Ask A Quant Trading Intern

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Ask an Intern: Take 1 How do interns have an impact at HRT? I  think the primary way that we have impact would   be through projects; there are two rotations each  are five weeks. We're getting projects that like no   one has tried before and even if someone has done  like a similar flavor, it's because like there's   a lot more data to work with or there's more  like techniques to be explored, and so, you know   you and your mentors are sort of learning and  discovering things together and I think that's   really awesome. Almost everyone I know like lands  their changes in like the repository pretty early.   My very first fab or I guess diff was committed,   and it actually caused a bug in production  That caused a mini emergency so – um yeah, I was   making a big impact. You're gonna read you're gonna  say something else and you turn it upside down. I just had to make it look convincing. Do you have to have experience in finance to intern at HRT? Absolutely not I came in like asking so many what  I thought was embarrassing questions but I think most of us probably don't have finance knowledge. I think that's true almost across the board. a lot of this is stuff that you can learn while you're going at it and definitely there are a lot of training programs here at HRT to really show us all about how the finance world works. What skills have come in handy so far?  Things like working in like a big code   base like learning to read a lot of code  at a time and like just being exposed to   like a ton of new material that you  haven't seen before. I think one of the   more important skills is like knowing how  to like ask good questions especially. At least for technical skills I've had like some  experience in competitive programming and like   data science and I think it enables  me to program faster and more accurately. What is your go-to office snack or beverage? I always get the small cans of the matcha stuff, but I always get three. I'm embarrassed to admit  that I've been indulging in the Hint Water – it's   fruit flavored water. There's like this Joe's  coffee stand on the 76th floor that I go   to too much probably and I usually get like  a matcha latte. There's also a secret drawer   of Reese's Peanut Butter Cups but it's secret  and I discovered it while looking for forks. What languages or tools do you use  the most in your internship?   This internship I've been working  mainly in Jupiter notebooks   which are great for just being able to play around  with data and really visualize everything that my   models are doing and being able to pick it  all apart. I think depending on the project   you can get like a wide variety of things but  mostly it's C++ or Python we actually   indicate what language we want to work in as part of part of the team  matching process and we both indicated C++   so we're working a lot in C++. What's  your typical five to nine after your nine to five? The housing is really incredible I think it's also  just a really great space to be with the other   interns so we're all like playing tractor, playing  card games after work. Honestly for the entire   summer I think we have like two to three like  intern events scheduled every week. It's been great   to be able to explore all of these unique aspects  of culture here in New York and that's something   that really I've really been able to experience  through all the events. What is the culture like at HRT? I think it's like a very open culture and I don't feel intimidated asking like my mentor or anyone on my team stupid questions. In my first few weeks I just like kept sitting next to like really high  up people by accident but then they would just like   talk to me like one-on-one then for like all  of lunch and it just felt super welcoming. On the work side it's very very collaborative, it's  really about working together to come up with   the best thing you can and really sharing your  results with each other and learning from each   other. Being able to learn together is definitely  one of the great strengths that HRT has.
Channel: Hudson River Trading
Views: 8,200
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Interns, Tech Internships, Computer science, Computer programming, Quantitative Trading, Python, Programming, Programmer Careers, Algorithmic Trading, STEM Careers, Algorithmic Development, Quant Research, HFT, High Frequency Trading, Computer Science, Engineering, Software Engineering, Data Science, Web Development, Hudson River Trading, HRT, Financial Technology, FinTech, Capital Markets, C++, Quant Careers, Researcher, Statistics, software engineering internship, internship
Id: feeIwfM_vVs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 41sec (281 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 23 2023
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