ArrDee Takes Chloe Burrows on a DATE! Reveals Influencer Boxing Plans? And MORE! | FULL EP.04

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what would you do with that word that's hard give it to him you want to give me your words [Music] hello and welcome back to another episode of Chloe versus the world a show where I bring my favorite and your favorite guest ones have a little bit of chit chat more importantly play loads of games where if basically whoever loses has to face the world of warfare today I've got a really big guess okay and I'm actually a little bit nervous I actually thought he wouldn't come he ignored so many of my messages but we managed to get him here all the way from Brighton it's a man who made body a hit the trouble I'm not sure what that means it excited to be here yeah I mean it's gonna be alive it's gonna be funny it's a big deal though because you've obviously done like part live Wireless class three but now you're here okay so this is like the main event you will strive to do I hear it okay I'm here for it do you understand that I'm finally here you have to beat me because I'm free and oh at the moment what only would you say done the leaderboard on the wheel of something well no that's my leaderboard okay on the questions no not the question we're gonna have chat okay we're gonna have a little budget chat like 10-15 minutes then we've got free games and you have to beat me in all three games I will this is fine okay very confident you should pick up how do me and you know each other free day loads of clubs actually did you watch my love Island series could you know Lucinda well I only know herb after the show kind of I met her once at my my ex had a party at her house and she turned up but I didn't obviously I didn't know who she was do I love Island Series yeah yeah I watched some of it you know I'm pretty sure I did anyway did you want me to win yeah you definitely you were basically blocked cussing at everyone else but you're the only person on there with personality to actually follow and I don't know have an interest in no disrespect anyone answers or not I feel like I shouldn't have said that because there's going to be someone that was on that series that I actually get along with but I can't think of anyone hey if I named me some people Millie Court what do you think of Millie you're mate Miller yeah that's just I from what I've seen she's like no no she's joking about me she knows who you are yeah playing rhythm I don't know him well what was your first impression of me oh that's what I call you trouble oh he's on my love on your like she's trouble yeah yeah your whole personality just screams it like even look you can ask a random what was your first impression of her when you first looked in trouble with it respectable classy nice young lady I had classy yeah you reckon yeah [Laughter] you eat chicken yeah just had a KFC banging what do you think you have for dinner probably more chicken chicken and rice can you cook that no I can't cook does your mom cook all your dinners I do do a lot of deliveroo every day but yeah if it's not that then my mom is cooking but she enjoys it though she's like my mom loves being a moment oh that's really cute recently on Tick Tock you said you start a gym can't tell how's that going I started you can't tell you know what yes because I've actually fell off of it I haven't done it how many times have you been to the gym this year do you know what form from when I come back from Thailand yeah it's like January time I was going like land I just went there for New Year's went to um mental what was Madison you saw I was all just a bit of a blur I mean you know what I'm at anyway it's almost just a bit of a massive blur to be fair um how many of us was there movie like eight nine there was like loads of boys loads of my mates went out and they was traveling though so they were staying there three months but I've done it properly like I stayed in like a hostel like 12 bed hostel obviously with all of my mates it was all of my lot yeah but there also isn't just your lot the room we had it was 12 beds but we had so many of like my lot there and it was filled up by us it was all right so no one was like Rd why are you in a hostel they was like when I was at the full moon party I did get recognized a little bit but what did they say I tried well I'm partying I tried and swerve it a little bit I'm all down for doing pictures and stuff but a lot of the time it can get a little bit frustrated enjoying myself I don't think it will do you think it would work I had this conversation with someone the other day yeah I'm going to a festival in summer and I'm gonna wear a disguise why don't you come wear this guys we'll go together I'm gonna wear a wig I'm bitting myself out I'm gonna wear a wig yeah yeah so why don't you come and get a wig I don't think it will work I think some of my mannerism because I'm like as soon as I open my mouth is it yeah tattoos so you'd have to wear gloves I don't think it's that deep though do you know what I was in Reading in a disguise yeah I had um disguise what was it disguise some kind of ballion of some form right and I got recognized I don't wear the ring anymore but I got recognized because of my black ring someone behind me was like no it's definitely him he's got that ring on them that's [Music] [Laughter] male Libras are meant to be snakes he is an anomaly because he is the person I trust the most on this planet and he is the only male Libra you don't trust him I think he's a snake yeah I've always like I'm a Libra what does that mean I don't actually know a lot of the time though you see like when I'm drawing girls I pretend to know and just kind of make it up as I go along just believe it anyway