Bandits Of Selous [Mongoose Documentary] | Real Wild

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Tanzania the saloon Africa's biggest Game Reserve home to hunters big and small a brave bunch of banded mongooses fight to survive amidst an army of killers [Music] mongooses are bigger faster smarter and braver than their meerkat cousins but a tough year lies ahead our Mongoose pack will be tested to the limit living under constant threat from predators and the ever-changing African weather it's a risky business raising a family here meet the bandits of saloon [Music] it's October the dry season slowly but surely alert to the dangers around them the 18 strong family known locally as the Magua bandits awaking banded mongoose is thrive in many parts of Africa the Magua bandits live in Tanzania close to the northeast boundary of the saloon reserve [Music] their territory lies along the shore of Lake taggle alle the saloon is one of the last large wildernesses in Africa it's one of the few places where elephants can still follow their traditional migration routes it's home to 4,000 lions and vast herds of Buffalo that can trample our mongooses home the family is also encircled by one of the largest wild dog populations on the continent the Magua bandits aren't the only ones to use leg toggle ala in the dry season precious water attracts animals from far and wide banded mongoose is often dig their homes in old termite mounds first to rise a vigilant young males in case there's a predator waiting then the leaders appear [Music] the dominant female is six year old Ella she's the boss a matriarch for our family top male is oh dude Ella's mate chief defender of the pack [Music] among the adults is torkoal an expert hunter he joined the Magua pack from another family and he's still a bit of an outsider the carefree juveniles spend their time playing the eighteen strong pack begin each morning with a mutual grooming session close contact and scent swapping reaffirm bonds but when Allah gives the call to move everyone listens and obeys it's time to find breakfast they move in a rolling bunch that way they appear like one large animal to deter predators and they are always watchful for danger thus Allah leads the way when she chooses a good place the family spread out to hunt for food the bandits searched frantically for beetles and other insects they always set a guard sentries are soon relieved after above all to each a dolt takes a turn on duty the meat-eating mongooses love poisonous scorpions beetles and centipedes Hunter torkoal is always on the lookout for extra protein banded mongooses relish eggs he's after the yolk and he won't give up the pheasant like Franklin loses her clutch this time eggs provide a pleasant change from crunchy insects but Torkos welcomed fine doesn't go unnoticed eggs are up for grabs by anyone odo is on sentry duty and he spies danger the group's excitement has attracted a torn eagle an expert hunter tune of mongooses they run for their lives all except brave talker who stands his ground thankfully the Eagle picks easier prey and grabs a bird taco sounds the all-clear after an attack the bandits reassure each other with a group huddle [Music] the bandits benefit from elephant parts cutting through the thick undergrowth ela leads a family follow obedient ly behind they take a risk crossing open country ILA's in a hurry to reach their traditional breeding island on the roof EG river our troop travel in formation younger members in the middle older veterans like odo and torkoal form the rearguard the midday heat draws all sorts of animals to the riverbank [Music] warthogs have been known to kill Mongoose pups but ela has decided that these ones pose no threat to her clan sentries use different calls for ground-level or aerial danger knowing where an enemy is coming from gives the troop a better chance of escape ela knows the area well the boss threads the pack through a mass of branches hard for hostile hunters to penetrate they drink even though most of their water comes from their food top male OD comes across a puff adder basking in the Sun he gives the call for snake to warn the others of danger talk or carefully guides the pack forwards to investigate dense fur offers some protection but mongooses rely on speed and agility to avoid the fatal fangs the snake is already warm and ready to strike Elias priority is to keep everyone safe she orders talk or and odor to back off her family can't afford to lose its strongest members being on the move is dangerous enough mongooses often get the better of snakes they'll look for another opportunity after the morning's traumas our family finally reached the safety of Mongoose love Island here generations of Magua bandits have been conceived perhaps even Ella herself uninvolved in courtship youngsters enjoy some excited playtime as dominant female ela comes in two seasons a few days before the other females both sexes play active roles in mongoose courtship now OD takes the lead sniffing and biting Eli's neck to show how keen ears he raises his tail as the final signal mating normally lasts