Artism Speaks Episode 24: Shammy And Mandalore (also Raycevick)

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hello everybody welcome to a special edition of the art ISM speaks podcast here with the two big gamer boys chamois Andrew Lord Mandalore say I give a [ __ ] to Lucas well [ __ ] you boy rain we've already covered yes right you're you're you're an artist you're an artist yeah you're you're here it started you need a couple more attempts less party subs what no no no I was gonna introduce him after because you know he I feel like he's a part of uh he's not just a guest he's closer he's he's in my heart yeah I'm okay it's not [ __ ] rights [ __ ] you guys should we introduce ourselves and explain who we actually are yeah brother win on here haven't we yeah you're operating under the assumption that they've listened to all of the episodes right now man yeah don't shame I haven't even listened to all the episodes same I just listen to the ones I'm a because I'm selfish yeah no leper does that to weird freaks yeah but you look dare why do you need to listen because he's like oh that was funny yeah cuz I can I get like haha I'm clever I fooled all of them they don't even know I'm gonna go ahead and introduce myself I'm sure I'm chamois my name is avery either whatever I make videos there you go you call them Shamy his buddies get mad at you yeah oh if you call me chamois in front of my friends who knew me pre-youtube stuff they they tell you to [ __ ] off and die yeah middle are good I am man to wash short for my real name Mandy and and no one gives a [ __ ] about race so we can get right into it yay look at topics I do have topics today I've prepared a whole bunch Amara's shut up ray I get prepared man sometime you know I took my pills today hey guys how about that new loot box video that got made no no way people make videos about loot boxes no no that doesn't happen Oh Avery you know what you should do you should make what about loot boxes no I should make a video about loop boxes and how they're destroying me how many requests have you gotten to do that actually [ __ ] all I haven't gotten any people no I don't make videos like that Wow I don't know maybe so maybe some guy like clicks on your video would be like oh this guy's a gamer I mean I would hope they would click on my videos and assume that I play video games but no I haven't gotten anyone specifically saying to make a video about loot boxes I've gotten a bunch of people telling me to make a video about battlefront too if that counts I guess that's basically close enough yeah yeah that game is just a loop oh oh okay before we start like week of meek I just have to say this real quick week of neke there you go you guys you got your [ __ ] requests there you're [ __ ] happy stop asking me what it's some [ __ ] people on Twitter gonna say something all right so so Avery this one first things for you have you seen what I've been doing in the money fire for like the past couple of a couple of months ago I just said hi in Avery server and then I just forgot to follow up and I did that like five days in a row I just forgot I was there and it wasn't intentional no at first it wasn't I just forgot I could said hi they're just like try to greet people in the train and then I'm like I should keep going with this and then every single day I would say hi in the chat just and that was it and I just kept going and then it turned some [ __ ] conspiracy and and now it's almost been a month since my last hi the last thing I wrote was H dot dot dot and on the 24th of this month I'm gonna I'm gonna put a little uh dot dot dot I and that complete it for now January 1st 2018 you posted hello yeah it was myself yeah and now it's back to buy it comes full circle yeah well you gotta finish what the thing everyone loves you no no yeah aren't people like scared of you at this point though oh yeah no no I I made an entire youtube channel just called hi and I put one video on it let me find the video I went into my living room one night I found like a skeleton in a sword no please I donate money you can't do this I made I made this look I've already played this I put this in the money fire minute-long put in the money fire for 10 seconds enough for somebody to notice it and deleted it immediately and that [ __ ] insane after I found a mask and a skeleton hands I bought from my [ __ ] class project and I just [ __ ] put a sword in its head the thing that's also great about this is that while all of this is going on he's keenly going into my server and informing me about what he's doing log on and say like hey hey Lucas I I today no no no I would tell Noah because Noah's an admin on Shammi server and he's been my he's been my i during this month where I'm not allowed to speak like he'll pose he'll post misinformation in the chat like the just yesterday he accused Evie of like working with me because he was the last person so much about hi wow this is like like the chamois rowsdower like chamois have you actually seen like you're okay what when did this rose it's just I just I just like [ __ ] with people Jimmy can you explain the Falcon I thought it was an owl no Sparky do not know stuff god damn know that but I was gonna ask Jami have you seen your kami on my video yeah I I found the time stamped and I watched it if parts of your videos with me and I'm sorry yeah okay so you seem that there were I bring up no man's sky then yes I have yes i ASCII because it what's funny is like that time because was originally gonna be the search and I was sad when I found out another search has loading screens because you you asked me yeah exactly world why our date is it all interconnected look it's like I saw that it wasn't and I'm just like Oh Shandy please tell me that I'm just like miss reading these videos no no it has them so so right you see that you see that Avery spent an extreme amount of time and it [ __ ] it wasn't Pleasant so you're just like this sounds like a great idea I'm gonna I don't know [ __ ] invest a bunch of time I know cuz what it was is I was talking to somebody I'm just like hey wait a minute no man's sky doesn't have loading screens does the whole game is a loading screen you're waiting for the game to start get [ __ ] hello games there's gonna be a war between this podcast and hello games though oh yeah come at me hello scare em away [ __ ] do you think they mate they might just do it one just like just make an update call to the Shamy update or something just to [ __ ] with you Sparky what's our topic Oh what do we what is happening I don't know Sparky do you remember the operation tough love bundle oh yeah okay so so ready made a video about Rainbow six siege and all that stuff in loot boxes and how that loot boxes but like it's just good yeah and thank you [ __ ] right after that it was called the tough operation tough love right after that siege introduces the tough love bundle and it's the cheapest thing on the story was it actually right after because like I don't say I don't keep track of the store so I soon I'm just I saw that it was like oh maybe I just like missed that I don't know it was like I don't think I slept home I was the death raimus there wasn't a Valentine's Day event or something six siege no it was just before then they had a different Valentine Rainbow six siege tough love bundle it was Oh September 16th 2016 yeah I was before yeah if they [ __ ] time-traveled they know [ __ ] you Ray cific [ __ ] you and your YouTube videos Oh Ava I got a question for you what's what's the best season of the year what's the best all right yeah I can accept that one why uh I don't know I've gotten into a lot of arguments recently people keep trying to tell me that winters best middle or watched he saw his whole discord go to [ __ ] over the spoken argument Sam all winter spring summer [ __ ] summer I live in Texas [ __ ] that [ __ ] that season yeah but Ray and I live up north [ __ ] winter yeah the winter spray you go spring is the benefi manatee down here no Ottomans the best autumn is way better than spring why because autumn doesn't give me allergies and it's way prettier [ __ ] no it's just it's it's [ __ ] it's only got one color to it just got like brown and orange it's boring you know God's color palette God's color palette needs to expand it looks [ __ ] trash bro let's get on that I don't know I like those colors I like green and blue and vibrant colors [Laughter] good topic those are those the only two subjects you know I have a ton okay are you the monster horse no I don't want this like this is gonna like reflect poorly it's gonna be a pet for Leah [ __ ] poorly on me I'm the [ __ ] I'm supposed to be the [ __ ] host man I can watch good downward spiral you know this is a dress I wasn't prepared for it spikey I had to bring him up redheads oh okay God what about twitch implementing YouTube not up now uploading videos how about that that's a topic week for me what it's neat it's kind of weird but the wave like the way they're doing do you think they could replace YouTube no no absolutely not if if like if twitch gets its [ __ ] together though right and like they make a system similar to YouTube with subscriptions and all that and like a front page how about that no there's because they're not because the thing about twitches twitch is not trying to replace YouTube because if they were trying to replace YouTube they would have a system in place that is like YouTube's at the at the moment when you do a premiere as far as a after you do a premiere is the video viewable at any time for anyone on your channel or is it that I thought it my impression was that it works like a TV state and the the videos cycle and then people can be in the chat watching the videos together don't know that was what I got out of the thing I only skimmed it though they also only skimmed it because that's that's the whole thing if if they stick to that model if that is the model and they stick to that model it can't literally can't replace you too yeah yeah but like if twitch did try though I think they could no but all the other thing too is is that YouTube has had a 10 year advantage even longer than yeah and in those who build up in those 10 years ifs managed to piss off every single one of the people on their [ __ ] platform but it still keeps getting more case that's Sparky you are assuming that see if what it doesn't matter how the creators are feeling about it it matters where the [ __ ] viewers are and the market share of YouTube is so much larger than that of twitch and twitch is there they've started expanding into things other than gaming but like they the scope of YouTube is so much larger and if you try to explain to like a [ __ ] functional socially functional human being with twitch oh what a [ __ ] and twitches and they know what YouTube is yes what your success my face off of yeah there it's witch's success is based off of not doing what YouTube was because youtube doesn't give a [ __ ] about live streaming at that time when Twitter arted another [ __ ] thing for it twitch we're just trying to carve their own niche there they're not trying to replace you yeah also I don't think they want to replace YouTube because YouTube operates at a loss yeah YouTube does want to replace twitch yes they do YouTube's not taking good job at these replaced which but they refuse to [ __ ] implement the $5 sub option which is just a [ __ ] licence to print money and avoid PR disasters like yeah oh not only that just YouTube refuses to put YouTube right outside of [ __ ] America like I mean wait what you have subs of your YouTube red is also in New Zealand oh is it well cause like my a lot of my British friends tell me that they wish they could get YouTube red that they want to be able to like closes yeah it's not in yeah I know it's in New Zealand I think it might also be isn't the UK like a big market people well I don't I imagine any licenses though yeah I imagine that somebody is prevent I don't yeah that's what I'm saying the difference with between that and like the five dollar subscription model is that the five dollar I don't as far as I'm aware there's nothing directly keeping that from being implemented other than YouTube being run by movies but yeah which sometimes I do question some sub but there's not much like it sometimes YouTube's like you got a laugh at how [ __ ] insane they're just like how it completely missing the mark there but then you realize oh wait this is gonna [ __ ] me over it's not funny