Armored Core 9 breaker

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a row sorry I'm late are we live we are live what's up Nate we're back armored Core Nexus so this obviously isn't mind breaker we gotta buy out the shop so that's what we're doing or at least buy all the important [ __ ] I know the sound isn't playing there we go now we at least have some music yeah nexus's ending was uh pretty trash okay let's see how much money do we have this is weird why are the textures like [Laughter] not in the middle of the screen might as well buy all the cores I don't need to buy that core that's the [ __ ] core I'm just gonna start with some of the [ __ ] I know I'll use before trying to buy out the whole shop biosensor none I don't think we need a biosensor and nine breaker optional parts surprised I haven't bought all these there's the short little laser blade that does a crap ton of damage machine gun sure minigun yeah foreign this looks good Maybe sure sure yeah I don't think we'll have enough money to buy out the whole shop that was good what is this thing handgun rapid fire laser rifle is this the machine gun it's the machine gun that'd be pretty cool now honestly in reality I'm not gonna I'm not gonna be using all this [ __ ] anyways so wait did I already have the assisted booster I think I do oh sure linear gun railgun is this Nerf doesn't look nerfed what's this ammo yeah I don't care they already have the booster with the best energy output I do maybe that one in case things get like nerfed and buffed I remember that being good remember that being good um Maybe I like these legs I like these ones we'll buy some heavier legs these ones look cool these ones look cool too reverse joint leg sure all right whoops okay what about arms those look cool oh the linear gun arms yep we're definitely gonna get those I'm just kind of going off of looks right now sure grenade launcher arm sure now I don't really know what to buy um I honestly don't really care about any of this [ __ ] yeah I'm out of money anyways see can I buy that no okay good enough good enough all right time to exit out of here okay now I don't I already saved nine breaker let's do it I haven't played this game in a while and I haven't wanted to play this game so this is nine Breakers intro so even any way to make this look better now it looks like [ __ ] regardless yeah I'm looking forward to completing all this [ __ ] at least the music sounds interesting and also what's up Dark Star as you Sunday how long does this [ __ ] go for dude they could make this like an infinite intro oh that zoom in bro those 10 pixels damn that looked good okay I might as well refill my tea while this goes so give me a second oh the slow motion wow oh now it's over okay I'll be right back foreign man everyone loved this intro so I'm just gonna watch it again I'm just kidding they had multiplayer did they have online multiplayer I don't think so foreign convert this one what's up Taekwondo guy are we gonna get some like oh we are is that it okay I feel like this game was not made with love it just really doesn't have that much going on yeah there's the story just a bunch of white text foreign Class C Arena sure you look cool oh boy what the [ __ ] this game looks like [ __ ] man at least we're not instantly overheating that's a plus for even your performance in both the training exercises and Arena has been exceptional congratulations on your new Appalachian trouble fighter okay well it's um let's see what we got at least there's stats in this game this thing weighs a lot our Max Speed goes up just by this being lower weight calorific value is a bit better too this has even less can't we tune parts we can does it cost money nope we can just tune our parts straight up 21-21 this looks honestly better we'll use this can't tune it we're just going to use these let's see how much does this negator heat not that much reduce power Maybe it's really not that much either foreign that's like a 11 increase in power something like that this is about the same sure what do we got for a radiator energy drains a heck of a lot less we're gonna use this okay that's already specked for cooling booster Heat these look cool these are my favorite arms we'll just use whatever the heck look looks cool honestly oh wait these don't have night vision okay what about our weapons now we just have hanger slot okay never mind we don't I was gonna say I think only cores that don't have overboost or exceed orbit and store [ __ ] yeah the music's good that's good at least you know what we're gonna try the noob strategy overweight darn something like this wait what's our optional parts Cooling definitely want that increase lock box size yes I don't care too much about that that would be nice but it's not necessary and these are necessary those are all the energy [ __ ] okay good enough what do you mean Zane this is uh this is nine breaker this isn't a mod this is an actual game it might look like a mod based on how little this game has to offer but ranking we can't challenge any of the uh rankers so let's do like one more class C I guess and then we'll get into the [ __ ] training yeah sure you look like a worthy opponent oh these are all random too I forgot the maps oh great dude what okay well our AC sucks and we have to play in software mode too what the [ __ ] was that sound dude I don't know if this one has a cockpit view foreign yeah this is third gen this came right after Nexus our radiator is not powerful enough for this booster I don't care about energy consumption I care about Cooling even though that is quite a bit of energy consumption right there but how much oh dude it barely affects me that's why I went with energy consumption AC test why even bother main system engaging testing there we go see it looks good as long as the stage isn't like night time or in the uh in the water I'll tell you right now Val right now I mean [ __ ] do I really need this missile launcher right now probably not maybe when it gets tougher so we got this um crr 92 radiator tuned for energy consumption because cooling doesn't give you that much performance when tuning I got this generator Congo what is this condenser cab oh wow it's like nothing that's why that is condenser cap I guess see how much can we lower the weight now it doesn't even matter and then our booster is um these high output boosters and those are tuned for heat okay if I recall there's like a break the targets thing in this game so we're gonna be using rifles and then this guy this guy's just gonna be all about speed what's that tuned for that's worthless honestly that's so large we don't even need to tune for it radiator has to be the best for these boosters don't need a weapon don't need anything like that and we'll just be going for cooling I guess Cooling and weight okay well this is substantially lighter cooling 405 wait 222. what's up foreign just looking for something that weighs very little and has decent Cooling it's hard to beat These Arms they uh weigh so little six seven nine probably still just going to uh spec for cooling see how much does a point and weight give me yeah it's back in for cooling that way there's no chance we overheat from boosting uh what are these legs he's good no I guess they're not good because these legs are better in like almost every way except jump performance and these legs are really good for cooling these legs are even better I'll stick with these spec for cooling oh it might be because those other ones were inspect for cooling head Cooling okay this will be for just like race to the Finish type [ __ ] let's see if we have any race to the Finish type [ __ ] probably oh yeah um let's see if we can use those back boosters without without overheating there they are let's try these out we're gonna be fast that's for sure okay yeah we're we're [ __ ] overheating for sure but we're so fast we're gonna see if we I don't think there's a shop but I wonder if we can buy a better radiator there is no shop I forget okay then um this is the best we're gonna do let's try changing the boosters to something that doesn't overheat as much birdie try the birdies honestly that is quite a bit of boost power we're giving up okay now we test but yeah I guess Esteban okay let's see what's faster this is pretty fast this is pretty fast pretty energy efficient now let's try the alternative foreign main system engaging test this word is still fast but we overheat a lot faster I think I mean the vulture I'm gonna be overheating more I think I'm fine with the birdie the birdie and the uh the back booster where the heck is it oh it has a lot of calorific value oh yeah that's true I didn't even think about that [ __ ] okay final final test let's