Asian Inspired Gardens - Secrets of Beautiful Gardens - Gardening Show

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secrets of beautiful gardens goes Oriental it's a place of Enlightenment from the formal structured Zen of the Japanese garden when it looks this good it's worth the effort to the wild tropical rainforests of Southeast Asia here is something I have never seen before in a private Garden we take you inside stunning Gardens inspired by the boundless beauty of Asia and in Spring it's bursting with color we go inside modern Australian Gardens that have embraced the beauty of the East to create tranquil outdoor spaces wow you could be in a different suburb maybe even in a different [Music] [Applause] [Music] country good day and welcome to secrets of beautiful gardens now for me my garden is My Sanctuary I can get away from The Hectic hustle and bustle of the city so it's not a surprise that for millions of people around the world they choose the surrender and the Peace of an Asian inspired garden and as Asia is the largest continent on the planet there's a lot to choose from but don't get overwhelmed yes it's a vast landscape with lots of different climates but you know Asian gardens share a lot in common one common theme is vibrant color and contrast where every element is carefully thought out and comes together to create a sense of Harmony and in recent years many Western Gardens have embraced Asian principles creating a sort of East Meets West Fusion that combines traditional Concepts and modern living so sit back Channel your inner chat and enjoy these stunning Gardens inspired by the beauty of Asia now for their pristine Serenity the traditional Japanese garden must be one of the most instantly recognizable Garden Styles in the [Music] world and the first Garden I'm about to show you is one of the finest examples in the world and it just happens to be in Queensland think of anything Japanese you think of precision and of course a strong sense of tradition and their Gardens reflect all of those qualities but so much more and this one here is one of the very best outside of Japan and how fitting that this clever Garden is located in the heart of one of queensland's top universities here in [Music] tumba after visiting Japan annually for the last 30 years I've really grown to love and appreciate her approach to gardening it's very sophisticated but it's also deeply meaningful and it's so much more than what you first [Music] see a garden like this is all about scale creating a really large natural landscape but in a miniature form it takes a great deal of skill and when you experience it it's really [Music] wonderful symbolism is the soul of every Japanese garden and for the last three or 400 years they've always designed their Gardens with a lake representing water in the heart of them the center of the garden and it's interesting that 126 million Japanese live on only 2% of the land mass that's because it's all either mountains or thousands of islands so they always represent those in their Garden here we have three separate Islands making that great connection and in Japanese culture this then becomes the center of the universe the edge of the lake is surrounded by these huge Pebbles which represent beaches coming down to the Japanese Coastline and on the edge here it's also planted out with these Japanese Black [Music] Pines this beautiful landscape is called J Ren garden and it was open in 1989 now that's only 30 years ago but already it's starting to come of [Music] age you know exploring a Japanese garden is a hugely rich and rewarding experience The Rake gravel actually represents the Seascape and you look down you can see the tides ebbing and flowing as the Shadows move across the surface bamboo is an integral part of any Japanese landscape but if you shudder when you hear the word bamboo it's very likely because of these giant ones some are clumping but others are running bamboos and if you don't have space for one of these there is one that's much better behaved this one's called Japanese Heavenly bamboo or Nandina domestica beautiful red berries but these are preceded by a lovely splash of white flowers so it's a yearr round per former fabulous plant for a Japanese garden the aelas and the flowering cherries are really the standout plants of spring but you really need a cool climate especially for the cherries to do well but the other iconic plant of course is the Japanese Maple and these will grow just about anywhere but a really good tip is if you live in a hot area mulch around the base with some large River Pebbles and then let the ground cover grow over the roots will always be cool the plant will never die and it'll always come back again everything in the Japanese garden has purpose and meaning even this irregular surface on the pathway it's trying to get you to slow down de-stress take your time and take in the journey and suddenly there's a break in the Hedge and a wonderful Panorama of 2 and 1 half th000 aaliar is exposed with great impact this is a representation