where's your best Tower blind my best out of line I don't do child lines a lot I don't think child blinds I have never met anyone who's used a chat up like and it's worked in it if you were going to slide in a DM what would you say I normally yeah you're just gonna bite me out but I normally try and find a picture of that someone wouldn't normally I'd never slide in with like their bikini oh okay like a wholesome dog yeah their eyes or like a smile or something but I get a lot of time I don't after DM girls do you think you get a day in general girls girls I don't know you know it varies it depends on how active I've been being on my social media if I've been posting when I post it goes off obviously pretty fast I don't blame him yeah it's like more than like 20. yeah no way yeah if I put a fit pick up I maybe get 60 amps what's your best pickup line 60 M's I don't pick people up you don't pick people up I sit in about I've totally spoke about this once before I said in boys DMS once and I just ended up in Hell on Earth to get ignored no we we saw each other for a bit and then he was like you're [ __ ] lunatics you are a [ __ ] lunatic that's fun though I love a lunatic that's why we get along I think yeah exactly exactly find someone who's like on your level and he was like you're literally I don't know we're on the same level why not well not at all I'm 10 years old and yeah how old are you right now 20 20 yeah you're not even allowed in clubs in America a little um okay right it's a bit of the gym to do any boxing because you've done that in your recent music video no but I used to do karate I was one bit away from black but two parts away from Blackboard they recording me right now I didn't know that no well I'll do it off camera above my height oh I can kick you in the face if I wanted to I wouldn't do that I used to be able to you're about be them she's trying it she's trying it that's really cool yeah I used to do karate and then I keep watching my mom's a black bar in kickboxing she teaches people she's done one cage fight slash MMA fighter whatever you want to call it imagine watching your mum cage why did you go watch on YouTube it's on YouTube are these mums would you ever box anyone what that old is new YouTube celebrity boxing stuff yeah so there's a Misfits card coming up in May if you had to fight someone say there's tenants no they're 10 million pounds on the table I'll fight someone if you fight someone tell me who are you fighting first okay I didn't matter the other day and I think it should be a good match because she goes to the gym and that so I'd knock a block off you reckon you can do our own probably I reckon it actually would be a good fight who would you fight maybe you could buy eight to five for the title of UK no he's like six foot one he's massive but right now I love you have you seen him like he can have it you know have you seen him fight he does like trading on that on his Instagram all the time oh no he's got some lucky kicks right let's see what I do I wouldn't do boxing I'd do kickboxing if I was gonna do okay like a Tom's name MMA vibe all right Tom's Renee that's my guy no also is no so let me sucks in his music video after Mom's eye if he did me two weeks ago saying can you be in my music video I was like no Tom why not right Tom I got a number I'm not doing it I'm gonna pull up and just bring her to be sweet I don't think I'm very video vixen Vibes I wouldn't sound sexy I just think I'm nice music video girls the problem is they don't know how to just like have a bit of energy and like be fun I think you'd be sweet you would be like the main one because Like Rappers always have like it's well rude not that you're not fit you're off it but you wouldn't be the main video mixing but you'd be like do they act on you oh yeah well a lot of the time yeah and for me obviously they're actually feeling you but a lot of the time obviously you have to pretend to it right okay I've actually got loads of questions that I could ask a rapper and now you're here I can ask you okay if there was a rapper love Island so you're a rapper oh this is a sick one who's on it well let's do one so if it's the boys we can have you how many others right so in the starting lineup there's always five or is it six five there's five now you've said yeah um I think Fredo would be hilarious though yeah I've got the top game yeah yeah you're probably pretty to me but I've got top game and then the fifth person you know what yeah I would have if you could have them both both of them but even like little man A1 my little my little friend as in another two by a wooden J1 I've met them yeah okay them too as a pair yeah why would you pick them too they just they're just a laugh they got bad I try to think yeah yeah me and everyone get proper Bella right so those are the five boys last name five girls let's have influencers no rapper Island Miss bangs Peggy cakey Steph London basically he's got a girlfriend all right for purposes she's in there yeah she's in there Nadia Rose I don't know why I didn't think of that she's cool yeah right I think me and her would win it so you'd call me and I've already yeah 100 really but if she went to Casa or more and there was American rappers in there do you think you'd last a test time I don't know all right all right I have already but do you think if there were American rappers in Qatar or more for you you'd stand to my magic we've got ice spice to make this Italian oh who's that chick Lola Brooke I like it yeah yeah was in there she is fit my trumpet that might Trump so basically be very loud you're not you're not you're faithful I reckon because I love Ireland I've had this conversation but do you not think I can use yeah he would be sick I reckon why because