Artificer Multiclass Tier Rankings in D&D 5e

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this week's episode of our show is sponsored by big bands which is now live on Kickstarter you've heard of a bestiary but now get ready for the Boston area this two-volume pack contains the biggest baddest boss monsters that you've seen in 5th edition it features more than 25 fully detailed boss monsters ready to drop into a one shot or to be used as the Cornerstone of your entire campaign complete with their full backstory combat statistics and tactics as well as a host of minions and loot that you can drop into your campaign as well and the second volume which is creatures and curios has over 100 Monsters and magic items to bring your games to life the project is now live on Kickstarter so check the links below or head to to learn more and now on to this week's episode greetings my name is Monty Martin and I'm Kelly McLaughlin and we are the dungeon dance Welcome to our Channel where we cover everything d d including advice for players and guides for GMS we upload new videos on Tuesdays and Thursdays so please subscribe to our Channel like this video and ring that Bell so that you never miss an episode this week we are kicking off our multi-class tier rankings and starting right at the beginning with the artificer comparing how combinations between the artifice or core class and every other class in fifth edition rank up we're going to be using our normal system for ranking this which includes s tier a b c and d tier if you want to hear more information on how we are ranking all of the multi-class combinations we have a video explaining it right up over there and of course bear in mind these are our rankings and therefore our subjective and buy minions results from our community poll where we asked our larger viewers to give their rankings and talk about maybe how our thoughts differed from the community as a whole so with all of that let's get rolling so in these videos we're going to start by looking at we're taking the artificer as our Base Class so we're starting with artificer we're taking a couple levels there and then we are going to be multi-classing at some point into all of these other subclasses starting with the Barbarian so we started with artificer we're going into Barbarian do we gain anything here so right away you're gonna get rage and when you're raging you can't concentrate or cast spells uh oh okay [Music] it Reckless attack which you can only use on melee attacks that use strength and artificers like making melee attacks but the two artificial classes that get melee attacks get features that the armorer and the battlesmith get features that let them use their intelligence to attack with yeah so you can't cast your artifice or spells when you're raging and she can't use Reckless attack with your intelligence based attacks from an artificer I feel like with these these two classes you fundamentally have have you don't get the Venn diagram you get two separate circles you have your non-armored brute strength boy and you have your mechanical intelligence boy no and if you want to make them work you're going to need to have a good intelligence score and a good strength score because you can't really combine those features as as well as you would want to I suppose you could do something truly weird and just try to like stack up a bunch of artificial infusions to make a barbarian better but that would be what I would do maybe if I was starting as a barbarian and then going into artificer yeah and even then I I just don't see it here's here's the fact the artificial can help any other class by creating infusions that might Aid in it but at what cost and I think that the cost is too heavy here and I think that the Barbarian multi-class is a d I just don't know when you're gonna when you're gonna take that those levels of Barbarian that you're like oh but I could get more artificer spells uh but I could just for rage like rage and Rascals attack which you can't combine with your artifice or features no and so if your goal is to make a melee combatant which ostensibly is what you're doing with this combo you want to fight melee it's like you either have to use your artificial abilities or you have to use your Barbarian abilities and you have to make sacrifices to make those both good deter speaking of complicated Venn diagrams as we move on to the Bard I think we are in a different place but it feels similar in in the sense that yeah The Bard and the artificer we have a primary spellcaster and a half Caster on paper as soon as I think of that I go oh maybe there's something here but we got intelligence and charisma-based spell casting yeah and it's it's Unique when you start multi-classing spellcasters with the artificer you get half your artificial levels and then you get the full levels from the The Bard so if you're a artifice for five Bard 5 you have fourth level spell slots which you wouldn't as a single class artificer but if you were single class Bard you'd have fifth level slots yeah so I feel like although you're getting higher level higher level slots you're not necessarily getting the spells that you need to fill those slots and you're using two different modifiers for your spell casting yeah um maybe there's a weird thing