Armin van Buuren UNTOLD World Exclusive Show
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Channel: UNTOLD
Views: 971,425
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: untold, untold festival, music festival, cluj, romania, music, the best crowd
Id: t0uXNhUA97Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 446min 4sec (26764 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 03 2019
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
In regards to the vocalists performing, anything that is sung live won’t sound the same as the recorded tracks. Plus, it’s probably more difficult for them to hear themselves over all of the noise when they’re on stage. I think it’s great that they get a bit of recognition for a change, even if it doesn’t sound perfect.
Watching Susana jump around while she was on stage was cute, and she genuinely seemed excited to be there.
Follow along on the track list..
Romanian people sure are beautiful with great teeth. I think I fell in love several times lol
There's a lot of people here forgetting that Markus regularly does 12 hour sets
The last two shows were a set amount of time and both went over.. this one's going 9-10+ hours
I just woke up and listening and watching in the background.
when he dropped ferry corsten gouryella anahera I wet myself truly one of a kind !
Anyone else seen the whole thing so far?
Armin is a fucking legend...