entertainment the same way that you your personality yeah but you're in the grand scheme of things yeah oh that's your girl as well yeah Millie actually dm'd you off my phone did you see it no I didn't see it but we know you know you know why I didn't see it yeah you deleted it depends how hot you are on your notification yeah but if you instantly deleted it obviously I'm not going to see it did you get embarrassed did you get embarrassed no the reason why was because he was worried no the reason why was because I spoke to you on tick tock and we'd kind of said yeah you're coming on whatever day whatever and then I was waiting for a reply I think I'd message you the day before I was waiting for reply so then the message said will you come on my podcast and take me out for dinner what do I even do and I also I would have been bathtub before come then where are you going for food drinks afterwards obviously what yeah always drinks afterwards are okay so you would have taken me for drinks I feel like you're just me and you it's always just gonna be a drink anyway like maybe little nibbles if you go to like one of them bars would you not do a sober Sushi something yeah I've been there so laugh what do you do do you take dates when you're sober I do do cyber dates trying to think I thought no you go on loads of days no I no I don't think it's uh my lot thing I don't know anyone that really goes on those what because you just you just dming girls and then they come around your yard or you go around there come around your house in my house I'd be mental do you go to their house but um yeah I don't feel like my my generation are really doing that I say weird wouldn't you want to go to like this Cinema you've been on dates I think I went on sex in my life one and nine and Chloe borrowers who wouldn't [ __ ] idiot you're a rocking again stay where would you take me tape uh I don't know um I feel like we'd go and do something like fun I don't even be sick like that I'd probably know you see that message that you sent me was like oh your mate sent and it was about dinner I'd probably ask a few questions because it doesn't sound outside you'd say all that we do we gotta do something lit I don't think can you take me to candlelight dinner do you want to take me on a date right now yeah right so you've taken me on a first date here is that what this is yeah you plan this for months in advance yeah yeah and he's edible I'm not sure you try it yeah do you wash your fruit no just eat it nice yeah just pop that in oh no she's shots out of that I've got another one I was heartening about myself right you're gonna pop the Prosecco that's gonna go so wrong so good right you're in the day in Hot Seat how's it feel I can't champagne spray you on don't you dare spice I swear oh my mum's about to get up and punch you in your face I'll punch you in your phone I don't care if you're a man equal rights punching your face oh I know no I know you're gonna do it I wouldn't if we went on your set if we were sat over there no I'm not gonna do it just sit down we're on a date exactly we're on a date put your head in the game I mean classy pull my one first because you know men verse as always right what's your time um it's weird yet I'll have a little bit of a type look size if I'm so I'm attracted to a load of different looking people like if you went through every bird that I've been with for like long time wise anyway none of them really look anything like each other but their personality is the same no yeah that's a definition of insanity in it doing the same thing you're tired no yeah but if it didn't work with that this is what I don't get with people if that one didn't work then do not think maybe all right let's let's go you can have your type but not down to the tea you can have like funny yeah yeah that's so basically everyone you're not gonna like someone that's not funny no one's type is like yeah I actually don't like funny people everybody like someone funny so yeah I like them like pretty funny yeah we get along obviously what about needy do you like needy girls do you know what it is yeah I was having who's I having a conversation with I think it was tay but I was saying I have this weird thing well and it's actually really childish of me but I need a girl to like really be like clingy and obsessed with me when I want her to be and then in the times where I don't want that to be leave me the [ __ ] alone and it changes sporadically and randomly and it can happen like mid while I'm with you and I think it's because of my ADHD but I just get them please I just need you to chart don't even breathe near me don't talk to him and but it's it's so Random you could do like clap like a safe word or something yeah okay one thing I love about this podcast is it gets me absolutely [ __ ] trollied on the [ __ ] I don't really love it some Tuesday this isn't it happy Tuesday let me know what would you do on a Tuesday no I don't care about that why are you looking at him something rude on a Tuesday if you're a fun biting you know what the London we're doing on Tuesdays well to the man damn deal on a Tuesday two girls that's my guess two what you just think I just two girls every Tuesday yeah no it's true there today though if you me and someone else yeah Mal who was who would you pick what do you want about what who would I pick for what a three oh three some Tuesdays is that what happens why isn't on the Wednesday it's not what happens it is what happens right Brian now I know where you're around have you got any icks although you've got loads little ones um do you know what I really don't like and I've like quite a few girls do it if I'm like out with like a group of girls even their friends or like just like red black different