anymore yeah I mean YouTube's it would be it's a difficult website to manage I mean I imagine yeah I imagine it'd be a difficult website to manage but like at least I would not do a better job I use and I don't believe that just make I don't have the management skill make the right decision once in a while though I mean you do get free unlimited video uploading I guess but I remember that's the thing that people people YouTube has been around so long that people take the fact that YouTube exists for granted and they fact that you can make money uploading things to YouTube for granted they don't realize how [ __ ] insane that is like to begin way I remember I remember the 15-minute restrictions back in the day 15-minute restrictions megabyte restrictions all that type of [ __ ] yeah no people I still see occasion when you go to videos from like 2009 you'll see like two words even with even no even with time restrictions and file size restrictions it's free video host yeah exactly like that no one was nuts that's insane yeah and they also the idea of even posting a half-hour video for instance that need to be broken up into parts even that was a rarity back then most people would make their own websites for that kind of stuff like red letter media and all that kind of stuff for like the Star Wars analysis awesome and Channel awesome yeah like that's why like those that's the other thing too is those websites at the time before YouTube they were making serious money because no one else was doing at the time like posting because these are corrupters yeah yeah exactly and yeah and like if you if you host your own videos if you suddenly get an influx of viewers it costs you money yeah why only the more people are like I don't is that like I remember like that all creators F Frank who like now unfortunately runs BuzzFeed kind of fell from grace button back in the day like he was like one of the innovators of the of the internet for that where he just posted like dancing gifts and [ __ ] like that and then 300,000 people visit his site in the a he got a fine for thirty thousand know is why is it like that the why does it cost you like more money what do you mean because it's your service provider you're having to save your servers houses it's as a send it up to more people it's larger now okay where's our something similar happened at roosterteeth oh yeah I think oh that's the example I was because the when they made red versus blue they got 10,000 hits in one day on it and then you got the bill and they're like but yeah the fact that YouTube exists at all is insane the fact that YouTube pays people to put things on their platform is even more [ __ ] insane and it's why I try not to [ __ ] and moan about the ad pocalypse too much it's because there by all by all means and by all rights I remember I remember when YouTube bread came out people were bitching but if you TIF everyone and I know this is YouTube doesn't [ __ ] yeah no it's you bread like the way they marketed it made it look like they were trying to phase out free videos it's [ __ ] stupid no it's not even that they don't market the fact that when you get YouTube red you get Google Play Music yeah at the same dear it like why I don't know why don't ya because I have YouTube red if you have YouTube red you have [ __ ] Google Play Music which is like Spotify except with a shitty you are yeah I didn't know that exactly being fixed Google play's UI and then just advertise that I think way more people are interested in YouTube YouTube you think that's I think that's a big point in terms of how much how people how important cuz that's what it's come down here like YouTube bread is a completely fine service but it pissed people off because of how it's but yeah not even because of what it in and then all that negative publicity gave it a really bad stigma no YouTube red light what did they debuted was a trailer no it was like that trailer that got torn the [ __ ] apart the way back in the day but what were they debuted originals also I don't watch the YouTube right I have YouTube red no because aside from the Vsauce well no oh crap yeah I saw part of a Vsauce that's just cause it's Vsauce and they're always great yeah but um if imagine if even like 10 to 20% of YouTube's [ __ ] user base switch to YouTube bread imagine all that [ __ ] money 10% a lot of money bases yeah yeah yeah I know I know but like it imagine if they'd marketed it right in like I don't even 5% had been it had 5% is still not a person would be a would be probably a more accurate even then though like you know they even then yeah it's a lot more money and you know I like you to bread as a comment just talking about YouTube I guess going back to YouTube's refusal to just [ __ ] implement the five-dollar sub like twitch has just site-wide you've not even just for YouTube streamers just site-wide like if you pay $5 you do not get ads on this person's channel they take 50% of the five dollars you pay every month and you get whatever amount of custom emotes that they made that you can use in their comment section and any other comment section on you yep it would be so [ __ ] simple to just do that and then you you can avoid so many [ __ ] problems and it's just a license to print money though at a base back-end stuff what would be a lot to do that yeah that yeah database managing the amount of people like even yeah even like if you have like okay you can only have a hundred thousand subscribers than you do that's still a lot of people and it's still a lot of people yeah for sure it's it's more difficult to implement than I'm making it sound because of the scale that you to operates in but YouTube implements new [ __ ] like that all the time and I don't you rolling ups was a really big boys first well okay so there's a beta program for YouTube right now where you can get a widget underneath your videos that features all of that features like merchandising of yes I got invited to the beta program but I'm not in it because it's exclusive to teespring and teespring is a gun company and usually from teespring cuz it's terrible never mod it figures because they're too expensive too yeah yeah they're too expensive and they're in their merchandise is low quality but but yeah there's the the beta program for that is exclusive to teespring and I really hope it's not exclusive to teespring when it launches site why but I was invited to that and I don't understand why if they're implementing things like that they wouldn't be able to implement action because they because the thing is the $5 sub-option they've they've started like beta testing implementing it they are they started at ages ago like years ago MERS for streamers yeah for streamers on YouTube gaming just wanna be twitch like oh you want $5 well you better stream something it's it's kind of yeah it's kind of similar to like how Microsoft like behave in their market space where they will make an app to specifically compete with someone else instead of filling a void yeah in the market place like twitch this crazy twos really silly you don't even need to fill a void you can directly compete but with a different media because it's video on demand versus livestream like it's you're not directly competing you can literally just take the idea and read and just implement it in a way that makes sense for your platform just [ __ ] of course it'll be like [ __ ] a bunch of dumbasses oh they're rippin off twitch but who cares yeah exactly there'll be a couple people for a few days big [ __ ] [ __ ] idiots [ __ ] what is you've got three gaming channels on right you want to talk about Halo 5 oh [ __ ] off no do you want to talk about halo 5 what's happening with the spark Sparky does because you just always want to talk about how bad it is it's it's a meat it's a man so just halo 5 is literally an emo on his server called halo 5 bad and it's Master Chief's [ __ ] caught [Laughter] this spark he [ __ ] made this is making this large [ __ ] post over [ __ ] Master Chief's bulge in the Halo Forge okay it was a [ __ ] massive bulge and it's not there in the game anymore and I took notice it was pretty big [ __ ] Avery you ever seen this let me find it okay you've seen it yes I have I've been on the Internet in Onslow forums and whatnot you were not the only was there's the bullet I don't think I'm the only one I I just I think you did Sparky it's not even that it's a massive bulge it's that they didn't he didn't have a codpiece wasn't that yeah I just looked [ __ ] maybe maybe it was both why are we talking about Master Chief stick why not okay okay actually I want to talk of this work it's work let me get this straight we're not doing gaming topics because your friend gets mad no that's not doing we're not that's not anything to do it I just halo five visits [ __ ] joke we had earlier today race Shh I just wanted let's let's transition I have another topic how about that video game essay channel boom because all of you guys do it analysis videos in a way I okay I do reviews of I do reviews and Jimmy's has become a now pulling back on that it's very low level analysis and it makes the videos it's it's a funny analysis right we you dig a little bit deeper than game good game bad there you go yeah I mean I just try to articulate my opinions well I don't know like I'll be able to think that I provide any kind of unique insight I've never studied game design or anything yeah well I was just wanted to talk about the [ __ ] light what about that big have you guys noticed the big [ __ ] influx of si channels yes most especially yes I mean like I mean like I've literally never done anything related to game design or whatever the hell I'm just talking out of my ass you you weren't didier looking QA you know what they're I'm not kidding there are other people at my job that never played a video game in their entire lives what yes Oh like that's how you for you yeah like that's how that's how that's how easy it is to get into QA it's a game publisher it's not a game developer I think that's true like a game publisher out there there's several employ would never play to be anyway that's odd actually no no I make sense to me I think of that because it's like you want your game to appeal to people who don't know how to [ __ ] play video games probably I don't know when you're making something like feed but you're not trying to appeal to like star citizen's audience yeah you know yeah just like bring in people being in people who've never played a game be like give them the controller be like hey can you [ __ ] do this and they do it alright we did it it's all good it's more like just because you're just that's how little like a company like EA cares about the QA position at that point because that'd be more like testing like an you bringing an audience with people like you know give you 50 bucks a day to play this for an hour and you give us some feedback hmm well I mean for an employee doing QA I mean for like the QA stuff that I've done in the past it's been beta it's been it's not been there's been other departments that did stuff like the you know run across a soccer field and hit the a button a hundred times to see if it crashes but we weren't doing that we were just we play a game and like a couple times and then if it crashed in these areas just list where that happened so most of you just played the game and you didn't really do anything specific really easy but at least that but that's my that was my QA experience i I understand that that's more for rarity and you're probably only gonna get that with something of biggest scale like any a project hmm because I assumed it'd be my more we're gonna get sued tomorrow I'm not even sure if I'm supposed to be talking about this because I feel like a lot of this you well I mean I'm not giving any names or specific it's that's who I'll FIFA game at this point I doubt you can anyone's gonna care it funny I'm not giving any names or specifics yeah FIFA game funny enough my name is actually in the credits of FIFA 17 Wow if you if you bother to boot up FIFA 17 you will see my name of the credits there you know everyone go [ __ ] take pictures in your cell phone and what's funny is that when I played games like like titanfall 2 when it got to like I was actually looking in the credits for names that I recognized from EA there and I even spotted quite a few there's still there and I think we've all done some mommy spark yes no I think we've all done some game test stuff here for people this point I