about five minutes some of the youngsters think ela and odo are just having a game they want to join in this cheeky teenagers calls let them know he's playing so despite the unwelcome interruption the adults don't punish him mating is important for the packs future but even though they can't drop their guard one of the two centuries glimpses our silent intruder an African Wildcat the locals call them little leopards they're the ancestors of today's domestic cats he'll risk one of his nine lives to make a catch fortunately not a mongoose this time [Music] despite his strength and agility this time the cats out of luck the fertile females mate over the next few days in eight to nine weeks time they will all give birth on the same day [Music] those that aren't yet mature enough continue with their hectic games [Music] watching over them is Odin pack leaders keep a close eye on adolescent play-fight a future challenger could mean trouble for him [Music] the Mongoose love Island lies on one of the many tributaries of the roof eg animals are drawn to the quieter side branches because the main river teams with voracious crocodiles as the dry season progresses temperatures soar above 40 degrees centigrade too hot to hunt in the heat everyone suffers [Music] the next rains won't be for at least three weeks the pools are shrinking forcing animals dangerously close to each other provoking the odd bursts of River range come November there's a dramatic change the short rains hit the saloon day turns to night as thunderstorm soak the parched landscape the water is a blessing but it also brings peril the sudden torrents can cause flash floods [Music] the brief downpours may only last for four weeks but the deluge is unleash half a meter of rain and the main rainy season is still three months away [Music] the residents shelter wherever they can if our family picked the wrong site their borough could easily turn into a watery grave as the rain beats down the mongooses reinforce the den walls in preparation for the birds having babies in the wet season may seem risky but it means they'll be born when there's plenty of food some animals have no choice but to endure a drenching [Music] eventually the weather breaks it's a pleasant relief the rain threatens to collapse the walls between showers Odin and his helpers rushed to carry out emergency repairs a heavily pregnant ela makes a last tour of inspection before she gives birth in another week our mothers-to-be will each have up to six babies synchronizing births allows the family to care for them all at once the newcomers will be born in Douglas underground with their eyes still shut the first few weeks are spent in the den until they grow a healthy coat of warm fur and their eyes open our family's hard work keeps the den dry and the newborns safe now they must wait after three more weeks of rain it's time for the new recruits to make their first appearance as usual the male guards emerge first but this time they're not alone [Music] it's good news for the magua bandits 11 new arrivals take their numbers to 29 [Music] although ela is naturally very protective of her offspring she still allows the other females to help at the first public event is a scent marking ceremony boss ela licks sniffs and marks that wide-eyed babies before the whole group joins in it's important for every member to mark the new babies formally recognizing them as the bandits newest recruits unexpectedly a late face appears from the den a 12th baby tiny and with his eyes still shut tight [Music] this is kisser but there's something different about him KC's eyes should be open already and he's much smaller than the other babies [Music] he could be a burden to the group nevertheless ela gives him the seal of approval he soon is accepted adults often care for the nearest youngster young may stick close to one adult but not necessarily their birth parent tough times are ahead only half of the pups are expected to survive the first three months amidst all the excitement torkoal always vigilant is alert to an opportunity the master hunter spots a black shouldered kite this bird could lead him to his next CACI he goes off on his own [Music] there are new mouths to feed so the others soon follow him mongooses are intelligent talk or knows from experience that the kite is likely to be after a rodent he aims to steal the birds prey right under itself to cause an expert wrestler and is too strong for the rat he often goes off on solo hunting expeditions he's still the new guy on the block he probably left his own family to find new females meanwhile at base camp the babies are in the care of Oda Sun Banda [Music] and his half-sister manga Bandar seems to see this as an opportunity to relax but the babysitter's must soon forget any thoughts of time off manga is a far more responsible child minder she's on the case as the kids pour out of the den while she's left literally holding the babies panda catches some rays [Music] Mongo soon has a hands full panda finally stirs himself to land a helping paw [Music] for poor sightless ki-suh life isn't a barrel of laughs he