ARK Survival Ascended Unraidable tower build?

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[Music] I just love the smell of [Music] [Music] fear what is going on guys welcome to Ark survival ascended uh so a lot of things have changed in Arc survival ascended compared to evolved including the build mechanics uh hatch frames and catwalks are not included in the new build mechanics and so there's a lot of concern uh and curiosity what the meta is going to be for Tower builds um for walls and different things like that there's a couple of other videos that have been popping up uh showing some you know smaller towers and what they think the builds are going to be with uh railings and different things like that um but uh I'm going to give you guys my build idea and uh you guys can take it as you will uh we'll start off with walls uh so this is a 10x10 uh base and if you didn't know already the uh walls and building is very similar to rust uh so one structure can be changed into different things um metal short doorway tall doorway uh double door window and then this is a uh metal Secret Door uh so when you place this down you can actually come and open the door uh so uh make sure make sure your secret doors are pin coded uh but we don't need that St structure we're going to do normal doors you also can't place turrets by the way on uh the secret doors on everything else you can place turrets so when you come and build your 4x4 so on a 10x10 uh box you can build or 10 x10 slab you can build a 4x4 Tower in the middle of it and the reason reason being is we're going to put a cage on this and the way I like to do my cages is you have to have at least three foundations minimum away from uh your turrets over here now you can build this bigger um I think with uh hatch frames uh obviously hatch frames were two foundations on ASE so we would actually go three uh three hatch frames deep so the first hatch frame where turrets go on and then two additional hatch frames out before the cage I don't think that's going to be needed with this build um at least for the time being when mags become an issue as expansions come later on these cage towers are going to need to be bigger um or wider I should say to prevent mag balls from spitting in uh because as is if if mags were a thing right now with the cage out here a MAG could come right here and spit ball and all of this stuff in here uh probably even closer to the other side would all get Splash damage from the mag ball um so what you want to do you can build this as tall as you want um a lot of people are using um a lot of people are using um railings and doing some uh interesting Builds on railings um I I don't know I don't know how I feel about railings um I don't think they're as efficient as this they are hard to hit though um so railings you can shoot through um several of the of the inside sections of a railing with a rocket it won't hit the railing so you kind of have to hit the top or one of the uh drop down supports of the railing to actually hit it um so this the these walls are not pretty I'm not trying to face them all one way and make it look really fancy I'm just trying to show you the build so with this you can place turrets directly in the middle I think I've got turrets snapping off maybe uh let's see full alignment mode partial alignment mode free place mode full alignment mode so let's re do this let me try to troubleshoot this a little bit cuz normally it snaps directly to the middle of that Foundation let's see let try that one nope let's see okay so it's snapping to that all right so on walls they must have patched it in the last little bit but you can place turrets directly in the middle of the wall like so and the best part is now you can go back and change the wall let's say we'll do a double door frame my placing is kind of horrible right there but you can kind of get the idea so these turrets will shoot uh a full 3 360° you cannot uh line of sight and get under stuff and and uh try to you know bypass the turrets or uh be sneaky and uh when you get to Tech rifles you know Tech rifle stuff um these have full 360° line of sight uh they will shoot inside the tower outside the tower below above I mean it's it's going to be pretty insane um on on the range of these turrets how they can shoot but my feeling is this is probably going to be the meta um for towers as long as they don't patch this you don't have to deal with railings you don't have to deal with um you know some people are doing pillars uh let's see let me rotate that some people are doing pillars like this and they're making hatch frames out of the pillars which is fine but that's a huge Target to hit Rockets with uh Tech rifles whatever it might be it's a huge Target to hit um with this uh oh and in my opinion you can probably line of sight a lot of this stuff so like this is not the same as a hatch frame these are way thicker especially the metal ones way way thicker um and they just look I don't know they look jankety I'm not a big fan of the designs with these um but to each their own maybe maybe people will come up with some cool builds like that uh but this right here I think is going to be uh the the tower meta and maybe even the wall meta for now um just because of the range that these turrets can shoot um or at least the area that the turrets can shoot um going one step further on armoring though let's just go ahead and put these uh these walls down here now you can take without having to do anything special or find a new snap point you can armor your walls so this goes over both double door frames you don't have to try to manipulate and find a different snap point you can armor your double door frames and when somebody Rockets these the splash damage will not go inside it'll not hit the double door frames inside side so the rocket will need to hit this first and then uh once that's destroyed it'll destroy the double door frames so let's get let's see do I have rockets on me I do I do let me get a rocket launcher and I'll show you guys what I mean throw that right there so there is a a rumor that uh structure resistance is turned down to 0.25 um on uh single player uh I have not tested that out to see if that's true or not so uh just be aware that this might not be the same structure damage that you get on a IAL servers we'll go ahead and shoot this so that's the damage that it's doing on single player um and there should not be any damage to the [Music] underlying double door frames so metal double door so there was a little bit of Slash damage after uh after it broke a little bit right there as well uh but not very much at [Music] [Music] all nah [Applause] [Music] n n oh [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Music] n n n n n n n n [Music] n n
Channel: Scott Maples
Views: 785
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 4h2B3XdPFxY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 17sec (977 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 30 2023
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