Ash's Charizard Disobedience SOLVED AFTER 20 YEARS!

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you know what grinds my gears Charizard and not just every Charizard but specifically ash's charizard ash was about to win the indigo league and then nope decides to go and lay down and get ash disqualified what a jerk and you know what his Charmeleon was a jerk what's up with all that I mean I guess we get an explanation in the anime episode at that time in the anime ash had the sole badge and Charmeleon didn't even respect him and then we evolved a Charizard even with all eight badges that wasn't even enough what is going on here alright alright let's see if we can figure out what is tilted me since my entire childhood what really happened with ash's charizard maybe there's some hints and what happened with the anime episode because something very strange happened that Ashley had Charmeleon for two full episodes so yeah Charmander evolves during the executor episode gets wrecked in the Paris episode doesn't do much with Jigglypuff and then evolves when it comes to fossil Pokemon so a very short episode span to get to Charizard which means maybe it's possible that Charmander overleveled during the executor weapo sowed because that was a lot of executor or that Charmander defeated that's actually what got me going with this theory I was really watching the episode a couple nights ago I said wait a second what if Charmeleon was like level 70 or something because of all the executor it defeated is that even possible and then after that it started getting more and more experienced as involved in charge Charizard therefore just wouldn't be a tamable Pokemon so when watching the episode yeah that's that's a lot of executor where that Charmander ends up taking down to evolve now I'm going to count these as experience game victories like sure it doesn't just ko every single executor but they end up running away and I guess we can count that as a victory since Charmander evolved afterwards so it absorbs some kind of experience however when you look at it there's no more than like two dozen executor on screen anytime when they loop through the valley it kind of gives us a scale as to how many there are but there's a lot like 25 on screen maybe one or two cycles so somewhere between like fifty and a hundred executor were involved with this so that means there really wasn't enough exeggutor to give Charming to that much experience right let's go a little deeper into it according to red blue and yellow versions you cannot capture executor at any point so you need to evolve execute well the only place you can find an execute is in the safari zone and in the safari zone execute only has between like 24 and 25 levels now this is where things start to get a little awkward because in the episode we watch execute just evolved there's no leaf stone it just evolves because it wants to evolve for its trainer and then wild Pokemon are also pretty crazy sometimes wild Pokemon can be found under the level that they evolve at but also they can just be found over the level they're supposed to evolve at as well so maybe we can go somewhere between like level 25 and 30 because also in the Safari zone there's para sect and in the next episode it deals with Paras that ends up evolving into a pair of sect so maybe level 30 ish as well so after that I found an experience calculator to find out how much experience we would get from each executive now I just said you know base execute maybe it evolved a little 25-inch 26 ish so somewhere around a thousand experience points per executive or defeated now these technically count as trained as well that a wild pokemon gives less experience than trained however these executive are they were captured during the episode in a massive amount so that's why I'm saying no there could be hundred but I think saying hundreds is quite a stretch so now we need to pull up a table of the experience growth of a pokémon like Charmander now all starter Pokemon fall in the medium slow experience range and for Charmander to evolve in Charmeleon it needs to be level 16 so that means Ash's Charmander was somewhere in the 13 to 15 ish range I don't think it was that itching to evolve because it does kind of take down a couple of executor and it's on that final push that it gets enough experience to finally evolve unless it all counts as one battle either way it was only hovering around a couple thousand to experience that point to not involved in Charmeleon yet and even if it was over leveled around level 20 but still not ready to evolve it's not a lot of experience now Treme lien evolves into Charizard at level 36 so if we look at the table for around level 36 to 37 it's about forty thousand experience with about 1000 experience gained per exeggutor fainted so I feel at the lowest mark there's probably around forty to fifty executive or so there was more than enough experience to cause Charmeleon to of all our Charmander to get a high enough level to evolve into a Charizard which makes a lot of sense because after knocking out Paras that's just a couple of experience points and an even over level 30 that's not gonna be enough to cause Charmeleon to evolve into a Charizard off of just a weak little victory off of Epirus and things are starting to line up but what about more levels more experience more executive or something