see let's see if we can do this main system engaging customers oh hello oh dude we're so fast but this combination isn't gonna work yeah vulture just doesn't look that great for how much uh how much more boost heat we get this is gonna be our setup calorific value contributes to how much you overheat so the higher the calorific value of a generator the more you'll be overheating which honestly we're still overheating quite a bit foreign cancel okay know what effort we'll uh we'll go with these do we have to tune these this will be more than enough okay save training it's not a great I forget there's like all these different ones okay horizontal movement test this exercise is designed to test piloting skills reach the end of the course as quickly as possible sounds fun can't wait to do it 10 more times time to go fast the exercise is complete so I'm not gonna be getting like gold medal on all this [ __ ] maybe if I had to unlock all the parts I would but the gold vertical movement we'll do level one for all these movement ones this exercise is designed to test piloting skill I drew AC through the passageways to reach the objective we might struggle with this one because of overheating [ __ ] come on get me up there oh no no don't fall all the way down there oh wait I guess we have to fall all the way down does this no really doesn't look that much better I could have done a lot better but Mission objective Achievement System switch to normal mode should we keep it in this mode then so people can see I don't know they both look equally like [ __ ] in my opinion the energy pack extensions ah okay this one actually sounds kind of fun you gotta jump on all the little uh pads contact with all of the platforms Val is that just in the emulator settings you have 65 seconds to complete seconds remaining five targets [ __ ] 30 seconds remaining contact made with all platforms exercise complete Mission objective Achievement System switch to normal mode skip draw settings let me quickly see if I can find that let's see frame skipping yeah I don't see it plug-in settings maybe foreign yeah whatever hex tab graphic settings in the hacks tab okay we better save first that's the first thing we should do okay okay let's just try this amazing see if this looks any better the time limit has been shortened for this exercise uh not really speed hacking there is not an advanced settings for uh hacking for Speed hacks so foreign I mean I had both of the sliders maxed out it didn't really seem like it did [ __ ] so yeah there was no advanced settings so Mission objective achievement if anything I'll uh um I'll update or I guess download a uh new version of pcsx before I uh stream next time really had to all I emulate is these games and I've had no problem emulating them on the version that I have it's like why fix what isn't broken this exercise features a new twist the obstacle arrangement in the corridor has been altered to increase difficulty I'm so scared increased difficulty whoops would help if I was looking the correct way how hard will this game be probably not hard since I'm not trying to like gold rank anything yeah it's just Nexus Jank spilling over into sequels pretty much how many of these can we do [ __ ] ing for this exercise Advance through the corridor as fast as you can my AC is popping hard when I speak what does that mean let's begin nah dude I'm not gonna I'm not gonna waste my time gold ranking this [ __ ] wait what games after this a formula front I am actually gonna spend some time on formula friend and I'm gonna play the upgraded version of formula friend and then I'm also going to play the PS2 version that was only in Japan once I get used to the menus so that that's the game where I'm gonna spend some extra time in not this one I don't think this game deserves it to be honest I mean this game is just very uh it's this game doesn't have much like Beyond just the surface level of what you guys are watching right now from my understanding I know there is technically like an ending but um yeah it's there's just very little I know there's like okay it's my bonus point bonus Point requirement because I got hit like seven times objective reached what's up unexpected you made it to the best armored Core game PS2 version is janky I think it just said we got something but I don't know let's say did it increase our standing in the arena no ranking no no wrinkle no ranking battle for us no official battle back to training this exercise make your way to the objective as quickly as possible yeah I know I know that like fighting like random RNG like created ACS is cool but [ __ ] darn no no way dude [ __ ] we almost had that I didn't hit my head okay we go up higher exercises complete Mission objective achieved system switch to normal mode if I didn't lose energy there then we would have had a really good time nope silver moving obstacles I thought my voice put people to sleep but damn this dude's voice really does put people to sleep I'm gonna hit everyone okay what did you guys see that hitbox or was it just me okay these things are actually twice the size versus what the game wants you to think it seems like everything is like twice the size I got no clues in still got silver even though I feel like I banged my head or landed on every single platform there was the time limit has been shortened for this exercise cool bro I'd rather not hear you that that's the whole goal of these is to move quickly let's begin now this came out right after Nexus they at least fix the overheating [Music] [Music] there's more bruh okay we're doing this now gonna run out the clock on this one objective reached the exercise is complete Mission objective achieved system switch to normal mode yeah so these are all just like little challenges we got to do a bunch of challenges in this game I think eventually it starts combining the challenges or something bronze our first bronze we're really making it initiating level five training exercise pilot your AC through the course to reach the objective you don't have to JC avoid being I wouldn't suggest this one let's begin I know Buster TBM really likes this game but oh now they launched down mortars Point requirement achieved okay that was [ __ ] [Music] wait what this isn't it okay is this just like no this this is a different timer than what I'm used to as well [Music] Mission objective Achievement System switch to normal mode my favorite armored Core game is silent line for answers in a very close second would be number one if a lot more people still play the multiplayer this is a say new appellation raving your performance in both training exercises and Arena has been exceptional congratulations on your new Appalachian part collector it's okay I don't think we've gotten a single part yet but thank you the platform layout in this exercise is different it's different oh boy this would be an interesting game to see somebody speedrun especially in levels like these days one target remaining where is it oh there it is I think Appalachians are just titles I don't really give a crap about titles though foreign maybe if I was like playing multiplayer against actual people I'd care about the titles but they probably are they probably are medics okay this is gonna suck dude okay it's not sucking as much as I thought it would 've heard of him 60 seconds remaining okay we'll get this one instead and up okay nope there we go exercise complete see these little challenges are cool these little challenges are cool but to fully make your game around them like what the [ __ ] were they thinking bro this is this was like a game made by the B team or something or what does it say aerial piloting training yay this game just like I don't know I feel like it was the B team and the a team was working on something better so they were like hey just take Nexus uh fix some of the blatant ass problems it obviously had like overheating and just like I don't know do whatever you can with it oh I know what that is sorry dude it's uh it's my AC whoops thanks for telling me sorry about that now it's perfectly fine now the audio is great see if you guys have issues with my stream at all I beg you please tell me doesn't matter what it is ah okay five targets remaining [ __ ] one target remaining where is it the platforms I wish I wish I could do like a bag slip bro that'd be pretty cool dark wood grain ring and uh armored Core dude what I still got gold okay I don't believe that for a second now this this has the same controls as Nexus so you can use the left and right sticks for movement and looking around so that's one good thing about this game I guess all platforms as fast as you can the whole like story of this game is like the world's at peace