Arriving on the Scene of a Brutal Stabbing Rampage

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a massive incident that we went to in i think about 2007-2008 and again this is in my new book not that i'm advertising there's a place called living rooms which is not living rooms anymore it's the it's spoons now yes booms um it used to be like this big night club and they changed it in a bar and a nightclub the night coming back to about anywhere just went under so many different names and me and my children john are on patrolling traffic car and we're just around keithley at time and it was bizarre i've never known when when you when you're in a fantasyland this is what it was like it was so bizarre we got a call to um a stabbing it just comes out anyone attend living rooms now there's been a stabbing going on um someone's injured we need we need assistance because the members of public are detaining the knife man so where's strong economy and john johnson amazing through gears driving's brilliant skids that top of cabinet street turns right onto north street and that's where the living rooms were there by spoons skids the car to a stop ambulance is just pulling up it's members of public all over brawling jumping and that sort of thing bob is just skidding up left right and center it's just completely enough can cluster road and it turns out this young lad i think about 18 19 year old complete uh schizophrenic massive mental health issues he'd gone to his i think he'd gone to his house think he'd stab someone in his house go to his someone like his brother-in-law stop someone there or a random person on the street then gone down to living rooms and they'd gone into living rooms and he'd just done a massive knife attack in living rooms so we get our car john says you go do what you need to do to me and john says i'll run scene so john starts putting police tape up everywhere and starts radioing to control about what's going on bobbies have also got this lad detained then they're starting to throw him in the van um i run up the curb and i turn left and i go into the living room's door and i've never ever seen anything like in my career so just give you an idea um through main doors rows of seats on each side steps up rosa seats on each side and then bar area at the back there's body after body after body just laid there unconscious covered at the toe in blood there's blood on the floor there's blood on the tables table's knocked over chair is knocked over there's people screaming um one person's got blood splitting out of them there's paramedics running around trying to banish wounds there's there's not enough paramedics there's about seven to ten people stabbed and injured i think about this time there's two paramedics and two ambulances and a fast paramedic i literally i i i just don't get it i just can't comprehend what's going on um i run back to the car i shout to johnny i just said can my stabbing get on radio we need more units more more um ambulances if you need to get five brigade out get five just get everyone here you can do i open back a car i get first aid box run back inside and as i run through the door there's a girl shout and help me help me i turn to my left and there's a girl sat there she's about 20 about 22 23 um and she's been stabbed at the back behind a like i said a shoulder blade area and they always say for every say one centimeter long two centimeters depth forever kind of thing two centimeters four centimeters so and when she went over this womb just saw like one like that and made a hole and it kind of hole i probably could get those fingers in and go straight through ribs into a i think it was a lung it was this black chasm it just looked like 30 foot deep with that big bud's coming out of it she's struggling to breathe she's gasping she's there's blood coming out of her mouth it's just bizarre so i undo compound bandage um like a field dressing bandage under his compound bandage so i put it on the lower on the back i held it on paramedic comes over does some vitals and says right uh pressure on the wound at that point i'll take my hand off to see the compound bandage the compound bandage is sunk into the wound so whether it's a longer whatever she's breathed in it's pulled the bandage into the hole so i've got to get another compound bandage and put that on top again that bandage goes into the hole and it's like it's trying to plug the hole up so i think we use three compound bandages um she's in and out of consciousness at that point i'm then covered in blood um there's um there's a woman to my i we're a man to my left he's unconscious on the floor not moving he's literally just picked up and and once you just licked the the they didn't do anything with them just literally picked him up and threw him outside and threw him in ambulance and one sets off by this time the streets riddled with ambulances there's not enough paramedics to look after the people so bobbies are now getting in the ambulances and driving the ambulances with blue lights on to hospital because there's not enough paramedics to deal with people there's blood on the walls there's blood on the windows it's just a completely not a horror scene it's like something you see from a uh a nightmare movie a horror movie like freddy krueger um it's just bizarre and then when i look up i think there's three lads stood up badge laughing with the paints just stood up laughing still got the paint still drinking it's completely not short not bothered don't give a flying those um those men were suitably taking the beers off them and suitably ejected from the premises as quickly as the camera because all they did were funny they weren't helping anybody don't give them first aid they were stood there watching people die in front of them and they thought it was hilarious so they were soon thrown out with the the premises um and then victims were put in order of sickness of how vital some some people are some people was straight to hospital and were straightened theater and they had life-saving um operations on them other people were like slashes and gashes on their arms might have been stubborn to stomach but it could have been just dealt with in casualty kind of thing they need major surgery but the amount of people that have the the lumps of flesh that were hanging off the amount of people that had a big gaping knife wounds in them and all properly like one one woman when i lifted the top up um and i think it was just under a side somewhere by a bra and they were just like big puncture wounds and it was gushing through a top it were absolutely it was it was horrifying to see and do um i remember when we came out end of it all uh cid and everyone came out seem a lot down and we had to have a quick walk through premises making sure we're not and they're like it's really weird there's like strips from paramedics dressings there's needles there's there's all sorts of stuff where each person's being tricked by paramedics so what they'll do paramedics will treat people and just drop all the crap on floor because they're there debt save lives the dog think oh we'll pick this up so there's pods of on floor from dressings bandage things ripped open um same