you could do here with a swords Bard possibly in like I mean bardic inspiration is neat but does bartic inspiration help your artificial well again you're gonna have to have a high intelligence and Charisma score yeah but you could do something here where you've got that height and high Charisma and because you're going melee you're able to focus on just those two scores so you're using your intelligence the way that you would have used your dexterity or your strength and again your barge probably would have been dexterity and now you're wearing heavier armor as a result of that which seems kind of weird but maybe workable I it feels I feel like there might be an option to give this a c but it it's probably a C minor so like I'm like imagining some sort of like armorer barred armor sword yeah it's it's no matter what a top tier we're in the C ranking I I feel it yeah I feel like I feel like that's a very convoluted way of wanting to do a barred hex blade yeah at no point does this feel like like you're like you're making a good choice yeah see see is what I'm gonna give it because I feel like there's some cool role play of like super cool but probably not gonna maybe you're a guitar tech you're a guitar technician or like or maybe you're or synthesizers you got sense no like you know like the synthesizer machines with the modules and stuff like that yeah yeah like analog synths um or like a digital musician or something like that that's completely like sure look I can see it are you saying are you thinking c as well or I'm feeling c as well I really don't I don't see it I don't see it being any better no uh speaking of C for cleric uh as we move on to cleric I actually think that we do have something here uh cleric Forge domain cleric and artificer feels like a themat like dwarf artifice or Forge domain clerk the Thematic link is strong the Thematic link is strong of the machine [Laughter] still we're juggling wisdom and intelligence but I actually think that we have more at play here because clerics unlike other primary spellcasters clerics a lot of their subclasses already lend them to I want to wear armor yeah I want to be up close I want to smash things with weapons sometimes maybe I have spiritual weapons that could be really cool on an artificer so there is a combination here where you can actually make it work if maybe you go mostly intelligence because your artifice are to start well you see a lot of people with wizard builds grab a level or two of cleric yeah right but the thing is is that a big reason why wizard players do that is because then you're able to NAB the heavy armor that the cleric subclass usually gives you but as an artificer you probably already have good armor proficiencies anyways so what you're here for I think is the dip you're dipping one or two levels of clear to get that cool low-level power that the cleric usually gives you you're probably only going to leave your wisdom at 13 because that's what you need to qualify for the multi-class combo yeah and you're not really going to worry about and like you might grab some of the cleric spells that don't really care about your spell casting ability modifier like appealing word and bless right and so that can work there um and but here's the thing the blessing of the forage ability doesn't work with infusions you can't bless an infused object because an infusion must be applied to a non-magical item that makes that item magical and the blessing of the forge must be applied to a non-magical item and that makes the item magical and because you CA so you can never by applying it you make the item invalid for the other one you can't have both so it's kind of like getting an extra infusion I was going to say Devil's Advocate it's a bonus infusion by taking that so they're like you use the forge ability to empower your sword but then you put infusions on your shield and armor and Boots so I think the dip is probably a b this is the interesting thing is I think overall we're looking at a c but I think if we're talking about Forge domain and like armorer or forged domain there there's a lot of combinations I think with the forage domain that really work I also might look at some of the other like I mean maybe Twilight domain I feel like and you know we're just at the start of our journey feel like the cleric dip is always going to at least be a b this is the other thing is cleric the cleric dip is really always a good chance it's really good it's just really easy to just I don't think on any combination while we see a d tier for the clarity I don't expect that we will um yeah there's always something there you could go the life domain and get that sweet healing bonuses but I don't know if the I've never really seen anyone play an artificer as like an amazing healer so cleric Forge domain cleric artificer B tier s tier for thematics but are we saying B overall yeah I think so okay yeah the druid nature and Technology never shall the twain work together no that like I feel like these two classes hate each other yeah fundamentally everything they believe in now mind you uh you can role play this any yeah because your wild cheat could be like Beast Wars Transformers all right your soul S2 s tier or B stores no I I and then if you were a battlesmith then you'd have your companion