As a result of my husband and mil leaving me with their paraplegic bil and heading to Hawaii...

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I intended to stand by my husband's side even if I were treated like a servant by my mother-in-law even if my husband didn't protect me from such a mother-in-law however my husband changed after my brother-in-law who was doted on by my mother-in-law had an accident you're done half paralyzed my husband ridiculed our unfortunate brother-in-law not only that but my husband joined forces with my mother-in-law to mock me and betray me I won't let it end like this no matter what holding my brother-in-law's hand I swore revenge against my husband and mother-in-law my name is Mia and I live with my husband Kent while working together honestly I'm overwhelmed with work and House tours every day and I don't have any time for myself the reason is that I'm frequently summoned by my in-law who lives just a few tens of minutes away from my home and despite both of us working my husband doesn't do any housework at all I'm not seen as a daughter-in-law to my mother-in-law but rather as a mermaid Mia today is your brother-in-law's hospital visit my mother-in-law calls me early in the morning on my day off my role is to take care of my brother-in-law's daily needs on my day offs before I was practically forced to drive the car like a taxi driver but now I'm taking care of my half paralyzed brother-in-law I'm always sorry Mia I shook my head in response to my apologetic brother-in-law I'm doing it because I want to so please don't worry I replied with a smile but my brother-in-law had a somewhat dark expression before the accident my brother-in-law was my mother-in-law's favorite he graduated from a prestigious University and got a job at a large company he was kind and gentle to everyone without any discrimination and had a calm personality my mother-in-law was so obsessed with him it was as if he was her only son as a result my husband who is the second son was completely ignored furthermore there were times when I was angry at my mother-in-law for her hurtful attitude towards my husband that's why I've always had the desire to support my husband however the attitudes of my mother-in-law and husband changed drastically when my brother-in-law who had an accident became confined to a wheelchair honestly I wish you would leave the house already becoming a disabled person who can't even earn money is a disgrace to the family despite all the help we've received from my brother-in-law until now my mother-in-law treated him like an unwanted Intruder which was incredibly cruel in addition to that my husband started mocking my brother-in-law in agreement with my mother-in-law so he's paralyzed and can't even move one hand huh even if you graduate from a good University it's all over when you can't walk anymore right when I think about my brother-in-law who can no longer move his legs due to the accident I couldn't understand how those two could say such things unlike my mother-in-law my brother-in-law was kind to my husband as well however despite that my husband made remarks that further cornered my brother-in-law once the hospital visits are over I hope he'll leave the family home we can take care of my mother on her own and he's just a nuisance a useless disabled person after all I couldn't tolerate those words and found myself arguing with my husband I explained to my husband that my brother-in-law has done so much for us in the past and his injuries were simply the result of an unfortunate accident so we shouldn't use such words towards my brother-in-law who treated my husband equally unlike my mother-in-law I also explained how I've been treated by my mother-in-law all this time I was subjected to verbal abuse and forced to work as a shopper on my day offs still the reason I went along with my mother-in-law's demands was because I hope my mother-in-law would change her attitude towards my husband and that she would acknowledge me even just a little however no matter how much I pleaded my husband didn't understand due to my brother-in-law's accident the way my husband was treated by my mother-in-law which was dismissive until now suddenly changed and she started prioritizing my husband as a son it's natural that he would feel happy about it to some extent but for me even though I understood those feelings I could never emphasize with them the sudden and extreme change in her attitude was so appalling my mother-in-law was never a personality worthy of commendation but I never expected my husband to change so drastically come to think of it my irresponsible husband often let the household chores to me nevertheless I thought I saw my husband making steady efforts in his own way more than anyone else did that's why my husband's Sudden Change in attitude was incredibly shocking and saddening one day while harboring a vague sense of frustration towards my husband and mother-in-law my husband proposed a family trip I'm thinking of going on a Hawaii trip because I thought it would be nice for us to have fun for a change indeed as a working couple we might have the means to go on a trip but what about my brother-in-law who is in a situation where going on a Hawaii trip is not possible will he be left alone at home when I conveyed my concerns I found out that a helper would be called in during the trip however I couldn't help but feel sorry for my brother-in-law and I started feeling