Ashes of Creations' Combat is Being Compared to Black Desert?!

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that it essentially turns ashes of Creations control scheme into an action Style game a game like Black Desert a game like new world it just as funny as I could have swore you just compared this to Black deserts let's just let just was let's back that up for a minute I just wanted to make sure that what you weren't doing was comparing What's happen on this screen with Black Desert online okay so there's a new race reveal um in ashes of creation uh and I wanted to take a look at that too so we're going to look at this so with this Mon's live stream um this is this is narc he he basically covers ashes of creation is like a fulltime job um and the game isn't even released yet which is kind of crazy I it's insane how much content this man is able to make out of a game that hasn't been released it's actually insane the guy's a unit okay I love this guyam approaching it's time we scrape together the lowest quality content to try and speculate on our subject matter yes that's right you've tuned into a corpse of a channel desperately trying to make content for a game that quite literally doesn't exist what he said what what he what he said man he's trying bro what he said but before we get into that our beautiful patrons and coped out the wazu twitch subs and I would love for you to grab yourself because actually we know exactly what this month's showcase is because well even told us and today I'm going to relay that to you oh um oh that's the official ashes of creation like Dev team commenting on his video hey n great video once again would like to address the concerns uh about using console commands during the Showcase of our commissions and dynamic World sometimes in order to demonstrate these systems that require larger groups of players to be playing within the area we have to trigger a code through a console command as for the area we didn't go into it at the end this is Oaken Bane keep uh which was shown off a bit uh in the first tank playthrough over a year ago and we will be showing off some more this next month with a fighter update ooh paay that to with a bunch of [ __ ] the pizza Box's brother juice slapped on top so I can hit that juicy 8 Minute Mark for ad Revenue now with all that bollocks out of the way let's begin shall we so this month the fighter is in the spotlight one of the most popular classes in it's the warrior literal gaming history so you bet your ass is in tripid have a pretty exciting showcase planned for us or you know the interesting thing about Warriors it kind of sets the tone for the rest of the MMO right guys um if the warrior does not have like super smooth solid gameplay you can kind of just assume that the rest of the classes are also going to suck uh in Black Desert our Warrior flows like it it feels like a Swiss army knife and Awakening you could do so much stuff and then in succession um it's just like a simplified version but it's just so crisp uh and clean it's not the crispest class you know it's kind of rough around the edges but like it sets the tone for the rest of the classes in the game because it's so well-rounded it will be a male the guy with sword master and we can spend another month wondering if this game is a goddamn scam but I digress breaking news breaking news Steven Sharie has announced on Twitter that we will be seeing more than is that the sword that's it that's the sword I I just I do want to be okay cuz like this is its competition look how much bigger that sword is which one would you rather play and that's just Black Desert man like bro if you're all right we'll see let him cook let him cook just a human fighter this month we will be getting the reveal of the renai race for the first time in ashes of creation history oh my God in addition to this Steven also revealed that alongside the fighter showcase we'll also get to see the story arc they teased at the end of last month's live stream revealing more Magneto not mom can we have Magneto no we have Magneto at home Magneto at home of that finite content that we'll be participating in during Alpha 2 but don't worry about that we don't want spoilers do we guys we want Intrepid to reveal every single piece of content in one section of the world so we already know it's Magneto with a little Harry Potter wand it like the back of our hands before Alpha 2 even starts but I I don't know about you but I like my cter to have a nice thick big staff because the wand looks like [ __ ] some dinky ass little Harry Potter pulled it off the fatic adabra thing kind of slap but like I don't know man that they had good animations and special effects digress fighter has been a longed AR and appeals to 90% of dad gamers out there so I am excited to see intrepid's take on this archetype what's interesting is that Intrepid actually revealed the fighters Class mechanic months ago with the name drop of moment mum what this could be and how this mechanic functions will very much be the bread and butter of the class that's actually really good because like if you're going to create like a good MMO class it has to be I say realistic it is a fantasy game but it needs to feel realistic and when you're wielding like a super big sword the way you swing like a massive sword