who's also a beast wars Transformer yeah but you could flavor it that way okay now that you've sold me on how amazing the Druid artificer is I don't think they're very and what if you were a war forged I don't think they're very I don't I don't either but I think that making it cool it's not going to be cool it could be cool though it sounds cool now yeah but it it's not good I don't think there's very little Synergy you can't I don't know like again wisdom and intelligence but even beyond that the things that you're gaining from being a druid don't help you in any way for being an artifice do you get access to some spells yeah but not really spells that I think artificer is really dying for um I just feel like the machine oh and if you're a Druid now you can't wear metal armor either I mean that is that is in the flavor of Druid we can re-flavor things but yeah if you're going the other way it's written it just as a druid will not wear metal armor so yeah I feel like that really takes you back a peg I mean can you play a war forged I guess if you're made out of wood I would say You're Made Of yeah but uh you could play a weird artificer who uses who's like a woodworker but I don't know Carpenter a carpenter uh or maybe it's an Elven Druid artificer that it's like you know there's that whole thing with like elf Laura where like they sing the tree to grow in a certain way and so the armor is actually still a living tree and you're wearing like it's symbiotic so thematically we've gotten there or you could be like a stone Master dwarf yeah that is like making the Earth and shaping the Earth like a Dwarven Stone shaper that's like an artificial Druid thing and you could have like stone golems that are powered by Nature that are like a nature technology it totally like thematically it can actually work Maggie congrats you did it you made it or what is a biologist what is a biologist if not technology I'm giving it a d tier you can make this as cool as you want why are you the one of the ones ranking it on the on the power and I'm the one that's getting all of all of the cool thematic cruel theme as like you know it's weird because the themes are so cool though that I wish it worked better so okay wait wait RC tier ranking is for the role play could get you there but you're only doing it I don't even think the role play is going to get you there that's combo that's okay there so that's what I'm saying did we come up with some cool concepts for a druid artificer yeah heck yeah should you do it heck no D tier fighter uh action search yeah okay so This falls into the same argument that I'm gonna that we made this is an a is isn't every fighter multi-class and a for Action surge problem please so okay yes it is an A but it's more than just action action search the fact is that a lot of artificers are steered towards their half casters but they're also steered towards combat yes um which taking a few levels of fighter is going to get you action search you're already going to be an armored combatant you're going to get better at fighting um Eldritch Knight could be really cool here yes I can see uh total five levels of artificer five levels of Elders night get a really nicely combined there because it'll give you a little bit more spell casting progression give you a couple more cantrips they both use intelligence for spell casting um and I can just see taking those five levels of artificer and then go and fight her all the rest of the way total bills I think Champion is also I mean Champion is a dip always feels like a reliable tip because it's like I want more combat I mean I would sooner go Battle Master or imagine being an echo Knight imagine being a battle so first of all you could have a battle Smith Battle Master which is just a lot of battle battle Smith Master Battle battlesmith Battle Master yeah battles with Battle Master battle Smith Smith master master smith battle battle Smith master missed agent Smith yeah but you could also be the echo Knight with the battlesmith companion I mean I feel like there's a lot of play here with Fighters I think Fighters probably one of the top choices um probably our first Top Choice yeah not not like first place but I just mean out of the list this is the first one that is actually a resounding yeah go for it yeah I think you're building a very specific character here right you're kind of building like this machine Warrior that you're doubling down on the artificer as a weapon user combatant and you are using the choice artificer abilities to take you down the fighter Road um and Propel Propel you forward right in that respect I do think it's an a because I do think that although it's not going to work with every single combination there's a lot of combinations that as well yeah and I don't think that you lose too much because what you're going for here is that you want that better fighting yeah right you're going to get the fighting style you're going to get the infusions you're going to get your Maneuvers or your or your spells as you want I do think even the Maneuvers and spells thing is super cool though again battle battle Smith master that we're gonna go for it that would be a great character name yeah fighter good choice and since we like the idea of combining a marshall combatant with the artificer let's