Art Students Talk About Butch Hartman

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um i like to call this i do whatever i want on my channel tm and now here have me torturing to art students because if you're gonna pay for art school i feel like you deserve to be tortured a little bit no just a little bit um introduce yourselves then hello my name is ash i i am an art student and i am a senior specific i'm going to say my degree because i'm a i'm getting a bachelor's of fine arts in studio art with an emphasis of illustration uh do you want to plug anything uh i can draw good follow my my instagram at jenno' no that's not right i also twitter they'll be in the description and i'll put your commissions on screen right now people out there who who haven't even seen my art pro just know that i draw better than butch hartman just just know hi i'm lou i'm also getting a bachelor of fine am i doing yeah bachelor of fine arts um i don't really know what my emphasis is yet it is a studio art degree i'm probably emphasizing in uh storyboard illustration comics and animation i go to a fun school that doesn't make you choose a major so yeah also i'm dating kai which is pretty cool um my instagram is melted sun drops because i'm fancy uh yeah by their commissions i don't i don't have commissions but okay i am not an art student because i'm not sad the thing is kai i have seen your art and you definitely would do produce great things that i would commission i put up your art now um but that's not my specialty that's why i brought in no i don't have wait i used to i uh no one bought them that's why i didn't do them anyway um okay i am but point is i don't specialize in it and i don't go to school for it point is i brought in two kind of experts uh which is why ash now uh you get to go on your big rant of things that your school has taught you in your four years of being there what have they taught you about uh what butch hartman does on twitter specifically that we had an entire class about butch hartman uh so i i'm gonna eat my school i go to the university of arizona which is not an art school but it has a school of art um and one of the curriculums there is all the art students have to take a ridiculous amount of art history courses so i unfortunately know way too much about art history specifically uh art movements such as the difference between plagiarism appropriation and parody now appropriation is kind of like what andy warhol does it's using pre-existing objects or images and then not really transforming them but like turning them into a new art form so like oh no appropriation would be more like the toilet i forgot what it's called but that toilet that like someone just took off the wall put on the floor and then signed it's called the fountain or dun dun champ it's german uh parody art is mimics another style of work or like they exaggerate something uh for comedic effect so like personally in high school we had the do parody art project where i drew the nine-tail fox from naruto in the story night anyway lastly uh art we have plagiarism and art theft which is what butch hartmann does where he just blatantly steals other people's work and says it's its own or sells it doesn't credit the source at all and goes no this is mine or just art theft which is duplicating another artwork without consent or like giving credit to the artist stupid we see that we see that in butch hartman and i will go on a rant i will go on a rant about this guy but i'll keep it quick there's a guy named matt simmons who literally plagiarized all of bleach and just copied it like pic like each panel and like made it a comic about vampires i'm like what the okay but to go to to follow up so we're gonna start looking at the images now but um to go along with what you just said of everyone knows about the butch hartman tracing that first commission but i feel like a lot of the videos because i did some research and i watched a lot of videos about butch hartman before i did this none from his actual channel i'm not giving him money but um i i looked into a lot of them and a lot of people focus on some of his first commissions when he first opened them which was fine because that was the time period i'm gonna try and focus on pieces that i don't see a lot of people talk about and this first one i actually showed to some of our friends the other night also on discord uh this one wyatt brought up a good point about it this first one looking at the crocker in it wyatt said it really looks like it's traced off of one of the like fairly oddparents um title cards yeah i could not find the exact title card but i like feel it in my soul that i feel like i've seen it as a title card before you know what i mean either a title chord or like one of the scenes where he's in like his lab just around or doing something it definitely looks like a title card to me now that you mention it yeah and i don't know it might be some sort of mandala or what's that called the song mandela effect um i i searched through thumbnails and i tried to reverse image search and i did not find what i needed but um i'm gonna let you guys actually talk about how this looks i just that was it went with something ash said of tracing now i don't have actual evidence for this one but you know i hate their mouths i hate it why does why does freddy have eyebrows like that i think it's interesting to um and i have the stuff it's not even his own style and you notice it in his later works that that is like not his art style it's his concept and this is really with a lot of series like if you look at the shiraz series and you look at noelle stevenson's personal art obviously the style of the characters is not the same as the style of the creator's art and it looks like he is clearly trying to mark it off of the style people know him by that it's not the style he draws in yeah because everyone