can't play like the other youngsters so he's not part of the in-crowd the others push him around while chaos reigns at the den the kite launches another rat attack [Music] this time more bandits are out to steal the birds prey with Odin at their head [Music] everyone's famished there's no family pecking order here it's every Mongoose for themselves [Music] torkoal is fine his belly's already full but the kite must find another target Banda and Mungo are having a hard time with their dozen charges the babies high-pitched calls are picked up by the local pack of wild dogs it's an emergency panda and mango hurriedly called a danger dog alert hearing the alarm the hunters brushback wild dogs normally hunt larger prey but bite-sized mongooses are too good an opportunity to miss the adults rescue toddlers left right and center everyone makes it to a place of safety the dogs must find victims elsewhere it's january the short rains finished two weeks ago now the scorching heat returns as the salud rise up animals face soaring temperatures once again [Music] fortunately the refugee river still provides water but finding food becomes much harder for a newborn it's a challenge to keep up in this heat any group leader like this elephant matriarch places tough decisions one of the calves is very weak a caring mother may have to weigh up the fate of her child against the welfare of the whole group but the baby Tata zone and the herd remains intact for now in the banded camels there's an air of anticipation now the youngsters are stronger it's time for everyone to move to a fresh home mongooses usually switch dens every few days the bandits have eight in their territory they've spent more time here than normal so it's no longer safe changing dens ensures their scent doesn't build up enough to attract predators the adults sent mark the babies again so as not to lose them the banded mongooses buddy system means each youngster tends to stick close to a single adult ELA leads the way with one of the new recruits she knows the quickest and safest route to the next bin in the confusion no one notices ki-suh isn't with them speed is essential so they carry the babies all the guards are on high alert a family on the move with young is extremely vulnerable [Music] finally the torque or realizes ki-suh is missing [Music] [Music] torkoal saves the day circling vultures signal a recent death lions know this a pride will seize the chance to reach a carcass the elephant's can already detect the approaching scavengers [Music] heat and dehydration have overcome the wicked curve the matriarch tries desperately to revive her baby but it's too late [Music] the herd do their best to keep the lines at bay but they need to move on all too soon the pride will return to feast on the abandoned corpse the Magua bandits too have their own problems ela has led them to the new den but they've been tracked by a martial eagle [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] one of the babies is too slow the most likely victim is sightless key soon [Music] March is the start of the long reign and around a meter will fall the heavy downpours Harold and at a time of Plenty the refugee river swells and food becomes abundant the elephants can play and bathe the surviving calves can even have their first swimming lessons once more as rains fall babies are born now there are 33 bandits in camp and more emergency repairs are needed [Music] the saloon looks very different during the wet season the land becomes lush there's more grass to graze animals spread out and predators find it harder to pick them off this morning the bandits are woken earlier than usual guards look out to see what's disturbing them with new babies to protect the pack is jittery it's a noise that's roused the group low rumbling calls from another matriarch family it's good news elephants are allies of Maris's dung attract beetles the pack love to eat eel are sands the move out call the pack for goes the morning grooming and spring into action amazingly key suit is a Muslim he must have dodged the Eagle attack and the family is still looking after him mongooses are among the very few species together with humans and elephants that devote time and energy to caring for the sick or weak Kossuth still finds it difficult to keep up with the fast-moving group on his own he's easy prey [Music] while the others hunt dung beetles he calls out in desperation but cases cries only some on a peckish ground hornbill fortunately once again his buddy taco is on the lookout he recognizes the danger and rushes to kiss his rescue key sue has a lot to thank brave torkoal for the rest of the family are not so attentive the plucky youngster does his best to follow the sounds of the group and keep up he constantly beeps contact calls and follows the others scent marks cyclist he struggles to learn to forage and scent mark because his eyes are still not open porky sue can't spot predators he's totally reliant on the warning calls of others the long rainy season continues to drench the saloon storms will rage until the beginning of June [Music] the inhabitants