of a mountain in Japan where the ayas are growing naturally it's a spectacular side the 4 met waterfall was constructed from 400 ton of Rock with each Stone being carefully placed to imitate [Music] nature there is nothing like running water to create the feeling of peace and Tranquility in a garden the design of the garden comes from the creative genius Professor kinaku nakan The Mastermind of many spectacular Gardens in Japan and around the world he's actually a bit of a rock star literally because he placed many of these stones and others around the garden himself to look really natural well what an incredible Garden highlighting all the very best characteristics of Japanese culture to W's J rakuen Garden is definitely worth a visit the fabulous thing about Japanese Gardens is that they work both on a small and a large scale you can miniaturize a Japanese garden at home and still get that magical feel by sticking to those core traditional elements like lanterns gravel and water just think of bonsai Japanese took a full mature tree and shrank it to grow in a pot so small can be beautiful and you can follow the Eastern Mantra at your place a little later we discover some indinesian rainforest right here in Australia the landscape that looks like it's been here for hundreds of years we'll show you how to make your courtyard go from drab to Fab we can make a huge difference coming up next East me West how Japanese principles inspire a stunning modern gun [Music] wow welcome back to the show now before the break Graham showed you an absolutely stunning example of what a Japanese garden could look like one of the best in the world now what do you do if you want a little bit of that Zen at your place and you want to make it fit amongst the rest of your established Garden well this next Garden in Sydney's suburb of Roseville proves that both East and West plus old and new can work really well together we do it with cooking they call it Fusion in architecture you can give an old house a modern look with a new extension so why don't we do it in the garden well you can and you get great [Music] results take this little California bungalow the garden suits the house and it suits the street it's very traditional it's got an old stone fence Stone path pebbles for the driveway and the garden looks like it's been here forever but it's only 8 years old probably the only two things that are old are this Fran Jaan and the little Chamilia in the corner the rest of it beautiful Magnolias lots of Hedges with the buxus and the mara well it just suits its period but out the back well that's a different story wow doesn't even remote feel like the same house you could be in a different suburb maybe even in a different country the architecture is modern and the landscape is very minimalist it's got a Japanese feel to it it's very relaxing and it's only one small part of the whole backyard I can't wait to see the [Music] rest one thing that you'd have to talk about if you looked at this Garden is its hedge it's a bamboo called Slender Weaver now I know what you're thinking bamboo it's going to take over the lawn and invade the neighbors well this one's a clumper it wants to get to about a meter and a half wide and about 6 M tall but what they've done here is very clever they've cleaned up the trunks to about 1.2 1.5 M high and painted the fences black that's one of my favorite tricks because it really makes the green pop but the negative is it requires a fair bit of Maintenance to keep it back and to keep it down but when it looks this good it's worth the effort and this area here is the sculpture garden obviously because it's got a sculpture in it but not just that one even the plants that are dotted into this gravel got some beautiful boxes and some silver Thorns I love the fact that this Garden's got all these contemporary elements but it's still got a couple of beautiful good siiz Lawns where you can kick a ball around and play a bit of cricket these steppers don't just look good they're really smart this is the dark side of the house the sun hardly hits it except for the middle the summer and so the Mondo Grass is working really well if this was just grass it would wear out like that and then you've got another Courtyard it comes off the main bedroom and this space is really nice you've got these beautiful shiny perfect white light beams there's little lights coming out of there and this whole Space lines up with the front door so coming down to a feature point you got to give the magnalia a couple of years but it will look absolutely stunning you've got the beautiful hardwood and then these meter by meter pavers now they're big Stark but they look fantastic and they're broken up with the same little zoia that's in those Mounds out the front now this is one of the slowest growing grasses you'll ever get but with a bit of water and a little bit of teal I'll say it looks [Music] fantastic I think this little space here is a perfect example of what you can do if you're a DIY or if you've got a smaller budget mounding clever planting