i don't think it's a horrible piece is the thing um this one is one of the things where like if it weren't this horrible awful man i mean that's a decent commission but i think that especially if the crocker is copied like it's you're supposed to be an honorable man in the industry it's not an honorable man but you're supposed to be a big name in the industry and you're relying so much on art that isn't even yours so the thing is not all of these are commissions i just went through his twitter he i don't think he posts all of his commissions and if i was just doing commissions that was going to be a lot of works that a lot of people have already talked about so this is actually more just his twitter art in general i think he drew this for a youtube video okay because currently the main way he's making money except for scamming people on gofundme and um commissions is i think ad revenue off of his youtube where it seems like most of the videos are he either collaborates with a youtuber draws something off of to like really market on this people thinking his art is bad or just him thinking that people think his art is really good or he talks a lot about like different concepts and crossovers for his shows that haven't been on the air for a while um there's a lot there was like one and it was like danny phantom and kim possible team up or something like that and the thumbnail he drew danny phantom but he did not draw kim possible it was just like a jpeg off of disney art it was very strange i'm not going to talk about like a lot of weird stuff like that but i think that's where a lot of this art is actually coming from they're not all commissions it's just the point i wanted to make okay yeah because my first instinct looking at this i was like this is this is something i would pay probably two hundred dollars for for like artists because there's a background there's like four goddamn figures and or the other things i've seen like i'm not paying 200 for that here actually let's go to one of the infamous commissions so that way we can get a good uh comparison to this is something i think now i might be wrong he drew for his own channel which is fine uh but this is what one of his 200 commissions looks like which this is a pretty popular image you've probably seen it before no no how dare he disrespect kite like that how dare you why does he have a gun i think he's a hunter x hunter he's from hunter hunter why does he have a gun oh do you have a gun no i i i'm not going to go on a rant about hunter hunter but i am very upset why does this man have a gun so this image uh i think highlights kind of a lot of problems that you face that butch hartman faces with his commissions uh it has an airbrush background so it doesn't have a full background like that full piece that i just showed you um one of the other big problems is he doesn't look into what the piece is and i don't think he even asks the person commissioning it to give them to give a reference of what the character looks like which a lot of people missions it's like 50 50. if you're getting a commission at a convention a lot of the time they don't ask they'll just google it but something that's popped up a lot is if you look up kite on google images for example the first image is him holding a gun looking tall and scary so it really looks like butch really chooses one of the first three or four images off of google images and draws that he has a he has a scythe that changes shape but it's it's like one once in a while it's a bazooka but it's never a handgun and i'm angry i'm angry anyway no i'm just really annoyed right now looking at the picture simply because what ash scent is like the color scheme is so cold and pale and butch hartman used a very very warm color yeah that has all of skin tone what the anyway yeah i feel like this has it also is a good commission to show that he doesn't really look into character i guess when you're doing a commission if i got a commission to do fan art like this i would look into the characters kind of like personality to do a pose and stuff this character that he drew does not look like they have the same i don't want to say vibe but like energy or characterization as the ones that you look at when you actually google this character which i think is interesting yeah cause he looks like he's happy to be there he looks like he's like yeah i have a gun hell yeah well in actuality kite's just like a cool i don't like how you can i i just i did i very much dislike how muscly the calves are and the chest is because it does not seem like that is the way that the character is in the in the in the very few i mean ash knows the character but the very few pieces that i've seen of this character it it's unsettling to see the muscles this does not look like a muscular man no like is a twig unless it was a like very popular artist i really don't think i would pay 200 for just a um for just this with no background this is something that maybe i would pay um between 50 and 70 dollars um based off of what i tend to see at conventions and what i see online um this does not feel like a 200 uh commission let's so that was one of his commissions um let's go to oh my god yeah he uses only stock brushes which is fine you totally can and you can make great looking pieces of art and procreate with just the stock brushes but if you're getting 200 a commission why would you not go on someone's gum road and spend like five bucks on different brushes god yeah anyway i don't know that's a person use them i don't know you can make really cool art with like stock brushes but the fact that you just he i hate the bubbles because he just put like bubble it seems like you just threw the bubbles in as like an afterthought like yeah this needs a background and i can't i can't just do an airbrushed one color i have to put something else bubbles something i also