mean actually one time I okay you know what I'm gonna call your bluff I [ __ ] I have a friend who's working on an indie game called spark or actually named after me by accident he said he he [ __ ] uh he was we're all game devs yeah yeah I'm basically Ken Levine he was trying to name the game and he was looking through his steam friends list and he saw my name on the list and he's like spark or I got it that's literally that's literally how it was made I basically know as much as bunch I'm kind of on the team I'm kinda like a member that's actually like something kind of funny about doing youtube is that I will get comments from people saying like oh you think you know everything you're just some arrogant prick who thinks he knows everything no like I really done that's why I put dowels make stupid jokes I'm trying to make it very clear that I don't take my opinion seriously I don't think anyone else should but it's got it's got 100 mm to be there for you you're arrogant out that's the other thing too is you will make a video in it like a couple years later off Mandy you can make a video gets views later and then they'll be like clickbait yeah just in this way that's within us I love hope you give your video a title or thumbnail its clickbait a [ __ ] period and a black screen as the thumbnail no because that would be seen as crying out for attention because you're like oh look at me I'm so much subversive it's a lot of views then your game yeah exactly Mandy it's just fear review oh yeah yeah yeah there was this guy I don't respond to council locks just there's so many at this point it's like I can't actually we can't do it but it was a few months ago there's a guy and he said it's like wow this is a really good video I usually didn't watch yours cuz they look like clickbait to me from the thumbnails well I just looked at it and it's like fear of you with a screenshot from oh you know you know I'll put up US output on the screen one of Mandalore's thumbnails here's his Dead Space 3 review look at how [ __ ] click baby this [ __ ] is god I mean for the fear video I mean man what you're basically BuzzFeed at this point please it's the the full uncensored review is really funny but the one that got published is really not that interesting ah so wait what's a shame so why did BuzzFeed interview you cuz I made that tweet that got a lot of attention and that's literally it that's the job hiring process at BuzzFeed it let me get it I don't have a debate what do they even know if I know the tweet I know that sweet and it's like the one where the [ __ ] dinosaurs get flung off the Flat Earth and it's [ __ ] it's brilliant yeah yeah I [ __ ] love that we talked about that tweet on the last time you were here yeah sure we did yeah no I remember because I was just scrolling up to get that downward thrust image and besides why so so they thought this was like enough to like this guy we got to get this guy yeah that's what this is well because what happened was um the Flat Earth Society responded to it and I guess people are spa-like actually we think it's pretty funny you know but it's not true and then the rapper um what's his name the guy who did shooting stars airplanes [ __ ] hmm I don't know that they're playing tonight Scott hippity-hop okay flat earther and then he started like subtweeting me about it and it got to the point where that's incredible I wish I can remember his name I'm gonna look it up guy the dumbest [ __ ] life of anyone else b.o.b oh yeah I forgot B as a flat earther yeah he started um where is it wait B will be with sub yeah Bob how the [ __ ] is this the first time I'm hearing about Bob odd kind of rapper name is Bo B it stands for something I don't know is what stands for it's Bob what the [ __ ] yes that's what it stands for it's just an Y with you I think it's a little bit rich someone complaining about names named Sparky one J okay listen I can explain the one J alright so the one who on Sparky was my first dog said the Sparky one and then the J's cuz my name's Jared he's done it and he actually did explain it you can't say he didn't was there a second Sparky I don't [ __ ] my grandmother came up with the name okay it wasn't even me no no regret that's my that's what I'm trying to get it's because she's the case the first dog not one first was there a Sparky too though no then why did you Burgie one I don't know who's my grandma you but you just said listen okay so it was named dog's name wasn't Sparky mine it was just my grandmother my mom wouldn't let me make it my mom would let me make a youtube account so they helped me up set one up and secret if you can't change it you're locked with it first cuz that's just like that's who I am now imagine imagine you start calling me like [ __ ] more like dark energy five five six or whatever the [ __ ] I don't know my original xbox live name was hard slasher 77 why does that not surprise me okay in all fairness it's not like there's multiple pictures of you we all dig a [ __ ] swords Terry get the kid that was four I found it can't seem to talking about the hash tag is funny is flatter flatter Avery I don't think I don't think Avery seen these pictures of me here you go I like these pictures a lot I decided I made one my [ __ ] tinder picture cuz I just gave up on dinner I'm just seeing like it's experiment at this point I also changed the bio of the tinder to live by the blade die by the blade you're gonna be like don't watch like somewhere like someone is gonna call the FBI just based on your tinder profile yeah I hope so you got me why you zone for the government saw that you could go in some kind of list angry Joe's find they got the dirt on me this company's gonna come back okay how about okay I got another [ __ ] thing now how about this our podcasts over done because like every both you and I have I guess we are proof of this yeah yeah yes podcaster absolutely overdone Mandalore you're not I found a podcast they are you I don't run one now would probably say yeah chance watch she's got average and I'm sure that's why people like it really would on their main one but I don't know it's like I've been on so many now that's like five into mine it's I'd probably yeah I'd do too much for a podcast honestly podcast if you didn't you I talk about starting a podcast at one point but every year you have one I have one no I would I would just show up I wouldn't run ah I wouldn't be part of running is my thing was like oh I can get like that condition I know some game developers so I've talked to who I could get on and just talk about that kind of [ __ ] with them don't be like oh I need to find footage to have on it like I did I wouldn't want it to be static because it's a video even though it's a podcast most people will just listen to it yeah yes that's like I don't know how I'd go about it who do I bring on you could bring a [ __ ] race of akan he's a he's a game designer race of it no he's a [ __ ] he'll come on to anything you want we have a race to victory like had that said it from be a yeah my name in FIFA's he's in the crater yeah he helped me I think one of my favorite things is people saying they want to be a game design no no no you don't that board does 23 damage we're gonna need you to look at that over fix 38 hours because it might need to be 35 ok game well it's not even that if you're a game designer you have to be like [ __ ] world class you have to be good at everything yeah like people are just like I have a great idea for a video game I would be a great game designer no you [ __ ] wouldn't yeah designer has to be able to communicate well with every part and with like every team in the entire studio that's why it's know how to do literally everything but if I typically try not to be too hard on people like the Wreckers because yeah like they actually they're making they're making they're making they're making a significant decision like every day and it varies from as big as this story decision to this icon and the [ __ ] heads up display yeah no that's that's why I chose film or video game design because that's just it's a lot easier I think I'm not sure about that uh in terms of in terms of the pace yeah it depends I would argue that a film well probably easier yeah yeah well here's because the difference being that as technology develops filmmaking becomes easier while as technology develops making games becomes [ __ ] oh okay yeah that's a good not to brag or anything but I spoke to John Carpenter recently and I asked because he's done a lot of things he's done like a lot of mediums I asked have you ever considered game development and he just said like those people are a bunch of [ __ ] wizards I wouldn't even know where to start with that [ __ ] ya know game development is actually [ __ ] witchcraft if you oh yeah if you like actually read into like what goes in making a game and all the parts going together yeah it's actually [ __ ] also is why I'm I generally try not to [ __ ] talk or badmouth developers yeah there's also a thing for I think fear 3 he wrote it yeah really so I'm pretty certain he's also consult for other yeah so he knows he knows how he described it was just like you know an old man walks into a room full of people on computers and he's just like I don't understand this at all no it's it that's I feel like people probably what they don't understand the most about game development is just that process because it's in so many other media when do you like if you finish a song or scene is it on yeah you're on to the next thing in game development is not even remotely cool no and like the thing is with a film when everyone will watch that the exact same way so this will always happen at this exact second it has way more control and like you don't even need the environment around this scene to exist just need that shot right but like in a game oh I need to build this whole [ __ ] room and I need to put it's not even the fact that you have to build the entire room and it has to be from every angle and look good you need to optimize it you need to make sure it cannot you can interact with yes like you say optimize but that's the big thing people don't realize the fact that it's actually insane that a consumer-grade card can render modern graphics in a real-time oh yeah like how actually [ __ ] yeah yeah you you look at like old movies like from even 10 or 20 years ago and it's just like why do the tomorrow's battlefront to look better than this movie it's [ __ ] crazy yeah shit's wild hmm but that's the fact she'd never mind forgotten also you're doing it for people who hate you because they are the worst consumers yep that too the amount of hours you get out / dollars pretty insane you miss it oh yeah wait for all the for all the work like that's I think probably the most frustrating thing about how game development is treated is that those people I think you have to have some passion of going into game development even if you're doing stuff like EA FIFA or whatever the hell else because like you say the amount of hours that you're putting in for the money that you're getting is the lowest compared to any other form of computer science or any of any kind of look at those [ __ ] people yeah look at those [ __ ] who make like CGI for movies look at their and look how much [ __ ] money they are making they are rolling it in that's why they'll take like comp science and gaming films film the effects is significantly higher absolute so that it is it is different but yeah yeah hard time comparing those directly is it's shaky I think I do think bringing that up does kind of get to a point if I as I get older I get more and more frustrated with the pursuit of Superman yeah it's just like I'm looking at my I'm looking at my list on Steam of my wish list I see my top games right now or my friend Pedro the last night in totally accurate battle simulator all of which aren't released but all of which have like I guess subpar graph I don't want to call them that because they look fantastic each in their own right but it's not because of like they're artistically great yeah yeah yeah the last night looks gorgeous but it's a [ __ ] pixel game totally accurate battle simulator yeah it's like it's a mixture and totally accurate battle simulator has is all of the [ __ ] like the style they're going for is low-poly crap and it still looks really nice alright yeah it's landfall yeah yeah and it's all it's this low poly stuff but they still make it look really good just through like colored