like this you don't you don't just swing it like down across your body you have to like swing through right like you have to like pull it through and like bring up momentum and like you could literally come up and just like hit him again you know what I mean like you're fighting with momentum because if you're constantly Bam Bam you know what I mean you're you're going to exert yourself way more so like I think that them naming in a momentum mechanic although I haven't heard anything about it actually kind of a w and hopefully it tells me that they kind of understand you know what I mean although I will say that the fact that this dude is just walking around like this he's carrying Chopsticks or something is a little strange that makes ashes like when Warrior walks around in boo he's like lugging this giant sword you know you can get the feel that the sword is heavy that it's big that look at look at that guy carrying a sword be the bread and butter of the class and hopefully puts a spin on it look at look at that looks like a short sword like no ain't nobody holding that sword like that that makes ashes of Creations version unique and interesting although if the previous class mechanics are anything to go by it's very likely going to be a bar that goes upwards during combat and then goes downwards when you press Press buttons very riveting indeed but I digress because there's more to ashes of why are there three bars man you got your HP you got your mana and then you got your cuz you know that's not stamina you know that's not stamina it's just another resource indeed but I digress because there's more to ashes of Creations combat systems that meets the eye stamina has all always ases of creation and what better class maybe it is stamina to reveal it on than the fighter itself but there's no reason for me to explain it when Mr Steven Sharif himself can do it for us there is intended to be an interaction between different types of reactive and predictive skill sets of which oh God the world looks great let's just focus on the positives guys like the world looks great however the textures in combat and stuff like this I expect that from a 2012 MMO like prebo you know what I mean like Boo had better graphics than this when it came out if a player for animations is in a state such as an active block or an active tumble State there will likely be some types of abilities that interact with uh reacting to those types of states it looks so unpolished I mean it's 10 years out cancel out those States particularly as it relates to not just active blocking but also potentially passive blocking as well you're not sure the final answer is that we will have active block I just well I just had a discussion with the combat team last week uh with Trad and with Brian about um how we're going to implement the active blocking into the Alpha 2 kits and that is something we are moving forward with right now that's going to be tested with a stamina based system which is universal energy of course across all the different class and yeah that'll be something we Showcase in a future in a future live stream I think right now it's very much in development interesting indeed and although I'm not a fan interesting of active blocking I am open to change my mind with an interesting it's weird that they're just starting work on like the blocking stuff now wouldn't you like already have that mapped out in like the planning phase like isn't that like part of like when you're developing frontal guards and super armors and how things are going to work or like how your combat system is going to work um could you like talk about active blocking and how that's going to work I don't know like resource type system governing combat utilities such as sprinting blocking and dodging to add genuine depth skill and meaning to the momentto moment gameplay or okay I want you guys to compare what is happening on your screen right now to a warrior grind at GF and razza Temple in Black Desert or at olens it's we want to do rock EMS at olens tell me which one looks more engaging or it'll just it's not it's not even it's not even remotely close but the combat is just not there it's not even like it's okay just just let him go just fall flat and be another puddle deep mechanic like ESO guil Wars 2 and new world but I digress ashes of creation I'm concerned has gotten a lot of flack over the years many many people complaining about the tab style being out it however tab style is fine but it's still got to be like an action comedy you could do tab Target but like it's still like the animations have to look crisp it has to flow really well tab targeting can be fastpaced it can be skill based and it can offer highly rewarding momentto moment gameplay the perfect game to demonstrate this is World of Warcraft that is why so the bar for your combat system and considering whether it's good as a game that came out in like 2004 right I'm just making sure that that's that's where we're at that's the bar guys it remains number one still classic and even retail have the best combat out there and it's not World of Warcraft is an incredible MMO and it's the reason it dominates the genre the reason it dominates the genre is not because its combat is state-ofthe-art or because it's engaging like is there skill stuff involved in the