find i'm now looking at these more in depth than i ever have before because the concept alone is kind of where i'm like oh my god but like the shading the shading but also if you look at the background the vicky one has shading like in danganronpa where there's a back shadow but then the chester one doesn't i don't know why because i think he did he did the chester one first right i don't remember i'll answer my own question when i edit this uh if it was that like it's probably just like he drew this it'd be like ha ha funny dang garampa and then they said they have their weapons yeah like i just just that's just such a picky romp opposing why aren't they ted cruz ted cruz posey anyway often talked about when we talk about when i see his art talked about but i i don't like a lot of the variety he has in his line width if you look at especially if you look at the chester one if you look at his right arm like the upper part is so thin and the bottom part is so thick and then it switches and i really just like that hold on two things um one is like a personal pet peeve thing like kind of i wouldn't call myself a writer but just like creative ish person he was too lazy to even give vicky an ultimate yeah like that's just strange to me i guess babysitter yeah steal monkey's whole thing yeah even just being all like i think she was a wrestler in one episode something like that it's your own show yeah anyway that's not actually pertaining to his art but like another thing though is if you look at chester's hands the one that is near the top of the toothbrush so the part that would go in your mouth why is it so small in comparison to the sleeve like that problem's not on the other hand we can't also his thumb on that one hand is just pointy my thing with the line art though is i i do variations of line art in my own work and like i really like it in other words especially if it's like done well but this doesn't make sense like why the would your elbow like the line on his elbow be that thick like why it just seems lazy like you just yep yep the line you're done i could understand it if it was like the whole top part of the arm was thick and then the bottom part was thin but it's not like that it switches and then like his hair too it's all the same width pretty much like i'm like i hate the shading on the hair that's like a personal thing and i don't really have like the artist-y words to explain why i just i don't like how he shades yellow it never looks good it looks disgusting i can't even trade so i have no it's just i don't know i feel like so the thing with his art is i feel like if i saw it on deviantart i would be like oh that's a good piece of art but the fact that this man prices his art to the general public for 200 and up and he is a professional in the industry who's been working forever if a high schooler made this i would be like that's fantastic and if your art listener looks like this keep drawing it's going to turn out great it's i have the problem with so many professionals in the industry and people trying to break into the industry have way better art than this guy but because he monopolized this system of pitching shows with these ideas that he would just come up with so many that they would just get picked up immediately he's now seen as a great artist i think that's kind of a problem because he did not get famous for his art style no and the fact that that's what he's making money off of now i i don't know it seems weird like it doesn't seem right it's just he's making money off the nostalgia is my problem like um okay well on the topic of nostalgia here's another piece that's actually a bigger one with like a background and this isn't a commission but it's uh i think he might have made it for his youtuber just for his twitter um oh no why does she look like that i forgot her name but why does she look like that sam i had to look it up i never watched jenny phantom but um i loved danny phantom as a kid i i have a problem with this one for kind of a lot of reasons but the thing is his drawing of starfire in the background looks so different from the sam that i'm worried that this one was also like heavily referenced but nobody paid money for this one as far as i'm aware so i mean i guess it's not as bad as the commissions which i do have a trace commission coming up but we'll get to that starfire i could def if if you told me that was traced i would believe it it looks like he just like traced her body and then just like and then i the are your buildings there's no detail in them they're just block the thing in block oh i didn't even realize those were buildings yeah i guess i guess if you were going for the style of his show that's a lot how a lot of the backgrounds were done they were just uh flat pieces of color on a background but it is strange for a finished commission i think it's that mixture of animation cell versus really detailed comic book style that he's got going is very it's strange it's not bad but it's strange i just i'm i it took me like i what i could not like see the background when i was looking at the piece as a whole and it took me forever to realize what perspective the image is looking from because it just feels awkward are we look yeah why the buildings would be they wouldn't they'd be above no unless they're really sharp buildings they would be those would be like boxes though that that's how high they would be just like buildings for ants it's weird because he only draws people who are very pale from what i've seen at least and these ones are just so orange like this is all you draw you don't have any diversity in your drawings and you still it up i don't even know how like okay i understand starfire is orange that makes sense yeah but like it's strange that he brought the orange into sam too i guess they they look almost the same skin tone and i i hate it just i'm gonna pull