Army Basic Training: 'Typical Day in Basic Training' (Episode 3)

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[Music] what is happening gaiz staff sergeants ebuy here also known as our chisel on social media and welcome to another episode of u.s. army basic combat training mid series your future starts here for today's video we're gonna show you the day-to-day life of what happens in basic combat training for the army what is a barracks what is a barracks room what does the barracks look like where do you sleep where do you prepare your gear where do trainees eat an army basic training what is a dining facility and if you think about it this is probably one of those times that you will be away from home from your family from your friends from relatives or pretty much everyone and also away from your cell phone and the internet I understand is given life and basic training can be hard because you're away from everyone but guess what there's a special person that we call in the army battle buddy that will be there for you you might ask what is a battle buddy one of the best things I've experienced in the US Army is having more than just a friend a co-worker or a classmate I met people I can call family or the US Army we usually call each other battle short for battle buddy it doesn't matter where you're from what color race gender or whatever it is because we take care of each other that's all that matters as long as you're wearing the same uniform as long as you're an army soldier you're my brother you're my sister I'll take care of you a whole hundred percent what we're showing you right now is the dining facility in army basic training this is also what a dining facility looks like in a regular base in the army dining facility can be compared to a cafeteria in your school in your college or a place of work dining facilities are open for breakfast lunch and dinner and even on the weekends here they offer a variation of dishes meals different types of fruits snacks and pretty much everything that you can think of because you're in training the dining facility will make sure that they serve high quality food to fuel you when you go to training the only thing that you got to watch out when you're in the dining facility while in basic training is to avoid the ice-cream avoid sweets avoid the cakes because if your drill sergeant catches you eating these things you're definitely gonna pay for it while the basic training you may not have that much time to yourselves because in basic training you are gonna be sleeping in a bay you will see a lot of bunk beds and obviously you're gonna be sleeping and living in these quarters for the next 10 weeks with your battle buddies that are going through training everyone wakes up at the same time everyone showers at the same time everyone eats at the same time and everyone sleeps all at the same time the reasoning behind this is because you are in training you are a soldier in training coming from the civilian life into the army you may or may not have any strict discipline outside in the civilian life but in the Army you have to learn what the military bearing means you have to learn what army professionalism and how to carry yourself as a soldier this is the part where you will become a United States Army soldier so you have to understand the level of discipline in the training why we conduct this another thing that you should learn in army basic combat training is to value physical fitness once again you are about to become an American soldier and with that said you have to be physically fit you have to be mentally fit being a soldier you will go to a lot of stress but with a sound mind and a sound body and all proper training you will be good you will accomplish the mission in army basic training physical training is conducted every morning what you're looking at right now is a PT test an army physical fitness test it consists of two minutes of push-ups two minutes of sit-ups and a two-mile run it also varies from day to day sometimes you will go through obstacle courses sometimes you will be conducting combatives and in the near future you should expect changes because the army physical fitness test has slowly been changing so be on the lookout for that now we're about to show you the story of PFC Andrew Wynn a US Army basic training recruit from California private first class Andrew in Vietnamese I'm front of California lived my whole life there I want to join the army mainly for financial reasons like school and help out my family but also I've had a really deep interest in military and military history it all started with like video games and all that stuff and I kind of was the type of person would like to take time to research what video games and movies got right and what they got wrong about the military I do appreciate the defect food and the sweat from lifting up duffel bags and all that it's a shared experience we all went through it so it's like a source of comradery and Brotherhood I know everyone in this Bay and I definitely plan on meeting them later on after all this time we actually are planning on taking turns visiting chosen States first thing I learned is just eat a good diet and what kind of workouts to do and never ever give up all the sweat all the pain even if you have muscle failures is just in your head and you'd be surprised how much you'd get fit I have to barely lift up my duffel bag I could barely do ten push-ups like in one go but now I went from that and I'm doing fifty push-ups I'm still skinny old me there's a lot of really nice MLS's but teacher very valuable skills for home so I really recommend looking at the skill sets you want another thing is the army provides a lot of services like free classes on just how to do things like etiquette manners giving financial advice so I recommend use all the resources you get from the Army my best friend is my bunkmate navarette at my bunk neighbor's Murphy Kelly and Lou uh they're all in that corner over there and you know we always have nice conversation or sorry our background our experiences just cultivating a very light encourage private Joshua Nava that do you know we both love our favorite California exclusive burger joints I'm 25 uniform so we're gonna ante at Fort Worth exact same place if you're a sociable person if you're like adequately social and you're gonna make a lot of good friends here it's like a family I could go it's a really good school right now and have it all paper with scholarships but I knew I was frail and weak and I didn't really want to just have like a personal trainer I wanted some mental strength to some backbone some morality so I thought the RA was like the perfect place to have that a strong component to be both strong this month because they utilize both aspects you want to be strong and smart which is my opinion is the best combination ever had in life it arm is the place for me so that's just a little snippet of the life of a trainee in US Army basic combat training if you like this video if you want to see more or any comments or ideas that you want to see in the following episodes let us know in the comment section below once again my name is Staff Sergeant Maseeh by our chisel on social media we will see you next week for the next episode [Music]
Channel: The U.S. Army
Views: 774,008
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Army Basic Training, USAREC, recruiter, basic training, Archie Masibay
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 37sec (457 seconds)
Published: Tue May 21 2019
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