enjoy a wealth of greenery and food whenever the weather allows the magma bandits raid the neighborhood odo is successful but youngsters must learn to catch prey themselves now three and a half months old ki-suh is very underdeveloped but makes every effort and his determination is rewarded his mentor make sure he doesn't starve the skillful hunter catches enough food for both of them Sisu is only alive thanks to this close bond with Turku a step eagle soars overhead Oh due notices more Birds closing in but they don't pose an immediate threat they've come for other prey it's time for the mating flight of the termites [Music] this mass exodus is a feeding bonanza [Music] millions of male and female termites take to the air we're hungry beaks are waiting [Music] overwhelming numbers ensure that enough escape to start fresh colonies there are so many termites to eat the mighty steppe Eagles even time their migration to benefit from the bounty the easy life of the rainy season continues for the elephants the youngsters are thrown healthy elephant numbers benefit other animals the magwell bandits are out on that trails once again searching for dog a good pile can yield enough beetles for the whole group rain also softens the earth making digging for grubs easier life is still very hard for tiny kisser the bigger youngsters often bullying torkoal has got an eye on him then he spots a night at her and gives the warning call for snakes ki-suh sticks safely by his protectors side unlike the egg free-for-all whoever kills a snake keeps the meat the reward is risky but worthwhile top male odof heads to the scene the others distracted while odoo attempts a killer strike he needs sharp reflexes to beat a snake despite Odo's attempts its torkoal hunter extraordinaire who snatches the prize little ki-suh hasn't learned that only the snake killer gets the prize he tries to grab a bite from his guardian if it was any other bandit toko would react violently but even ki-suh won't be allowed to get away with theft [Applause] the family aren't the only ones with food in their sights lions need around six kilos of meat a day they sometimes kill mongooses but prefer much larger prey a herd of buffalo is the perfect target [Music] [Music] this lioness means business but she's quickly spotted Mongo is babysitting again and sees the panicked herd running by she and Vanda raise the alarm other big cats are lurking around to the foraging party here the call the bandits wait for their boss's orders ela splits the pack females and young follow her and odors the rest of the male's head towards the Lions to act as decoys with the chance of catching a Buffalo gun the hungry lions focus on the mongooses the females and young head for safety they're the family's future lower ranking males draw the lion's attention away the mongooses can't simply run down a huddle as the damp ground is soft enough for the Lions to dig them out the magwell bandits need all their skills in escape and evasion the difficulty is doubled for cases whose running blind in the confusion PSO is left way behind by the fast-moving pack desperately calling for help [Music] toko answers trying to lead him to safety once close enough taco runs by qissas side been calling constantly to guide him cries of panic let everyone know another youngster is also separated with a leopard nearby the situation is critical [Music] leopard and lion hear the distress call [Music] Oh two makes a daredevil rescue attempt [Music] and things go horribly wrong the screaming youngster is snatched so is odor the surviving members head back to the den que su still led by torkoal his steadfast protector for ena Odo's death is a tragic blow she searches for her mate high and low [Music] but without success all she can do is seek solace with the rest of her family [Music] there is some good news case whose eyes are finally opening the little fighter will stop being a liability and develop into a key player in the mold each team toko his loyal guardian is a strong contender to take over as top lane but it's ela who will choose a new partner to help her lead and defend the group her experience has led the bandage through a tough year they have lost three of the family to predators but the gangs now 31 strong the youngsters still have a lot to learn but with ela at their head the future looks bright for the bandits of salu [Music]
Channel: Real Wild
Views: 1,182,544
Rating: 4.6860652 out of 5
Keywords: nature documentary, full documentary, documentary movie, cute animals, baby animals, animals attack, big cats, wildlife documentary, english, hd, discovery channel, national geographic, natgeo wild, Nature documentaries - topic, Animals - topic, planet earth, david attenborough, Animals Do The Funniest Things, Animals Do The Cutest Things, Cute Baby Animals, Funny, Animal, Video, Funny Baby Animal Video, Full Animal Documentary, mongoose, mongoose documentary
Id: eudVJY5I2GU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 0sec (3000 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 28 2018
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