Asia Durian Farm and Harvest - Asian Durian Cultivation Technology and Durian Processing

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[Music] hello everyone many you know not to see you is it video from no farm today in this video we will learn about a fruit tree their fruit has biological must estate in not everyone lie and smell very special [Music] you [Music] then I Newcastle's in Nam Mitaka can know about my soul de fátima thought Malcolm baton like watching thousands of Na VI Matsu tempo knows that alone won't even fight workday or no pocket in Sycamore von Neumann returned to like nacho he not even time they went to him in one region do like not Turkey not in hunt an event Joon mo kitchen tangata to my tuba more dynamic associa moon fit so she inserted via paparazzo zeal coffee not be half as a tub [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Noal Farm
Views: 1,134,032
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: modern agriculture, vegetables, agriculture noal farm, noal farm 2019, farm, modern agriculture 2019, Asia Durian Farm, Durian Farm and Harvest, Farm and Harvest, Durian Farm, Durian, Durian harvest, Asian Durian Cutilvation Technology, Asian Durian Cutilvation, Durian Processing, Durian Cutilvation
Id: _lZ05jRlstQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 59sec (419 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 14 2019
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