Ark Survival Ascended - EP2 (An Unexpected Visitor)

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are you just going to walk right in front of me when I'm about to do my intro fine oh you got a little baby perfect you know what stick around I'm going to make both of you mine in a little bit don't go anywhere all right what's up everyone Glock n here and welcome back to Ark as you can see I got good amount of Base work done last night starting with the double doors I replaced our single door with a double do so I can fit Patty Mayo in the base that's right I didn't realize Doug funny was a female so I changed it to Patty Mayo now we need a Doug funny I rearranged some storage I didn't realize you can stack those smaller boxes on top of each other I put some torches in here so we got some light at night and then uh I open this up here and put some stairs in for a second story there's the uh Pteranodon I tamed oh pooped right on time uh at the end of the last episode I named her Dora the spora she's only a level 9 so I'm probably going to end up sacrificing her for a better flyer at some point I put in a forge and made enough metal to make a Smithy but there's not much metal around here I got what I could from the rocks in the river I need to uh figure out where our closest metal deposits are I'm not very familiar with the southeast end of this map but we'll get it figured out uh got a drop over there I don't even know if we can get a purple drop is that what that is doesn't matter that water is filled with piranhas so I'm not messing with it what we need to do is see if we can tame this stegosaurus we need a larger dyo to help protect the base cuz I spotted a T-Rex down the beach there last night and a Carno down the river that way that's not good luckily neither of them messed with me but this is a kind of a dangerous area so we need something big like this lady here to help protect us so I'm going do the rational thing and shoot her in the face there we go it's on now I think I should be able to um kind of play Ring Around the Rosie here with her with the base and as long as I don't let her get that close to me should be all right okay that's a little too close whoa we can knock her down tame her up we'll get the baby too I figured that out I don't know why I couldn't imprint on the D in the last episode cuz I believe I did Kill the mother and that's what you got to do if you want a baby you either have to tame the parent or kill the parent oh [ __ ] better get too close that time oh no don't [ __ ] with the base oh [ __ ] come here she's trying to kill Dora follow me yeah come get me ow or maybe not don't do that just walk slowly behind me if you you can please oh I should have built some sort of trap maybe get back here lady Dora is okay Dora is not dead Patty Mayo's fine where you at stop [ __ ] with my [ __ ] oh there she is tried to flank me oh God this is working out sort of I'm okay only half my health is gone I got to hold another half the glass is half full you know what I'm saying [ __ ] oh God hopefully she's getting close they're going to sleep I got 50 arrows left that's got to be enough oh you done calling a truce she going to stand there and let me knock you out sounds good to me NOP you don't get to leave Do Not Go In The Water please oh [ __ ] man she psyched me out come on lady don't go that way there are probably Raptors that way yes come back but don't attack me [ __ ] make up your mind lady you want to run or you want to fight oh god oh do not get the brosaurus involved please yes oh I knew we could do it we got ourselves two stos now the mom and the baby the baby's going to hang around the mom until the mom wakes up and at that point the baby will run away so we got to make sure we're around when the mom wakes up so we can imprint on the baby uh before it gets a chance to run away we need berries probably use Patty Mayo to get a [ __ ] ton of berries let's throw the narcoberries in the mortar and pestle I've got more in here that stego destroyed my uh small storage boxes but that's not a big deal we can rebuild those if we want let's get some more narcotics moving and let's get some more spoiled meat by grabbing the meat out of here and splitting it up all right we got some time still and with that time let's actually go mine some Stone because once I'm able to unlock the stone structures I want to get this base upgraded to Stone hey there's a level as a matter of fact let's put that point into oh yeah health and first thing we need to unlock actually is the stego saddle and now let's unlock the stone foundation and the ceiling for now there's a [ __ ] T-Rex coming down the beach let's get Patty inside i' I've got some arrows not that that's really going to do anything oh God go away yeah go away no don't come this way maybe it'll attack the brosaurus and they'll have an epic battle that is exactly what it's doing come on brosaurus Kick its ass oh this doesn't look good for the brosaurus um should we go help it this is such a bad idea oh my God the brosaurus is dead and now it's attacking everything else on the beach oh my God level 145 nope oh this was really stupid get inside now what's it doing just [ __ ] eating everything oh [ __ ] it's going to go eat my stegosaurus isn't it son of a [ __ ] my whole morning was a waste now all that work oh well maybe it'll be full when