and all that nice stuff yeah yeah and it's just like why does this look you know so why is this acceptable if you think the only thing I want is [ __ ] super graphics they don't it's also you need to understand that you are not a typical consumer ah oh that's something that people like when you bring up the point where games need post action monetization like micro transactions of some form for them to continue to exist in the state that they do at least in the triple-a side of things hmm people just say oh just spend less on games make the graphics yes and I'm like you don't get a return on the movement because other people are going to continue pushing graphics forward okay but if your game is not as pretty if you see if people common consumer sees two trailers one of the games looks mm-hmm has one of the games has let's say 16 times the fidelity of another they're going to pick the prettier game I think there's two sides to that I think there's on the one hand if you're like comparing let's say you're going to buy a Call of Duty game or whatever the hell then yeah yeah that's going to be something that's brought up but I think another way that the consumers also get in there is that I think it's something they care about when they're making decision but I don't think something like when let's say battlegrounds or counter-strike or whatever is like a top played game on Steam that gets in there because of probably once per season social side that's the thing it's on Steam what's also on the it's also in that we don't know that but when you're getting when you're getting a million concurrent players those are not all powered for sure for sure for sure I know oh yeah but those you're you're treating an exception is the rule like an exception but performing game that is ugly is not well it's not showing it's not but it's not just battlegrounds though like Counter Strike global Offensive isn't it's obviously not casual but like it's got a significant amount of people playing it constantly yeah and so and there's a lot of casual people GT gta5 for frame I'm not gonna say warframe looks ugly but like five or five was not insane yeah GTA 5 it's like come on you actually no no I mean it looks old like but the fact that people are still playing it is old yeah yeah I know I know I'm not unless I'm saying like it has high graphics for the time but like the fact that people are still playing it people are still playing because it's a GTA game that's not a good okay [ __ ] rust [ __ ] it rust is Russia's in the top ten right now it's also first oh really [ __ ] Gary took a long time yeah that's probably why I got the players spike cuz I don't remember it having 50,000 it was before yeah it didn't have nearly that many before Gary Nguyen so he's sweet to your addition you're talking about games made by small you're not talking largely you're not talking about games that exist in the triple-a space if a game doesn't exist in the triple-a space it can get away with lower fidelity graphics I agree but when it comes to it oh yes major triple-a release if it doesn't look the [ __ ] part it's not going to sell the proxy money in the game point with boxes a point that the point that I will argue aside that I will make though is that I do think that that's something the industry put on itself because that was when they I'd say probably isn't necessarily no because like I think what it was like that's with the 360 and ps3 that's when you really saw developers especially after the market crash and oh wait that's when you saw publishers really putting emphasis on graphics along the time even though they were running on platforms that were not designed for that that's the more than that yeah always like I think that generate but that generation in particular because that's when you started to see a lot of genres but a lot of their lack of investment but I agree that John that that generation you know like um and I just I liked our pace ex invisible war on the Xbox was like a direct sequel Deus Ex and they push the graphics hard yeah everything else suffered for it like the global design got smaller the world's got smaller you could have less or was less you could do with it because they were pushing the visuals so hard it's like everyone pushed on everyone needs no graphics easily you put a screenshot imagine you have a video like it is yeah you know what [ __ ] game looks great this is off topic but remained alert I finished Mandalore I finally finished dark wood and oh my [ __ ] god is that game amazing I want to play it again it's so [ __ ] good dude I know we talked about it before but I hadn't beaten it then you can't do multiple playthroughs I can I'm okay dude mandala so you remembered you remember niek she's the artist for the show yeah she on her first playthrough she put in 72 hours I put in 18 we were playing on the same difficulty level she just did way more exploring and found way more stuff and she she's doing a second playthrough mm-hmm there's so much in that [ __ ] game - it's actually our ridges Sparky oh you're gonna explain your friend here in the podcast chat what's this oh that's leopard Leopard okay so so there's a he's our special boy here I feel bad for Mandalore Jesus I always look angry or panicked or tired there's just an idea the very concept someone sneezed and tried to shape it into now it's good I love I love his art stuff oh you know leper he follow my Twitter I think yeah he's great [ __ ] yeah one my favorite quote from him we have a whole dumb moments chat dedicated to him he's my favorite chord is how can I be a furry if I have a dog [Laughter] oh yeah another one is how do you even be a point-and-click wait yeah who is they who is the owner in that situation well goofy owns Pluto and they're both dogs so what's the implication it's a question for matpat I don't know how it works it's we're calling you a bro you'd be the next guest on the show you can explain to me why the [ __ ] subservient race of dogs in this society or whatever more scootaloo bottom eyes it's just it's great though okay how about this so back in the day I think it was so like nowadays you grow your channel based off of personality mostly I think right like all three of you okay well no crop can I think even he has personality he has a he has agenda in his videos yeah you can really like tell his personality through that but um I don't know I feel it's way harder is it even really possible to grow your channel without like putting your personality in it that much it's a hard question I don't really we're all human beings I think I mean I think like my personality is pretty minimal and my content like I don't think it's really all especially compared to other gaming channels I guess [ __ ] videos news like I got [ __ ] I'd actually get comments from people like before if saying like wow ray doesn't have like any personality compared to like bunny hop or whatever yeah it's hard to even say like even a lack of a personality in a videos a personality as stupid as that sounds our objective okay I mean like you can put a lot of maybe I'm maybe I rephrased it wrong but like someone who makes specifically like sitting I don't want to say cinematic but like cinematic content like say say you want to make you grow a YouTube channel based solely around short video like like corridor digital like but nowadays I don't I don't know if corridor digital could get by if they hadn't already been grown up before if you get me it really depends like that the other thing that the thing that stuff about YouTube is there's a lot of luck yeah but into you're just like the only reason that I'm even here right now is because my halo 3 video got onto the halo subreddit that got around and then the Halo Reach video happened to come out just around that time and they're also just happened to be a new patch for reach and then people are excited about the game and then saw my video got pissed off because I kind of trash that game I kind that's probably my worst video in that series and then that helped spark the whole thing as well it's like it was a lot of wires crossing in the right places and different circumstances and I know every because the [ __ ] recommendations box wouldn't get him the [ __ ] out so I just clicked it so would go away even even after I watched it it wouldn't leave it's like I get I get comment that probably it's happened on the Xbox videos it's not my conspiracy to these doors to that is you brought it up here like it sounds like you know I what I did why you admit that it wasn't mine me agreeing to it doesn't make it my conspiracy theories that together because you were like you know why is like hey just what theory is not our [ __ ] child be like many of yours I said my videos keep on [ __ ] getting shoved into everyone's recommended and you said I think someone at YouTube is trying to push your channel and I was like yeah maybe that doesn't make it my [ __ ] theory in there the [ __ ] worst part about it it's it's not even your whole channel it's always either an actual review of no man's sky or an actual review of no man's sky it's it's those two it's like my favorite video of yours is probably like it's either the infinite war one or the warfare one of the Ruby one you I like the ruby one I just I'm actually I'm actually curious Sparky what are your favorite videos from all of us and we can judge you because that chamois is apparently not impressed any video he names virus is more than a year old we're all gonna say we hate it uh okay I don't want it okay I'll go out let me go to Mandalore's channel right now I think I can guess what Sparky's it's not gonna be the dark wood one it's not it's not because listen right all right just because I like the game doesn't mean I think it's his best video I like I'd like the video it's a good video no not with mana bar with mine Oh with yours yeah well it's not no it's not gonna be the one that I [ __ ] helps make oh oh yeah okay I'll exclude that one from the list cuz I have a little bit of a bias just add yeah he's just a little Sparky you have just a little bit sometimes my favorite thing to watch some sometimes I watch Ray's video just like to fuel my hatred for Halo 5 I get my videos mine is like it's like the most like like cause right yeah no that's that's my favorite part is because it's the most objective and I can be like yes [ __ ] freaking out and say hey 343 room if I see if I see some [ __ ] [ __ ] or blow the video below 503 smells big boob and like that that's stupid I can't I can't like I can't get mad over this matter but that's my opinion no that's Yoda [ __ ] off all okay maybe the Dark Messiah one from Mandalore I like that one a lot but I also like the story I like the star Forge one because I was one of those [ __ ] people that got ripped off and I'm glad you mentioned that bit a lot of people like my star Forge video a lot I really like the I like the eye video ah forge video and the [ __ ] was the other one I like I only like a couple of your videos I don't know I really like di one I think that's the one every watch the most II yeah I think that's like me because I just [ __ ] weird that that's it's interesting I think that what I laugh to the most that was the Dark Messiah one cuz that game the game itself is just [ __ ] funny and seeing your footage it's just people making graphs of the Dark Messiah footage I use like what's it i GN or so on they're like putting out gifts of it like Oh Dark Messiah yeah I saw that and they were using like we're just looking people in the stairs like oh that's cool okay so aside from The Orange Box video for Ray and the the halo 5 video definitely spec ops the line I really liked that 100 and I [ __ ] helped as well I helped with that one too [ __ ] yo I said yeah yeah go on to try again Sparky I like that video a lot just I don't even care that I was in it for like my [ __ ] name showed up in the top right when you shot me yeah cuz handy it was the one that was screaming every time I kill them yeah I really liked your SpecOps video it's just both the game is really interesting and like hearing all the research you did was really fascinating too that one was research wise really tough because all there were were articles that were telling different stories yeah and it was like you're kind of having to sort a piece I was just trying to figure out sort of like the most consistent narrative and I got word afterwards they give us some stuff that was wrong but even then I was still generally