uh ACS can't get rusty Pilots can't get rusty so we train okay I didn't want to land on you anyways what he's not expecting to boost off of that [ __ ] thank you five targets remake one target remaining contact made with all platforms that wasn't bad foreign objective achieved systems destroy floating Minds yeah Nexus and onward all have better controls like more up-to-date controls but in my opinion the games are worse last Raven is really good something special for sure uh the story what does this say AC parts inside extensions whatever the story like the branching Mission structures and last Raven and the difficulty is something that I love love love aerial movement we're probably gonna suck at this one because this AC is not meant for sustained flight it's more meant for like jump boosting on the ground [Music] Before Time Runs Out this looks fun oh you literally just fly through them okay whoops [Music] destroyed exercise complete I might have to remove the uh the boosters my back boosters to uh do some of the harder ones in here yeah I don't miss this game whatsoever dude I wish it looked better for you guys but uh this is what we got to work with there's only so much there's only so good like these later third gen games can look anyways you just naturally look like [ __ ] in my opinion I think like three in silent line look a lot better even on Hardware seconds oh that sounded lovely dude music to my ears when the explosions aren't even distracting dude foreign targets remaining one target remaining get it all Targets destroyed her size complete Mission objective achieved system switch to normal mode dude I like uh I like how the boosters look in three and silent line I guess they still look decent in these games but I also liked how the eye like glue you could like see the trail of the eye Target altitude has been increased in this exercise yay I loved this song okay dude shut the [ __ ] up foreign [Music] maybe I spoke too early nope really not that bad targets destroyed exercise complete Mission we just got done beating all of uh another age sure you knew that because you were I think you were there for the end of it comprehensive piloting training Total Mobility we've been banging these out of the park so uh shouldn't be too bad the time limit has been shortened for this exercise efficient Target destruction will be required will it really the thing they put like a platform right here no give me the [ __ ] back up there at least uh at least this game has like gravity just feels really light like floaty just like last Raven bruh okay whatever we're starting down here get me the [ __ ] is destroyed exercise watch it still be gold Mission objective Achievement System switch to normal mode nope silver I'm happy with that though that's good enough I'm not even like I'm still using my freaking hot ass back boosters she get me heated mines yeah okay dude I'm super looking forward to this we missed it yikes finally got hit by one of those all right mom this might be one of my least favorite ones so far in terms of challenges remaining what okay there's one nice Zane are you new to armored Core system switch to normal mode or have you just not played the PS1 games we got a weapon crwh-98gl okay now we're on the total movement which will be a mixture I guess a mixture of all the previous challenges so in other words what this dude is about to [ __ ] say okay okay let's begin okay I thought these would have been like spread all over the place the targets but they're not they're like literally just in these little Halls maybe it's because this is the first challenge so mixing it up with that left turn nice damn I like those left turns so what I'm talking about when I think of a good armored Core game I think of these left turns Target requirement exercise complete Mission objective achieved system switch to normal mode yeah pretty much Zane I mean obviously some of them are still fun people would call this one fun I wouldn't go that far [Music] yeah this this whole game is a tutorial dude until the final mission I'm pretty sure yikes wait did I okay I did break it did not break that one 60 seconds remaining targets remaining Target remaining Target requirement okay they did give us extra targets so if I miss one I can just keep going Mission objective achieved system switch to normal mode yeah I think I have a good idea on how to play this game by now uh gold ain't that special what's up Thomas thanks for joining in to uh one of my least favorite armored Core games [Music] oh I see you starting to put you outside of your room okay I don't like these rooms did I miss any no we're good Mission objective achievement you know the saddest part is like a lot of people that like honestly I didn't really I was a young kid so whenever these games came out I never really saw any trailers or like was like super excited for a game that came out I just saw that it existed and bought it but dude for the people that were actually excited for a title like nine breaker like uh armored Core never really lived up to uh what armored Core master of Arena had to offer like there was a lot in master of Arena after I just got done playing this too like had some of them like the most Parts in the game it was really challenging tons of Arena content like with the title like nine breaker if this is what people were uh like if they had High Hopes I feel so bad for him dude that's all I gotta say like if somebody was actually excited for this game foreign okay I'm just standing on nothing dude oh boy foreign ER has a lot of these training challenges these are uh these are the time trials but eventually there's stuff for like defense like I think like evading [ __ ] like missiles and then like attack which is probably like break the targets like stuff you might see in like one or two missions like in the other armored Core games there's um there's an there's some emphasis on Arena which I think you from my understanding for my memory there's like uh just randomly generated ACS you can fight and depending on how many of these training exercises you've done okay depending on how many training exercises you've done you can compete in like higher and higher rankings there might be a requirement to uh to do some of the lower difficulty Arenas too [Music] okay no bonus ones maybe we just shouldn't even bother oh there's a bonus one bonus one there it is foreign I'm not even sure how many targets we have left look at that splatforming dude how many do we even have to get 65 what the [ __ ] Mission objective system switch to normal mode 65 is that for gold okay why the [ __ ] did it say 65 all right we gotta Harrington there we go let's check out this Perryton oh gross disgusting don't you ever [ __ ] give me that [ __ ] again no we'll we'll probably be unlocking parts that we've already gotten we better have unlocked an arena by now no still no okay maybe do one of these one of those is the most expensive guy looks like this guy but 666 is an unlucky number We're not gonna do that one pretty much Thomas thank you man their lock box kind of sucks dude it's the arena except this game looks like [ __ ] so okay no that didn't unlock anything challenge requirement 2439 points okay let's get a better lock on it might just be these weapons foreign and I guess we'll just keep grinding Class C until we get enough points what yeah this is a good log size you can I can use this You're Gonna Stand in the corner like an idiot I'll just stand here turn down it's mainly this rifle this rifle uh has like a special lock for it lock system so how much more do we need 1 642 it says special under lock type and it kind of sounded like a fart whenever I was fast forward in it see this looks nice doesn't it you guys look at this we had more maps like this the game would we could make the game look nice right on his head you never know Max you never know if there's gonna be any location that isn't a city in that world judging by the trailer would probably be a desert okay what's it saying 906 official battles Colin 7K what a special guy Colin 7K nope well Colin you're very special foreign very impressed that's okay I'm not sure why I found that funny I guess because the joke was certainly more entertaining than this game okay any more official ones caprinia we do parts I don't think Parts break in this game I think that was exclusive to last Raven the guy actually hit me quite a bit see look at all that those stupid Landing courses dude now I can just land on every Pilot's head just like that that's how well trained I am now after those uh courses low one HP I don't care can we just keep going Class B range search for AC is designed for long range here's three AC is designed for middle and