anxious about whether I would be able to enjoy the trip but my husband said that it's necessary to have something to look forward to in this situation a few days later when I was still struggling to accept my husband's words my brother-in-law called me I heard about the trip don't worry about me and go enjoy yourself I'll be fine you've always helped me with the rounds and hospital visits so I want you to relax and have a good time once in a while in response to such kind words I jokingly replied that going on a trip with those two would probably be more exhausting than usual and my brother-in-law laughed encouraged by my brother-in-law's kind words I told my husband that we would go on a trip and so the preparations for the Hawaii trip began however it was up to me to handle the tour itinerary and communicate with the travel agency while I was told by my mother-in-law about her preferred hotels and engineering however her preferences kept changing and I had to constantly adjust the plans finally two weeks before departure the plans for Hawaii were finalized once we arrived in Hawaii I decided to go separate ways from my husband and mother-in-law I was already tired of being used even before the trip so I plan for this I also needed some time for myself so I endured the days leading up to the departure thinking about the alone time I would spend in Hawaii what I was working hard for was to help my mother-in-law with the preparations for the trip I went to buy the items my mother-in-law needed after work and on my day off I took her to the store so she could personally choose what she wanted my mother-in-law's shopping trips took at least four hours the two weeks leading up to the departure were incredibly busy while assisting my brother-in-law's hospital visits and on the day of the trip my husband and mother-in-law laughed and said to me you stay behind and take care of your brother I was speechless at those words I was completely dumbfolded I usually take care of my son so this time I'll leave it to you hiring a helper costs money but you do it for free my husband and mother-in-law said that and burst into laughter seeing their attitude I no longer felt any anger my husband and mother-in-law headed to the airport without me and I couldn't move from that spot even when their car disappeared from view after unpacking my belongings at home I headed to my in-laws house using the spare key to enter the house I told my brother-in-law about what had just happened while he was lying down in the living room I'm sorry for suggesting the trip but I never expected it would turn out like this I conveyed to my apologetic brother-in-law that this outcome was for the best I didn't have high expectations from my mother-in-law from the start but this incident also revealed my husband's true nature I didn't know how to express these feelings but it didn't matter I reached the point where I didn't care anymore as I looked down I saw my brother-in-law's lower body and his immobile left hand and in the next moment my brother-in-law's body that was lying down suddenly stood up his leg and arm were supposed to be immobile huh what's going on how are you able to stand up I exclaimed in Surprise unable to hold back my voice when I asked my brother-in-law he explained that although he had been in an accident he wasn't permanently paralyzed it turns out that he had been wanting to remove my mother-in-law's excessive interference for a while he had stayed at the family home because he had been convinced to continue living with her instead of living alone I can barely make ends meet I can't afford to live alone it seems that when my mother-in-law clung to my brother-in-law he thought that if he refused it would cause trouble to my husband and me my mother spends money like water I thought my life would be ruined if things continued like this my thoughts were naive at the time of the accident my brother-in-law said he was thinking about how to escape from his mother without causing trouble to us the turning point was when he lied and said he was paralyzed and unable to walk that's when my mother-in-law's attitude changed and just as he was wondering what to do with us my mother-in-law began doting on my husband hearing that story I felt genuinely sorry for my brother-in-law it's really frustrating isn't it I answered with a wry smile and my brother-in-law smiled back at me well shall we fight back then what do you think you can join in Mia I had no intention of letting it end like this this incident truly disgusted me with my husband and mother-in-law that's why of course I agreed to my brother-in-law's invitation and one week later my mother-in-law and husband returned from Hawaii as soon as they arrived home my husband called me hey where are my belongings the apartment was empty when I got back I told him that I had sent his belongings to my in-laws house I made it so that you can live with your mother just like you've always wanted right I tearfully conveyed the message to him but my husband started complaining about how I had moved his stuff without his permission ignoring his reaction I told him I wanted a divorce this is too selfish you want a divorce what's gotten into you all of a sudden what do you want now who is the selfish one I finally started to argue back against my unreasonable husband I confronted him saying that he had betrayed my trust and how much I had endured for him additionally during the preparations for