pleased with it again I'm still so [ __ ] confused as to why that spec ops the line video got is one of your most viewed when spec ops is such a like niche game what saves that game gets talked a lot about though I wouldn't don't know it's it's definitely niche in terms of like compared to like [ __ ] Call of Duty it didn't yeah but it's definitely a I think it's more of like a cult fault okay it's kind of like so like it's like it's like same that people here it's again that people who watch videos about video games are into yes and and like I think stalker that's just a case of that games a cult and I think that's why that game that video I did on it that one is like one of my viewed as well I know it's really surprised it like more people watch a video about stalker than Halo 5 which I did not see yeah I felt that soccer video is like that's a few years old like Ukrainian game oh well that's that's that's one of the great things about like having a personality based channel is no one cares about the game you're reviewing necessarily it's like they come for you okay the game that's like like the read like the reason I you yeah like the reason I do like my I tried to structure my content in that way like that's why the thumbnails are just so simplistic yeah because I don't want people to click on and say like oh that's my favorite game or oh it's this like I'm not really all that interested I kind of want them to say like oh hey it's a race of IDEO yeah sure let's go and see whatever Bulls well I know they don't know if it's a race to the video because everyone likes the years later title now oh yeah that's true well that's everywhere now that's David deemed me on discord I think like three days ago saying the new thing on YouTube is years later race if ik ruined YouTube which is the most hilarious thing about that was I did when I was making the halo video it was literally just a case of I don't know what the [ __ ] call this yeah surely years let's just roll with that and it's okay because why the [ __ ] the review they're gonna watch it and as long as like if I like I'm hoping that as long as the quality that I do that I hope is in there keeps up that I can just stick with that that I won't need a change I miss the old ways I remember seeing someone would tell if someone was like oh my god like I'm an i I like these videos race if Acree lee decreased the length of his videos after after mass effect and I'm just like okay I guess he missed spec ops and Max Payne and Max Payne 2 and The Orange Box now and also like two other videos that are like equal the length of a years later it's okay though because length does not equal quality in the YouTube videos no totally that's why all my videos are gold none of them are ten minutes long every single every single Sparky games video is 100% quality condensed into like two minutes so they're all fantastic this every second is a tenner yeah exactly remember that part was screaming about Master Chief's [ __ ] for like two minutes the biggest problem with Rainbow six siege where I yell about thermite's [ __ ] hands for two minutes yeah this is a commercial for a review for Dark Souls I won't be the review itself it'll be for the eight DVD boxset half of it just consists of all the youtubers that did analysis videos on my knees in the review of Dark Souls why of all the things to get like start being a trend on YouTube why the [ __ ] is it video analysis essays it seems like here's the thing though you say it's like a trend and it kind of is but compared to other things on YouTube it's so much smaller well yeah but like they still bring in a couple hundred thousand views of video like a link let me look it down if you're lucky you're forgetting a lot of other channels that do what we do but are not are not not that fortunate because video again I mean yeah video games are an immature art form so they're fairly easy to analyze comparatively hmm I guess they do video essays for everything they do yeah that's another thing video essays exist for [ __ ] everything it's cuz I think it's like a part of it is just like people like to feel smart and they can feel smart when they're watching that kind of stuff I doubt it doesn't offend how like they're geared also I mean it's interesting to hear people talk about things that you have an interesting don't love an interest in video games video essays generally are fairly well produced so oh you dirty slob you watched the markiplier well it's like how whenever I talk about quality in my videos I the reason I typically bring up the older games and I try to explain what was about them is because I don't agree with a lot of people's notion that oh the series was just always [ __ ] people are just tired of it now like I I try to show like no they had good designs they had really good pay like just show all the reasons for why people like them before yeah I this is blasphemy and I know I'm gonna get [ __ ] cut off for this but um I've never liked a Call of Duty game but I can appreciate the time I can appreciate the older ones I just I don't know I just I've never liked one I played I played the old ones modern warfare I thought it was like alright but I wouldn't say I liked it like I played through it at my dad's house I played through it at my dad's house because like it was either that or what [ __ ] watch football with it I'm not a [ __ ] I'm not a loser and I think that's probably because in the case I called it they called it he campaigns they're very structured on your like immersion in the in the games world in like the gunfire and the enemies shooting and stuff like that but if you look at the games mechanically they're very very simple it's kind of like half-life where I call didi game basically consists of run jump shoot you yeah and like that I I didn't even like half-life to you that much I just I literally bought it because I bought it so I could play Garry's Mod back because back then you didn't tell me I'm not allowed to have opinions on videos I played it you didn't I yeah you didn't like it what is that even [ __ ] matter I didn't hate it I didn't hate it I just used it so I could get assets oh no no one no one's ever played this old video games I don't think is very know it you were not no one no one's even [ __ ] heard of unreal [ __ ] what yeah no one's heard of unreal the game that unreal [ __ ] engine is named [ __ ] I remember that [ __ ] game now people aren't aware of this game therefore doesn't [ __ ] does your ignorance if something doesn't make it irrelevant I don't know it doesn't see no one [ __ ] cares about Citizen Kane [ __ ] mesh like I've been watching [ __ ] it [ __ ] it it's influential I can spec up sold 200,000 copies why should i why should I even bother making a video on it's not even a single party tell me how many of those people know who would cure kurosawa irrelevant doesn't matter okay spec ops the line has a lot of sand I actually had a back-and-forth with somebody on Twitter recently kind of talking about that a sand is they when they stood no know what [ __ ] off what they Stark is what they started with is me they're having argument I'd have it's like they were starting with about how there aren't you know any good Triple A games recently and then I just said stuff like doom Dark Souls 3 like just etc those kind of things sign fall to etc and then what he meant and then what he went down was oh like there's no big games and I'm just going like Dark Souls 3 and it's also just like the thing like the thing I was thinking about is like okay so like even even acknowledging because like what I think he means is like oh we haven't had like a halo revolution where halo changed an entire genre of games and I think I have to remember is because that's because shooters aren't like if you take halos an example shooter on consoles basically didn't exist properly until now until that game mm-hmm I would argue that demons souls is one of the most influential games of all time and unless you have something to go on there I think it's one of I'm not saying it's the I think it's easily one of the most influential games of the last decade mmm-hmm not even just talking yeah like yeah of all time might be a stretch but Demon Souls is easily I think one of the most influential souls of souls but games of the last decade like not even games that really really are influenced by Dark Souls combats it's like little thing just the amount of games in general that draw from that it's like watchdogs I should probably yeah she probably [ __ ] play at them probably well he played the indie hit humans so Sparky did you finish did you finish fear [ __ ] I've been really busy although III do like it I'm still [ __ ] lost no listen just telling me I'm not allowed to listen I I'm okay I have a I have a confession I'm a [ __ ] film student attending film school and I haven't seen the Godfather there this is irrelevant yeah no no no I'm just saying [ __ ] hypocrite I'm not hair that you haven't seen the Godfather I still think you probably have valid opinions about movies you don't need to have seen every movie to have valued valid opinions about them but [ __ ] off no this is a lot of opinions on video games what's unreal listen I've heard of one I play I think as well I think unreal is probably a case of it's a game that I bet like not many people have actually played like sort of sort of like how a lot of people have not actually played System Shock 2 true hipster unreal is unreal world the finished 2d survival [ __ ] [ __ ] the true hipster them is the portal and [ __ ] flash game ok it is a big hit in Finland do you think I'm kidding laugh and land in FEMA ray you know why do you know it to that specific degree she knows already what else are gone but yeah check it out this is the true unreal the [ __ ] is this looks like fallout 1 this is still being developed it's going to vote why it's [ __ ] what dude I love this character outline that's a looks like this wait a minute right Mandalore when are we getting the preview of this game from you it's free right now people can download it for free on real world on Street oh wait no nevermind it's on Steam now that's free is it yeah oh my god that's cool why are the fear physics so [ __ ] buggy I mean I'm not complaining I've I never had that spore no like what you're talking about I never ran into that I've had it happen to me like 10 20 times it's [ __ ] crazy you suck now so no issues with the physics wait okay I'm guessing mandala you also had a lot no no when I do like an older yo absolutely I'll look at problems that they have like if I'm running into sono sake okay why is this and a big thing wait a tech mice will cause issues with the framerate in physics because people would know they think I was a wizard like yeah the frame it's really bad do you use a Logitech mouse there's no problem I have with the framerate just the physics so I have an idea I have two Logitech mice now what would happen why an almond comes out of your computer it's fine it's such a weird like specific thing I just thought all mice were like basically the same thing just like there's a lot of issues with older games like that like I remember that I couldn't play deus ex invisible war for years on my computer because it would just refuse to load on any mini-map but then I figured out that it was my speakers though it apparently hated real-time audio so much that you needed to put it through you my Astro mixer and then the game ran flawlessly what it was speak and then I remember to with oblivion I couldn't play that for [ __ ] years either because it would just like have an unplayable framerate but then if you just like alter if you put in a sound like a line of code to fix the sound or whatever and haven't go through your headphones then it was fine it would be in years later I have been playing Oblivion recently I still remember I remember having my mind blown because I was that was like the when I got a 360 that was the game I had with it and I never played an RPG before and I remember like having my mind blown when you leave the sewer at the beginning it said like oh how large the map is and now when you play today and it feels like you know and Gears of War were damn app hasn't loaded about Toronto so that's like oblivion if you use the Elder Scrolls for law generator you can fix that problem yeah seriously yeah we're how do you know all this though well like just I don't know if I don't know man oh Lord because the stuff that I know it's like