short I don't care I'm just here to kill thank you oh here's the uh what are they called like torpedo missiles surface muscles cool wow dude Class B's really giving me a run for my money you know one thing I need to do I need to turn down the sound effects so we can listen to this game's uh soundtrack a little bit more it's already down quite a bit okay what does it say training or well now for 15 done with training and we're probably like 30 done with training seeing how we finish one of the three categories completely no I think there's like three more [ __ ] I really don't want to do that uh how many points six thousand five hundred guys got dual uh Gatling guns it's got my pose uh this guy might be some sort of a threat [Music] dude the sound effects are still so loud like I swear I just turned this [ __ ] down turn this [ __ ] down to 20. Beluga this sounds fine now that we're at like 20 sound effect volume you're just gonna stand there buddy I mean I don't mind shits I didn't land on his head after all that training four legs official here we go had to do these official matches close call McLeod dude I always tell myself the next phone I'm gonna get is like gonna be one of those bulletproof phones they used to make this phone called the Casio Commando I think it was like Verizon sponsored kco which I think make like watches but they made like this pretty much bulletproof phone and it was [ __ ] awesome but they never made another one and it's like a 10 year old phone and I pretty much just used that phone for like a good maybe like five years of my life never broke dude I fell asleep in a Jacuzzi with the phone in my pocket and I just let it dry for like four days the phone was perfectly fine dude in fact I could even use the phone after I uh after I fell asleep with it in the jacuzzi but there was like so much fog on it like from the inside it was crazy but they I don't I don't know they never made another phone like that again and I see like this armor 9 phone on Amazon or some [ __ ] and they have like this um like Ford looking infrared camera it's like dude I don't [ __ ] need all this [ __ ] just give me a bulletproof phone like I don't even need a camera on that [ __ ] maybe like I guess maybe like a front looking camera ooh I'm getting overheated I wouldn't be surprised if some of these losers were using human plus too he wasn't yeah dude I hate how phones these days they just try to make them as thin as possible and that's the whole selling point oh five [ __ ] 60 dollar case and then that still doesn't even save the phone's life there we go A-Class Ravens it's like uh you know uh Far Cry 3 where he only survives getting like shot through the heart because he has that metal lighter it's like dude that's my story but with the Casio Commando phone what you were a ranked dude no you weren't you were not a ring my friend you wish congratulations on your new Appalachian major ranker yeah okay we just keep getting official battles dude Central River I feel like we've seen the same like four stages and that's it okay this guy's rank 30. oh [ __ ] it's got us backed into a corner easy and again he's only rank 30. our munidel who cares cool ranking now we gotta keep going 144 000. wait what there's no way 5400 there's no way it's 144 000. no way dude 144 000 points required and these fights only give us five thousand six thousand whatever dude we're gonna have to do like 20 plus a matches this sucks bro stop stop monkeying all over that place come over to me don't be a puss [ __ ] yes I landed on his head you actually want to see if this dude is using human Plus no he's not yeah honestly this game could have been combined in with Nexus like once you beat the game like I don't know I just feel like both these games have such little to offer yeah 136 000 I swear dude if we have to like if this is just to get to like the next Rank 10 or like something I'm gonna be furious I do not feel like doing hundreds of like randomly generated Arena matches I mean I guess it's better than doing hundreds of like time trials hey this stage looks familiar thank you what's it telling us you've been selected to take part in an official battle this is an excellent opportunity to earn additional arena points yes it's actually exactly what I want ten thousand if the sky doesn't even look anything impressive he's using like the Dragoon and a machine gun oh no dude be aggressive BB aggressive at least that's what this guy was told but I'm faster which means I get to stay at the exact distance I won ah dude I was that close to landing on his head I was so close uh I'm taking that as a fail taking that as a fail guys wait what 116 000 now I guess are we gonna get more points or are these guys still gonna be [ __ ] these guys are gonna be [ __ ] this guy's using two dragons bro I tried that in Nexus it sucks you think it'll be good because it Stingers like little energy pistol thing but nah those things blow okay honestly I can't see this dude in uh Hardware mode stage is way too dark [ __ ] I overshot it all my training was for nothing dude so are there any uh are there any nine breaker Masters here in the chat do we have to do any of the training so that oh wait we have rank 30 unlocked okay do we have to do the training in order to get to the very last the ending of this game where's the training just totally optional that was a new soundtrack though it sounds pretty cool we'll just keep doing these uh 30th ring arena battles wait this guy's 25th but he gives me more points how does that make sense [ __ ] get out of the corner my dude get out of the corner my dude this guy's just all heat cannons or whatever they're called linear guns oh wow dude this guy should be number one not gonna lie one of your guns are very powerful what does this say you've been selected to take part in an official battle this is an excellent opportunity to earn additional arena points let's do it we now have hover legs as a filter if we want to use them if we want to have the filter wait what we already got this guy I remember this exact guy what the [ __ ] what okay so this game this game's Arena has I guess no structure at all that's the only way this makes sense okay we just beat the rank 30 pilot again it's weird because you think these official battles would be like something special but they're just not they're not special at all they're like here here's here's what I'm trying to say you think that there would be like a determined like 100 guaranteed AC for those like special matches yeah it just pulls them out of the game at random so like they should have at least had pre-built like built by the developer Max specifically for those like special ones those special matches yes yes perfect lineup that's what I've been training for you all are jealous of that that's beating the game right there man that's beating the game from that distance from that distance you can't do any better than that okay just keep doing uh 30s this is this looks exactly like the same dude we just fought that's because it is the exact dude we just fought oh man they really didn't think this came out bro they didn't think this came out hey it's this stage though remember in silent line when we could actually like see our enemy on this stage the stage is so dark bro this game is so dark not in the good way not in like the storytelling environment type of way just like in the brightness way [ __ ] overshot it [Music] are these all the same tracks from Nexus or does nine ball actually have its own soundtrack we're almost there we're almost there nobody answered me if uh if we had to do the training missions to get to the end of this game which kind of worries me foreign you're suggesting a guide do we have to Gold rank every single [ __ ] challenge to fight the final boss because that would blow official battle 31st dude you can't make this [ __ ] up bro you can't make this [ __ ] up what the [ __ ] so far so for anyone that hasn't been paying attention this guy has been our special opponent three times in a row actually no I think he's I think he's the only no he's not the only one these guys are like up to rank 20. yeah these dudes are up to rank 20. so we've gotten this single guy we've gotten the single guy as our opponent our special opponent three times now did we just like roll a 1 in 10 chance like three times in a row or hey bro you're the main character this game I don't care what anyone asks to say you show up three [ __ ] times still just as easier as the first though yep landed it nailed it because we're we're rank 30. this guy was ranked 30 we took his spot so we're rank 30. he went down to 31st and he's been trying to get back ever since I guess I don't [ __ ] know okay we're so