a beautiful deciduous tree like this honey locust and I don't know anyone who couldn't just drop a rock in a position and make an organic seat so a little later I'm going to take some inspiration to an inner city Courtyard that needs a little facelift now one of the things you'd see in most Japanese Gardens is water so you're probably wondering where is it in the garden that I just showed you well because it's modern Japanese inspired it can break the rules a bit the garden design actually used the pebles instead which are often used to symbolize water it's an idea I'm going to use in my Oriental Courtyard makeover a little later in the show so make sure you don't go anywhere and up next some spiritual secrets from a Chinese Garden a distinct feeling of calmness tranquility and Harmony and I'll show you how to get a taste of Japan in your backyard [Music] going Way Beyond what we see at first glance the Chinese Garden is one of a deep spiritual meaning they're designed not only to look outward but also to look Inward and encourage reflection rest and meditation focusing on a delicate balance between man and nature and the next Garden I'm going to show you is in gston in New South WS of all places and it is all of those things and [Music] more it's a place of Enlightenment and in Spring it's bursting with color welcome to the Golden Wheel Buddhist [Music] Garden like all traditional Chinese gardens here water represents the life force or the yin while statue pay homage to the gods or the Yang then the plantings contribute to the visual balance as you walk into this area you get a distinct feeling of calmness tranquility and Harmony a splash of color that's coming from the koi cup really adds to the atmosphere interestingly the whole garden is planted out with an amazing amount of fruit trees there's Macadamia trees there's lemons there this kumquats and then there are these spectacular fellows yes this is Buddha's hand it's also a citrus and it's used as offerings I've seen them in temples right throughout China and Japan they're spectacular you can also put them in your drawers to get rid of moths and insects and things because the perfume from the skin the scent is really very strong to lovely lemon sent I couldn't take you on this walk around without highlighting some of the very clever and simple Buddhist spiritual elements of the garden like this osmanthus in full flower The Fragrant osmanthus so that when the doors of the temple are open just the gentlest de breeze will enable the perfume and the scent to waft right through the building all parts of the lotus plant here of course are consider considered sacred The Roots the stems the leaves and the flowers but they don't Bloom till later in summer a great spring substitute are the Magnolias with their beautiful goblet flowers similar shape to the Lotus and they say here that we should try to live a life like the Lotus Untouched by the murky Muddy Waters that it lives in and no matter how difficult life becomes we should always try to rise above it and of course there's the bod tree which is actually a fig Ficus religiosa which just means religious tree this is a direct descendant of the first bod tree planted in India in 288 BC bod eventually became Buddha which means of course like the tree Enlightenment even even though the garden is quite a large area there's still lots of ideas that you could utilize in a small space like a courtyard of rander or a deck because a lot of the plants are in pots and it really works just like these beautiful aelas these are all topy and they varieties that you might know Red Wings a beautiful red magnifica a purple and my fav of all because we named our daughter after this one which is a Kuma Alia called Kieran a lovely lovely deep pink these big lollipop standards are also aelas now the only way you get aelas like this is pruning and it's really clever the minute the flowers finish and all this growth starts then you give it a light trim say maybe October November and then maybe one more prune before Christmas and then again in January and no pruning after February because the flower buds will have started to form very small but they'll be there keeping that shape is really important now on this side all the aelas all receive soft gentle morning light on the other side of the courtyard those plants there get the blast of midday and afternoon sunshine and they've changed plants to beautiful buxus balls the one Courtyard different climatic conditions different [Music] plants just look at this incredible display of Spring Blossom it's in full bloom as far as the eye can see now there are over 80 trees of the ornamental flowering Peach that's prunus persa now the colors range from Pure White a soft soft pink and an amazing rose red there's also an unusual variety called Versa color which is a white flower with red stripes and these beautiful blooms are singing the symbols of spring longevity and good fortune another couple of reasons to plant some in your [Music] gun now the soil here is very poor Rocky and heavy clay