it's done and just leave my bow needs to be repaired but doesn't matter we're not going to do anything to this thing with 50 arrows oh it ate the mother and now it's eating a baby run baby lead it away from the base yes keep going oh that could be our Saving Grace man yeah go away do not come back oh [ __ ] wait it's going holy [ __ ] well at least it didn't eat us right Patty well we got 25 narcotics in here we got to make more Tran arrows and uh we got to find another stegasaurus or possibly a trike and try and [ __ ] do that all over again well you're not going to believe this but there is another T-Rex coming down the beach so I'm getting the hell out of here here I want to try and get up on this like uh Mountain Side here where the brosaurus is and uh o I'll take that yoink and I'd like to get a look at what's going on up there well I had to take a little detour but we made it man this jungle is Lush and I hate it I mean it looks great but oh man I feel like at any point something can jump out and murder us I don't see the T-Rex so that's good see if we can find a better Vantage Point nothing base looks good all right let's see uh what's going on up here now you know taming that stegosaurus by running around the base that worked out I don't know about trying to do that like just out in the open you know on foot it's not the smartest [ __ ] maybe we can lead it down to the base though it's so dangerous being up here I should have at least brought Patty Mayo right [ __ ] jumped off I could have at least bailed and ran away used her his bait seems pretty uh chill up here though what's that there's something buried into the Rocks right there is that trike let's have a look seems pretty startled over something it is a trike is this thing mad at me what I didn't [ __ ] do nothing chill all right relax oh you [ __ ] well all right let's not mess with that thing what a view huh that's the southern Shore it's like like uh the islands Florida maybe we should have built down there all righty your name is Ed now we need another Ed and an Eddie and we'll have Ed Ed and Eddie maybe we'll make a little D Army come on in Ed make yourself at home no this way come on stop [ __ ] around up the steps here come on yay welcome home Patty shits on the floor sometimes you're welcome too as well I guess here's a little more meat for you I'm hold on to these berries let's put this chitten away though I'll get all that [ __ ] organized later for now we need to find another stegosaurus I want to make at least another dozen or so Tran arrows before we head out so we just get some more narcoberries and we'll make make more narcotics all right 74 arrows I feel a little better about that I'm going to head up the beach here and see if we can get lucky and find something good lure it back to the base oh [ __ ] that's a raptor right there well it's alone let's grab it got it now to shoot it in the face over and over again it's a female level 55 oh man I hope I can knock it out before it breaks the Bola I do have more Bolas though just in case it should go down there he goes as a matter of fact nice here I'll share some of my meat with you that's just the kind of guy I am putting my meat inside a pass out female yeah Bill Cosby would have been great at this game now I was going to cut that joke out because what Bill Cosby did is inexcusable it's [ __ ] disgusting all right he's a scumbag I'm not making light of the situation in any way but it's a funny joke though right come on it was funny did you laugh you did well see now you're the problem cuz you're encouraging me I'm just kidding anyway back to it all right let's get a raptor saddle crafted because we're going to take the Raptor now instead of Patty Mayo we need hide fiber and wood bam already awake and waiting for me beautiful level 81 all right let's go into um options here we are and change name your name is Lumpy Space Princess well the day started off great and then it took a turn for the worst but now things are looking up again got a trike over here that could totally be an option and there's a stone wall oh that's got to be an explore note oh sick dude we can get us and LSP a whole bunch of levels right here uh where's it at there it is nice uh not going to read that but sweet all right how many levels you got LSP eight of them well melee damage and uh let's get health above a thousand sweet and she is happy about that let's see how we're looking one all right that's fine let's finish uh opening up the uh the stone building structures here that's what we're going to work on later we got a level 90 male stegosaurus right here and check this [ __ ] out [ __ ] two babies one two that's three stos if we can make this happen I want you to wait up here Lumpy Space Princess okay stay out of trouble I'll set you to neutral just in case someone [ __ ] with you but otherwise just try and chill okay Daddy's going to go do something stupid and here we go again I'm going try and lead him down towards the base maybe we can get him stuck on these trees nope he's going to run right through him hey where you going dude I know you're not hurt yet he's trying to psych me out isn't he there he is yeah come on oh get out of my way [ __ ] oh [ __ ] ow beautiful right in the face oh run run run what are you doing I know you're not hurt yet come on stop playing around here we go uh just so you