on this bit and it's just piles of ambulance stuff where people have been trying to be served there's puddles of blood thick coagulated is that right word blood all over the floor and i remember just stood outside with john my colleague and i looked down and there came blood all down before arms he were all on my pants he run my stab vest and it was horrible and i remember watching my hands in sync and it was just it was just became bizarre it was just the blood won't come off my hands when i'm back at station rubbing them off my hands and it was the bizarre thing to be part of the lord got sentenced i think got life imprisonment in a mental hospital so he's never going to come out i think when his patient was stabbed before him i think they made a full recovery and i think all the people eventually that were stabbed in living rooms made a full recovery um but yeah that's one of the things that i'll forget and every time i go past that place now i just remember how it were inside and what we all had to go through all the amber and british where the ambulance staff and paramedics up there did a fantastic job if it weren't for their quick thinking about what they were doing you know who would categorize first and throwing ones people had denied because in my blood loss there that were phenomenal but yeah absolutely horrific job you know i don't think i'd ever want to see all that again would you say that's one of the worst like actors like violence you've seen yeah that that the the person that do that i've or pure evil or like i said i had severe mental health issues and i think that's what i'm trying to put out about mental health about you just don't know who it's going to affect and how it's going to affect people but obviously he had schizophrenia so he's were obviously different but the the sheer acts of violence to have a knife and go well it didn't matter if you were walking all the way with your daughter at that time you'd have punched a knife into your dirty punch knife into you if it was just it was just so violent with the attacks thrushing stabbing slashing and anyone he could get his hands on before he tried to make room for it and then were overpowered but i just think you know what i mean all you have to be is in and no one thinks when you're going out for a pint on the night that you're going to be in wrong place at wrong time but that's all it took it took one one person one player strong time to commit so much devastation it were horrible absolutely horrible and it would outbreak and see people struggling for their lives and knowing that you're there trying to do as much as you can um and my first aid is okay but we're still limited i'm not there to treat massive knife wounds um but yeah i'll always remember that do you think this is why i'm talking about mental health and addressing it is so important could that have been prevented yeah i mean yeah i totally agree i don't know the background on his family or where he or what he'd spoke to or what care you were under but yeah if you don't do things about your own mental health or if other people don't come forward you don't know how someone is in the head and it can take seconds for someone to snap about something but all these things are built up over a period of time you don't just get to one point and say right i've got now got mental health issues i'm going to stop someone there's underlying issues all the time and if you start to talk about those online issues if you get those underlying issues scenes are dealt with it's a lot easier in the future to be able to deal with something that comes out and i'm not on about is schizophrenia because that's obviously different but where i am or whatever that's why i encourage people to come out and do stair about the minute of because like i said you're relieving that pressure and it's a pressure cooker and it's just waiting for that wrong thing at wrong time like i said it could be a bit of road rage it could be something and then you're just in wrong place again wrong time and something happens and you snap and that one thing you could do could change the rest of your life forever so it's so important to unleash all these demons but do it correctly and safely and in controlled environments but that's why talking right now me talking to camry and everyone else out there it's so important to be able to do and then when and talk i'm not just giving stories about my past i'm giving stories about how it's affected my mental health how it's affecting me as a person and then talking now this is my therapy everything i do now this is i'm not here because i went x y and z i'm here because this is therapy to me talking about these getting these demons out it's the ripper to me so if you are struggling and you know something you're thinking that's not right i don't feel there's always ways you can go forward there's always things you can do but what you don't want to do is you don't want to be that person with a knife to shoot i don't know why i did it i just did it and that's when your life's over that's when your life changes and someone else change how someone goes and once you've gone that past that point you can't get back so what we're trying to do is we're trying to sort this out beforehand and there's way some means that would do that but yeah i think a lot of things can prevented um if mental health is seen and approached where earlier than what it is done at the moment did he stab someone at home think you'd stabbed someone like two hours before and then you'd gone there right yeah later on i know there were an incident beforehand because i think a lot of bobbies were trying to deal with that incident and then they were it came out that oh this is where it is so sweet but we didn't listen to the first job because i've not been putting that one at the time we were on different channels and stuff so yeah i just think if you if you if you are on medication like i'm on teleprem and i'm on this sort of thing at the moment as well so i can't wait to stop called dean of where it is to make me sleep um if he says don't mix alcohol this is why he don't mix with alcohol especially alcohol and drugs do not mean you've got to listen to why you're taking it you're taking it for a reason if your head's not right don't put anything else in your system that makes it even worse i mean recipe for disaster in it we've launched patient channel if you want to help out please see the link below thank you
Channel: Ben Pearson
Views: 82,808
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: police interceptors, police interceptors full episodes, police interceptors 2020, police interceptors 2021, ben pearson, ben pearson police interceptor, channel 5 police interceptors, ask the police, ask the police officer, answer the publics questions as a police officer, police officer answer questions, outsmarting the police, police fails, police officer tells fatal rtc story, rtc, police injuries, injuries on duty, injuries on duty | retired police interceptor
Id: xM3tD074L6w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 2sec (782 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 20 2021
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