don't pick a song I just throw on a a concert a live recording and and go um I'm sure I'm blanking on a whole bunch of other ones that I love uh but I adore the Great dead um and poison what's the most disturbing thing that I've ever eaten um overcooked pork chops at friends houses overcooked chicken at friends houses I I I there there are some people I know who I share some holidays with um and oftentimes they would serve a crown roast of pork and they were so proud of it and you know I just the running joke for like a decade uh for me was the insistence that you had to be there at a certain time uh because the pork was coming out of the oven it was going to rest it was going to be served at a certain time and I was like what does it matter it's been sitting in the oven at 375° for 2 hours longer than it needed to be um I think those are the kind of disturbing things to me me it's not I mean I've eaten fetal animals I mean ones that are a day or two old I've eaten well I've eaten actual fetal animals right I mean right out of the eggs um so and love them and that shocks Mo most people find that very disturbing I do not I find it delicious um what do I think of soy paste as an ingredient soy paste I have to uh I have to look that up because I'm not sure what you are referring to um soy bean paste uh Korean or Chinese love it cook with it all the time um the uh fermented bean paste are incredible some have chilies some don't both Korean and Chinese uh lots of other cultures do it as well that's the only soybean uh paste that I know about but they're all soybean paste hold on here's a here's a weird what is this what is this uh well this is a Taiwanese liquid product uh water soy beans oh it's it's like a liquid version of it it's like thick soy sauce um that's odd but it you know you tell me is it good I've never worked with I've never worked with the liquid one I've worked with soybean pastes uh bean paste made from soybeans uh and other types of beans uh from different Asian countries my entire life and love them uh that's it come with me to Sicily have a great week
Channel: Andrew Zimmern
Views: 3,095
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: andrew, zimmern, Cooking, Culinary, Literacy, Kitchen, instructions, How, to, Yum, delicious, favorite, eating, meal, Travel, Channel, family, azcooks
Id: VPHiJrxdqCI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 43sec (1123 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 22 2024
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