Asakusa: A Tour of Summer Traditions - Dive in Tokyo

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asaksa is one of Japan's most famous tourist destinations it's home to the iconic sensoji which is the oldest Temple in Tokyo every day the grounds are bustling with worshipers and visitors from around the world but there's also much more to this area in the summer the nearby back streets host a variety of traditional events that bring the local community together [Music] chat like a potted plant Fair that's been going on for 400 years [Music] or this ritual held at a famous temple to pray for the strength to beat the Heat we'll come upon flowers with cool colors that refresh both mind and body [Music] and even a small-scale replica of Japan's most famous mountain foreign we'll learn why this Shrine has a miniature Mount Fuji and why people gather to climb it [Music] join us as we discover local customs and wisdom handed down since ancient times [Music] today we dive into a saksa and experience its time-honored summer traditions hi I'm Felicia and here we are in asakusa I'm sure many of you recognize this very famous place right behind me you can see all the tours there but today we're not going to visit there we're actually going to take a look in the back streets of asakusa to see even more of the charm this town holds first we head to the area to the north of sensoji Temple this neighborhood has quietly marked the passage of time for Generations retaining its traditional character even as Redevelopment transformed other parts of the city look at that just five minutes away from where we just were can you see the contrast already so relaxing so comforting [Music] houses are intimate dining establishments that have long served as gathering places for Discerning adults [Music] if you're lucky you spot kimono clad Geisha walking along the streets but perhaps the most distinctive feature of this area is the sheer number of temples and shrines [Music] all right it all goes back to 1657 when a major fire destroyed over half of old Tokyo [Music] as reconstruction began the shogunate relocated many temples and shrines to asaksa today those sacred sites host a wide range of traditional events in early summer [Music] wow there are a lot of people over there I wonder what's going on I see some lanterns I'm gonna go in what is that I've done a 400 year old Temple known as chokokuji there appears to be an event going on [Music] this is what everybody's come to see look at all of these beautiful flowers goes all the way down there [Music] it's a hydrangea Festival featuring clusters of flowers in an array of soft colors these blossoms have long been considered harbingers of Summer [Music] it's beautiful I really like the colors in here we have Blues purples Light blues it's kind of like cooling I get a cool and soothing feeling just looking at them [Music] here at the temple they're displayed and sold in late June when they reach Peak bloom foreign [Music] Japan it's long been accustomed to admire the cool tones of hydrangeas In Bloom as a way to beat the heat and humidity meanwhile this Temple gets many visitors who are looking to pray for good health throughout the summer so igetha decided to combine the two he started this Festival 20 years ago to give Temple goers a chance to celebrate the arrival of Summer [Music] it's since become an annual asaksa tradition that draws in many locals and tourists alike foreign [Music] [Music] services are held in the main hall this too is a time-honored tradition for beating the Heat first priests send out the necessary implements an unglazed earthenware plate [Music] next they go around placing some kind of soft woolly substance atop of each plate which is then lit on fire [Music] this prayer method is practiced by the nichiren sect of Japanese Buddhism participants soak up the warmth while listening to priests recite sutras this is said to improve circulation and reinvigorate the body thereby warding off summer fatigue the soft Mass that's lit a flame is known as moxa long used in traditional Japanese medicine it's prepared from dried mugwort leaves and provides a mild slow burning Heat [Music] [Applause] [Music] these prayer services were originally held only for followers of nichiren Buddhism parigeta was determined to make it more inclusive and so he made it open to everyone free of charge [Music] at the end of the service Felicia is ready to face the summer heat so it's very hot so I felt like I just came out of a Sonos except the difference is the heat is coming from up here and it spreads down throughout your body but I feel very refreshed very good next we head to an area just a couple of blocks away from sensoji Temple looks like they're selling some potted plants and look at the whole street it's kind of lined with these plants I wonder if it goes all the way down there I'm gonna check [Music] today a series of open-air stalls line this normally quiet a socksa street [Music] this potted plant fair is said to be 400 years old every year during the last weekend of May and June dealers and nurseries gather here to Showcase their best offerings [Music] look at all those Pines you know Pines are very symbolic in Japan ah it's beautiful this is something you don't see every day I didn't know that they were selling Moss like this look how beautiful it is it's really beautiful I never saw moss inside of one of these Planters before for sale [Music] during the peaceful Edo period appreciating seasonal Flora became a Pastime for the masses in the 18th century the widespread availability of flower pots made home gardening and accessible and popular Hobby [Music] potted plant fairs became a seasonal fixture in many parts of the city [Music] here in Tokyo's Historic downtown area many residents continue to Adorn their houses with potted plants like these lending a unique charm to these streets [Music] so it's no surprise that this event holds a special place in their hearts [Music] the fair brings together about 20 vendors from across the greater Tokyo area Sakurai Shigeru has been taking part for 50 years what's he most proud of this year these are succulent plants that go by the name Rock Pine Sakurai has planted them on traditional Japanese roof tiles made of fired clay [Music] that looks really popular let me check it out [Music] really cute little small ones in there [Music] look at that the leaves are small everything is Tiny among the day's offerings this vendor's selection of palm-sized bonsai trees is making an impression this is Ono Asami who heads a family-run plant nursery originally started by her grandfather to make Bonsai more accessible to the public she's put a lot of work into cultivating miniature potted plants [Music] need you so foreign [Music] this event gets over 100 000 visitors every year it originally began as a Street Market set up to coincide with a Festival held at a nearby shrine [Music] Festival was traditionally held on July 1st during Japan's rainy season because the time of year is considered ideal for transplanting seedlings the market