Arm Wrestling Sykkuno

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[Laughter] those are people screaming we're a little late but i'm here with toast i came in and we're on a bts concert [Music] sakura's so famous what do you mean he's getting a picture let me take a picture for you guys they want to hey guys they want a picture with rey and i'm taking the picture that's the picture she is the owner oh my gosh he is the shrimp king by the time we get to the suite the vip suite it's going to be over we're so late [Applause] [Music] we've lost a thousand miles minutes 15 minutes until it's over we've lost so far it's gonna be over in 15 minutes getting here we did it we're here we're here [Music] [Music] [Applause] we've only been here for 10 minutes [Music] they are down bad wait that's a bed oh it is oh i can't even see it i'm gonna zoom in oh yeah yeah yeah so they're they're wheeling in a bed that has a lamp on top they're blowing off the confetti off the stage that was a couch wow [Applause] [Music] [Applause] um [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] bts concert was amazing they're all very cute and very attractive and very cute all of them every single one all of them is so hot he's the best pick one vodka [Music] who's your bias oh god i'm not ready for this question jin and demon and rm and she loves them all oh jungkook it was very fun it was a very fun concert the after show meet and greet but not with bts with no tv and friends everyone's so cute saikuno is so famous we are at the otp house the bts concert was amazing i am pooped it's almost 1am right now and we have to wake up super early for uh the universal stream on xqc's channel tomorrow morning so i'm gonna go to bed but yeah i'm at the otp house i'm actually sleeping here in the guest bedroom yep rhoden was kind to lend it to me for the night this is so cute this feels like a second home all right i'll see you guys tomorrow for the stream good [Laughter] good night good girl good morning it is um friday today we have the universal irl stream uh i woke up a bit early we're actually leaving like 30 minutes just waiting for everyone to get up hanging out with lily's dogs and the robot dog the piss bot 9000. he has a problem she has a problem he looks so angry but he's actually really happy mommy the do the chicken thing what's the chicken oh my gosh you like watching you ready wait actually yeah nobody not being happy it's working he doesn't like doorbells yeah it's always it's this one in particular too the ring and every time those sounds coming from behind him but wait he's facing the wrong way navi it's over here this is the right way he's going to be pulling him [Music] no not me please not but you're not you're not seen ali yet don't don't do this oh you're so chill but he's actually though he's coming back what a guard dog we're at universal [Applause] uh we're here for x's stream today but i really think it's kind of a big group we're stream sniping apparently but yeah is up there i haven't been here in a really long time very excited honestly i just wanted to go to universal with friends she made a kid cry earlier you're supposed to keep that a secret okay no no she's trolling she's trolling i'm a kid i haven't even seen a kid today all right we're just looking for our friends don't know where everyone is awesome this is my fit today i got my boots some hands i didn't know if it was gonna be cold or not i don't want to vlog i give up we got universal studios hollywood vip experience exclusive access let's go we're all bougie now hold on i'll pretend to be a crazed fan oh okay don't get me in the video oh okay here uh um universal vip i'm kind of kind of famous now don't i love the building so much so cute we have our guide bringing us to the xqc group oh boy we're a little late but that's okay he's he's in ravenclaw and actually oh [Music] sorry chad she didn't want to hug you know about you oh cute yeah that's how you do it you missed it we found everybody we're in the one shop where is everybody x spot everyone at once i'm sorry you didn't get a wand chat maybe next year toast didn't get one either oh it's okay if you want one you can tell us you can tell us how much you want to want i know you're a big fan of wands yay [Applause] hey chad wants to know which one's theirs um chasing old enough oh they wouldn't let me buy one whose size is too young they can chew on it it's a choking hazard i really thought he wouldn't forget about you okay so i guess we're eating now yeah yeah we have lunch reservation until you guys ready i'll take you wait can i do magic can we do magic before we go is that your bias we're not yet whoa real [Music] man [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] your first [Music] no i can't i can't baby i can't believe it slower [Applause] your oh stuff trust me when i was your age i struggled too are we done with this portion because like i kind of want to keep like you know we're going to imagine and then get ready we're getting we're getting lunch in here so it's like you can get butter beers yeah oh what's happening we're going to lunch oh okay wait are you guys hungry around here or not not us no we're not hungry either yeah are there