Ascendant - Meridian [Full Album]
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Channel: The Psychedelic Muse
Views: 434,644
Rating: 4.9047346 out of 5
Keywords: Ascendant, Synphaera Records, ascendant meridian, ambient music, ambient sci fi music, ambient trance, balearic chillout, best psybient, chillgressive, chillout, deep trance, downbeat, downtempo, electronica, meditation music, new age music, psybient, psychedelic music, psychill, psydub, relaxing music, sleep music, soothing music, space music, study music, trippy music, yoga music
Id: mH3rO8ptYsE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 86min 58sec (5218 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 15 2016
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
If you’re into this kind of material I recommend Jaja. All the material is free on bandcamp. Donate if you can, of course.