out another one that's gonna make you angry uh let's see one character or two characters it's a 50 50 right now which one will make me more upset uh probably about equal so would you rather see a picture with two characters or a picture with one character uh let's do two characters i've seen this one i've seen this one since it was jojo's i figured i had to pull it out for you okay first off if you're gonna draw jojo's goddamn draw the lines you know the you don't have to because i don't know if people's interpretation of characters are different yadda yadda i don't care i hate you butch apartment draw the whole point of jojo's is the angular lines of everything also why did you make him stacked why does jotaro have that thick of thighs and also packing that shmeet i don't see any shmeet in this photo he is attacking a so the thing is i understand not doing the line thing i'm not gonna get into that because first of all i'm not a jojo's fan and second of all you know i have no say in that but um i guess i can kind of write that off as oh what would this jojo's character who's usually very detailed and drawn very muscular look like more drawn in the style of um fairly oddparents i forgot the name of the goddamn cho um which makes sense you know i i understand the concept here but it is definitely straight uh it's definitely strange it's a weird expression let's go with that it's bothering me too because his thighs are so f like his thighs and legs are very detailed but his arms look like noodles and it's the opposite in the show like he's thick it's thick up top have baby baby legs like he's kind of having like he kind of has those legs but he has a little literally a goddamn like triangle-shaped body where he is just all shoulders and i'm like that's just an average man that's just that's just a boy but also part six of jojo's he got smaller because the style got smaller but still is he's not that small i my question about it is i do know that jojo male anatomy is very strange and it's weird because they're tired he well no he drew hulk hogan looking i forgot his name he can draw muscles obviously yeah okay so like and it's strange that he didn't i guess like because the whole point of putting these two characters together is that they're both supposed to be beefy why only draw one of them beefy it makes if you're not if you don't know what jojo's is which i barely do it makes it strange that you would combine these two characters which i think this was a request or like an idea for a i think this came from one of his youtube videos um i think it's just strange right jorgen vaughn strangle sorry god range i okay so i my point was with even talking about it before i got distracted was if you're an outside party and you only know butch hartman for his shows and you're not bursting anything looking at this piece of art from an outsider perspective you wouldn't know why he'd draw these two contrasting characters with each other because it seems like he's left out integral parts of they're not characterized well yeah and like them looking at each other like that i feel like if you're gonna make one drawn not super beefy and then the other one drawn super beefy it kind of defeats the purpose of why you would draw these two characters together yeah and if somebody requested it of him i feel like it's strange to capitalize off of something if you know nothing about it now making money off of fan art is a debate in of itself and i think that is a debate that should be had but that's not what i'm gonna focus on here what i'm gonna focus on is making money off of fan art of things that you don't know about seems really like it seems like a level above making money off of fan art of something that you at least know about because i feel like that is you've at least given time to pay your respects to the official to the original work to the original artists who worked on that piece of work but this guy because of his time in the industry is kind of getting away with making money off of things that other people like which is fine if it's a commission but with these youtube videos of matching up characters he doesn't know about and stuff like that it really feels like he is profiting off of other works without knowing anything about them so it's not even like a homage or anything it's really just oh somebody said this i'm gonna look it up on google i know nothing about it here it is yeah like i don't know it's strange um i don't know like if someone were to commission me hey i did anyway but if like they're like hey i want you to do i'm gonna say ace attorney because that's the first thing i thought of i've never i've played like part of one game and i all my knowledge comes from like you and lou but i would still like take the time to be like i wanted this character i'm like cool i don't know who this character is but i would like look up this character be like look up their mannerisms and stuff because i'm like i have no idea what this is so i feel like they that person is getting their money's worth of like me drawing this dude but i feel like yeah butch is just like cool i can profit off this because it's popular and also i'm a greedy um so i guess let's go to another thing that reminds me of that with something that i know about i guess because i don't know anything about jojo so i can comment on this more this is a piece that i don't see many people talk about um i thought it was deku at first i swear to god i thought this was deku and i was like look down i'm like no it's it's spike i understand the concept of this of oh the show's name cowboy bebop cosmo's stupid so he dresses like a cowboy it's kind of funny but this doesn't really look like spike's beagle in the style of fairly oddparents which is fine because it's on his style it's just i don't know it's it's strange and the anatomy's weird and his hair is strange i don't