Arnold tutorial - Using the flakes shader in MtoA

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hi there lee griggs arnold rendering specialist at autodesk i just want to go through a use case for the flake shader so the flake shader creates a flake normal map can be used for materials such as car paint can also be used for plastics ceramics and glass materials and in this case we're going to go through a makeup example here there's also this written tutorial if you want to follow along that's available for the plugins and some scene files if you get stuck okay so we've got our scene file here i'm just going to start off by assigning a new standard surface material to it let's call that makeup and then i've got a specular color map that i want to use for the makeup so i'm going to connect that to the specular color i'm going to do it through a color correct so that i can adjust and fine-tune the texture map so that's color correct going into the specular color and the color texture map going into the input of the color correct and then i'm just going to reduce the diffuse weight so just focus on the specular and then increase the exposure a bit on the color correct so we can get more vibrant colors and i'm just going to adjust the translation of the texture let's get a better result so that's the specular color now we just need to focus on the flakes let's create a flake flick shadow now before you might think okay i'll just drag the flakes shade onto the bump mapping and that that should work but that's not how it works so and again you might try um drag click shade onto the surface choose normal camera unfortunately my keeps creating this bump 2d which is not what we want so we need to do is connect the out color directly to the normal camera like so and that will give us what we want however the flicks are rather on the large size so we can scale those down so it changes get ready to scale to something like point zero zero two we're getting there but the flakes kind of evenly spaced out we can increase the density to get more flakes now we want to focus the flakes around the specular highlights the way to do that is via actually called normal randomize it blends between the smooth surface normal and the random flake so low values you see the flicks are centered around the specular highlights with higher values the flakes are more evenly distributed around the specular highlight so let's try if we get up one you see it gets even worse so we need to go lower so let's try something like point two that's pretty much there so that's makeup if you wanted to recreate something like a mobile phone plastic flake effect you would increase the coat weight and roughness you see now we're getting getting a coat layer on top of the flakes flakes are sitting underneath the coat layer but that's for plastics as well we don't want that okay so that's the introduction to flake shader thanks for watching bye
Channel: Arnold renderer
Views: 16,802
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 43sec (223 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 13 2021
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