and that means poor drainage but they've got some great Solutions firstly they've either planted on Mounds or in garden beds now as for the Roses the ornamental peaches and the Magnolias they're planted on the slope of the Hill which means any water that falls as rain actually runs and flows through the soil the water doesn't stagnate causing root rot and as a result beautiful flowers and Blossoms as far as the eye can [Music] see it's fair to say that the gardens here at Golden wood are based on a way of life and they've been nurtured with hard work and a lot of [Music] love and as a result they've been rewarded with a garden of pure Enlightenment how unbelievably beautiful are those blossoms now they don't last long but they're definitely worth the wait every year when they come around well that's right now later in the program I'll give you all all my tips on how to plant the best blossom trees for your garden so that come springtime you'll have a fantastic burst of color at your place but first I'm going to show you what's in my bag of Asian inspired tricks pinching a few ideas from the modern Fusion Garden I showed you before the break I'm going to give a drab little Courtyard a touch of Japanese Beauty now I'm not saying that you need to do your whole backyard in one big go but you can take inspiration from it and do little little pockets that don't cost much but you get big impact so this is what we're working with a little inner city Courtyard it's pretty typical it's paved down a necessity there's not much design to it couple of trees and a couple of garden beds but I reckon if we reconfigure the shapes and change it up a little bit we can make a huge difference the biggest feature in this backyard is the lemon tree it's just a shame that the lemons aren't the big feature and that's cuz this tree is under a fair bit of dress from the paving and from the Mondo Grass if you've got Citrus at home you shouldn't have lawn Mondo or plants underneath the base of it they're shallow rooted and they want all the food and water for themselves so the Mondo's got to go but not too far cuz I'm going to reuse it in the other garden bed Mondo is one of the easiest things to pull up and Transplant I want to make sure I go deep enough that I get the root system so it survives but not too deep so it damages the lemon so the biggest difference between what we saw that I call Islands are these squares or rectangles these are Tad boring so I'm going to soften the edges cut the hose out for a Rough Guide the best thing about this is I can mark them on the ground don't have to lift any of them I can use a demolition saw or a wet saw going to cut some of the PS out and put a few in to soften these [Music] corners [Music] [Music] now because the blade on the demolition saw is so big and straight when you're going around the curve it's very hard to get all the way to the bottom of the P but it doesn't matter if you go around you can break it with a bolster like any Paving job you're going to need to Mud the edges in now this poor old Citrus has been neglected for a generation I reckon and you can see the older foliage has lots of yellowing to it which means it's got a lack of magnesium now we've cut that shape out it pretty much follows the drip line of the tree which is where the feeding roots are so giving the soil a good soak so it's going to draw up the food straight away I've got some specific Citrus food that I can sprinkle around that feeding Zone water it in and then I'm going to cover the whole thing with pebbles how to get a taste of Japan in your backyard and I'm not talking about [Music] cooking well that's one done it's nice and simple and very effective on this side we've already done the curve it's very organic and we can be a little bit more creative the gardinas I'm going to move them from the base of the Magnolia whack them in the back corner kind of like a forest at the back of our mini [Music] landscape then I'm going to plk a rock in to sit down Mound up the Mondo in two different spots plant the whole thing out then we're going to cover the whole space with a nice White [Music] pebble another handful of Pebbles and I am done and the floor in this Courtyard has completely changed it's definitely softened the whole space and when you think about it we've recycled all the Mondo and the gardinas so it's just a couple of bags of Pebbles to really change [Music] appearances so if you want to add an Asian theme to your garden start small because you can always add to it from there so why don't you get out of the garden this weekend and give it a crack there's a very good chance the things you need are all already in your own backyard later a g that's part Cottage part Japanese and 100% color how many colors have you got of these uh maybe about 29 different color wow and coming up next put a spring in yours de with some show stopping blossoms it's one of the most spectacular flower shows in the [Music] world welcome back whether you're visiting a Chinese or a Japanese gun the hero of any Asian landscape would