zero fooders no food you should at least get some food if you're even a little hungry i mean i'm a hungry eating i'm not going to oh i need to i'll eat if you want like chicken tenders shepherds i want chicken tenders chat will have chicken tenders is there um like a kids venue for adults chicken tenders there's a kid's menu but you can use it there's no kids do you want tenders mac and cheese mac and cheese i'll keep with mac and cheese okay i smell like cheese please like maybe skip some more sometimes oh god what are you most excited about about these rides and these events here have you been here before uh i was most excited about meeting you that was so sweet we met off camera that's very sweet i was really delighted to meet ums finally at last have you met um all the other ones except for me all the other ones the other one hey you remember us right we're still friends right now that you've met right did you guys live with him no is he like hello he lives in vegas why vegas though oh it's various various it's a long story it's the taxes in it oh you weasel this is a long story long story all these years i've been saying it's like it was your girlfriend oh that's where it's at oh see it's right here no there's no one there though it's a joke it's the wand it's like look over the table [Music] this is the weirdest first date i've ever been a part of i looked at a young also you can look young too yeah [Music] in the past three years i've aged 20 years because you've streamed like 13 hours every day if i think like a week break and i shower and i groom ah then i'm busting thank you all right we're trying butterbeer for the first time this is frozen butterbeer apparently it's butterscotch or something i don't know [Music] it's really good but it's very sweet now are you supposed to drink what do you think you like it it's like yeah it's super sweet you wanna try it i definitely couldn't drink a whole one that's for sure no it's alcohol-free that's amazing yeah cause this one's i think they do have the option to put alcohol in it i think that's what the alcohol pulled [Music] things might get crazy okay ready she's actually using her [Music] damn wait you're actually so strong no i'm not i just know i tried wait what's your what are you doing you cheated it's called leverage you guys don't know the truth wait what is the trick it's about angling your arm the right way what we got some chicken candy some potatoes some fruit shepherd's pie yummy all right [Music] what the heck arena all right let's go donald oh he's right there oh there's donald yo you found us okay [Music] no vip is not worth it no no absolutely not oh my gosh i used to work at disney it's a total scam oh [Music] that's where cinderella comes from yeah i was like 19. so what was the audition like you just show up oh it was awful so the first round before you even like say a word to anybody there's a room of maybe 20 30 girls and you just stand there they're going tap your shoulders they tap your shoulder you leave just on how you look i mean i guess that makes sense for yeah if you're not tall enough if you're not and you actually usually don't know who you're auditioning for you're just auditioning to be a princess and then you get a sign the view it's crazy can you take a picture of me in a song prop him out crop him out so cute it's the jurassic [Applause] give me the whole thing anywhere he literally exited his baby [Music] okay chad you're all tucked in have fun guys please don't break my bag dude cheers yeah can you get your tag they can scan right through the password yeah i'm ready to be scanned gonna be a lot of fun does it be fun wait mr donald are you not getting with us no they do not allow us to ride with our guests oh no i know what if you put on the poncho and we pretend you're one of us i'm ready everybody have tags turn bar codes facing outward they can scan right through the plastic we're going right over here thank you all right it's jurassic park times hold up oh nice and wet dude all right check it you see well it's already starting oh it's squeezing me really hard i'm getting squeezed [Music] [Music] wow [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] wow oh [Music] oh no we're gonna die no no no no listen to me do not panic [Music] i'm oh wet i'm drenched that was the only drop that's done now there's one last one [Music] hey [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh my gosh that was so much more than i saw i would knock but i have a champagne in my hand already oh how convenient hello bro it's so nice i'm here for girls night yes first time coming in yes i came prepared with my champagne already that we already cheers right so would you mind giving us a tour lovely balloons straight up girls nights okay brook went all out for this one's everywhere we have sushi for dinner tonight you're insane yes and then here's our potatoes and all the girls are here so many girls are here oh hello otv jody this room is balloon oh yeah balloons over here that's our bar we're all vlogging together over here we got presents with our names on it and then right now we're going to go over and do a sound bath with aloe um yeah isn't that insane like yoga mats there's girls in the