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ASIAN KUNG-FU GENERATION’S First Take, I can’t see any of you guys from here. We’re here Are we ready? OK I’m good So yesterday I was or rather last night I was thinking a lot about what I wanted to say. I was watching FIRST TAKE and I thought everyone else was saying all these cool things so I took some time to think it over I was thinking about our 25th anniversary a lot. I was hoping we’d be able to put in everything we’ve done musically in the last 25 years into our performance today and I also thought about what success will mean to us in the future as well as what success meant to us in the past. So this might be a bit corny but the fact that I’ve had you guys for 25 years to make music with, even though at times we’d get pissed off or have arguments, having all of that was already half of our success I know that’s not the kind of thing I usually say but I hope we can perform today with that in mind. Misunderstandings lie beyond the skies Is my life just filled with goodbyes? I got a glimpse of the future and still I guess it’s goodbye That little room I used to live in Someone else lives there now Those horrible things you said to me Those days I felt were meaningless If I’d only done that then, if I could go back to that day Can’t go back to who I used to be If, for example, lackadaisical happiness was to continue sluggishly Surely a bad seed will sprout Time to say goodbye With a can of coffee during a cold winter and A long, rainbow-colored scarf Darting through the alley I let myself remember those times If, for example, lackadaisical happiness was to continue sluggishly Surely a bad seed will sprout Time to say goodbye Goodbye, it’s not so bad Have a good life somewhere Goodbye, I’ll make do somehow Goodbye, that’s what I’ll do
Views: 2,192,297
Rating: 4.9733019 out of 5
Keywords: the first take, first take, ファーストテイク, ファステク, 一発撮り, 緊張感, COLORS, DSCVR, Tokyo sounds, lute, tiny desk, アジカン, AKG, 後藤正文, ソルファ, マジックディスク, 君繋ファイブエム, 崩壊アンプリファー, ソラニン, ワールドワールドワールド, リライト, 遥か彼方, Re:Re:, 君という花, 山口一郎, サカナクション, 宇多田ヒカル, ROCK IN JAPAN, FES, FUJI ROCK, フジロック, サマソニ, MAN WITH A MISSION, くるり, 岸田繁, マキシマムザホルモン, 星野源, 米津玄師, ヒロアカ, 僕のヒーローアカデミア, エンパシー, 浅野いにお
Id: 0mtHh0k6sVg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 49sec (409 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 23 2021
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