combat absolutely for sure but like you compare that to any of the other more recent MMOs and they have more fluid combat systems that's not why people are playing World of Warcraft not even close but what about ashes of creation to me the fighter would be the perfect opportunity to show off some of that fastpaced skill focused gameplay managing your cooldowns CL resource crowd control and Mobility spells to show off a genuine exciting sequence itself is a Frontline DPS brawler and we've seen bro hey man you might want to head for deeper waters bro I don't think that your boat's designed to go through a swamp the dude is literally running around ground who the hell steered that thing in here in a couple of the spells that it has in its kid already with the giant hammer Whirlwind abilities clearly like the it's like the cost of Concordia man like and how are we going to perform this crazy like maneuver we're going to eye bullet the fighter is going to excel in cleaving whilst taking a bunch of punishment in return so show that off ashes of Creations combat is labeled as hybrid and therefore has two control schemes available to it Intrepid are essentially copying Guild Wars I's combat with some additional weeks so hopefully this month's showcase is primarily focused on that action please tell me that Guild Wars 3 is going to get is going to be released before ashes of creation how funny would that be because it would absolutely if it's a if it's basically cut and past from Guild Wars 2 for the combat system Guild Wars 3 should just blow this game out of the water like it it absolutely should just blow this out of the water because it'll have better combat right it'll have everything updated it just be a better Guild Wars 2 presumably right and it ashes will just who style controls game instead of the traditional the riot MMO is going to be released before the ashes um you should sit down um Riot said that they're going dark on the MMO um there won't be any more updates and development has for all we know been halted on it because 90% of audiences don't even understand what it is and they've been following the game for 8 years making assumptions and spreading misinformation God forbid they try the game that it's inspired from them all right guys use it and explain oh no no no it hasn't been cancelled they just went dark on it I need this it hasn't been cancelled what changed demonstrate how the keybinds have changed but please emphasize how the game's targeting and combat remain pretty much almost the same for anyone who's played Guild Wars 2 they understand that both the combat modes are identical mechanics wise but a lot of people don't realize that it essentially turns ashes of Creations control scheme into an action Style game a game like Black Desert a game like new world you're just as funny as I could have swore you just compared this to Black deserts let's just which just was let's back that up for a minute I just wanted to make sure that what you weren't doing was comparing what's happening on this screen with Le desert online realize that it essentially turns ashes of Creations control scheme into an action Style game a game like Black Desert a game like new world but just yeah bro I mean you can't even put new world and black desert's combat in the same category bro they're are like separate like area like n dude like there we're we are on some holy moly TW to allow that smooth talking about control scheme not quality the control scheme's completely different too in Black Desert you're holding down buttons for Combos and can cancel and it's very dynamic in this game you're dragging things to a hot bar and using them from your number pad it's completely different it's completely different RPG Style game play but I digress whilst we're on this note listen Steve yeah like there's there's shift F in shift V right and there's like shift T and stuff but it's nowhere near as dynamic as like Black Desert is like shift s shift T shift R he for all we know he just like hot barred this because he ran out of numbers right that's very likely what happened here yeah those is just keybinds exactly like this is just like again it's like tab Target he's just clicking a button and then the skill goes off it's not like Black Desert where you can cancel things and then you're jumping and you're like some things are protected when you do this but they're not protected when you do that they come out faster if you do before this skill they're slower if you do them from the hot bar like it's it's so much more Dynamic than this that being said I can understand what he's saying it's not he's what he's trying to do is he's trying to draw the the distinction between a standard tab Target MMO and what's going on in ashes and that I think that's fair and no offense but you're [ __ ] at the game please for the love of God towards the end of the Showcase when you've shown off all the abilities individually please pass the controls over to a Dev who know how to use the kit to really show off the fighter potential kind of like what they did you did with the major showcase cuz that was a genuinely great idea and you haven't used it since for some reason anyone who's played some form of high level wow gameplay Knows Why yeah I mean those animations look like okay but like I expect that it an