stuff that I directly experienced yeah basically I'm not talking about what you know right I know I know that's what I'm saying it's like it's like yes like oh like prom with Logitech mice you use a Logitech mouse no but I just know that that's a big G on it G 400s who makes this oh it is Logitech this is like a newer one though I wasn't using this one maybe yeah okay some Logitech mice are fine for it it's just I think it's might be older I reminds a G 300s okay I don't live in mine so okay well it's not even I don't even know if II I'm not [ __ ] I'm telling you this improves the game tenfold I [ __ ] love playing with the broken physics it's [ __ ] hilarious some I will just like get shot and his legs will fly across the room it's brilliant and does that there's that clip I that you guys know about on Twitter [ __ ] I shoot him in the head and he flies across the room and explodes I think that just the communication by the soldiers makes that even oh yeah I feel like that's something specific with fear where so much of the fun of that game is just from how well done the communications are you know like when they're swearing and they're cursing it feels so real in that much the audio carried it so hard to the point people still think the AI is smarter than yes cuz they had you know the way like the object system worked so it's like oh yeah if you're behind the chair do the same thing you always do but say get behind the chair wow the fury is smarter than my dog no [ __ ] TEDx videos can one of us do a TED talk at some point your channels [ __ ] TED talk shop oh [ __ ] it's not even that [ __ ] why the okay TED talk is for like Tai Lopez's of the world not me so hey guys I'm gonna teach you how to become a success in three easy steps [ __ ] step number one three easy steps this is an hour-long conversation conference to explain them type like him those kids have all their money like the go-kart man taught me dude that was a Lamborghini he had not a [ __ ] coke oh no I knew a man who ran a go-cart track called Steve Henry you always said his way you'd have a cigar decide you scammed them kids out of all their money he told me a lot about life Steve Henry did he tell it did you see the one who taught you about the [ __ ] Logitech mouse you remember the old guys [ __ ] man kill you have old Steve know his name every can you best point said docks I'm getting yourself you know how many Steve Henry's are down here I also live in the salad I've never met Henry in my life I live further south than you yeah but you're not in the south you know you didn't fight for those what do you what what wait no what exile right you think the knight an armor is just an avatar no not that's history ray did you think the Civil War took place come on when Abraham Lincoln not saying that's what man is a civil war that's how unique he was Abraham Lincoln was renowned Horseman John I'm further south than you Mandi I live in [ __ ] Texas and not that's the sound you look good like a big city right chamois yeah I still live in [ __ ] Texas that sounds not the real ones not Austin I don't live in Austin what are you talking about how is that the one piece of information they're basically the same thing Texas cities like hearing shadowy angry and balancing Dallas that's the one I think it's been houses look happen that was awesome Antonio Antonio there are four cities in this state that's twice the size of Poland you just say this is that way is this okay this is Plano not piano okay Texas cities there's nothing for you just there's nothing for any sorry to anyone out there who might be living in Plano I'm sorry too compasso or any other porter town stay safe Mandalore means he grew up in the real south like like the one with the dirt roads and the big trucks and the yeehaw and the cowboy and that [ __ ] yeah Texas has none of my know not sound like my [ __ ] went to Colorado with my friends and literal cowboy rocked into the [ __ ] burger joint we were eating at and Wow staring at him but me because it didn't even [ __ ] register I just walked in because I'm used to it there was a one time when I went to us this is my only experience of Texas they banned uber for some [ __ ] reason but they let they kept two lifts and so when I called my lyft driver he was the most southern stereotype I've ever heard I think he said something along the lines of I'll be there in two licks of a pickle or some [ __ ] damn it I wanna know or tell you right as a channel we talk about Bigfoot I can explain to you at some point why they banned it [ __ ] I want to know now tell me where you want to know now well it's just because they refused to adhere to the new safety regulations and they do screenings and background checks for their drivers lubbers uber basically through a uber is a terrible company but uber basically through a bitch-fit like the baby of a company they are and pulled out of Austin they didn't get banned Austin just tried to pass regulations so that people wouldn't [ __ ] die because someone got murdered in an uber so oh I see uber was like yeah but that would cost some money so [ __ ] that that would cost some money oh my god I'm pretty certain up here they they won't allow uber in Manitoba for tax reasons and like that's it I have to pee I'll be right back yeah very good thing at a PUD I'm a professional right our host is God you have to be right you're the host now take over now it [ __ ] you no one is host now cuz we were in 25 minutes there was a brief window there's a brief window we talked about Jax's four thumbnails YouTube we tried to [ __ ] about you two but not really because we're not really people to actually [ __ ] about how that's work he's not here when do we set up the real podcast about video games you won't even hear this imposed listen to it in post it doesn't do any audio treating we can discuss it right now and you'll never know yes I don't know like what's up what's a [ __ ] get like Sparky chamois yet always removal on my own audio because I knew you wouldn't the [ __ ] you talkin [ __ ] Wampanoag could you show me that kind of birth the idea together I really hope some of your fans watch this and they make like weird [ __ ] fan or something you want to tell a little behind Sparky Sparky even I got [ __ ] what like I'm pretty sure I heard it about it from like well I think it might have been like shammies madhuri or i might have even heard from sham IAM so i don't know okay so wait please tell me about this i need to know we have a secret viewers that you can't know only for us were key that was a [ __ ] quick piss holy [ __ ] the bathrooms right there the back that's your [ __ ] shotgun no I'm gonna I'm gonna take this mouse box I'm gonna throw it into my bathroom I care about a closer bathroom is the actual act of [ __ ] you sounded like you needed to go his my hip my Lance our like you [ __ ] off the showerhead and puts his mic there you broadcast from there I hit my lamp I hit my lamp with the box [ __ ] is this a problem no no it's a product it's a later problem it's not an a problem it's whatever I got it's an old lamp I don't [ __ ] need anything this video Oh what is a video game jam e what have you been playing Greece recently I've been playing a few things I finally sat down and finished cuphead I started hallo night I've been playing some stuff for videos nothing interesting what about yep it's just a boring game in cuphead and nothing to say there yeah but I think as a game it's fine yeah yeah like I mean crazy like oh that's a cool art style but I played it once you know I don't have a compulsion ever go back yeah I finished I got to the second world and that's about it uh I finished it and I'm glad I finished it but I don't think it's it's probably not gonna be one of my favorite games of 2017 mm-hmm oh yeah you're you making a list aren't you shyam yeah it's not the next video it's the one okay so [ __ ] why the hell is that where do these stupid challenges keep coming from right you know the okay what about the tide Paulo challenge moving off the subjects chat okay I'm not good enough for what the [ __ ] there there's a whole chat oh wait there's a subject that's what I was watching children's movies in theaters wait what is that one of the things movie somewhere piss you off er always the second most recent thing that you pause it post that that was my idiot friend Jack he [ __ ] are you at he told you actually my brother did it no okay there's a guy in here look Jack the PR guy on the side he just said here have these [ __ ] questions for the podcast I don't [ __ ] mark even was the first ever Sparky you put the first ever emote on my server as a [ __ ] top [ __ ] movie sound effects that piss you off or always make you laugh the Wilhelm scream pisses me off really at least that the song the silent spit the silenced pistol that's like from [ __ ] bill deny that's in everything yeah I hear it in movies to this [ __ ] day and it drives me nuts I don't like the code I think I recognize some sound effects from halo I think I noticed whenever it's the specific halo shock and sound effects because it's a stock shock in effect is it [ __ ] really ya know like halo one use a lot of stock effects I thought I thought they didn't prove it by him cuz it was made by 20 people and they were broke my [ __ ] heart just synched and you don't know I don't think that's what makes me laugh when I keep it look like oh man I miss the shotgun sound it's so iconic I'm like it's from the [ __ ] stock library they just took it for the stock library in like [ __ ] slightly tweaked it imposed and that's it so Mandalore what games have you been playing recently no games I've been playing that was like a hard cut on the podcast in real time it sounds like my brain shut off for a really inappropriate and you cut it out like of my life that was felt like I got abducted by grey aliens halfway through no [ __ ] games but playing my food so I've been playing the closed beta for a bunch of code it's like Warhammer 40,000 survive no I think I figure about the sih sweet it's called Gladius okay it's like a civilization flash endless legend 40k game I was eyeing a little more fire warrior for video garbage as playing some total war games what else I've been playing and I'm gonna try survive sometime tonight cuz I just got this are you - yeah I'm really I'm not expecting a lot it looks like it looks like a okay game it's well it looks like it but the ppl time you download it my friends are like it's so bad we have to play it really yeah because it from all the footage I've seen it looks like if Metal Gear wasn't attached to this people would be like okay it exists yeah yeah and I don't have like I don't know about the coding thing a lot well I guess that's no way to put it it's more like people don't know what happened with him and Konami like Konami's a terrible company but who knows cuz there's this thing well that also that a lot of people tend to ignore that Kojima was like VP of Konami for years you know really didn't do much in that time people were saying it's like oh yeah he was you know commissioning all this music and then throwing it away for not being good enough and that Oh silent hill's he said it was gonna be part of Metal Gear but then made it its own game without their permission it's all this stuff that you can't be doing in a company yeah yeah I guess but still though even just like taking a classic series and sticking zombies into it just seems I just don't like that as a principle it's just [ __ ] a little crowd five there were those did they did there are the parasite zambese oh no those are the parasite guys they they weren't [ __ ] zombies they're just they tell me I wasn't wandering or no no I mean the no because oh I know things I don't think I've gotten there yet no one they talk or around if there's regular soldiers they turn to zombies hello Jima loves the walking dead and he also hired Norman Reedus famous game he loves a show that only had one good zombies is the most Kojima thing possible like really that's why I thought was weird or saying like oh metal gear you know it can't have zombies in it it's like if Kojima did that people would be saying that's amazing there's a lot of that though in a kit in the case of Kojima that I find you know there's a lot of that sort of like like especially with the Ant Man G is five in particular it seems like more so than his other projects and I think it's because a lot of the designs just don't make any [ __ ] sense like the [ __ ] chapter introductions the way that they have to use the school's really spoils it you always have to do the three minute helicopter ride even though it's the same [ __ ] every [ __ ] hate that all Kojima cuz he he's a Hollywood yeah I think people attribute Kojima like he does he did a ton for video games but I think people attribute yeah a lot of things they like in Metal Gear 2 oh that was all Kojima and anything is bad it's like honest pride Konami although strandings my interesting that's my ABS yeah not really curious my absolute favorite thing about that game that I think so many more games should implement is that you can import your own custom music for the [ __ ] helicopter to play well it does bombing runs that's it's so great for your helicopter to come down and do [ __ ] bombing runs while playing X come give it to it's [ __ ] amazing I I don't know why more games don't have that custom soundtrack feature like yeah they have it in GTA and APB Reloaded in this game and that's about all I can think no no no that GTA v on pc yeah dedicated station so does for its a pc only thing though yeah but like an APB Reloaded this [ __ ] [ __ ] in any way but i can't think of too many games that have that feature o distance has it just i don't think anything imagine it's probably just something to do with priorities I guess I just like off all the things implement it's probably just like one of the lower things on the list that's something people forget is that there's always things in every project that is supposed to be there that they just don't have time to do so it's a little bonus that they had time for exactly yeah it's the kind of thing it gets broken up like how by call of duty in ecology D game would be like the aiming and the shooting and the levels would be the core thing and then something like killstreaks would be an extra thing yeah it's also consideration as to whether or not it makes sense to add that into the game like content too much for it's like oh they cut that like look all this cool stuff up in the game it's like there were usually reasons beyond time for something yeah like there's pacing or it's redundant like we race you just I did kind of actually regret not delving more and a half I - which I didn't because well one there's so much [ __ ] there into it's not really specifically to the orange bugs back but I wish I did you can HEPA two has so much cut content but so much of it actually does just make total sense like it had like eight [ __ ] assault rifles at one point like to aks it had to mp7 it had a [ __ ] like two-three sniper rifles are all actions just a lot of redundant stuff portal portal 2 actually released a trailer like a full trailer about a cup mechanic remember the [ __ ] uh yeah f-stop oh yeah was it F there's enough stuff there's the [ __ ] I don't remember what that is necessarily it was the thing that was like my PC has a prequel element to it like in terms of like the old days of apertures because the game was originally gonna be a prequel called f-stop that was gonna be that game's mechanic but still taking place in the same universe oh no no I'm not talking about that I'm talking about the [ __ ] tubes like the [ __ ] suck tubes that they had in that - yeah in the the portals I don't know why I got cut but I can see that being a big technical hassle especially in the source engine [ __ ] what I didn't know was that the that the gels is actually something that was that came up with from another group of people from the same university as the students that did portal I don't know that whole same with I think f-stop was the same thing because Warner was there back Euler drop what the gameplay of that video was like oh that's pretty rough but you know valve saw that portal you can see they saw that yep yeah oh yeah because it's so kind of nuts when you think that a game like pray struggled for so [ __ ] long with a easier version of that mechanic although granted that was a case of the game if I cancel four years and they were having a way for the doom 3 engine I'm so pretty - looks so good I'm like I'm glad that the new prays out and people like it but I want my phone bought it though that's the thing that sucks I'm mad about pray to make people I think a lot of people didn't buy it because of the way that the pray IP is ministry did yeah it was it was literally treated I looked up interviews it was an actual case of Bethesda it was either Bethesda or one of the developers looked over and said hey we got this name pray how what do you think like oh yeah we like it if it fits our game and like that's the conversation like a plan and they also starved out pray to pray to pray to wasn't didn't just die it was murdered if you look at the development or you pray to it's like [ __ ] like developers were saying that it was basically done you know it was a great game and yeah there's a copy of it I reverse yeah yeah I know game being demoed at PAX when I heard it was play my yeah I know and the ideas they had were so [ __ ] cool to this the stuff that they were implementing like is so ahead of its time it's [ __ ] crazy that they they were they had all this [ __ ] mobility [ __ ] down but way before titanfall and then they and they had this idea where every time you died it was [ __ ] I don't remember but it was part of the story when you died and they had a reveal about why that was at the end and it was just a [ __ ] you're a clone or something I don't remember but I don't exactly remember all the specific details but it was really [ __ ] cool yeah I was very planned out and it has so many a billet easing [ __ ] and also I want to play a game as a space bounty hunter there's not enough fun [ __ ] like that Star Wars fan I can understand though there's Mesa griffin bounty yeah I can't understand why some people do like when they look at cut content and they just see like the potential it's like when I was reading through massive in three and it describes a section where you have to hack the Geth turrets like the stuff that shoot down your ships there's gonna be a sequence where you as Shepard would take over one of those cannons and shoot down guest ships in the sky and I'm just like that sounds [ __ ] awesome but then I go it's a turn it's like the amount but one if this herd segment - the amount of detail you need especially the [ __ ] tight deadlines you'd have to make an entire different environment for that mission to take place in because the ones that they did make don't want to make sense for it yeah it's like when yeah when you especially in the case of deadlines that's typically the reason why yeah affect Mass Effect 3 even came out as well as it did consider mazing line like that is insane what they managed to pull off yeah but pretty - wasn't just cut content they cut the whole [ __ ] game pretty - yes what I find interesting is when you hear a game that gets canceled just because they it's unfortunately something they just can't get to work like I remember Tiberium being announced oh yes there's gonna be yeah and it really did not look that good to the point where even EA was just like yeah no I think it was like it was there is o is it looks so dreamy like it's it's it's like the opacity filters at like 40% permanently on it dude you can barely even see what's going on it's like battlefield 2142 was a little too cheerful looking so we're going we're going to take it down a bit why can't we just have a game where you don't play as like the best guy like I'm not even ask him like I want to please I don't want to place the don't wanna play as a [ __ ] he is I know like in pre - it looks like they were going for some guy he's just like just do win it for the [ __ ] money he doesn't care who he's capturing what he's doing he's just he just wants his [ __ ] money and get home that's not good guy protagonist there's a lot of games yeah I know but like I know but like I see so often where they they start with that and then they just let them the guy has like a revolution is just like oh they've dialed back with that has ever played an RPG in your life yes okay I don't know one of my favorite details of stuff like what was it not Geralt but the thief protagonist there everyone Garrett yeah the way that you would always have just barely enough money to buy your stuff before each mission yeah thief one is a really good little things like that beef two if you've always say like thief ones is the best stealth one I think that's more - oh yeah no thief was a fun exploring good world building it home well that's a case of that game wasn't even meant to be a stealth game it yeah there's really shows I think because you complained thief like sing that thief one is the best self game of all time no I don't think so I think yeah it's I think it's another case of like a system shock - yeah where people kind of more like they played a mission and thought it was really good thief - I could see 'if one mm-hmm my favorite Steve deadly shadows which I know is weird but that one I don't know something at just about the thing I liked about that series in general is that each game had a distinct theme I mean I was related to its world that the first ones announced the pagans and the second ones about the mechanist and the third ones about the faction that our character used to be with and then he was kind of being broke back into so I still [ __ ] love that chrome add-on you get the [ __ ] the the snake people at some point oh that's nice shouldn't read that one you can just I just see one that says at some points make people take need to take responsibility for horrible acts get your [ __ ] together swing what you're talking about right now oh yeah that's probably a good idea I found a plugin for goo Chrome a while back that just changes the word Millennials to snake people I routinely forget that I have it installed so occasionally I'll just stumble across a news article that's about how snake people are and I just the first time it happened I genuinely was looking through the news article in the comments of the news articles for like 15 minutes trying to figure out what the [ __ ] everyone was talking about my favorite was could I was just I refuse to believe that I missed the snake people invasion integrated speak of halo isn't the World Championship going on right now the conversation we are currently having about snake be the world champion of this snake if the snake people are gonna be the villains of halo Z only there's only 5,000 people watching the halo World Championship is taking place and what I assume is a Sizzlers parking lot the heroes like halo being competitive it's just something in the past yeah yeah because that I know so many of the most things popular in late yeah so many of the most like [ __ ] competitive like eSports games aren't games that were explicitly designed to be eSports like I don't think overwatch would be a super competitive game if it wasn't as big as it is I don't think overwatch is a good competitive shooter yeah go so far as to say overwatch is a bad competitive shooter it's not interesting to watch its shooters have a lot the shooters have a lot of inherent problems when it comes to watching i theorize i'm like a bunch of screens at once compared to you just look down Oh Smash Bros is perfect because it's just one it would be like having to watch baseball but a first-person perspective that it can only view overwatch has several [ __ ] problem more than that keep it from I don't even necessarily oh yeah that's not the only problem spectator perspective I don't think it's interesting from a professional competitive perspective in the first place because of the way that game is designed no makes the most money though it does make the most money because it's the most part it's insanely popular game yeah and there's a yeah it's it's easier to watch than a MOBA because there's less going on like there's there's yeah less of a burden of knowledge yeah and comparative yeah it's like with overwatch anyone can watch it be like oh so that guy's shooting the gun and the bullets are coming yeah as opposed to this guy I think the best spectator eSport is probably Counter Strike because it's very easy to grasp the oh yeah Counter Strike super simple you shoot the men then they die like no Counter Strike is super simple from a surface level yeah like there's you don't like you don't need to understand the Counter Strike economy how saving and like buy rounds and stuff like that work and that and also in games