the move it came to light that my husband was committing even more wrongdoing it turns out that he was secretly giving money to my mother-in-law while hiding it from me looking back my mother-in-law's extravagant shopping spree continued even after my brother-in-law quit his job I had always assumed that my brother-in-law was the one buying those things but it turns out that he had significantly reduced his living expenses after quitting his job that means my mother-in-law must have been getting more money from someone other than my brother-in-law and the only possible person must be my husband you need to repay the money you've been using without permission I know that twenty two thousand dollars have gone missing in the past few months I declared in response my husband offered feeble excuses like but or because I guess everything I said was true so that he couldn't come up with any valid excuses I told him that my brother-in-law had already moved out and I was living in a new place I also made it clear that neither my brother-in-law nor I had any intention of dealing with him and his mother anymore so it would be better for you to live with your parents home after all your family consists only of your mother-in-law right I conveyed this message and was about to hang up the phone when I heard my husband's angry voice you really are an insolent woman I should have divorced you much earlier just like my mother said my husband shouted even in a situation like this he talks about his mother although that was my honest feeling his words were just about right for me now I was grateful for my husband's straightforward Declaration of divorce shortly after that a pre-filled divorce form from my husband arrived at the law firm I hired I submitted the divorce papers to the city office and quickly settled the financial matters I was finally free but this was only the beginning I've submitted the divorce papers I reported over the phone my husband responded in a current voice now that I don't have a nagging life and a disabled brother around things would be much better for me this is the best outcome huh my husband said laughing in response I also laughed and replied you know your brother-in-law has semi-retired and is now enjoying a relaxing life abroad isn't that something didn't you know he wasn't actually paralyzed oh and your mother-in-law has some debts so good luck to both of you in repaying those debts I thought I heard my husband's voice saying huh but I pretended not to hear it hung up the phone and blocked his number we are already strangers so I don't need to care about him anymore it was a month later when I received a letter from my ex-husband Kent through a lawyer the contents of the letter were complaints and apologies about how he couldn't possibly live with my mother-in-law alone in an unthinkable proposal to remarry me I often wish you were still with me my salary alone can't support my mother anymore it's impossible his letter was filled with such silly woes moreover there were traces of Tears in the letter that seemed to be from my ex-husband which made me feel sick so I threw it away immediately it seems that my ex-husband lost all his assets to repay my mother-in-law's debts however it wasn't enough to repay the debts and it seems that they ended up having to let go of the family home as for what my mother-in-law is doing she's desperately searching for my brother-in-law who went overseas my brother-in-law told me that my mother-in-law has been contacting his acquaintances and the former company recently if things continue like this my second son would suffer I want to see my older son she's apparently saying things like that while searching for my brother-in-law's whereabouts however none of my brother-in-law's acquaintances have any intention of telling her and even if she finds out where my brother-in-law is she wouldn't be able to go there it seems that living with Kent has been so difficult for my mother-in-law since the divorce I have been living a peaceful life in a new apartment for single persons the current lifestyle is very calm and I wonder what those hectic days were all about it's been a year since the divorce and for the past six months I haven't received any contact from my ex-husband and today I received an email from my brother-in-law abroad after a long time the content of the email was a report that my mother-in-law had finally gone bankrupt it seems that my mother-in-law's name was even listed in the official Gazette so I did some research and found out that Kent and my mother-in-law are currently living together in a small one-room apartment of course there are not on good terms just because my mother-in-law refuses to let go of Kent Kent is managing to make a living while in debt all for the sake of my mother-in-law's uncontrollable spending habits I'm truly disgusted by the two of them so recalling the past doesn't make me angry at all the Revenge that my brother-in-law and I carried out which we call a counter-attack seems to have had more than enough effects
Channel: Revenge Theater
Views: 163,169
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: aita, reddit, redditstories, reddit stories, reddit real voice, Text story, revenge, Revenge story, AppleText, Relationships
Id: 5XSHixpS_ho
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 57sec (1017 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 17 2023
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