what don't be around girls that is why it read like um but it's like when they try to draw their mate out in front of me or like what would you mean it's like dear fake scenario so we can understand so that's your just not she'll just be trying to embarrass her mate but it's so blatantly because I'm there and it sucks to turn off and all it really does is make me feel sorry for the mate and then I end up chatting more to the mate and nine times out of ten right now because you've just I my sympathy is there for us that's quite a young thing to do oh any other X loads I actually do have loads but I can't think of anything because there's loads of things so good but I'm I'm a proper hygiene freak in it so if a girl's like I can't tell like um yeah probably something I was like not very very clean [ __ ] [Laughter] it's a really nice stuff so I got up the levels next time we'll go on a more exciting day right yeah right maybe I'm playing game one now yeah this is where you have to beat me Chloe versus Rd right okay this is what you've all been waiting for it's round one out of three games I've got Mr Rd here and the first game we're gonna play is called Box of Lies you guys have already seen this with me and specs ADI didn't watch the episode please I saw Clips basically we've both got something under our clash and we can either describe it to the other person or lie but the other person has to work out whether they're telling the truth or telling a big lie and basically whoever wins gets a point in Chloe versus the world there's a lot of pressure on you you know because I'm reigning Champion I'm gonna Smash It mate okay I wonder what pick we've got for you but I'll go first to work out I'm lying I don't know what to say what it is the game I'm [ __ ] dead live gone to my Clash is a book on how to organize orgasm especially for you ow a house has an orgasm for men no like how to do an orgasm oh so how to how to make someone orgasm or squirt or just what's the exact title um um how to have an orgasm everything you need to know and is is it a book did you say or is it just like a step-by-step a book but you don't feel like I'm telling the truth because you keep saying what am I gonna say out loud can you tell me the first step that's in the book yeah it says okay the first three steps actually three I don't think we've got enough time okay I've gone first up read this redo the end time yeah God really intro Dear Mr day [Music] um first chapter is all about when you meet your girl who's got me nice to her [Music] swear down I'm fuming it's actually from you lots of blood from our day it's not for me I don't need to read a book um no I don't know why I'm actually Mega filming because you've obviously proper Double Bluff but I don't know I'm a big fat liar yeah it made it seem like you're just making up on a spot but you actually had a broken hearts of orgasm that's a big [ __ ] long book as well well you take it and you look after it I don't think I need it you keep it okay that's my gift from me too well it does say lots of love from our day land like what have you got in front of you why is lying because I don't know it's probably weird oh I I have got a piece of wood about that it's small it's like kind of like um January you want to give me your words it's like a long time actually do with that word give it two what would I use it for you've got that book I mean [Laughter] okay so there's a big block of a new old polished um nice polished I feel like it might have actually come out of like a set of something like it could be either Jenga or it's come out of some kind of building block thing but it's been apologies like you know you can build things around like put them on top of them really hard on it yeah you're gonna enjoy [Applause] [Music] that was good yeah come on are you busy on the game that's why I was already telling the truth well done I'm actually proud of you for that round that was good like you're a good liar it's obviously a big red flag welcome to round two of box of lies we've missed Rd I don't know how to call you that I feel like that should have been your rapper name Mr Rd you can call me I don't you go first there's something so I need some inspiration because I don't know what's up what is it you're not mad in it I've I've cucumber is what I've got no you said they're mad there's not a cucumber because you wouldn't have said someone's mad if you've got a cucumber your blood okay sweet well I'm telling you I've got a cucumber what questions do you have exactly small I don't think it's a whole cucumber oh is it cut in half is it is it still in the pack of gym no it's out of the packaging no how clean doing it it's in something weird or like I actually can't even describe what it's in right well that's part of the game so let's try and describe it it's got eyes it's got eyes it's your eyes it has got eyes okay and it's blue it's blue it's blue the cucumber's blue now what is in is blue I wouldn't say it's hard cucumber I think if you doubled that would be quite big I think it's maybe last third your math is so bad right there's a cucumber enzymic blue with eyes on it like jelly or what do you mean in something blue is it wrapped around yeah it's like I actually don't know how to describe it it's kind of really unhelpful um it's part of the game can you please use some words oh my you know what I've just realized what it is what it is I um I think you're lying questions foreign it's a phone nice you're I'm sure you're at is in this isn't it you've got it out I just turn it up and do Vibes I'm a good liar but I feel like you're you're better than me not met a better lie than me yet I've got a picture of oh what's his [ __ ] name I just had it you know a short man that everyone like