like Counter Strike in similar to seeds with siege is a lot more complicated but kind of similar but something they share is rounds are really quick it's not a case of games go on and all that's the thing well they go in Counter Strike yeah yeah exactly round by round it's not a case of oh I'm having to get this gear from my mobile character for something 30 minutes online hi recent counter-strike major is the most exciting eSports event I've ever watched I think I Jim cloud9 went all the way in one spoiler alert for the past I think I know this is gonna make me sound like a [ __ ] [ __ ] but honestly it's the perspective of League that really I can't get much into it I just I don't know maybe it's the perspective or like the control mechanism I just I don't know yeah I can relate that's why I got into smite of all [ __ ] MOBAs I could see smile I could see spine okay smite like there's something about League of Legends when I'm playing I'm like I don't feel like I'm this character I feel like I'm telling this dude what the [ __ ] to do yeah yeah where is what's which I mean if you're into RTS games like it I can make that maybe even her creams bling Empire even then with an RTS game I I like it more because I'm controlling an army not one dude yeah it's not micro yeah okay my forces go here and here that's why I need the big overhead map where with something like leave I like watching League a lot I don't like playing it particularly no I I find League is a fun game to watch competitively at least I don't know I I because I'm just thinking about all of the ways that I think overwatch fails is a competitive game but that's a subject for a video at some point so I just I can't get into watching competitive things because it's just like to me I don't know it's just like something I watch a video game video for it's probably not like the strats on how to be the very best editor watching super pro players it's just like I find it funny and I find it interesting or something yeah I mean I don't watch like competitive games because I want to get better at the game i watch competitive games because i find the people who play interesting i find the active competition interesting watch it i think watching pretty much anything at the highest level thing like i'm I [ __ ] I hate football but I watched the Super Bowl and I enjoyed my so much because just watching anything at the top level is have you seen the Olympics I feel like like that's something like something kind of key to like any kind of spectator sport be it eSports or be it real it's a case of I think people they sort of want to get wrapped up in a narrative some sort whether it's long-term or I can watch speedruns I love speedruns have you seen people to vibe like they're like V are speedruns they're [ __ ] it's so crazy to watch this guy who did um a speedrun of superhot VR in like ten minutes or something like that and it's it's yeah it's so crazy and he's talking to the chat like it's [ __ ] nothing like he'll just like she he'll put his hand behind his head just [ __ ] shoot because he knows they're exactly there and just like oh man I [ __ ] messed that up by point zero five seconds [ __ ] watching dota when you have [Laughter] yeah basically hello I don't understand any of the mobile [ __ ] and it doesn't help wet and it doesn't help when people when the commentators like like no like throw out a functional [ __ ] auction house or something like that no they got I got the air across it's something you don't do for newcomers except in the walls between matches they're like oh yeah Avery are you big he's obviously building like a big American football guy I literally said I hate I thought you said soccer I get the two I said I get the two confused because I hang on a bunch of [ __ ] Brits yes yes what's the Super Bowl oh yeah poor Super Bowl I just watch Super Bowl but no I'm not I'm not into football I just watched the Super Bowl cuz I like watching the championships for most anything I find it it's so weird to me like people who don't give a [ __ ] about football I'll see so often be like oh [ __ ] yeah my team won why do you care I've never seen oh my when someone doesn't like football the thing I see most is then being really proud of the fact like football ha ha ha ha you silly sports no but my friend he's never [ __ ] he doesn't give a [ __ ] about it but he was on [ __ ] Facebook and [ __ ] just going on and on about how yeah let's go Patriots why ok so Sparky so bifel doing this you know with my family - my mom doesn't watch it either and she's going [ __ ] all crazy about the Superbowl my whole [ __ ] family I don't I don't get it I just think I don't know I just assume that was a lot of people I just assumed everyone was like that because my [ __ ] nearby people do it holy I [ __ ] have this halo tournament open still because I just have it on I guess now but [ __ ] pistola is playing in this tournament I used to play with that guy some villanous in Halo pistola is pretty nuts he's really good I did not know he still played competitively ya know like all the like all the old names Mick when t-squared like they're all still playing huh t squared so place T squared word I thought T squared quit he did what he did is there even a lot of money in halo eSports no probably not I think so unless Microsoft funds it unless Microsoft pumps money into it directly which they might because if you have a lucrative eSport it's a it's a life or isn't that the whole it wasn't that the whole goal was like how did these eSports games like how does the eSport aspect to make [ __ ] crazy money I don't really is it just a lot of sponsorships a lot of people okay I got yeah it's kind of a combination like it's also like any time when you're good watching on twitch it's just like a he's so easy to just so okay adhere yeah yeah yeah it's just a goldmine for getting other basically getting other people to give you money support okay but but if the the [ __ ] eSports getting 2,000 viewers then really what's the point yeah the kiss a halo I imagine it's not gonna be a humongous profit yes I I think it's yeah yeah wasn't the hope and Microsoft can probably just not give a [ __ ] because Derek it wasn't one of the big things about the [ __ ] wreck packs so that they could fund the eSports scene yeah they can yeah that was one of the big things I mean dota does that but it's pretty successful so like they saw the Yahoo yeah dota is pretty successful that's a way to put it yeah I mean for that because the prize money from there oh yeah I know Russians like oh you know actually know what's weird you won't know it's super weird one of the one of the largest prize pools for a tournament in eSports ever is a smite turn really yeah this might season 2 world champions world championship because it was crowdfunded huh because it also smites a bigger game and I think most people expect high-res it it's yeah it's [ __ ] weird that hi-rez is not managed to kill that game it's it's MOBAs but for people who don't like MOBAs kind of that's kind of what site is yeah it's Paragon it's funny I downloaded Paragon and I just never got a chance to play it actually how I'm probably never gonna get to play that [ __ ] guy made a Paragon wasn't just killed it was murdered video like the other day yeah I mean Paragon was mismanaged to hell Eragon was murdered by mismanagement and over saturation of a genre yeah yep oh pretty much not a very dramatic murder no I did just I I don't I don't I don't think many of these murders are very general and I don't know just like the same with lawbreakers I don't think it was murdered it's just like they didn't it's just market it well it was just poor clothes just poorly advertised Lozinski is the dumbest genius and game basically the Human Torch with how many bridges he by [ __ ] insane he's a [ __ ] [ __ ] but he's also a genius it since it's it's amazing that they made a game that fails harder than battle born in the triple-a space well it's not triple-a though that's not fair there cuz it was published by Nexon okay I've never even holding it's [ __ ] God like when titanfall night out it was about to be bought by Nexon like EA is exactly I'm compared to Mexico yeah I'm still sad about that though I don't even think they'll make a titanfall through they'll probably get to work on it and then just be shut down before it [ __ ] releases I almost have a feeling that EA will actually leave it alone really I kind of have a feeling that they might mark it more but I don't think they're gonna interfere with it as much I'd honestly could use it as like their critics darling I know cuz they used to that's what I'm thinking I think I think EA might leave titanfall 3 alone just really just as a PR move we won't put loot boxes in it we'll put free stuff in it ya know that out and say look we don't being titanfall to titanfall 2 is published yeah and it had it has like the best business model oh yeah absolutely ever yeah like it's it's a near-flawless business model titanfall two's for a triple-a game because it has post sale monetization which it needs like the games need that but it does it in a way where it doesn't split the player base and you buy exactly what you get you don't [ __ ] game yeah you don't gamble on a loop box mm-hmm thankful twos a very good video game if you guys oh yeah I know I didn't do a video on it yes you did didn't you oh those father I'd [ __ ] know that this is this is new information wait no you [ __ ] did okay I don't [ __ ] remember I have do you maybe even made like 30 videos like there's so many wait titanfall - there's a lot of really clever art direction in titanfall - because I don't know if you guys are aware titanfall 2 is insanely low fidelity oh yeah it's a source it's a [ __ ] source key oh yeah yeah yeah it's it's not even just that it's a source game it's the fact that like in terms of literal just raw graphical fidelity I think it's like 1/16 the fidelity of Call of Duty yeah but it looks really yet infinite warfare is a much uglier game yeah it's it's just a sign fault - is smarter design like if you look at the actual guns and titanfall - very few of them have curves on them they're all straight lines because they wanted to work well within the within the poly I mean they weren't them visually art style and they made everything have that kind of X style to it it's [ __ ] great they're smart they're clever boys respawn are good but I think you you might be seeing a little bit more of that I think almost just out of necessity in the future because as with stuff like hell-blade and titanfall - I think those are proof that you don't you do not need yes you just go the most expensive route but you can get like 7080 percent there with much the words didn't sell well though ya know but battle yeah and in the case of timeful that's the thing I don't think titanfall 2 is gonna be that example I don't think I've ever won with the kids but I think something else will come along and do what titanfall did and be successful and also make a bigger but as a result why did they do that because [ __ ] okay wait wasn't that actually so I fine we had the podcast on that no yeah two hours in we should end another half an hour front loaded no that's what people come for no one gives a [ __ ] about video james i will never realize no who cares about video Jameses don't absolutely call i call this episode the death of Mandalore and Shammi be oh what a catch you time right you'll be there for me right you always I was gonna watch this podcast but then the clickbait the title came I don't think that man I miss the old Sparky when he wasn't a sellout and [ __ ] talking about good types of games god I liked it I liked it when he shat already no [ __ ] battlefront video more battles did I make of them oh I did make a battlefront video it got featured on angry Joe I didn't talk [ __ ] though I just [ __ ] made a funny clip thingy alright so he done recording yeah oh yeah sure [ __ ] it thanks for watching Autism Speaks podcast I hope I hope that Ray comes back eventually have a good day please don't don't leave us
Views: 18,429
Rating: 4.976048 out of 5
Keywords: lol, max is a fucken mong, and doesn't use h.264, what an absolute idiot, he uses fucken sony vegas bazinga hour or whatever, fucking potato, hahahaha
Id: owIJCY8d46s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 120min 47sec (7247 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 20 2018
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