yeah the thing about butch hartman that i feel is you know how elon musk like post means to be like oh i'm that cool billionaire and all you guys think i'm cool because i like the cool things you wouldn't think a billionaire would like oh him when him and grimes like change their profile pictures to like adore whatever that anime is where it's like the guy and his sister i don't know it feels like whenever i think about butch hartman and his art it just makes me feel like that elon musk like that is doing the same thing but like just within the art world where he makes these memes and these jokes or like i honestly feel like he's at the point where he's purposely making his art um especially with the like recent mikasa thing everyone is talking about that's in my file he's purposely trying to cause the drama because the meme lords are gonna uh commission him but back to the actual reason why we're here uh meta criticism aside i suppose um lou what are your thoughts on how this is on how spike's people has drawn have you ever seen cowboy bebop i have one episode uh do you know what what spike hottest anime man on the planet looks like squishy's eyes not bad not bad his right ear was bigger and farther down that's why i thought it was deku at first because it's a deku expression and it's just how he holds his body is like gonna go fight some bad guys in space which apartment likes to like make the proportions of one thing weird i feel like like the hand thing one of the jojo eyes just like i know he was supposed to be winking but it looked it just did not look right the ear right here just all feels bad we're doing it like from a cartoonist perspective because you know as not a professional artist i yes have fallen into the trap of only drawing a face at three-quarters angle which is you know looking that direction you wouldn't even really be able to see that ear the one that's smaller yeah and i don't know why there's more hair being seen on that side you should actually be seeing more the ear on if he wanted to go with that tilted perspective he really should have made the whole right by way of our right not the characters right our right side bigger almost like first of all spike's hair does part in the middle and go to the sides like that but it's much bigger but it's anime hair so there's that like if he was trying to stick to the style i mean i understand but like it's it's asymmetrically bigger and it's weird that he made the asymmetric ness not coincide with like what would actually look better in the piece you know like sticking a character who's not the style into the style aside it's like even with this style he didn't go for the option that would make the overall piece look better you know yeah that and like it's tripping me up because his body's tilted his entire like torso is tilted but his arms are the same size in the same position not in the same size because if you look at the one that's farther away and should therefore be smaller it's actually bigger i hate it um not the shoulder not the shoulder now the hand though well let's actually roll back to i think wyatt found this one for me too and it was just really funny it's not a serious piece of art clearly but it is another piece of evidence that he traces and it's one that i haven't seen anyone really talk about um so this is a thumbnail of one of his videos which yeah like i saw this one and it was on twitter and people were like he he traced the bad one too yeah the bad one is from this comic which the original comic aside like could you just not like even if you wanted to go with the click bait thing why didn't he just draw timmy and then like blur it like that would have been the real click bait like he didn't have to do this like photoshop like warp it like whoop timmy's eyes are on the floor now but like big bait thing is like blurring stuff out so it's like then you have to watch the video to see what his art looks like now and why it looks so bad but yes this thumbnail also implies what lou was saying of he's he's profiting off of being bad now i think about it um a big tactic in like media and is negative attention gets more clicks gets more talked about gets more shares than positive things some maybe psychology of butcherman uh maybe like he's taking one for the taking an l being like bad press is better than good press so getting notarized for being bad is going to spread more which is going to get i on un-ironic by unironic and ironic purchases on his part so he's going to get more money because people are going to be like i want a shitty drawing by butch hartman and people are going to talk we are playing in tonight right yeah we're playing by making this video you're like i think the thing is before people are all like oh well it's hypocritical to call that out while doing the thing yeah not to like defend us in any way because yes i fully realize we are playing into his hand by talking about this yeah i feel like people talking about this though if one person goes and looks at his art and documents it and then a thousand people watch that video and then don't go look at his art afterwards because they've seen it in this video yeah that means a thousand people aren't looking at his art only one person is and now i know that's not the universal experience but i know until we decided to make this video i had not looked at his art directly ever and i didn't go to his youtube at all i only use his twitter which you can't monetize twitter which is why i used it um and also being able to warn people who do want to commission him because they genuinely know him and they're all like oh my god this artist from my childhood is taking commissions whatever we've shown that his commissions are i mean if you want it it's not a waste of money it's kind of like buying a supreme hoodie that's just a white hoodie with a red logo on it and it's not