takes a bit out of and he's from Russia and he's up first yeah I've got a picture of him do you have a picture of him a picture what's he wearing in a picture it just went a hat with his little hair like this and he's got nice oh love Yeah but you've got kind of side eyes yeah no no looking straight on straight on but there's that one of him then there's loads around him obviously there's loads of hasbulls there's that one big one and loads of small ones and that is that just a background there's no there's nothing else around him okay that's the background is has bullets there's loads of him and then one of him and then like a schwein hit collage back in there on Facebook I'm not sure what that is um it Mayo may not have sausages with it what sausages don't look at your mates and don't you [ __ ] dare it's a little bit right or wrong how big is the picture that you've got of him is it like cut out or is it just like a square picture with everything around it I think I'm telling the truth yes man it's like a point oh my God I'm Gonna Leave This one change the next game so I can win I swear to God I'm not losing yeah it's hot and you try to throw me off after two rounds of box of lies it's actually one nil to Rd so next one I need to get a point otherwise we're [ __ ] [ __ ] what what on Earth is that okay I'm not sure whether it tells you relax I don't think you believe the truth but I don't know what I can lie about me well if I wasn't going to believe the truth then you'd win because I wouldn't get the point I think there's a lot of spam on my plate a little sperm I think there's a lot of spam it looks like you've got spunk on your plane does that come all over some uh Star Wars socks Star Wars up you've got across these spunky Star Wars song it's not grassy it actually looks quite known on your plate it's quite new someone's freshly had a wank yeah you did but I I definitely I think you weren't overly do not I had that I don't do wanking or anything like that that is I'm home that's what I've got um how do you know it's a Star Wars up um because I know Star Wars right so what's on the sock a little robot you know little one R2D2 which one RTD2 look one the round helmet yeah is it just like one of him uh yeah just one just him and then what and then what [ __ ] sock that is are you gonna get a foot in it okay yeah I know it's dark and it says Ah either you're cheating or you're lying because it definitely it's not a song but it has a picture of him this is hard to do to all the top is that not his name that's his name okay it looks like Karma I'm not saying it is calm but Lewis went into the toilet before we did this so it probably is so yeah but you're saying it's calm honest R2D2 Star Wars song yeah yeah I think a lion I'm telling this time what is wrong what's wrong with you Laura yeah yeah what the [ __ ] let me see yeah that is all mad that is good go on Louie come on I'm coming yes yes oh right one then your guy removed the Clash oh I like Jesse I think you're just a big fat liar and I don't know what's coming in oh I've got a toasty maker no you don't it would be rude John Chloe versus the wild I won't give you a toasty maker I've got a toasty maker we'll describe it then um it's weird actually it it's got It's not a normal shaped toasty it's funny if you're telling a big fat lie it's weird it's yeah it's weirdly shaped it's um what shape is it then it's quite a circle we'll do the shape with it with your finger it's like do it again I can't remember what I did you're lying I'm not you are a fish toasty maker no no I told you it's like um what you tell me what is it um charcoal you're lying I'm not you are lying do you have any more questions no because I know you're lying Chinese maker it's a Pikachu one what the [ __ ] so you lose I'm the only one with a point there's one nil and that's the end of it come on right at the end of books of Lies first round of games but there's two more so let's not worry but I am slightly embarrassed on top of a bad loser in it shut your [ __ ] mouth I'm doing a talking bit I do one one nailed to him right next up it's round two of Chloe vs Rd is currently one nil up but we're about to play who am I basically each player has a name on their cards the other yawning that's [ __ ] room sorry I wasn't I was itching my bottom lip each person has a name on their card they will know them Rd struggled with the rules a bit for this one and basically each person gets three yes or no questions so is it a girl is it boy are they dead they're alive etc etc and then they get three do you know them do you like them do an impression question basically three golden questions if you don't understand it will become clear because I'm gonna play it already now for the first point in this game so I've got a name on my cards asked me a yes or no question is it a girl no is that a rapper no I mean it kind of has to be so I don't want to ask that question I've got one left no I'm not gonna ask it because you're through and then you've got I can give you your free golden ones is it a celebrity yeah yeah that's what I mean I didn't that's just a waste of my third question now and you know what I'm saying I was damning it I'm gonna be Lauren from down the road because me and you don't know your dad fight those no is that influencer hey could be considered as an influencer well that's my five questions okay Terry is like an almost influencer that's all I got from that and he's a man well I will describe him in three words old gallis Dallas you know where galaxies yes I know I am a girl is I know what agallis is right okay oh girlies and loves Nando's four words okay I love that okay basically if I was going to tell you my favorite thing about this person is that he gets me tables at