talk about the monk s tier absolutely you get to be best here if it's s s s for stupid um I had another word in mind but no like here's the fact out of all the Marshall combatants the monk doesn't want to wear armor wants to punch you with fists the artificer wants to build armor and punch you with weapons and guns um so they don't they don't get along at all could you make a power fist and again what if you're a war Fork your skin is your armor stop it it doesn't work stop trying to make uh artificial multi-classes yeah you could have like power Fists and you're you're no you can't you can't but no the armor or artificer has the gauntlets okay yeah but I think a whole bunch of Monk features they only work exactly this isn't again thematically cool you can make it cool uh I wish it worked but it doesn't don't do it and again wisdom intelligence hard and you want dexterity yeah it just Paladin though moving on to palette and this one is interesting so there's weird overlap because they're both half Caster classes yeah right so you're gonna keep your spell progression by multi-classing these two together um and that means that your smites are still good yeah right you don't you don't give up any of the power of your Paladin smite and and both wear heavy armor already yeah both like making melee attacks and weapon attacks already and the spell list doesn't have a lot of overlap but you could find synergies there right like how many paladins want to have Shield The Shield spell yeah right um so I actually think that this is this might be a sleeper hit I I can yeah I I think you're right I mean everything that you gain from being a paladin doesn't necessarily compliment the artificer but it it adds to it yeah and the articles are starting off with Constitution saving throw proficiency which paladins wish they had um you again if you're an armorer you don't need to worry about the fact that you don't have a good strength score so you're basically deciding hey instead of being a traditional Paladin with strength and Charisma you're being this weird intelligence Charisma which I love the idea of a character with a high intelligence and a high Charisma yeah right that's like a great like leader tactician character and I think the infusions you can pick some good infusions um you can you don't have to have your intelligence score your Christmas score super high because you can be tactical about the Paladin spells that you cast here so you're still focused around intelligence you're it's going to be a long time before you get Aura of protection anyways I think this actually works a lot better than than it seems to at first I I think that they're stronger combinations out there but this is far and above all the ones that we've given a d tier two I think this this is like close to a for me this might be really good I I'm really tempted by it I think it works really well despite the fact that the ability scores don't line up on paper in practice it's it might be okay I'm gonna give it a b I was I do think it depends you've sold me on the B I do think it depends on the build because yeah B for build I'm surprised by this I actually think that this one could work a lot better than than given credit for I mean it seems like it wouldn't but it might but at the same time it seems like it would because yeah when I think of artificer I think of armored infusions I'm going to think of Paladin armored smite so you double up the armor yep and then you have infusions yep yep and that makes me happy yeah you get your fighting style and you get your Smite from Paladin take it and you're not going to slow down your spell casting progression but that doesn't matter because you're going to use those high level spell slots for smiting anyways so the ranger has the same chassis right the ranger is also a half Caster so you're not going to slow down your spell progression here either but unlike the Paladin we don't have smites to dump those spell slots into the ranger I think of as the cousin to the Druid the way that the Paladin is the cousin of the cleric it's like the half Caster Marshall version of that and the Druid didn't gel well with the artificial and I think we run into a similar problem my first thought I want to play a Beastmaster battlesmith so a beast battle master smith yes no master smith a beast a battle Beast Master Smith a battle Beast Master Smith sounds cool on paper it sounded cool that I have my I have my pet bear and my pet bear needed a friend so I built another bear yeah I have two bears but what if you had two bears and one they were brothers and one of the Bears died so you put the brain of the bear in the butt yes so you have Robo Brother Bear yeah and and yeah living Brother Bear the the problem is okay again thematically great I got two bears it's just called two bears um but both of them require a bonus out no you're not listening you're still going on they both require a bonus action to activate so both bears yeah it's it's it's a little overbearing on my bonus session um and your magic weapon you could still wear the heavier armor just fine your spell slot progression continues you have the smattering of weird low-level spells though which is kind of weird um and you don't like you're gonna get those higher levels thoughts for up casting is