actually better you buy it for the name and i understand that but if somebody's going in genuinely wanting a good piece of art and they get that dib commission i i feel like that sort of thing needs to be said because we don't know if the people who bought the commissions that a lot of people talk about like the dib one and the kite one we don't know if they bought those ironically or if they bought them genuinely yeah and i think that's why talking about them is kind of important yeah anyway spend your 200 on something different but he's new because hey we're only talking about this man's art skills and how he's profiting off of this art there are many videos going to the controversies about why he is genuinely a bad person on top of this and i will put some of those in the description too if you're actually curious but this is not just a man who's shitty at art and he's profiting off of people he is also a shitty guy so this is one lou was talking about that really seems played up like i i don't know if this is a commission people were saying it was but i couldn't actually find any evidence from the tweet that it was a commission but i might be wrong i compiled these images a while ago um it's very clearly if not traced referenced because i saw this being a big debate on twitter on which one it was uh in his replies and everyone's like well obviously he didn't know what a taco titan was he needed to reference something so he referenced one of the first pictures of her that came up how was he supposed to know it wasn't official art that is one of the defenses i've seen for him and there is a difference yeah there's a difference between referencing art as a reference and full on just kind of stealing the pose and everything like that like it's we we have this idea also in like on our art school you have to take many like drawing classes so you have to draw the body if this man cannot just simply draw a body like what the are you doing like i i struggle drawing bodies yeah that's hard like every artist does but like if you don't have a basic concept about like how things work and instead just look at an art piece and then draw something like that's just i hate you i'm getting it i'm getting mad that i can't speak good um to go into lose argument though that he's baiting he did do another attack on titan image which the only reason i'm doing this attack on train source material aside it shows that [Music] the he can draw and he's just in that one piece which is sure no i don't think this is a good piece of art but it definitely is leagues above the other one yeah that just kind of looks more like a still image of levi like that's there's probably like stills like that in the show um i'm just i hate this man just i i've noticed something with his art style and it's not necessarily bad but it's definitely like he has kind of a 90s comic book feel for some of it yeah with like the dark black shading in like shapes versus yeah the shapes the the muscular and weird proportions sort of situation stuff square fingers and it's just strange when it's like super obvious that he's trying to take some well not take but like emulate no he's taking other people's style including the shows he worked on and in the actual first photos case that style he really tried to do an anime thing whereas here it seems like he just drew a picture in his actual drawing style yeah yeah so i guess from personal experience you can reference things that's not what we're really saying um but the fact that this is a man that's been in this business so far should have the basic skills to be like i can look at something and then transform it into something else and not like completely steal the pose the art the whatever that's changed like the position of the body and everything yeah like if you don't have the knowledge of something that's understandable but at the same time this man should i'm getting so mad here's another one i don't know how i feel about this one it's just a character i know you know so i figured you can critique it my biggest thing with this one is why his boobs are so small that's all hmm i have to say words about this i first thing i noticed why is his scar a zipper that's not the first thing i noticed why her why does he have horse feet why does he have little cloppy clops those what the secondly why does he have a zipper instead of the goddamn scar on his chest thirdly why are his titties not that big where is his mommy milker and then i noticed i'm like why is he so happy like i'm pretty sure he referenced this specific image and didn't if he did he didn't draw the sword anything like the actual sword which it's not a big deal it's a it's a sword but he also didn't draw the scar on his eye which is very prominent in this image so i'm like did you forget dude i don't know like this one it's so a lot of the pieces that you obviously see when talking about the subject are like the definitely really bad ones i started out the gate with some like pretty not great ones but like this one it's just so average for a guy who's charging so much and doing so many things and that's not to say that artists are pricing their commissions great i think a lot of commissions are under sold like including yours because i pay you for the art that i use on my channel i think a lot of artists especially younger ones underpriced their stuff to if yeah if a younger artist was like here's my zorro drawing my commissions are like ten dollars i think that you deserve more money yeah because i've seen people under value their commissions like that and yeah it brings more people who are gonna spend money for that but you shouldn't be under charging like people for your work if it's genuinely good work it's the fact that this guy is justifying having these commissions be so much just from his name it's just it it's kind of gross capitalism like fourth psa we have