close you know what no we're doing a Class C fight just to get this over with yeah this game just doesn't really have [ __ ] going on for it I'd say the ending had something going on for it but I'm pretty sure I don't want to ruin it for anyone that hasn't seen it but let's just say I'm pretty sure they ripped the Final Bosses model of this game straight out of armored Core to another age so I can't even say that's special other than the fact that you can get some of the parts like for yourself if I'm not mistaken that might have only been in last Raven I don't know I hope I hope my Challenger is the same dude I know it's not gonna be he has to be in the rank 20s right wait what what what is it gonna force me into doing the stupid challenges this guy again sure not serif just regular nine ball you're really doing it Pollo Loco whatever your name was nailed it official battle invitation here we go Center fire this guy doesn't look interesting at all nope [Music] [ __ ] I [ __ ] that up will this guy put up more of a challenge than any of the other people so tada oh Center fire was wait so they just they took opponents from Nexus really that's so [ __ ] lazy our Munich are Neo I mean l armina Del official battle invitation search for rank 11 to 15. and hey we're gonna fight him again because why not honestly this this spot might be easier to fight this dude in because of all the buildings and [ __ ] foreign yeah he was a lot easier that time around ah I think we would have nailed that if the building the building's hitbox wasn't way larger than it should be what even we only need 14 000 more points okay so what I'm gonna do I gotta get a refill gotta use the restroom again five minute break then uh then we'll get back to game and thanks for hanging out you guys I appreciate it thanks for helping me get through um probably one of the worst armored Core games honestly I think I put this game in the D maybe in the high D's for my um my like what is it called tier list honestly I think it deserves to go a little bit lower I think I was uh a little bit too generous with this one but yeah I'll be right back foreign foreign foreign okay I'm switching it up I'm drinking lemon water now don't need to be like twitching in bed tonight while trying to go to sleep from all the darn caffeine okay let's see um video plug-in settings you're saying dpb [Music] BFF says use blend if shaking okay let's try that I mean I can I think this is already upscaled to 4K but uh let's see it's upscaled we'll do six times native just for you [ __ ] it's bobbing okay again that might be better does it look better for you guys yeah no smoke TV well yeah not too late we're still playing we're still playing we need 14 000 points rank 15. yeah I know I just uh I wanted to do the exact one he suggested yeah this is probably as good as it's gonna look does it look good for you guys I think so is this the same dude it is the same dude gonna come out from behind the wall oh we did it we got it yeah it's gonna look a little fuzzy regardless official battle invitation is it gonna be against the same dude no this guy is this guy's different resolution is now upscaled by six so it's probably like 4K oh he has the things that make me lose lock on or maybe that's just some ECM jamming [ __ ] nope that's like an extension that he's toggling or something ah we did it that counts as us landing on his head arm unit L Wraith Arena keeper how many do we need 56 000 points this shouldn't take very long to get to hey we haven't seen this one yet maybe this is like only top 10. area I don't know we haven't seen this area I like this song too this is a banger the song wasn't Nexus though yeah I mean honestly I'm looking at the stream it looks decent on stream and I'm streaming at like 9000 bit rate and I think I'm limited to 720p which is kind of an extreme bit rate are you guys allowed to watch in 1080P oops I didn't mean to flip it well it's only 720P I don't think I'm allowed to stream at a 1080 60. without a larger delay this guy again sure next time I'll try streaming with uh without reduced delay and it should be like 1080 60. but I shouldn't be dropping any like bit rates like the game should look is good as it possibly can on 720P or let's see maybe I can update the stream right now let's see now I can't change the latency mode on the fly right now we're in low latency are you new to the channel William Webb yeah I'm hyped for armored Core six uh this guy again so this is a new Arena I think this arena is exclusive to this game I was toggling uh the software mode instead of shooting this guy nope we did not land on his head official battle this should get us the rest of the way rank two Warlord thank you rank number two was not that impressive got you William all that training wasted expert sweeper wow okay we need 49 000 points to get to the next rank there's some of the legs that we still don't have four leg hoverse joint so we need like what biped and Bank legs unlocked what is this guy using like a grenade launcher and a laser rifle or maybe a sniper this area is really dark we might have to use this viewing mode so I can see this dude what is he out of ammo what the [ __ ] okay kind of a sweaty moment right there not gonna lie it's a nice grenade launcher foreign let me see if I can enable that real quick let's see if you're referring to uh anti-stropic filtering I already have that at 16 times see if there's anything more in here yeah it looks like I already got this [ __ ] as set up as it can be foreign they hit hard but not hard enough what do we got warlord how many more points do we need this guy will give us enough points yikes why am I not shooting with my left gun ah get me out of here use the pillar what okay [ __ ] we're so close another hard battle game's starting to get hard guys now that we've like finished all the arena opponents pretty much new Appalachian AC breaker so there we go here's rank number one energy machine gun Gatling gun some missiles okay let's fight rank number one and hopefully we unlock the mission that I so desperately want to unlock probably not probably have to do all the training [ __ ] after this all right come on man there it is with the head stand we have became we have become ranked number one [Music] that's it except it's not it head I3 search for legs who cares there's no more ranking we have all the filters unlocked so yeah we need to go to training now we've been slacking on the training so uh that was the fun part that was the fun part attack defense welcome back Ethan acquire and Destroy targets as they are released into the training area this chick makes me want to fall asleep you have 65 seconds to complete the objective welcome to armored Core ASMR [Music] a boarding mission there it is dude there it is okay [Laughter] uh can we skip it we can foreign wow crazy dude why the [ __ ] does this feel like you know like Wii Sports the game that pretty much came with wheeze why does this feel like that we Mecca Sports yep The Targets in this exercise no way dude adjust your tactics accordingly can't believe it only your dialogue was faster [Music] I wasn't ready foreign we're gonna do a sick Strat and walk over here to the right where there's just a bit more of a gap exercise foreign they gotta mix it up for this one nope they don't it's just gonna be the faster targets with the obstacles [Music] oh I didn't see you buddy but it's still gonna be gold okay this is like still nothing crazy I mean I guess it's not supposed to be crazy [Music] oh that's a bonus Target I thought it said friendly is that a bonus Target why are there bonus targets seconds oh hello look guys it's red okay that uh pretty sure that was gold it said zero out of zero targets so not sure if that's because it's infinite wow that was so hard I didn't think we were gonna do it hour honestly this looks like rockets would be pretty darn useful do you even have Rockets though is the question we don't we don't have Rockets [ __ ] do we have any hand Rockets we have a Parry blade a fractal welcome to the party this exercise will test your these aren't really high powered but barriers as you advance down the corridor we do have a bazooka [Music] 30 targets dude yo maybe we want a laser blade laser blade arms if we have them they're kind of up to uh we weren't able to buy out the whole shop in Nexus so hopefully we have a laser blade we have that Perry blade what is this energy-based sniper rifle we have a car Asawa ah we do cool okay let's try this exercise [Music] foreign like not very impressed with these challenges [ __ ] I need to be a little bit slower I need to delay my aerial hit just a little bit I thought I was gonna get all four of them that would have been