have to be the cherry blossom apart from being incredibly stunning these short live spring beauties are gorgeous symbols of prosperity and long life I'm about to show you a Japanese garden that's absolutely bursting with Blossom color plus I'll be sharing my tips on how to choose and plant out blossoms so that come springtime your garden can be in full bloom I'm in the beautiful Orban Botanic Gardens in Western Sydney it's one of the most spectacular flower shows in the [Music] world the garden's jam-packed with all the flowers and Blossoms of spring but these blossom trees are truly something else this is actually prunes blana the double flowering plum and because it's you won't get any fruit which can be very messy on the ground they give a beautiful display of flowers perfect to add color and drama whether you're glamming up a driveway or the curb out front they definitely make a statement this Avenue is just stunning I remember when streets used to be planted out with these and they were just beautiful they really heralded the beginning of Spring and a new season you just get this beautiful display of FL hours now it doesn't last for long it's over very quickly and then it's replaced with a fabulous bronzy greeny purpley leaf and that last right the way through summer into Autumn creating some really light shade the garden has a very strong Japanese theme with pagodas and structures and [Music] bridges this Avenue is one of the older plantings here these trees would be close to 30 years old looking magnificent and interestingly they're quite a darker pink compared to the younger plantings which are quite pale I guess it's just the wood they propagated on all those years ago blossom trees also look fabulous as group plantings set here in a sea of junipers loving this striking contrast of the Lykan [Music] too but even if you're planting just one tree it'll be a showstopper these are true cherries this is pruna calada Okami it's actually a single Blossom with two or three flowers in each little cluster now these are only 14 years old so they'll eventually end up about 3 or 4 met wide and about 3 or 4 MERS tall and in ancient Japan the cherry blossoms were often sort of connected to the revered Samurai whose lives were short and glorious and when it comes to blossom trees it's a pretty apt [Music] description if I've inspired you to maybe plant one of these in your garden Springs the time to pop down to the nursery or your garden center when they're in full bloom you know exactly what you're going to get this tree I think it' be about 5 or 6 years old cost about $200 or $300 sounds like a lot but you know this is ready to enjoy and plant stra into the [Music] garden but if you want to save money but still get really good quality stock look for Bare rooted plants there's a huge variety to choose from from the ornamentals that just flow like the peaches the plums and of course the beautiful weeping standard cherries but then you've got some that flour and also fruit how about a cross between a peach and a neon it's called peacherine who would have thought it the variety here is [Music] endless the great thing about many of the blossom trees is you can actually plant them in pots especially the smaller or medium Growers now I've chosen a beautiful white apricot doesn't fruit but look at those flowers aren't they stunning and there's a couple of important things to remember when potting up trees like this take it out of the bag carefully you see it's been in the bag just for a week or two and already it's producing lovely fresh Roots don't damage those if you possibly can help it cuz that's your new plant growth root system happening [Music] there so a nice fresh potting mix and let's pot it up [Music] see down here that's the stain of when it was originally growing in the soil and that's the level you need to get at in your pot and this is the grafting Union here and that needs to be well above the soil as well if you bu it you'll get suckers coming all over the place and the rootstock will grow it won't be long it'll be in Blossom the buds are there it's going to look fantastic in the meantime just add a little bit of seasonal color I'm adding some beautiful polyanthus [Music] right you know it doesn't matter whether it's in a pot on a balcony or out in the garden you're going to fall in love with these beautiful spring blossom trees now when you're looking for a spot to plant any one of the blossom trees make sure it gets plenty of sunshine and no wind it's the wind that blows off the flowers in springtime so protected spot morning to midday Sun and come spring you'll have the prettiest garden in the neighborhood coming up how to bring a bit of barley Beauty into your place now here is something I have never seen before in a private garden and next a small inner city garden that beautifully combines east and west and gives this bright colorful palette a good [Music] foundation welcome back now this next Garden I'm about to show you is very complicated it's half Cottage half Japanese on the cottage side you've