there enough here to I maybe a c the thing is with so the weakness of the battle Beast Master Smith is that the scaling of the hit points of both those are based on your level your single class level so you'd have two beasts but they'd have half the hit points that they're supposed to have and they could only attack one yeah yeah it's not a good cause work imagine if imagine imagine if it worked the battle Beast Master Smith is that the coolest class that that's the coolest like name combo that we've hit so far so far yeah um but no I I Ranger Ranger's sitting at a C or D for me but I think I think there's there's play here to make it a c we you built that really cool battle Smith that was all like flying around and flying boots with with it yeah it was and it was like like it's your Ranger but as an artificer that that that's the problem here is that in theory that build works and in theory the Drake Warden or The Beastmaster on its own works when you combine them together they don't work but okay if you decouple that and you take your Battle Master idea and pair it with something like a hunter Ranger or gloomstalker Ranger now are we playing with something important forget the double beats forget the double B's you get one beast from one of them from the artificer yeah because your Bear died and you had to build a robot body form you were a Beastmaster Ranger and because your Beast died you became gloomy and sad and became a glue stalker and you built a robot body okay so we figured out work it might not it's not bad it's not bad I it's a b it's not amazing but it's not bad oh we're going to be I mean that build is a b yeah I think that overall I think that this is a c yeah I think that there's options here if we separate the idea of having two beasts there are ways to play with this uh but you're going to be working really hard to make it work okay so moving on to the Rogue Ranger Rogue works we've already talked about the overlap between the Ranger and the artificer so artificer Ranger oh sorry artificer Rogue should work in theory and I think it does actually work really well with the Arcane trickster because they're both intelligence based no no okay let's let's bring this even a level higher I think the best possible combination here the armorer has the option to build the infiltrator armor right which gives you advantage on stealth when you're wearing it so you have expertise and stuff yeah from artists from artificer you have advantages so this is the stealth suit you have a stealth suit you can camo like it literally yes yes so you have expertise and advantage on stealth you can add sneak attack to your like Lance attack I think you can because it's a ranged attack it's a ranged weapon attack the The Gauntlet that it yeah yeah so you have your sneak attack Gauntlet yeah uh you are going to get your cool infusions and you get like your sneaky stealthy yeah I think it's all there good spell casting this is you're like Mecca Rogue so I think the way to make this sing is that you like it it it works and the Arcane trickster has illusion and enchantment spells that the artificer just doesn't get yeah I think that the Arcane trickster armorer is really is like yeah I think it works out of all the uh so I'm not giving this a nest here but out of all the options presented in this combo that is the S2 combo yeah I think I I don't think it's s t or objectively I have to I have to build it though because actually I think it's cool if we were only ranking the multi-class possibilities yeah of Rogue and artificer that would be the S tier yeah yeah I think that really sings I think because of that I want to give this is it an a overall or is everything are we being blinded I'm I was about to say a but I might be blinded by how cool that combo is if you are an armorer what are you doing with your bonus action because because I I mean rogue's Gonna Give You cunning exactly that's what why it's synergistic yeah right because if you're a battlesmith you'd want to use your bonus action for commanding your Beast artillerist might be cool here um we're not really talking a whole lot about The Alchemist but there's reasons um but I I think that there's enough here I'm gonna give it an a I'm just gonna go for it yeah I think it's great I think this is a strong combo I think uh I mean who doesn't want sneak attack yeah uh sorcerer so people dip sorcerer with a wizard just to get meta Magic but now there is the metamagic Adept feat and I will say that getting metamagic on any spellcaster is awesome is it worth doing as an artificer I mean would I rather take the dip or the feet I think I'd rather take the feet I'd rather take the feet too but I I think the d The Dip is still probably a B I mean I'm gonna give I'm gonna give this a seat here right there's very little reason why I would see grabbing sorcerer if you're an artificer even the spell lists are pretty like you're kind of doubling up on a lot of like the artificer has blasty spells I guess you could make a weird Gish out of it but even then like you know you're it's it's definitely second fiddle to what you can do if you were a warlock sorcerer yeah yeah I I I'm giving it a c it's not the weakest combination in the world but there's very little reason why I would do this speaking of the Warlock I also