sick nah okay I think these ones it might just be better for me to go past them and get to these double ones we did it we did it you guys we did the brain dead content okay honestly I want to try that shorter blade it might be shorter but if it recovers faster after swinging and takes less energy that would be a huge Advantage we do have the moonlight see range rating usage drain you know the usage drain is pretty bad with the Moonlight if anything we just stick with that stick with Stinger's laser there's bonus ones now what dude this is so awesome but what [ __ ] is times dude what is this music that's good Adam you didn't miss much [Music] we got to number one in the arena but honestly it had us fighting a lot of the same enemies there wasn't anything too special about the enemies either so sick sick [Music] man thank you [ __ ] your size complete objective achieved system switch to normal that's weird Marquez welcome back though the topic is going to be all the armored Core games I missed in my uh series overview video wait what is this now there's explosives on them this time they have explosives on them you idiot no using your laser blade like a [ __ ] thank you what okay they don't hurt me that's good [Music] what that laser blade somehow didn't hit thank you what oh I thought the wall just stopped right there my brain's starting to go numb I got a feeling we just ranked it I hope that's the last wall challenge so Marquez if you don't know anything about uh about nine breaker right here a lot of the game is around doing the same mundane objective over and over again through these trials and there's a lot of them like for example this is how many there are in movement now we're on to attack eventually we need to do defense and I think when we finally complete all of them will unlock the ending to the game not that there's much of an ending but yeah this is like armored Core get good simulator I'm great um maybe I should have gotten two rifles prepare to be judged I rate that zero out of 10 weapon judgment what okay so some of them just have a [ __ ] ton of health and some of them don't 12 shots just for one are there any up top no there aren't Maybe This was meant to be done with the laser blade I don't know about this challenge not sure silver [Music] you know what we're gonna do we're gonna do this we're gonna see we're gonna see how dare they judge me [Music] enemies maybe these ones uh uh you know maybe I'm going about this wrong here we're gonna try something else I think what they have intended is for us to use energy based weapons on the ones on the bottom see energy based sniper only has 10 Rounds that's not good solid solid energy okay what is do these arms have good energy Supply now just blade aptitude okay it only affects blades I guess this is just a theory nobody say Game Theory [Music] yep my theory was correct wait what what type of damage do you take good sir I'm so confused is it the thicker boxes I don't I don't even know dude this box is red and it just has more defense why exactly I couldn't tell you okay that one's red which means physical I guess oh is it one at a time no because that's just red and it's the last one do blue ones instantly get destroyed they do okay we're going back to our original uh we're going back to our original laser blade strategy I think my quad with pulse cannons see if I have pulse cannons because it all depends on if I even have pulse cannons I got this 12 ammo no I ain't got [ __ ] I think this is a good enough strategy though a was altitude ever a factor we've only had one of them that actually went to the second level [Music] these ones just float around in the air they do but okay good [Music] Mission objective achieved system switch to normal mode these so fun are having so much fun I just can't contain myself with how much fun this is okay you know what we're gonna go for I don't know I think we have to do all of them pretty sure we gotta do all of them I know this is this is I don't know I might try to keep this on Fast Forward mode we'll see we'll see how this goes [Music] oh [ __ ] hello where'd you go there you are what are the chances we get gold like zero now this is POD racing silver you know what I'm still not sure if we have to get gold on all of these to uh get the final mission so as much as I would love to just blaze through these the fact I might have to do them again because I don't get gold okay I don't want to risk it if I figured I have to get gold on all these things I'm gonna be pissed okay where is it what the [ __ ] oh it's you hey at least laser blades are useful in this game unlike last Raven and Nexus at least we can use them for something [ __ ] the issue is William that these things have like different amounts of Health like the flying ones get one shot the red ones that come out of the wall take like I think 12 shots from my rifle and we got gold yay emblem collector lame okay what is this the single targeted combat training this exercise is designed to test your offensive combat skills yeah Peter I haven't had this much fun with an armored Core game in a while so sweet why am I allowed to skip that one does this Shield actually blocked me though is the question I'm not sure if it completely blocks me I guess it doesn't completely block me yay we go out of bounds now please tell me that's still counted did that count no dude I wasted my time I can't [ __ ] around in this game dude no fun allowed nine breaker ain't like that nine breaker ain't that game okay this is same thing just with hover legs you son of a you son of a he's actually moving this time [ __ ] [ __ ] okay you know what we're at Borton we're gonna go get our other rifle or Maybe honestly this thing looks pretty powerful we'll use this grenade launcher and do we have anything else this okay let's try that I should save it's been a while since I saved last okay I gotta be more uh on point with my bazooka shots since I only have like 20 rounds honestly McLeod I'm having more fun uh being here with you guys than I am really playing the game like uh the arena portion wasn't bad it was at least fighting ACS in the arena but this um this training stuff isn't uh the greatest joint legs obviously he's gonna be jumping all over the place great and there's pillars yeah whatever dude not bad for how much he was flying around in the air like an [ __ ] not bad silver lame I wonder if accuracy has anything to do with this got it hit the thing we will hit that thing [Music] foreign did it run out of energy dude it did it ran out of energy I think we overheated it and it ran him out of energy [Music] oh dude okay the last one what I see is this gonna be that was just a crap ton of pillars fun gonna lean back for this one relax one advantage balances Mobility are you gonna overheat like the last dude please [ __ ] I forgot to use these the whole time foreign I can't even stand on him what's the fun what's the fun in that I probably got like bronze there's no way I got gold silver hit melee multi-target combat training hey man I've already been doing already been doing melee what no technique special oh dude the game just totally opened up on me man evade missiles evade special missiles ah man let's do it bro uh how much [ __ ] [ __ ] can I possibly get thrown dude like [ __ ] sure fast forward mode is key to success okay well isn't this the same [ __ ] I was doing before yeah you do it bro you do it 150 missions they were moving those guys just uh some of them just kind of glitched in place or something uh it's one of the downsides of getting interns to do all your [ __ ] Target requirement has been increased crazy crazy dude let's begin are they all moving now why was this called melee were they expecting me to melee all these dudes or what what's the deal with that oh he's moving something tells me they're supposed to be glitchy okay I really don't like the fact that our left arm does not One-Shot them karasawa Maybe wait 40 ammo honestly bazooka weapon might do the trick whoa dude this game just knows how to mix it up [Music] oh that's cool how'd they move around [ __ ] these bazookas uh fires twice at once you know I give the game some credit because those are actually like new enemies let's see if we can get some spare ammo on our back it doesn't look like the game has given us any spare ammo yet they look pretty cool so that's cool more barriers more jumping empties yep [ __ ] you little [ __ ] you little [ __ ] you die you go to hell and you die [ __ ] all I have is a zero shots left yeah [ __ ] this this is gonna take way too long I wonder if these can still one shot them wait these just have 48 shots too don't they yeah it's not gonna help Kurosawa don't need that don't need that don't