Ocean base and then if I was doing an impression I got we're a nice tables there's another lovely words you look better mine that's what Mom is good hey guys yeah no we love him like we love Wayne with me and my friends and someone he was like really nice table ladies yes for my life five questions am I a girl no I'm a boy am I fat uh no am I a rapper yeah have you done a song with them yeah right do your free clothes I've got to describe this person in three words I want to make it kind of vague so that you don't get it I don't really know many rappers I don't mean oh you don't I don't you probably do [Music] um fly what just fly for me he's flying a little Fly Boy um quite chilled and Tall a male rapper Who's fly and chilled you know him until yeah my second one is tell us your favorite thing about this person have you done a song with him you've asked that personally I said yeah no I haven't but you just said it she did though I never said that she did no I didn't I said the whole room is saying you did you did awesome yeah that's your fifth question um he's got quite good advice for me because we've right now I'm not trying to pay out hello oh this one's gonna bait it you lost the snakes so are they yeah I'm still gonna win so that's fine okay right it's my guy oh the one now if you didn't have the impression one on the end okay we know the rules now right go on then give me your free yes or no questions I think you should get this one right is it a boy yeah is it a rapper uh yeah you said it weirdly so it's like a weird rapper yeah is that song [ __ ] no comments no comments I don't know yeah no they've got one I really like that's such a waste of a question like when you look at this person wouldn't go rapper have I met them I think so I got a [ __ ] clue Bob um do they fight yeah yeah I said no comment no sorry guys yeah yeah right I'll give you some Clues I'm gonna describe them in three words hairline drinks um side men my favorite thing about this person is not sure because I've actually never met him I've heard he's a lovely broke but his drinks are like he sends Us free drinks okay that's your favorite thing about it do an impression of this person throw a few jobs in that he was fighting me like beats up like people who can't buy him is it KSI yeah I feel like I'm gonna get all of these no so it's my turn now I'm gonna throw you off this one no [ __ ] David you want to play music who am I are you a girl no and then the music industry they're in that world they can't all kind of you're not gonna get this one I'm not gonna get it do you think do I know this person I'd be surprised I [Laughter] tell you what right my name or some form I wouldn't say they're in like the music industry okay I've always a one two funny why uh oh got one more are they on YouTube probably yeah describe this person in three words um this isn't even a word but investigative yeah second words a little bit weird a little bit out of the box what on Earth viral no it went viral recently I've never actually met him actually yeah I have oh so favorite thing about this person um he's very down to earth and nice and humble even though he doesn't have to be because he is well famous so an impression of this person I actually can't do an impression of it no I do I wouldn't know I do um because he's just like a normal blow right do we all do a shot and give me another glow if you do it I'll do it I'll do a shot and I'll give you another because I actually the only impression I can think of to do with him would bite it up so much he's got glasses he's got glasses yes yes yes how has she got that yes but I couldn't do an impression how do you do an impression I've learned Peru I was gonna go my money don't jiggle jingle but that's just bad that would have been good I don't think you'll actually get this one but it'd be funny if you don't be [ __ ] funny every day I have yes okay well done right gone um yes or no's is it a man yeah you should know him actually give me a free one nice a musician yeah I just uh [ __ ] um man a musician I should know him you don't think I'm gonna get this one does he sing oh yeah would you like like pop star um I think he's done a bit of Pop I don't know if I'd call him a pop so I like I don't know I mean not Ginger is he I don't know what color there is I think like it could be Ginger it could be Ginger I don't know what color his hair is no I forgotten well I'm gonna describe him in three words Legend that's followers oh what because you're close to so [ __ ] album yeah imagine old and alive go on that's the next inspired legendary my favorite thing monkey you should know you should know that yeah that's so not helpful you're so snaking this mate doing an impression of this person he's a bit old together yeah yep say that one more time because like this hi I don't even know what that what what is that have you seen him live you know oh my God what's his name Matt Healy [Music] I don't know I think everybody does that playing with yourself weird Tick-Tock thing and he like bites his tongue on that weird bro he does what he doesn't answer anyone until I went to him the other way did I win that round yeah oh my God okay so at the end of the round who am I no I've got one more oh you've got one right okay got him right are you a woman yep you're a singer nope um no you're an influencer I wouldn't put her under that category but have you Tangled around with her question because even if I had I couldn't say yeah what I think it is no no it's not it's not who you think it is oh okay one more you got question am I actually haven't hung it around with that I'm not are you older than me it's weird someone that already hasn't [ __ ] [Laughter] yeah you're not that old like three years older than my ex gone