in this video if you are a little uh if you're a young artist and you're charging i don't know five dollars for commission no chart basic do basic like minimum wage that is the minimum you should be doing if a thing takes you five hours to do so for example if it takes you five hours to do it and your minimum wage is ten dollars you better be putting in minimum 50 bucks for that commission minimum and that's not even including like materials and just personal time you did like that's what you should be doing and my commissions are kind of based off that too and because i don't but i end up doing my commissions really fast so like peace will take me 20 minutes and i'll be like no give me 10 bucks um that is that is the thing if we're going with that that if we were going with that exact example of prices butch hartman is saying that all of his pieces take him 20 hours yeah which like of course i know it's not i know that's not how he's pricing things he's probably not going through that like actual thought process in his head so i'm not going to like accuse him of being like yeah no what i'm what i'm saying is he's upped this so much because of his name and like his previous work that he's still profiting off of even though he's a show pitcher he's not a show creator really yeah let's get a piece of art in here this one this one was just weird because i guess i don't remember the fairly oddparents lore behind the character oh that was like i've seen this one before i that was just like a rich kid i don't remember his name his name's renny remy boo boo aplenty and i think he was a rich kid who like paid off someone the young billionaire god childs uh he doesn't get enough attention from his parents so that's why he he gets money and um and he wants like cosmo and wanda and or something there is weird i don't i don't care about this man that much why is he with luffy yeah that was my question that's what i was gonna get either of these characters have to do with anything because luffy would look at that kid and punt him he would punt him across the football field he would literally punch him with the fire fist he has right now and just be like die it's just a weird thing and i also wanted to comment before i let you continue it really looks like luffy pissed his pants you were cr why does he highlight a pillow that's a big thing i have as a question i think it's cause like oh yeah there's a there's a sun in the background there's gotta be yellow highlight yeah but why on his crotch that doesn't makes that would be shaded it wouldn't it would there be a little right there but why would there be that much on his crotch oh my god i'm actually surprised he drew the scar on him because like i i've seen him drawn by a different couple people and i i the scar is literally the last thing people do so they usually don't do it the why does his hair look like that i haven't put his right leg that's what lou just said in chat is is just square is just square and then whoop triangle it is very weird that in luffy's other foot like you would still be able to see the calf if it was in that position so like his foot coming out just looks like he has a tumor like coming out of his or just that's his other that also looks like his other arm he has three arms his third arm is just under his leg and so this photo seems to kind of have the opposite problem then one of the previous ones with the uh jojo's one i think was is the one that my brain is like substituting but i don't really know this one it's almost like you put too much detail into luffy like his hat has so many lines and stuff and it really makes the fairly oddparent's character like stick out so much it looks very weird because his own show has done crossovers so this is something that i was thinking about the other day because i saw a video about it um if you watch the fairly oddparents and like jimmy neutron crossover that his own show did they put two characters that could not have more different styles together and they don't it's debatable if they look good really but like it's super obvious that it's oh it's this character in this style and now i'm like 90 sure he probably had nothing to do with the creation of those episodes directly but like it's just it's strange as an example because like you have any other show creator guy or show creator in general just do something like this but it so happens that it's a guy who's had a good crossover from his own show keeps drawing these crossovers on twitter and they don't look good i don't know it's just a weird pattern i guess i hate it also the fireball looks weird and like i the one time i've drawn fire and procreate it it was a process and i i made something cool with it but is just a ball it's just a ball with some squiggles like what he brought those disco lights back god yeah like what what or illumination or something oh i don't know what the context of this piece was either i don't know what he wrote for i know when he does his videos he has like some interns help him because i did see saw a clip of one of his videos and somebody else's video i didn't directly watch it myself it's the only piece of his youtube channel i've actually ever seen and it was a video a video of him drawing video game characters he had never seen before and his interim just describes them to him so it's kind of a game of like reverse pictionary so i don't really blame him for having bad art in that video like by way of i i feel like a lot of people of that video would focus on the characters not looking like the characters but i completely understand that by way of how the video was set up from what i could tell but it is obvious that he has like younger interns telling him what's popular and it's very just like how do you do fellow kids you know comment on this one and then i have one last one i have one last one i have one last piece of art