guys know too I was smart enough to bring materials to be able to repair our bow this time because I'm sure that thing is going to need repairs long before we run out of arrows that's the one thing that I'm not sure of if we brought enough arrows I sure [ __ ] hope we did I'm going to run around this rock right here instead of our base cuz when I ran the first one around our base it started attacking it and I don't want that to happen come on get back here yeah yeah I know this thing ain't hurt yet all right oh can I squeeze through here yes oh man please get stuck hey this way yes come on oh baby natural trap that's how good I am I don't even have to make traps you just stay put do not come on man making me look stupid I was just talking [ __ ] about how good I am don't make me eat my words come on you done the other one did this too just kind of [ __ ] gave up for a little bit oh there goes the bow all right repair bam hold on no [ __ ] come on we're so close I know we are all right back through here it's like he [ __ ] knows better now can't fool him twice I guess come on dude get over here ow yes come on stuck baby I guess you can fool him twice just takes a little more effort go down please we are running low on arrows 10 nine get your ass out of my face dude oh seven bro can you not stick your taint in my face made me miss an arrow a [ __ ] here we go three two one oh you got to be [ __ ] kidding me unbelievable wow I can't believe [ __ ] yeah I was going to beat it in the head with the club if it didn't go down after that last one but holy [ __ ] um the babies I don't know where the babies are they should show up these things take a little while to tame so hopefully uh the babies show up in the meantime oh sorry what do you want I was getting berries you got in my way it's your [ __ ] fault I'm just going to throw all these berries in the dad for now cuz I'm encumbered and we're going to use all these berries to feed the babies and uh I'm going to go run and grab Lumpy Space Princess what up LSP you got a level let's go melee damage stego [ __ ] yeah I knocked it out gotcha hey not cool down it goes give me that Bola back what just because I got a stego doesn't mean I'm not gonna make a d Army here's some of my meat there we go I know it's a female but I don't care I'm naming it Ed anyway I want my Ed Ed and Eddie all right let's go Ed I'll walk you home welcome to the wood Palace for now I'm going to make it Stone here's your brother Ed he's a female so you can bang him if want you're [ __ ] gross Patty all right well we're getting close I want to be here when he wakes up because we've got both babies here and they'll run away the moment the uh the parent wakes up so we got to be ready to uh imprint on them before they get away way oh [ __ ] no no no that son of a [ __ ] what the hell man it was so peaceful over there he just showed up I thought those things were like usually relatively chill until like unless you provoked it I was just standing there minding my own damn business where did he where'd he go Lumpy Space Princess you see it he still around it's got to be oh whoa oh I climbed up here how'd I do that there it is was that a glitch or can you climb rocks now oh [ __ ] LSP is fighting it oh no this is not a good look for LSP what do we do I don't know now of course this is happening now all right uh the babies we got to imprint the babies baby number one you are Maggie okay where's Lisa Lisa bam okay nice little family Homer Maggie and Lisa and Homer is going to fight that [ __ ] thing you better win Homer hey LSPs bag we got to go help I'm not losing anymore oh yes oh man what a [ __ ] day at least we got three stos now oh [ __ ] I got to feed the [Music] babies here you go dude melee damage it is he seems pretty happy about that what a day a roller coaster ride baby that's uh why I love this game we did well though the one thing I'm disappointed at is is we used LSP to get that uh explore note and then she died but that shit's going to happen you know and there are plenty more explore notes to be found at least we got the stegosauruses to help defend the base I'm going to use the rest of the daylight to uh continue to gather Stone and thatch and wood and upgrade this base to Stone and we will pick things up here on the morning of day three guys I hope you enjoyed this episode and I hope you're looking forward to seeing more thank you so much for watching and all the support you guys are the best you can follow me on Instagram or Twitter if you want it's at glock9 gamer I follow all Gamers back stick around for more Arc and I will catch you guys in the next episode got my [Music] bag [Music] oh
Channel: Glock9
Views: 133,323
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ark, ark survival, ark survival ascended, ascended, play ark, ase, ark survival evolved, asa, new, update, rtx, 4090, 2023, series, the island, survival, surviving, craft, crafting, open world, lets play, play through, gameplay, ep2, ep 2, day 2, t rex, rex, tame, taming, dino, dinos, dinosaurs, pc, steam, early access, ps5, xbox, console, game, gaming, gamer, funny, comedy, humor, glock9, neebs, neebsgaming, markiplier
Id: zCtiG7L1kZE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 37sec (1537 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 02 2023
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