oh okay bring his ex into every conversation sorry I can't help it yeah describe this person three words uh piff um do people still say peth yeah I do please explain what piff means for those that don't know because most people are nowhere me very very attractive I feel like that's just a little there's like a level to the word pith like oh she's piff like flows like she's older than me loves a party loves a party and have you partied with uh yeah I don't have a question um third one well known World known well known my favorite thing about this person is that when I did meet her and you've met yeah my impression like I don't know what impression I had of her but I didn't think she'd be as like party lit turn up because she's meant to be a person of like even though it's not about it's not a bad thing it's just like that I think it's very dance perfect sick but I thought she'd be quite formal and like respectful glass and she was just lit um do an impression of this person again how am I supposedly impression of that I do need to bet it out a little bit as well with this one welcome to love Island yeah I couldn't think of any other way to do an impression of her camera right so after the second round of Clovis as well we played who am I I actually won we're coming I gave you that on a plate mate no again so basically in round here it's all to play for so let's roll on round three right it's over run through we're gonna play I'm gonna there are three topics sex and relationships celebrity gossip and weird laws so basically we've got them all on the table we're all gonna pick well me and Aussie are gonna pick one each and we're gonna quiz the other one on their knowledge on that topic so who wants to go first you can go first ladies ladies [Music] which one this one I knew right so in London there is a law against doing one hobby what is it there's a law against it and you would think people could do it what a law against in in London or just London or the UK I'm assuming just says London here riding in electric scooters flying your kite why you can't fly a kite in London legal legal DVDs because he's a policeman he didn't know he didn't know that he actually got a policeman down here what animal is it illegal to walk down the street in England no sorry in daylight in daylight it's not a vampire can you have it as a pet uh illegal to walk down the streets you wanted to I don't know five four three I don't know a snake no it's a cow a cow can't walk it down the street in daylight it's illegal you know what you can do oh the [ __ ] because anybody's supposed to know that who on the planet knows it's weird that you didn't know it what child's game is illegal in the UK so you would play with your mates you go out and do it it's now illegal attack in the streets no knock down Ginger [Music] obviously called Nikki Nookie Nando's no no it's called Nikki knocking nandos you you you've got a touch because you've got a subject that I'm not gonna guess and then either of these two you're gonna get [ __ ] all of them sex or [ __ ] celebrity gossip right have you ever got the tube yeah like what is it illegal to do in the tube in the Tube Station what is the law of the jupitation you've been on the tube so you you probably know there's unspoken laws that you can't do unspoken law yeah like you just don't do it is it a real law yeah there's a real love also it's an unspoken law mate I'm not from London you all but London questions I might ask her five questions I'll give you a scenario is Haven it's absolutely heating then you want to get on the tube you're on the tube you're going down the escalator you just got on it Oxford Circus you go and you go on the right side because you can't be asked to run down you run down you've got on the platform you know the platform the tubes come in but there's so many people what is it illegal to do five four three oh you can buff it I don't know push fast people all right stop the queue what in London they're not queuing from a [ __ ] tube in London are you mad it's just a [ __ ] scramble of everyone pushing through the doors if you're from London you should know you should never jump the cubes That is rude what can you not to do in a London pub every question's been about London Pub smoke it's probably the main purpose of going to a pub it's going to be something about being too pissed in it what is your answer yeah you are not allowed two oh the [ __ ] nightmare this is do you not picking some mad questions for this one this is a setup such a fix for us to win her own show because look how angry he's gay I actually set him off in the left on the way up here and I thought we'd be okay in New Years yeah what are you not allowed to do and it's what everyone goes to a pub to do well everyone goes to a pub to get pissed you're not allowed to be drunk yeah you're not allowed to get drunk illegal yeah but who's monitoring what they're just breathalyzing people not sure piggy Paul Jess what is that men who have blank these you're gonna get all of these topics in relationships yes yeah men who have black colored rooms have the most sex the drink like what color room men who have what colors no oh what color room do you have um I wouldn't say why it's like kind of like a duck shell or something you've got my bathroom as well fitted with LEDs all around it and that big what's her name LEDs a whole bathroom any of these big [ __ ] off mirror what are um the red flags to see in someone's room while the three red flags when you walk into a boy's room dance LEDs I don't come oh I'll tell you what why not the New York decorations well boys always have that like New York Post and it's like you've never [ __ ] been there been there the black and white bedding one pillow no I've got two on