no don't you don't want to don't lose oh god and chat i think really the am i supposed to comment on why is the grinch a gnome it does look pretty bland in this lou just said in chat uh that timmy looks pretty bland in this it is very strange to me because even if so let's go back to the to the thumbnail discussion we were having earlier with that one video um so with that one if he wanted to say oh why can't i draw tim anymore even if he used that image of timmy and blurred it or warped it somehow it would have been a better thumbnail in general because he actually did draw this to me and it doesn't look the same especially like the line art of his arm and yeah his colors are off there's that too yeah his colors are off uh lou just said i'm kind of wondering if the tablet that this guy is drawing on like his shirt the saturation and the color filter and again so looking at these two white right i have i have two screens going right now one is my like laptop that i'm recording off of and one is my mac that has all my stuff on my mouse display to me looks really orange and up but if i look over at my at my um laptop his skin looks like the right color actually and the grinch doesn't look so saturated his hat and his shirt are not the right shades of pink but he looks like the right skin tone like everything besides his clothes is the right tone on this screen but then i look over at the other one so i'm wondering if part of his coloring problem i don't know if that's part of the bait it might be generally genuinely like the color filters and saturations on his tablet aren't right but i don't know um i think this is gonna probably be the last piece we look at because i had two more but they're ones that i've seen people talk about before one is the steven universe one and then another one is scooby-doo as a person but this one is so he had a concept for a youtube video and i saw it on his twitter where he was drawing different youtubers as danny phantom ghosts um they all were a little strange but i think the one that had the strangest thing was his drawing of anapatsu um i don't think i've seen this uh she's a singer she does a lot of um anime covers you know that one um that one princely cover that was going around tick tock for a while like a year or two ago that was her um but let's focus on this one give your artistic vision on this one either of you he can't draw women why are her tits like that oh my god i wasn't even focused on that i'm more focused on her walleye stare i literally she looks like she's looking past danny just ah and then going ah [Music] yeah is always strange it's it's it's fl it just seems flat and like her pose is very dynamic lou is right danny seems very weirdly off i hate their expressions her expression specifically like her arms are just in a somewhat dynamic pose like it's static but it's it's a dynamic post um but her face is just ah like the she's the peanut butter baby i don't know and obviously none of this has to do with like anna patsy's icon or like her as a person at all by the way that's the disclaimer it's why i didn't want to do a bunch of the youtube ones but like definitely this drawing doesn't do justice any part of the design that actually went into the original icon that this is based off of it's it's just like is all his other stuff it's just flat it should be prospectively like behind her but it's more forward than the other side and i hate it stupid she looks like who what there is a redheaded villain from disney that i'm thinking of and i can't she has a similar hairstyle can't think of it i played i was getting ariel vibes she does look like ariel maybe it's because she doesn't have legs i don't know [Music] bella thorne she looks more like bella thorne jesus okay so there's this thing called complimentary colors he doesn't do that none of these color like there's like different ones there's like the try try something i don't remember the name of it but it's it's the color wheel and opposites of the color wheel are complementary that means they kind of go together it might be a little eyesore but they might go together why the is there this pale ass orange this funky ass purple that's in all of his and this weird green that looks like barf it looks like it looks like a rolly rink floor that has had so much soda and just spilled on it and like the teenagers working at it you know what i used to clean it roller rink floor that's what it was because i it was giving me a vibe but i couldn't tell what it was roller rink floor it's like a off-brand can i put your can i put your uh skate country image in here the colors they were reminding me of something not like the exact saturations here but i they reminded me of the lights from that piece of yours like not to insult you because you used them correctly but like more so cause like the mixing that he did here is just strange but i was like i feel like i've seen those colors work together in something before again all the stuff to go find their actual work and more information about this is gonna be in the description um any closing words ash i'm tired i literally can't look at this anymore that's why i'm ending this i don't know erased you know how i usually i'm the one that's like taking years off your life i think it's you this time i think there's an equal give and take it's my turn to feel it in fairness and fairness why help me find these you can you can partially blame wyatt it's it's both you and white though okay cool lou the you know what's hurting me the art not the pizza there's only so much psychic damage you can take
Channel: BarbaricTeatime
Views: 50,542
Rating: 4.9007354 out of 5
Keywords: Butch Hartman I guess
Id: 9hILPH8i7GQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 41sec (3341 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 20 2021
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