got no rules it's informal and a little bit rambling on the Japanese side you've got a structured set of rules that you should follow you could end up with a mish mash but in this case the owner created an international success story giving the garden a unique modern flavor I've come to visit a home Gardener Alec and check out his passion project in Sydney's inner West this is a small backyard and it used to just be a patch a lawn but Alec was Keen to create something that was a little bit more spiritual and a lot more colorful now a Japanese garden wouldn't be complete without some lanterns I've seen them my whole life and they're beautiful they draw your eye and they're perfect to put a teal light in the middle of the night and this here it's called a Tori we've all seen him before but what they represent is coming from a normal world that we live in on a day-to-day basis to another world which is a little bit more spiritual and holy even the fact that the pagala down the end is the same red ties it all together to that Japanese style there's a fish pond for somewhere to reflect and lots of the plants you'd see in a postcard from Japan but I've been here for a couple of minutes and I haven't introduced myself yet hi welcome you go mate come out here let's talk about your garden well good nice to see you no I've got to ask are you Japanese I'm Chinese Chinese why didn't you build a Chinese Garden because I like a small garden like the Japanese style you like the Japanese style so do I yeah yeah are you a landscaper landscape designer no no just just a hobby what do you do for a living uh I'm the chef a chef you see the similarity between the two being creative yeah because you you are the shf you need the color for the food you eat with your eyes yeah so the garden very good for you and you're enjoy the garden with your eyes too what's your favorite thing about it the tree cany H which one's that show us that this is my favorite this is the king of the flower the it's a beautiful flower and there's hundreds to choose from aren't they yeah how many colors have you got of these uh maybe about 29 different color wow Four Season yeah the so different flower come out and is that the reason why you combined a lot of cottage plants to get that color all year round yeah to make the color yeah well Alec had an idea and he was brave enough to do it and if he likes it it's a success no matter what style of garden you got you want to have a contrast between the folage of the plants you want to have a larger Leaf in front of a small leaf that might be different different shades of green and you've got that here planted right throughout the garden water in a Japanese garden is a place to reflect it's very resting because it's so calm this one here being a black tub is a reflection pond it's just got your classic goldfish in it and having another look at the side you can see more Cottage than anything else here the fact that you're on stepping stones and you've got all these different little ground covers and I reckon if you're brush up against them they give you beautiful smells as well you got your geraniums your Chinese land and your fuchsia Now give me a haircut after they flower and that's about it but I reckon the real asset is that Boston Ivy as good as the fences look dark the Boston ivy looks [Music] better one of the reasons that this Garden works there's a lot of color but there's still a theme that underlies the whole thing and it's the burgundy you can see it in the plum in the maples even in the leaf here of the bonian the new growth that's coming on some of the plants like the rose and of course the flower of the Rose and all those burgies well they tie into the red trim it combines it all together and gives this bright colorful palette a good foundation Alex done a wonderful job with his traditional Japanese garden and that sits really well next to his Cottage Garden which is more rambling the reason the two zones work well together is because he's got wonderful Lush flowering plants in between and even though it's a relatively small backyard it really works well because Asian Garden design has simple elements that work on any scale water and stone sculptures and structures bold colors in plants with an overall feeling of Harmony and reflection all of which Alec has achieved in his own garden design but if you're less Japanese and Barley's more your bag will stick around because we're heading to Tropical southeast Asia well sort of up next we discover some Indonesian tropical Delights right here in Australia that looks like it's been here for hundreds of [Music] years welcome back Asia is our closest neighbor and many of us travel there for work and pleasure we love the food we love the people and we love the culture it's no wonder that we've all also fallen in love with their landscape and with many parts of Australia sharing similar climates to Southeast Asia it has never been so easy to bring just a little bit of barley into your [Music] backyard you'd be forgiven for thinking I'm in some lush tropical