Artists Who Changed Music: Django Reinhardt
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Channel: Produce Like A Pro
Views: 238,316
Rating: 4.9457259 out of 5
Keywords: Warren Huart, Produce Like A Pro, Home studio, Home recording, Recording Audio, Music Production, Record Producer, Recording Studio
Id: g6KqE_KS6p8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 2sec (1622 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 20 2021
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Geee, what reminded you of Django today? :-P
I love Django, I think he should be studied by everyone, and there are some bands fusing the styles today (the ridiculously gifted Hot Club of Cowtown is likely my favorite 3-piece roots music band)....
but I'm not sure about the theory that he was a big original influence on Western Swing. Would be interested in reading what you've found on that, as no doubt you've got links. :-)
Theory I've seen was Texan and Okie musicians encountering Reinhardt and Grapelli in France during WW2, but Spade Cooley and Bob Wills were already big names well before D-Day. Could definitely buy that gypsy jazz moved the needle postwar, though!