think the War I don't know what you're going to do here I mean you'd like to say that a hex blade pairs well but it doesn't at all because now you're fighting over am I using intelligence am I using Charisma both my classes are telling me different things your spell casting isn't being helped At All by the Warlock Eldritch blast yay you get Eldritch blast which does sound cool coming out of an automatic communication and so can you infuse your invocations or do you invoke your infusions neither what if like you had your hex blade and you crafted your hex blade what if your goal was to build your patron of body who are you today you're just you're just all like yes that's awesome I mean man yeah you you are you your Patron chose you because you have the mind to build at the body that it needs to manifest into this dimension you're doing a great job of selling the worst combinations as like really cool role play potential and that's upsetting to me because now I want to play that and I can't because it would suck I'm giving it a d I'm giving it a d yeah I'm gonna go to the D that's a cool idea the little character that wants to build the body for their warlock Patron like you have some sort of like cursed artifact like your packed blade is gonna be the arm and you're gonna build like this war forged body for it and then it's going to destroy the Earth that's awesome it's gonna become Skynet you get to build Skynet you want to live out your warlock Patron is an AI well now we need to make a new warlock sometimes ah that could be cool moving on to Wizard and all your spells are like procedurally generated moving on to wizard this one works yeah I think it does I I think only a time in this entire in this entire list it's the only time that we've had double intelligence yes outcasting well no because Arcane trickster and eldris Knight yes but both of those were like this is the only time that like you could you could go full into intelligence and like you you don't have to think about others I mean Constitution but that's good so I think the big question here and this is the the one that people ask us all the time about is what about the blade singer artifice or multi-class no no no no no you don't like it I don't like it doesn't the blade singer have a requirement that like you can't be wearing heavy armor you can't be wearing heavy armor you could only wear light armor and you can only use your weapon in one hand and a lot of I think the the idea here is that if you were a battlesmith blade singer so a blade battle Smith singer not as cool as the battle Beast Master Smith so the blade battle Smith singer you're now able to use intelligible bladesmith battle singer bladesmith battle singer is cool bladesmith battle singer um that sounds like a character name actually so the idea here is that you've got your intelligence for your wizard spell casting your artificial spell casting and you're attacking with your end because you're using a magic sword yeah okay in general what I found when I was building the character when I built this when I built this out is that taking the artificer levels to slow down the bit that the single class blade singer is almost always stronger than the the blade singer battlesmith combo because even with the intelligence score having to be not the monofocus um you don't come the multi-classing actually impairs your ability to build up the primary ability score in in the same way and because of the the interaction between the blade singer and armor you actually still want to have a decent dexterity score anyways because you want that decent dexterity to boost your AC up as well so you and you can't use Blade song if you're wearing medium or heavy armor um so it it works it works but less good than you think it would I actually wouldn't go to the like the blade singer would not be my first choice if I was combining these I would be I would be combining it with like an evocation Wizard or an AB duration wizard so like an evoker artillerist an evoker artillerist or an abjurer armorer yeah those could both be actually pretty cool I think that there's a lot of potential here I think it's a I do too and I actually think blade singer is not not the go-to here I think the the like I think I think it works I think it works like what about the war wizard the war wizard could work yeah I look at there's fertile ground here there's a lot of easy to make builds there's a lot of choices it really comes down to like how you're spreading the levels out because you can get this because here's one of the interesting things against the blade singer right if you take five levels of artificer are a battlesmith or aren't already you get your extra attack so you don't need to get that from bladesinger right um and so you could grab your extra attack and you're using your intelligence for your ability scores and then combine that with a different wizard subclass and maybe you come up further yes you don't have Blade song but you don't need Blade song because you have heavy armor and you're all like you you already had the benefits all the time from the blade singer so it might be better to go with the different subclass in this combo I I think the wizard overall is an A and I think what's interesting is um as as we wrap up the conversation on all