need any of that [ __ ] just need this this this foreign a lot of training okay it won shots we're good I mean I'd much rather have the regular karasawa because every time I want to shoot there's a delay because I have to put my arm up but this is definitely doable okay now this thing should probably be the same thing but without a timer you just have to go till the timer ends let's see bazooka there it is whoops didn't want to do that wait what is that an AC okay that was really weird it was like no explanation or anything man foreign I hope it's over yeah still training dude hopefully that's us Rank and we just uh we're good cool evade evade the missiles whose voice is this or is this just a robot voice this might just be one of the robot head voices soundtrack's pretty dope though wait what okay now there is we just gotta stay underneath them actually easier said than done looks like they reappear ow L I might be able to do these challenges and fast forward mode sorry Jenna this one is not my favorite yeah I mean I can um I can play in software mode which would light the game up a bit actually I have an idea let's see stream filters color correction um maybe color correction something like that possibly the colors might look washed out but um at least you guys will be able to see I'm honestly kind of jealous because I can't do that the game is brighter for you guys than it is for me now dude what okay we gotta be like Vigilant on where these are coming out of [ __ ] foreign maybe a radar would be beneficial at they can't shoot directly down [ __ ] [ __ ] if that's too bright for you guys I can lower down the uh I can lower it down [ __ ] I wish I could put that filter over uh my game I wonder if I can play this I wonder if I can play this while looking at the Stream let's see not like the actual stream stream that you guys are watching on YouTube but like the screen oh but it's got the ah no I'm not gonna do this there's no way for me to totally uh boy we only get three hits honestly I might just restart this oh [ __ ] 30 seconds remain there we go we didn't get hit a single time that ain't bad foreign I don't really need much like learning what I kind of need is like entertainment bruh but three hits one this is kind of cancer I guess McLeod it's like I don't know how many how many armored Core games have already been out by the time this one hit now they just have extremely fast velocity oh come on bro don't say four I'm gonna restart okay whatever this is kind of a annoying thing guess what hits left dude I can't react to it I want to react to the noise [ __ ] I don't know what to do about this one I kind of need a radar we're gonna put on a radar get Primal armor then I'll be fine okay I'm keeping track of their positions I got a radar [ __ ] for real dude are you [ __ ] for real bro okay let's do this again I'm sorry but there's just not a lot of reaction time for these like with these high velocity rounds should have been slowed down just a little bit I am like sweating okay maybe it's not that bad I just needed a radar right desert Twilight yay foreign what hey shoot board what what okay okay I wasn't sure what to expect there and that's why that happened I didn't know they just kept firing okay wait I got bronze still let's make they also just stay in place and shoot a [ __ ] ton don't be an idiot oh no what where did those ones even hit [ __ ] that honestly might still be gold Maybe I don't know I'm even trying I think somebody said you don't need to get gold in order to like get to the final mission gold yay perfect shooter initiating AP Insurance exercise AP endurance dude all these obstacles are put in the most [ __ ] position like really I like this I like it okay let's try that again oh I do have an over boost with this thing [ __ ] Bro Dodge invasive maneuvers hey let me do one thing that the I want to just lower this filter's gamma just a little there that looks a bit a bit more like it should still extra bright but talking about detectors foreign that had to be gold the gold all right so I gotta use the restroom get a refill I'm gonna take a five minute break I'll be right back thanks for watching you guys foreign foreign back to the fun [ __ ] [ __ ] that wasn't bad but the next one's gonna be really hard foreign anymore good enough for me oh oh they have missiles hand grenades what [ __ ] dude Point requirement achieved probably just a shitty bronze medal it's done beat resisting avoid the missiles released into the training Arena until time expires the exercise that's probably not the best boosters for this and honestly I don't even have one of the heaviest like radiators in the game okay [ __ ] go away well foreign 10 seconds bro I think that one would have hit me too I can't believe the sperm yeah it kind of looks like that silver maybe these boosters aren't the best temperature increases yeah I figured all right foreign no damn seconds remaining dude I'm not sure if I'll be able to do this with uh my lightweight radiators that I have what's up zakaro switch to normal that's probably bronze then I overheated quite a bit nope still silver okay we're not gonna do this one yet evade missiles okay we're gonna switch back this exercise will test missile evasion skill avoid the missiles fired at your AC until time expires resultant failure to begin [Music] [ __ ] I mean there's no way I'd just be able to stand underneath those that'd be nice I'll try it next time see if we can stand under it [Music] nah this ain't gonna work [ __ ] the exercise we'll just do this normally I guess what that missile like did a loop-de-loop and hit me [Music] seconds remaining time requirement this reminds me of the mission from armored Core 3 where you gotta Dodge the missiles except it wasn't five levels it was just one what it did a loop-de-loop again and hit me did they keep like uh circling around me and then hitting me um let's try a core that actually has anti-missile systems is there still a thing right versus Muscle guidance response 48. 62. foreign activate I'm so much slower [Music] [ __ ] no dude 0.28 seconds no this game didn't have op intensify seems like I got something good going on right here 10 seconds remaining I think I figured it out oh yeah I could probably use those William see if I can throw those on let's see if I have any I guess is the better question missile counter pretty big usage drain though [ __ ] we will see yay wait what oh [ __ ] he's take like a lot of energy 30 seconds remaining actually they take all my energy to use I wonder no I don't think these ones are gonna work for what I want to do these extensions I'll see if I got any other ones those are cool though I don't remember seeing these in any of the previous games let's see yeah I don't have [ __ ] else are we going first person mode William oh I don't think that works in these games I think that's only gen 2. yeah that's only gen 2. [ __ ] seconds remaining yeah this is the best core for this Nexus has first person okay I think this is the final one this was fired at your AC for as long as possible number of launch pads has been increased stay alert let's begin what what are these little thingies are these mines those aren't launch pads are they requirement achieved bonus Point requirement achieved bonus Point requirements achieved yeah I wonder how long we have to do this [ __ ] bonus Point requirements bonus Point requirement achieved okay well it keeps telling me I'm getting these bonus points so [ __ ] damn that had to be a gold you would think the time is infinite I don't know just kept saying I got was getting bonus points so who knows gold foreign special missiles what's this all about are these like vertical missiles let's begin [Music] hey honestly I might want to take off this uh booster back booster five hits left oh that one shot three what the [ __ ] okay I kind of did [ __ ] right there yeah that was a big sad for me too dark star with all these late third gen games let's begin yeah reverse legs would probably be good for uh for this but I don't know if I start having oh okay if I start having some serious problems we can switch it up but five hits left [ __ ] maybe I should have kept those back boosters seconds right Mission objective achieved system switch to normal mode I mean I feel like in last Raven in these games like everything is nerfed I guess the heat cannons the linear guns I guess those are all right evade even more missiles really dark dark star honestly I'll try and help you with that as soon as this one's done because it should be oh okay seconds remaining time requirement meant at exercise complete night Nate see you next time Mission objective achievement okay let's see uh Dark Star are you part of the