like that because Charmeleon must have gained an insane amount of experience to get so close to evolving into Charizard and then not be able to obey Ashe so I wanted to go all the way up to like the level 50s and this is where things start getting a little more interesting because yeah by the time you're hitting level 53 that's one hundred and forty-one thousand it's hard to envision over a hundred exec who are being in that area and even more than that so I would say the highest bet is you know around 100 ish being kod so that means that the Charmeleon landed in a range between 36 to 50 on the levels is what I would say so let's go and actually look up something because here's an interesting point that one to note as well I feel like people that watch this video would say but Charmander should have just always obey - because it's his Pokemon but we have to remember Damian cuz Damian's so cool they just throws away his Pokemon we doesn't think they're strong enough well that means that this is not Ash's Pokemon technically it had another trainer first so that's where the disobedience can come into play also maybe Charmander you know it's a little scarred from having such an abusive trainer like Damian because it just threw him out onto a rock to die so maybe that's also why when involving some of those emotions might just transfer over into the deep disobedience this still doesn't make any sense because even though the soul badge doesn't matter for like the Pokemon leveling Ash had the marsh badge that a Pokemon up to level 70 should be able to obey and there's no way that Charmeleon was level 70 to break level 70 that means about 500 exeggutor need to have been taking out that point I just don't I just don't see it happening a maybe 200 tops but I don't see anything pushing that Charmander over level 70 because of the marsh badge and then it hit me guys Ashe never earned the marsh badge think about it with that battle Sabrina ended up losing because of a forfeit since she was unable to battle because Haunter was making a laugh so much which ruined like psychic capabilities and all that fun stuff right there there was at no point where Ashe actually defeated Sabrina so maybe the Badgers go deeper than just owning them like oh if someone just gives you a badge like a say that the yeah say Sabrina was feeling nice just hand your free bad you know drops in your pocket that doesn't mean you're skilled enough trainer to beat her and that's kind of what happened because even when you break it down it's are you all that Haunter was even in the possession like remember one of the lines from the anime was that I don't know if ash is controlling Haunter or if hunter's the one controlling ash it was something like that so you know ash didn't even own Han turn that was even shown in the episode Hunter gets like you know it gets freaked out by Sabrina and leaves because ash doesn't have enough experience to even control Hunter at that point so hundred years Scott leaves come back it comes back and then with a battle between Pikachu and Kadabra nothing happens you know if he could chew lands a hit but doesn't think Cadabra and Pikachu is effectively just getting bodied harder than it did the first time so ash wasn't even a stronger trainer for that rematch against Sabrina there was at no point where there was an actual defeat and even then it came to Sabrina's dad that's just like I'm just gonna call it over you know my daughter's laughing she's good I want to see her happy here's the badge ash you know it doesn't seem like ash did enough he didn't prove himself as a trainer to earn the badge wait a second he didn't even do that for the rainbow badge because I was looking at the list so the soul badge doesn't even matter so wearing a badge Marsh badge so even if treme lien was in that high 40s range to fall under the obedience of the rainbow badge doesn't matter ash just ran into a burning building that's it even if it was like level 36 or something like that there still would have not been in any way for Charmeleon to be obedient because yeah Erica's like oh you saved my favorite Pokemon here's a rainbow badge even though it can be argued that Ash could have won that battle he did not he did not earn the battle the transaction of the badge was just over going into a burning building which shows a lot of passion as a trainer but doesn't show any skill as a trainer so he didn't even earn that also another thing of note is that even though ash got the manky and the primeape as a wild primate probably still a very disobedient pokémon ash was going to use it against Erica but decided not to because it's still a pretty wild pokemon so ash is an experiences trainer shows and then he doesn't even own the badge that could have maybe given him respect with the problem I god I just realized ash didn't even earn the Cascade badge so even if Charmeleon was in a lower-level stage for evolution it can still be argued that ash didn't earn the Cascade badge and that might not have even mattered because yeah a blow-up team rocket's machine Team Rocket interrupted the battle then at the end of it Misty's sister just came in was like here just have the badge they don't even care Misty's sisters were just handing out badges to any when they just offer like hey we were like lazy and we don't want to like do anything so like here have the badge it's