of this looking back at it so the highest ranked ones wizard got an A fighter got an A Rogue got an A and Paladin got a B plus yeah um everything else is probably a no-go yeah but I I think what's interesting here is no s t here and I think that we're going to see this in some builds there's some classes that there's none of these I would say oh if you pick this you're going to be way better than just going straight articles I don't know if there's any combination that you're gonna find with the artificer that's going to propel it into like s tier levels of power yeah there's some combos out there for other classes that will this class does not have an st or multi-class it has some good options yes and I think that there's going to be some strong and potent builds as we certainly found out interesting thematic combinations yeah right now as we look at our community rankings we included the option for staying single classed and there's actually a very important reason why we did this it kind of gives us a divide line on where multi-classing becomes more valuable than staying in the same class and what I think is interesting is if we look at our community votes wizard is the only option that was voted more beneficial than just staying an artificial yes we we saw so remember with all of our community polls respondents were able to vote three times so 85.9 percent of respondents gave one of their votes to the wizard with 61.5 saying that staying single class was the was one of the top picks and 56.9 giving it to the fighter from there 33.2 gave a vote to the Rogue and we but nothing beyond that broke above 10 percent yeah and I I think I think what's interesting about this is if we want to dissect that a little wizard was the top pick yeah 85 of people thought that the wizard was a good choice to multi-class and potentially uh um and it got heavier weighting than staying single classed and I think when we talk about this not getting an S tier the fact of the matter is that majority of people would rather stay as an artificer full on then multi-class anything except for the wizard yeah yeah so the wizard might be the one that the community would give the S tier 2 but everything else the fighter and the Rogue stand out as these are places that you could multi-class for really cool builds but they were both less popular overall than staying single classed which means that even though we gave them a rankings and I think that they're deserving of that there's still an argument that those are not necessarily better than the single class comparison and this this is the interesting part of this discussion is we're when we're looking at our rankings we're ranking whether this multi-class is good or not but the interesting question to the audience is is it as good as just staying in this class and for most of the artifice so the answer is no yeah I think that there's very specific things that you could do by combining the artificer with the wizard with the Rogue the fighter and I think based on this discussion the cleric dip the Paladin and weirdly maybe the Ranger Maybe at the low end of it yeah there are there are potential for cool builds yeah the the lower you go on that list the more effort you have to put into trying to find and making it work and when you're making it work you might not be as powerful as just being an artificer yeah but but the the single digit results for everything else really show that I think yeah just not a lot of people gave that the vote of confidence there up on screen right now are Monty and my final rankings for where we're putting these uh multi-class combinations but yeah I think that actually Us in the audience we're pretty close on this yeah I I think ultimately there's a couple Maybe Diamonds in the Rough that um couldn't rise any higher than what they were given but you see see those little bumps here and there um the Paladin probably being my like is this a sleeper hit and I'm open to being wrong on that one yeah yeah so if you have other multi-class combinations that you think work or you just have opinions on how we rank this please let us know about them in the comments below the videos that we create on our channel are made possible thanks to the incredible generosity of our patreon supporters if you enjoy the work that we do here on YouTube please consider becoming a patron of our show by following the links down below and please check out our live play in the worlds of Dragonite which is Tuesday evenings on Twitch you can find all the previous episodes right up over here and we've got plenty more videos covering all the tier rankings for DND right up over here please subscribe to our Channel like this video and ring that Bell so that you never miss an episode thanks so much for watching and we'll see you next time in the dungeon
Channel: Dungeon Dudes
Views: 87,222
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dungeons, dragons, tabletop, gaming, roleplaying, games, accessories, rules, rule, gameplay, play, game, rpg, d20, player, character, D&D, 5e, DM, PC, tips, advice, guide, guides, review, dice, books, book
Id: m9B1zSNJ-ZU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 37sec (2557 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 21 2023
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