outdated like old MMO that's been out for 6 years already it it it's playable but like a new MMO Wows combat new world has better animations than that is the best but unfortunately you're not showing your combat now the textures in this game and the world look amazing strengths the systems also look great too my biggest gripes are the combat and the graphics which we happen to be I mean the the combat and the like the animations for the combat it's fullest and I incompetence or lack of experience but I digress to conclude today's video I just want to briefly talk about an observation I made during the PVP Caravan showcase that made me kind of they look like a mobile game no no no no no this is a mobile [Music] game this little somehow better graphics are worse combat looks better of interested in the direction you're taking one of the weapons obviously the great sword is going to be a highly popular weapon so it's important that you nail the feeling of impact without compromising the smoothness of the gameplay you first showed us this back in early 2022 with the melee showcase and I personally thought that you had the great sword in a really great spot back then almost perfect I'd say and that even extends to the dagger animations you showed by the way I thought you guys had really nailed it however I do remember you were saying you were having some issues with the animation side of things towards the bottom half of your character that would be the legs for the low iq's out there that was cool the part where he like slams it up and then like the hammer like the like like a something out of Green Lantern slams like that was pretty cool it's clearly extremely difficult to animate and create a combat system that has impact and smoothness for heavy star weapons this doesn't look like it's got impact but allow me to show the audience a clip from that PVP carav showcase when you switch the camera to the tank I think it was he was wielding a great sword and the animations for that great sword were very different to what we saw in 2022 and I'm not sure it's I would hope so it's 2024 step in the right direction if I'm being brutally H my God look at the wipes animations have clearly holy [ __ ] had huge improvements two years guys to the footwork don't get me wrong but it definitely feels like the wow look how crazy those animations are impact of the weapon has been compromised this could all just be old animations from many many builds back of course so I remain optimistic with your progress on this front remember combat is the most crucial part of the game and you've done thank God he said that because it absolutely is if the combat's garbage we don't care that the Caravan systems are awesome we don't care that the life skills are awesome or that your questing is somehow good you know what I mean nobody cares cuz the combat is bad really great job with the range side of things so now it's time to show off the melee and where that really shines fastpaced impactful action style front line brawling but as usual I am just one nerd desperate for a good MMO and I hope you guys enjoyed this video a little bit more than the last one I know I've been kind of off this month in general with no streaming and lack of videos but I am genuinely struggling with ashes of creation right now I obviously still support the game fully and will never yeah I mean it's really hard to create content for a game that's just not going to come out until 2035 the stop following it but it's important for me to stay true to my feelings about the project and intrepid's open Nature allows me to do that I'm not worried about being a brand rist because I know Intrepid want to listen but I digress I'll conclude the video with a quick shill for my stream over at pnar as we'll be deep diving the stream on he's live why show something in the past that was received very very positively but then don't ever do it again movement speed and tax H him with that shout out so you guys can give him a follow this is the video right here it's Dr robotic I I I love him I love the fact that he makes these videos because I'll be honest with you I don't know how he does it man I I I I truly I do not understand cuz he's primarily ashes of creation how you know what I mean like how are you making this many ashes videos this is insane man like I just don't see I can't go you all right that's pretty good I didn't see the banner before that's pretty good it's the person ality 100% I mean at least he kind of kind of nailing it bro he kind of nailing it
Channel: BlueSquadron
Views: 7,282
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gaming, mmo, mmorpg, blue, blue squadron, Blue, bald, PvE, Maegu, Woosa, Drakania, Sage, Lahn, Mystic, Striker, DK, Witch, Wiz, new, Reacts, BDO, highlights, bdo, black desert, black desert online, guide, noob, how to, guide for, new player, black desert online guide, black desert guide, bdo guide 2024, bdo best classes, tier list, tier, list, pve, PVE, grind, grinding, Ashes of Creation, Ashes, Ashes MMO, MMO, New MMO, MMORPG, Alpha, Release Date, Alpha Access, alpha two, update, news, new class, new race
Id: 0qQKo8MruF0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 45sec (1425 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 02 2024
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