forest a jungle somewhere with water flowing and beautiful plants but in actual fact you'd be wrong the truth is this Tropical Paradise is actually a man-made home Garden here in the suburb of Mount cotton good mate and it's just half an hours drive from [Music] Brisbane the garden's design is inspired by the owner's love of Asia and it's one of the most impressive tropical displays I've ever seen there are more than 200 species of rare and exotic plants and Palms like this incredible bisaria just look at that silver frond beautiful plant and the South American alcantar are also well represented but this hybrid silver Plum was developed right here in Australia and they're just beautiful lifting that fabulous maroon color into the [Music] garden but it's the amazing structures built by the owner Dallas camp and his two sons that really make a statement exotic pots azte like pillars and one of the most unusual Cabanas you're ever likely to see solid concrete how do you actually build that well it's very difficult you have to make a mold and there's 12 sections of that so it took about 2 years to build it's a lot of [Music] work now here is something I have never seen before in private Garden it's the sausage tree or the peanut tree or the Cucumber tree kilia Africana no guessing where it comes from but it's an amazing plant I'm loving it because it's so unusual and it's got this lar tropical foliage in its Hometown these fruits are used for everything from snake bites from medicinal uses through the warding off evil spirits here it just adds to the the Mystique of the garden adding even more interest to the garden are these fabulous water features adding water to a garden can be very tricky but I think Dallas has absolutely mastered it here by creating the actual structure on which the water feature exists so made out of concrete it's starting to age he's got the Moss happening he's even got figs growing out of it and plants growing over the top of it to add to that natural look and a little stream running through but he's got all the qualities of water the sound the look and the cooling atmosphere The Grotto leads you on a visual Journey while this powerful tube likee stream is designed to make a thundering sound throughout the very natural looking Forest to create this natural look in the garden is easier than you might think it's all about selecting the right plants and planting them for the right levels firstly up goes the first story and that's the palms and the umbrella trees they're creating the shade and the protection ction lower down at ground level you can then put in the next story which are the Gingers and the croin and then finally to fill in the middle level let the climbers have their head like these beautiful filad dendrons that way you end up with a landscape that looks like it's been here for hundreds of years the thing I've been reminded about in this visit is that gardening really isn't opportunity to create something that demonstrates your own personality and certainly Dallas has done that in Sp and I really admire his skill his passion and his willingness to share and you know that's what gardening's really all about mate would you believe it last year over a million Aussies went to Indonesia most of them went to Barley I would believe it cuz I was one of them and Aussies just love the joint so it's no surprise that when your trips over you want to take a little bit of barley home with you so you can relive that holiday the great thing about a bin style Garden is that it's easy and inexpensive to recreate and many parts of Australia have the climate to support the tropical plantings and you can get them at your local Garden Center yeah that's the good thing about it the plants are easily accessible they're so common that that makes them affordable they're low maintenance so whether it's a rock garden that you want from Japan or something tropical from barley you can easily achieve it at your place inexpensive and easy to maintain it's a Gardener's Dream well that's all from Jas and me today thanks for joining us on our tour of Asian inspired Gardens and we'll have even more secrets of beautiful gardens for you next time see you next time we're scaring Australia's most hostile environments to bring you beautiful gardens that are flourishing in the most challenging Landscapes doesn't matter how difficult things are you can still create something that's really beautiful from the SOI wind swept the stream Coastline I love it to the harsh dry Aussie Outback this Garden only gets watered three maybe four times a year and we'll show you how to make your green thumb even Greener picking a few plants that are a little bit different and out of the box make this Garden a real talking [Music] point [Music]
Channel: Banijay Home and Garden
Views: 4,056
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: wdLBhtLMljA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 31sec (2611 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 05 2024
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