each side and I have loads I like chicks do got one more red flag um um another red flag that people wouldn't like oh by the way ours was purple remember with purple rooms have the most the [ __ ] because he's got a purple rain but I know I'm chatting my paint and decorator but that's what I'm doing next yeah all right cool let's run which country ranks highest for having sex it's in Europe why would I ever know this what'd you say Amsterdam oh no no I don't ever try to cheat you [ __ ] off go on try one more like London I feel everyone [ __ ] in London what country I'm not not London England Greece it makes sense I can't like Greece is probably my favorite piece of gold holiday too that makes sense now the UK and the US rank the lowest apparently hi do you have any plans to head to Greece it's my favorite place to go I'm going to McDonald's in June oh that's not what I meant or you'll take me to great I'll take you grease yeah remember you take me to Grace um in two weeks I want to go on holidays that's greasing it no oh that's local I will never um 27 you cannot [ __ ] ask me to go to nothing yeah would you not enjoy it go inside would you or would you not enjoy it I feel like a pedophile I'll shut up don't be stupid what are you talking about okay I said um right 1000 men were surveyed on how long they'd like sex to last which amount of time was the most popular within five minutes gets a point men are liars doesn't matter how long they'd like six to last oh they'd like it to laugh how long they'd like sex to last and now what I mean it's wrong it couldn't be further out 15 minutes was the answer are you [ __ ] for an hour not foreplay hurting 15 minutes is quite long okay yeah man it's not Mickey Mouse too right what what's your perfect tomato Sam section on yeah smokes whatever mid B the joints come over me I love my I need to I'm just gonna go I really the way I'm really sorry I couldn't go toilet and went to another room and curled up for like 10 minutes and just tried to go over to not throwing up what percentage of people are having sex every day [ __ ] that's a Saturday low amount that is sad like two percent oh you do get it actually yeah [Music] oh because we've both got them so right now it's on the door like we're on a draw and it's the last one so you could get this oh there are a thousand adults were surveyed what percentage would prefer to give up sex for life than driving lights try them inside not fun maybe that is mental well that many people would rather give up sex than driving 54 no five percent it doesn't say within five percent but if I would have given you it but like 65 oh it's good so unfortunately rd's actually been my toughest competitor I should be willingness this is bollocks I've given you I gave you that money thing this is a joke okay anyways we are drawing right now so what we're gonna do there's a few questions on the spinny little table what we're gonna do we're going to take it in times we're going to draw one each ask the other one questions and basically just see who wins so I obviously got first because it's my go so I'm gonna go with this one celebrity celeb gossip love Island star Chris Hughes lashed out at the Grand National protesters what did he call that I don't know we just every name under the Sun what would you call them [ __ ] idiots probably that's wrong yeah what is it brainless new guy oh you're not gonna win I am never gonna get this which means we go again who did Katy Perry recently bring on stage last night my question was way harder than hers yes so um lightning champion beat me coincidental that your show well you tried get all the nice questions did you not die hard yeah I did try harder you repeat that one at random right anyway what was the other one Chloe versus the world Chloe is four no you [ __ ] losers sorry I don't mean to be so rude but you know what that means we had to bring on the will of forfeits forfeit you're gassed in it because you said I thought you was leaving you thought you were losing this one [Music] exactly I shouldn't give you like my double one this is [ __ ] we're going all right hi guys welcome to my Channel today I'm spelling the wheel of four bits of our day you know you actually have to do it right one two three's Ben oh the answer is you have a passengers [Music] read out your last DM they use end I moved to some chick that I don't know is yet no she hasn't even opened it but who was it I don't know does she is she gonna want me to want people to know that that's fine what are you doing oh she's kind of that she's fat he said where are you from can I [ __ ] your brains out stop reading our chats This Is Us private talk wear and anyway thank you guys for listening to Chloe versus Rd Chloe [ __ ] one obviously do you know what that was the only person who I thought might beat me so far I basically did beat you where's your name hope you guys like comment subscribe and if you're listening don't forget to give me five stars and listen to adi's new tune of cat Burns and I'll see you all next break
Channel: Chloe vs The World
Views: 252,827
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chloe burrows, chloe burrows podcast, chloe vs the world, specz gonzalez podcast, love island, love island podcast, saving grace, not my bagg, foot asylum, jd, jamie lang, nearly weds, the girls bathroom, girls bathroom, call me daddy podcast, towie, chicken shop date, maya jama, dont crack, jd dont crack, samie and tom, love island pod, love island new series, arrdee, beta squad, arrdee music, arrdee music video, arrdee new song, arrdee interview
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 45sec (3825 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 27 2023
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