armored Core 2.0 Discord server foreign you might want to join you might want to join their Discord server here let me um let's see copy here that's to the armored Core 2.0 Discord server so uh join in there and go to 4th gen and go to uh pin Commons and I guarantee you'll find it there initiating exercise no worries what I wasn't able to find there but I wasn't able to find there was armored Core 4. I had to find that somewhere else on the internet [ __ ] I'm just gonna restart dude JC a lot of the community plays on our pcs3 people do multiplayer thank you [Music] [ __ ] there we go yeah there is an older model if uh if you look back if you look at the live segment and my uh on my YouTube channel and you go to the first uh time I streamed armored Core 4 and for answer that date gets the rpcs3 uh that came out right before I played that day because it worked perfectly fine you could watch all the cut scenes you could see the textures of the AC after that update they kind of destroyed it I'm not sure if they've fixed it but now there's like issues with uh the game crashing and cutscenes and stuff oh yeah Banker Bonker you got uh especially this game I try to use it sparingly since I'm streaming but uh this game's just taken a lot of time [ __ ] ah dude I'm just gonna restart now actually it shouldn't matter all we need is bronze [Laughter] already dude I've gotten hit by every single missile [ __ ] okay whatever I don't care as long as I get bronze I really don't care bronze thrawns yay we did it thank you okay I'm not really sure how this is gonna play out we don't have any weapons maintain your distance from the target until time expires yeah this is kind of sick the soundtrack I like the soundtrack okay this is really weird [ __ ] [ __ ] sake dude not a big fan of like dude thrown up into the mic but gold faster maintain your distance this would like make a good Lo-Fi be right here at the start that'd make for a pretty good remix honestly someone just took that beat and worked with it this test is run around in circles so that this stupid sensor can't scan you behind me let's see yeah it's like that thing but I don't want to look at it because if I do I'm not gonna see the obstacles so we're just doing this stealth Mission I don't think there's any way to hide from this thing there it is that weird thing like tell me someone couldn't make this into like a Lo-Fi beat maintain your distance while avoiding any attacks [ __ ] dude proximity that grenade launcher [ __ ] that's probably still gold yep gold this exercise moves faster don't lose your focus let's begin proximity Bridge really dude [ __ ] no I screwed that up dude [ __ ] what that whole wall is invisible this whole cutout that's all physical like that look at how much space that is dude that's crazy yeah dude uh I noticed that with the platforms too and the movement tests the platforms were like twice as large as they should be look at that beautiful water some good water are you talking about the music William I hope I wasn't supposed to go somewhere whoops failed I just need to get bronze what the [ __ ] dude I like how It beeped again yikes oh bronze we did it that's all we needed man that's all we needed I hope we don't need weapons for this easy enough [Music] dude I wish I could turn around faster [ __ ] I think I need the quick turning [ __ ] because I cannot see this dude I need a radar I need the quick turn extensions it's like it would be so easy for me to stick behind this guy that one was easy yeah turning speed I'll get those as well okay those I guess this core really doesn't matter anymore we'll go back to our super lightweight Speedy core cooling performance yes please lock on cancellation capacity did I never buy foreign [ __ ] okay I don't care about heat resistance circling and I just used a I use a PS5 controller yeah what those controllers are like 120 bucks or some [ __ ] [ __ ] damn it [ __ ] okay we're good we're good we're good whoa 150 dollars for a controller dude what is it made out of like aluminum [ __ ] better be like some titanium aluminum parts in there and those sticks better never have a drift issue period If I buy a controller for that money it better be like [ __ ] high quality metal that with sticks that never have drift it's a crazy price honestly if they could guarantee never having like joy-con drift and like it being like extremely sturdy and Lasting like 10 years I'd probably buy one [Music] oh bro you want an [ __ ] oh [ __ ] Mission objective achievement systems magentic hall effect I'm guessing that's like a I'm guessing that's like a producer of those controllers or something the PS Pro Controller lets you change stick modulars modules uh PS Pro Controller maybe something to buy like a year down the line employed for this exercise I've spent a lot of money on a stupid YouTube [ __ ] so [ __ ] [ __ ] oh they gave him a laser cannon too that's messed up [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] I wonder is this an option is this really a thing oh no it was a thing [ __ ] requirement s completely Mission objective Achievement System switch to normal mode I wouldn't say this game is really hard if you're trying to S rank everything I'm sure it would be hard I'm just trying to get bronze medal at least so we can fight the uh final final boss I guess I don't know we already made it to rank one in the arena but now we just got to do all these challenges [ __ ] this dude what what bro okay [ __ ] you [ __ ] this guy has those stupid uh extensions that boost him back what how did I get bronze whatever you know actually before I do this I'm confused Miss hmm oh I guess I was pressing the wrong button whoops okay um optional part foreign I don't think I need these anymore either yeah whatever this exercise will test your lock-on skill keep the AC Target in your sights until time expires maintain ing why is it saying Miss I'm not missing any of this wait I don't have a I don't have a weapon so I can't lock on that makes sense that was a stupid moment on my part wait what this was not what I wanted and this is not what I signed up for starting to get late technique lock-on skill [Music] foreign I wonder if I'll have to like build a ECM resistant AC for some of these ones at the end you might be using some like lock-on jamming [ __ ] watch out for its quick left and right directional changes let's begin is this guy really harder and it seems a little easier [Music] gold flying reverse joint AC I flying reverse joint AC cool story bro [Music] yep man oh man foreign [Laughter] [Music] [Music] oh it's cold thank you this exercise I pedal [Music] [ __ ] I should have walked a bit to the left and he might have gotten stuck mission objectives another goal I guess these ones are pretty easy that is cleared to launch attacks on your unit he's allowed to attack me that's mean [ __ ] oh wait I'm supposed to stay locked onto him okay I'm just gonna restart this like getting to the point where I'm just not thinking oh dude Harry was thinking this would be an easy clear [Music] come on dude infinite grenade launchers must be so nice thank you [ __ ] that wasn't horrible the funny nine ball one yep we've actually made a lot of progress but we're definitely not going to be able to uh finish this tonight only silver darn Swordcraft so this is our progress totally done with the tag haven't finished all of Defense movement is totally done technique is work in progress special it's like two out of the five but whatever let's see what else we got up to rank one in the arena there we are rank one no data but yeah with that imma call it a night so thanks for hanging out you guys thanks for uh keeping me company through this experience honestly I'm not the biggest fan of this game as you guys could probably see but uh and what is the shadow this is the shadow so bad it's my mic I guess that's better on my mic like that next time yeah peace out I'll be streaming tomorrow as soon as I get off work I'm gonna be putting some serious hours into this game getting it done and then it'll actually be the fun part uh what's it called what's the next game called that I'm gonna be playing formula friend we'll be playing some formula Prime I'm gonna play the uh PS2 one that was only released in Japan but before that so I can understand it I'm gonna be playing the PSP one upgraded PSP one night facilier Knight JC night Taekwondo guy night fiend thanks all for coming in
Channel: above average gaming
Views: 1,331
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: e0Z0aLlMMcc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 327min 46sec (19666 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 03 2023
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