cool yo yeah that that that kind of shows that there was something up right there and maybe Ashton even her in the Cascade badge nothing is Charmander still obey - for me that's because of the act that chart or that Ash did to save Charmander that as a Charmander very grateful but then it gained such a high amount of experience it leveled up it evolved in such a short amount of time that that respect was kind of forgotten through the ferocity of evolution or something like that and then that just got shows oh my I just realized I shouldn't even earn the earth badge so now it makes sense as to why Charizard wasn't even an obedient in the league because it was Team Rocket Ash beats Team Rocket all the time they were just kind of thrown in as stand-ins for the badge and technically it was like no transaction between the gym leader and ash receiving the badge that Team Rocket was cheating yes ash defeated Team Rocket but the stage blew up and then the badge fell into ashes hands so and it wasn't even the official gym leader no Gary lost to crazy Mewtwo that Giovanni had but Giovanni didn't didn't beat ash and even in the first Pokemon movie we see Giovanni take down many trainers including Garry's so to actually have the power of gaining an earth badge in like in under its rifle means Ash wasn't Ash didn't have that a lot of trainers don't have that but Ash still end up with the earth badge which means maybe that's why it didn't even give the all Pokemon obedience which kind of sucks and then another thing is I think ash maybe could have bluffed it you know Charmander was obedient why not Charmeleon wall in the first battle with Charmeleon Charmeleon was already showing signs of being disobedient towards ash go easy on it that is where you screwed up because if there was any respect that Charmeleon had towards ash that was probably it first battle i'm evolved i'm hype i'm strong right now oh you got to lose this one to a Parris and then in a total act of disobedience that's where Charmeleon strikes out and then the rough side episode just shows weakness as a trainer in almost every aspect no go easy on it we had to lose on purpose and then just letting Charmeleon do what ever wants to do instead of trying to step in and actually forcefully show Charmeleon that Ash is a strong enough trainer to control it so feel that that's kind of where everything fell apart and after that evolved in Charizard even less respect does it just lets ash down during the indigo League and that kind of gets a little better from there because there is the episode where ash has to take care of Charizard after losing a battle and maybe that's where kind of like all the disobedience falls in the play and Charizard chills that's where Ash loses the battle and Charizard gets completely frozen almost dies because its tail is about to go out and then Charizard learns hey this guy he wants the best for me he can take care of me remembers all the good times of being a Charmander and how ash effectively did the same thing just trying to nurse it back to health making sure that Charmander was going to be okay also now that I'm thinking about it you know that Charmander did have a little bit of disobedience as well attack Damian when he decided to let ash become his trainer so yeah this Charmander into Charizard has had quite a wild streak but finally ash was able to win it over because of just showing that carrot and this is also into the orange elephants as well - had more experience as a trainer did do pretty well in the indigo league so maybe all of that building up finally got ash enough experience as a trainer to be able to tame Charizard after that good act of taking care of it showing that hey its power like ash was powerful enough to nurse me a Charizard of such strength and such power back to health so maybe he's maybe he's alright after all so it seems like the conclusion did end up pretty well and then we go into Johto and then the charvak valley and then crazy things happen from there but I think that kind of shows that I feel like maybe since ash didn't earn the badges I'm wondering I have a question for him in suit I'm like I don't even know if I'm suit is involved that I have a question for just like Game Freak I want to go up to the Satoshi Tajiri and be like it was this all planned because it seems like now that we're almost 20 years later this makes a lot of sense and it was hiding in plain sight you know Ashley never earned the badges that were crucial to obedience his Charizard was disobedient because it came from another trainer and was there any specific reason why you know not just some old hag saying you need to be more experienced well he never even earned what determines experience in Pokemon something that's pretty crazy some guys enjoy the video hope you all have a nice day thank you very much for watching
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Views: 2,614,301
Rating: 4.3370671 out of 5
Keywords: Pokemon, Pokemon theory, ash pokemon, ash pokemon theory, ash theory, pokemon trivia, ash pokemon trivia, ash's charizard, pokemon episodes, ash ketchum, pokemon anime, pokemon game, pokemon facts and trivia, pokemon 20, pokemon20
Id: yowBtwqfMzM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 11sec (791 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 10 2017
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