As The Wheels Turn (1950)

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[Music] [Applause] e [Music] here we go everybody out to shut the door [Music] come on kids you're ready to [Music] [Applause] eat M good picnic good food well [Music] good heaven forbid our new car should give us a ride like that not a chance our new Chevrolet rides smoother and gives more allaround Comfort than any car we ever own that's right that's why we bought it but you know I can't imagine what they've done to make it that way well lots of things things you can't see hidden values now you take that easy steering I oh boy remember me I'm your wife not one of your engineering friends oh even you can understand this years ago front wheels had a solid front axle when one wheel went over a bump the other wheel bumped too the steering wheel jerked and passengers rocked and jolted then they figured out how to suspend the wheel separately something like this with the wheels on separate axles they can't pass bumps to each other so bumps have less effect on steering our chevret have had that kind of front wheel suspension for a long time but the engineers still w satisfied with the steering you see front wheels are connected to the steering by what they call tie rods and because the steering wheel is over on the left side one tie rod was longer than the other it was like well imagine trying to steer a rowboat with one or longer than the other with ores of unequal length you'd have to pull hard on the short or to get the same steering effect as an easier pull on the long or here's what happens in the automobile to steer the wheels you have to push the tie rods and remembering the rowo you can see that you'll have to move the tie rods different distances to get the same steering results also as the front wheels bump up and down the tie rods turn them slightly both Wheels turn inward but because of the unequal tie rods one wheel often turns more than the other so when Straight Ahead driving on rough roads unequal tie rods can make a car pull slightly to one side not good huh nope and a difficult engineering problem to boot but if the tie rods were of practically equal length each would move the same distance to get the same steering result and bumps would have an equal effect on the wheels yes there were a lot of problems involved in designing such a system but we have it on our new Chevrolet the tie rods are now practically equal in length and they're connected to the steering wheel through a third arm called an idler arm this even balancing of the steering system makes it less work to steer and we get practically no Road shock through the steering wheel no wheel fight that's Center Point steering what makes on you Chevy seem to sense where you want it to go h a car with Road sense that's a good name for it say where the kids over there on the TA tot do you think Cathy's all right she's in the best spot they bounce hard Kathy gets a smooth ride and that very very same idea is one reason for the smooth ride we get in the new Chevrolet what idea well a car acts sort of like a te totter when you drive over bumps it rocks up and down in some cars the back seat is over the rear wheels where passengers bump up and down like the kids on the end of the tea tot in our new car the seats are between the wheels where you get the smoothest ride like Kathy at the center point of the taata with Center Point seating all passengers get a front seat ride but Center Point seating is just one of the reasons why our new car rides so comfortably another reason is what they did with the rear springs well uh this will take some pretending but well just imagine this chain is a rear spring and the flashlight is a gadget called a shackle a shackle yeah a kind of pivot the spring is fastened to the frame at the front shackle at the rear when a bump pushes the wheel up shackle and spring act to cushion the shark now with ordinary Springs and shackles one passenger in the car gets quite a jolt from each bump the Springs are too stiff however three passengers get a pretty good ride five passengers can hit bottom the spring is too stiff for light loads too soft for heavy loads finding a spring system that would give the same smooth ride regardless of the number of passengers but they finally found a solution part of it was timing the shackle so the angle between the shackle and the spring was much wider then they put in a softer spring to give the single passenger a comfortable ride with heavier loads the shackle moves back stretching the spring to stiffen it the more passengers the farther the spring is stretched and the stiffer it gets to cushion the heavier load and that's our new Chevy softer rear springs with a shackle designed to give just the right spring tension for a comfortable ride whether it's carrying one passenger or five so that's why the car seems to ride the same whether I'm driving alone or with the whole family that's right but there's even more to our new Chevys riding ease next time we go to the airport watch the landing gear while an airplane lands and notice how the shock absorbers cushion the tremendous weight of the plane as it hits the ground the action of the shock absorber piston sliding into an oil filled cylinder absorbs much of the shock let's make a model we'll use this for the piston and this for the cylinder with water instead of the oil now when a bump pushes the Piston uhoh I forgot something these holes represent the valves in a real shock absorver which control the fluid flow when the Piston is pushed down they permit the Piston to slide down the cylinder but slowly on the rebound a spring pushes the Piston up and again the fluid controls the action our Chevrolet shock absorbers are now the same type when we hit a bump they smother the shock by slowing down its effect one of these direct double- acting shock absorbers is mounted in each front suspension unit teamed up with the strong coil springs in the rear the same kind of shock absorbers are placed diagonally instead of straight up and down this is so they'll act like the braces on the swing the kids are using they steady the body of the car on curds and in crosswind driving so you see there are three big reasons why on new Chevy rid so much easier the center points seating the new spring and shackle Arrangement and the new airplane type shock absorbers you'd never think simple things like that could make so much difference simple she says they seem simple after they're perfected but what it takes to develop one of those simple things and make sure that it works why do you know John don't you think Tommy swinging Gale too hard oh she knows how to hang on you know of a better way to stir up a breeze sure breing along in our new car well you got something there you know they call it the car that breathes up front under the hood are two air intake Scoops leading to the passenger compartment when the car is in motion outside air is forced inside the amount of air admitted can be controlled by vents which open or close so you can have air from both scoops from one or from neither another thing the air tunnels are slanted upward to help keep out dirt and water and screens and baffles make doubly sure only air can get through outside air also passes right through the heater core so when the heater is on the air is warmed as it's forced into the car and over the front seats into the rear compartment also the tunnels beneath the front seats offer air circulation to ensure uniform temperature front and rear the blower builds up enough pressure to force stale air out as well as keep cold air from leaking in the heater controls regulate the temperature of the air and the speed of the blower for instance in warm rainy weather you can turn the heat off entirely turn the blower on and fill the car with cool outside air our defroster is controlled just as easily with the wide defroster slots beneath the windshield ice Steam and fog are melted away more rapidly than I ever thought possible yes from the standpoint of Passenger comfort and of smooth riding and driving ease I think we've got a pretty good buy well I'm satisfied and I'm not too easily pleased as you may have noticed yeah don't I know of course we've just talked about a few of the many things that made Chevy my number one choice what's this that's your dad's conception of our new Chevrolet I you're kidding yes it's the only way I could think of to show your mom the hidden values in our car so when we get going she'll know some of the reasons why we get all that big car performance from our new [Music] Chevrolet
Channel: US Auto Industry
Views: 2,473,046
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The, prop, bowl, jet, luftfahrt, airplane, Airbus, Turn, history, Boeing, aviation, Wheels, (1950), As, super, airline
Id: 2FHTo8xPD7w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 54sec (714 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 05 2012
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