pool yeah so it's a really insane girls night probably the best girls night i've ever had in my life this is the best girls night ever this is gonna be a good night to stream because i have so many hours to make up for youtube but i couldn't miss this i'm really glad i didn't miss it look at all the girls here today we're oh my god i'm right by brooke valkyrie who'sley lilly lily you're by me foosley over here wow we're doing a sound bath is that what it's called wow this is so exciting the sound baths are just a form of meditation that utilizes sound to help us drop into deeper seats so you're going to hear a lot of different frequencies made by these beautiful crystal balls in front of me these bowls are each made out of 99 pure quartz and then they're infused with other different properties like this one is rose quartz this one is moldavite some have gold in them so they're really beautiful bowls that in addition to the frequencies also have the properties of the crystals the gemstones and the minerals in them and the beauty of sound bats is that we not only perceive sound audibly we also perceive sound through skin through bone conduction so yes you're going to be hearing a sound journey that's going to sound maybe interesting maybe soothing to you but also the way that sound and vibration impacts water is that it actually raises the vibration of water so if we think of our bodies as being nearly what is it like 70 percent water it affects us the same exact way so think of this like a deep tissue massage at the molecular level and it's chilly out so if you have blankets i recommend sharing if you have jackets i recommend laying down if that's comfortable for you oh yeah i'm going down laying down and we'll go ahead and begin by taking three collective breaths so go ahead and take a deep inhale filling up the belly and let out an audible sigh as you exhale [Music] as we begin our sound bath i invite you to set an intention for this moment for this evening and as you hear the sounds [Music] imagine that it could be waves of relaxation [Music] shifting your awareness back into your body back into your breath [Music] all right we got a gift after the sound massage i feel like i feel like i passed away and was present looks like a bunch of sounds from skincare stuff and body shorts that match the top oh it's very cute i love this is prettier than my wedding cake will ever be yeah for real this is so i just want to like shove my face i know you won't wow the desserts oh my goodness this is literally heaven [Music] [Laughter] on my sweater it's not good i was like you know kind of casual with the skirt no bad idea okay okay [Applause] [Music] the qr code can random people get it i have no idea actually this is a test if you guys want this photo scan the screen you wanna like squeeze everyone's faces this is literally heaven i'm here with a lot of just beautiful girls the kindest girls in the world taking pictures doing sound yoga i don't even know that existed [Music] wait look i know tina has my merch on this is actually heaven i'm in [Laughter] leslie and i took the middle seats we got here we got here real quick and we were like you know what we're yeah they have like really good drinks i don't know what they're called but i'm very excited to try some um there's some plates here [Music] genuinely want to thank every single one of you for being here tonight um i'm so thankful to be all of your friends i'll freaking cry i'll do it i'm just really lucky and you guys are such an amazing group of girls and you're all so talented and i don't want to cry about that um and i just love you guys a lot and each of each and every one of you guys are making like amazing strides for women in this industry and i'm so proud of all of you it's like a really good crush um so i'm just thankful you guys are here a lot from tonight is like women run businesses i think it's really important that we just keep women calm and going and so you guys are all making a difference yeah make a difference not only in my life but plenty of people out there's life so wow thank you [Applause] i love you all you guys are all amazing [Applause] [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh we got presents so many presents we got shoes [Laughter] thank you brooke what else is in there uh we have oh lots of beauty stuff yeah a lot of beauty wow thank you santa oh my gosh this is the most spoiled girls night ever it doesn't end it's literally endless i don't even know how to carry this all home you're amazing so how do we do this every month i know i'm gonna i'm gonna do my best oh this is like amazing [Music]
Channel: Valkyrae
Views: 948,770
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Valkyrae, valky, rae, val, 100thieves, 100t, valkyrae highlights, valkyrae instagram, valkyrae twitter, sykkuno vlog, valkyrae vlog, bts, bts concert, offlinetv, otv, otv and friends, otv vlog, xqc, universal, girls night, girls night vlog, valkyrae arm wrestle, sykkuno arm wrestle, rae vs sykkuno, valkyrae and sykkuno
Id: kw82efVlWcM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 48sec (1848 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 27 2021
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