gained a reputation for its potted plants and the number of vendors grew until it was rebranded as a plant Fair for Generations the fair has been run by asaksa residents volunteers from the community helped set up and take down the Stalls Maita Yuki Yuki is chair of the organizing committee he sees the event as providing more than just a place to buy and sell plants foreign volunteered to head the organizing committee about 10 years ago at the time the number of participating vendors was on the decline and the fair was in danger of being discontinued determined not to let the tradition die out he stepped up and began inviting Nursery owners further afield to take part again the other members of the organizing committee share maida's emotional attachment to the plan fair and hope to keep the tradition alive for future Generations [Music] [Music] this Fair embodies the soul of asaksa and is a testament to the power of community [Music] I really enjoyed visiting this Festival which is rooted in history taking my time talking to the shopkeepers and I learned that yet this is another face of asaksa asaksa has long had a reputation for its open-air markets they developed around seasonal festivals held at local temples and shrines the large crowds attracted vendors who set up Street stalls along the approaches to these sacred sites [Music] the high concentration of temples and shrines in this area led to the creation of many such traditions [Music] there's the Japanese Lantern plant Fair held in July since ancient times these plants were regarded as symbols of good luck because the bright red color of their seed pods was thought to ward off misfortune today it's custom to display them in homes to bring in good energy in November there's the torinoichi fair streets are lined with stalls selling Kumari elaborately decorated bamboo rings these auspicious ornaments are meant to rake in good luck and prosperity in business many Merchants make it an annual tradition to come and buy a new one for the year ahead [Music] then in December asakusa rounds out the year with the hagawita fair the main draw is the wide variety of Edo Oshie haguita which are trapezoidal wooden paddles adorned with padded collages of Kabuki actors and popular celebrities these items first became popular in the 18th century and have since been designated a traditional craft of Tokyo they're considered auspicious because they symbolize the idea of hitting away bad luck [Music] for residents of asaksa the open-air markets are more than special occasions here's a workshop that makes hagawita paddles [Music] is a Craftsman specializing in Oshie which is a traditional Patchwork technique where pieces of fabric padded with cotton are used to create three-dimensional designs he's been making huguita for over 60 years in modern times the demand for these decorative paddles has been declining nogichi credits the annual huguita fair for allowing him to keep pursuing his craft foreign [Music] [Music] markets help keep a success traditional crafts alive [Music] they also help local restaurants and bars stay in business [Music] the third generation proprietor of a century-old Izakaya Pub their signature dish is rice cooked with seasonal fish and vegetables in a small pot [Music] asaksa is home to many long-standing privately owned establishments like this was also he believes it's because local events give residents an opportunity to get together and socialize foreign [Music] he says that the celebrations bring a liveliness to the neighborhood and is one reason asaksa continues to be home to many restaurants serving up time-honored flavors foreign [Music] [Music] our last stop today is a shrine roughly 20 minutes away on foot from sensoji there are a lot of people here and here's the shrine and today it's a very special day foreign was founded over a thousand years ago every year on June 30th they perform a Shinto ritual that is eagerly awaited by local residents the main event takes place on the other side of these Gates which normally stay closed but once every year they're open to Shrine goers [Music] one by one the priests and parishioners Ascend a small Mound six meters tall [Music] everybody climb to the top I wonder what this is for [Music] a prayer service is held at the top this is actually a ceremony to Mark the opening of the mound to climbers [Music] it is [Music] this is an artificial Mound known as a fujizuka it's made up of volcanic rocks taken from the actual Mount Fuji and transported here by boat Mount Fuji has been revered Through the Ages as a sacred place where deities reside in the 17th and 18th centuries worship of the mountain began to spread among the public and more townspeople began climbing it to pray for divine blessings for believers ascending The Majestic Peak was a devotional right but before the Advent of trains and cars the Trek out from old Tokyo was not an easy one and so devotees began to construct miniature fujis to serve as surrogates this one was built roughly 200 years ago climbing of fujizuka is said to bestow the same spiritual benefits as Mount Fuji itself which has made them near and dear to believers foreign [Music] this one gets visitors from all walks of life every summer people look forward to this once a year opportunity last year these two made the climb as a married couple this year they're heading up with a newborn in tow ards foreign this climber with the white cane has a visual impairment together with his caregiver he's made it to the summit [Music] okay I'm gonna give it a try I'm gonna climb to the top of this Mount fruity you know it looks easy but you know they made these rocks like this so you have a place to put your feet and it's just like climbing a mountain it's just following the trails up the mountains that people have climbed and walked many many times before Felicia is actually a seasoned Mount Fuji climber who has ascended the mountain many times she makes her way up the rocky Mound driven by purpose okay I've reached the top so I'm at the top of this Mount Fuji in three minutes I actually kind of feel a little bit um emotional I haven't been to the top of Mount Fuji for a while I started to have like this low blood pressure and I was having altitude sickness so I was not able to climb Mount Fuji anymore and that was one of my loves every summer I used to do it so I'm really glad and really thankful that I could come here and climb this Mount Fuji be a spiritual destination for many people [Music] the Essex area is deeply rooted in Tradition and when you get to take your time walk around and participate in these historic events you really get a deeper appreciation and understanding of why that is it's the people and this area of azaksa they really work hard and put it together to keep this tradition alive and strong foreign [Music]
Views: 104,573
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: wmzHdk2dw0I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 6sec (1686 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 13 2023
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