ARK survival Ascended | How To Tame - CARCHARODONTOSAURUS-The BEST way to tame at 100% and LOCATION

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who the ISU so today I'll be teaching you game the carker both with PVE and PVP ni just go to it nice so here's a map to show you all the car SPS on the island heads up you have to be level 96 to actually make the saddle nice starting with PVE I tried the Trap method because I heard it works you know the same trap as used for Giger four metal gateways and two large bear traps inside just to make sure and honestly this way is so glitchy it is so not worth it honestly it was such a pain to get them in there their turning radius is so fast they can avoid the Trap so easily and I don't know what's wrong with the AI but I swear it's super smart because they managed to avoid the Trap every single time and honestly died a few times trying to get this but honestly if you want to do this do out in the wild make sure you have something to drag with you to feed him T-Rex the traps are good in theory but they never seem to work it can glitch out the eatting animation which you can see right now now he's trying to sniff giving him a cheeky sniff does he want him no he doesn't cuz he just stands there for ages looking about and I have to wait again for him to actually take the food it's riskier doing it without the Trap but honestly it's worked so much better every single time I've tried it without the Trap the Trap just puts them into some sort of Loop and they just don't care take two give him a cheeky little sniff you'll know if it's worked once he eats it not back does a bit of damage does a chew animation then he lights up green saying that the t's in progress so as soon as you do that let him out the Trap jump on him and you're good to go now that you're on his back you'll want to kill pretty much anything in sight but the worst thing I found when trying to tame one of these boys is rocks yes rocks doesn't matter about other teams it's literal rocks where you go over the top of them go a bit too high and you take full damage whether it's one HP or 100 HP it destroys the T effectful us so rocks are the worst thing in the game okay nice I thought using rare flowers might be the way to go as it lows everyone in but honestly it's not worth it all it takes is one lucky Tron which almost hit me right here to ruin the tame in Effectiveness while infer makes it slightly faster honestly it's not worth it due to the risk of everything it brings parol ruin a 150 car tame that would be wounded as you can see I'm currently on 99 kills and as soon as I hit 100 I get knocked off this does affect tment Effectiveness by 0.01% so You' just got to keep an eye on it and let it degrade by itself until it's back down to a lower kill count so this te could have easily been 100% if I wasn't being a little Muppet but if you keep watching I'll show you that despite losing out on that 0.1 taming Effectiveness on PVE you still can get 100% as long as you keep an eye on the tracker and make sure it doesn't go over 100 the longer it you go without feeding the faster it will degrade so it won't be long but just keep an eye on the time in the top right make sure he's not going to turn around and start attacking you or knock you off himself and you should be able to get it easy nice quickly going through it again just feeding on every single thing I can just for the record dip CLS are the best due to their High Health count and obviously there's no risk of them damaging you because all they have is that push back attack so they cannot affect T and effect us whatsoever which is lovely on PVE I would probably recommend playing it safe and sticking to places like the beach cuz obviously it's not too far from the spawn and there's not much that can attack you back where if you tried in the snow biome and tried killing rhinos which are pretty good percentage wise they can always fight back and all it takes is one to charge at you from nowhere or attack one wol from the pack to attack you from behind and you'll lose all your taming Effectiveness so it's a bit boring it takes a little while because obviously doos trodon and stuff but honestly it's worth it in the long run so last kill we've tamed him just so let you know obviously once you've actually tamed him you you will need a s to ride them otherwise you won't be able to next up is PVP which is unbelievably easier compared to PVE this time it's a PVP method I tried without the Trap this time CU traps can be so glitchy the animations doesn't go off right and they can attack you and they can eat the food but it just doesn't work but without the Trap it actually worked a million times better and it was so much easier for the record PVP so much easier all you have to do is have a million baby rexes and unclaim them and you literally just Chomp that Chow Down eat as many as you can but make sure not to go over 99 or you will get knocked off again I did hear that if you roar it negates um the kill count but it hasn't worked at all for me so I don't think that's true so just make sure you don't go over 99 so you can stay on the tame and what you want to do is wait for the counter to go down remember the longer you go without feeding the faster it'll go down here I got imp patient and I just figured I'll give him a go but as you can see that took me two seconds get to 50% so all you need to do is have a few more rexes maybe in a pen just make sure they don't run away and you're set so the carer's first ability is left click which is his bite attack if you then press C you do his special attack which is his raw which also has an Insight bonus then if you right click it does his tail whip attack which knocks back pretty much anything in this path so the CER has three pass of abilities one's bloodless one's shredded and one's Killing Frenzy so the bloodless ability is always shown in the middle every time you get a kill it goes up each time it goes up you get more damage and you get more HP regen the shredded ability Works similar to a Giger but instead of causing bleed damage you make sure that the target cannot heal so it works against other carers it works against St and snow ows it can counter them so it's a good counter playay if they're just playing healing or anything like that as you you can see I buil on my passive ability and I let Roar this Roar incites any Dino apart from carers themselves and it grants a movement ability this can stack up to 55 seconds if you have 100 stacks of blood rage next up we'll show you the shredded ability which prevents healing which you can tell from the clear blue outline of the smoke it may not seem useful but imagine fighting a tribe and they've got a dayon at the back healing up a Rex or Giger with this should be able to counter them and just pure out damage them now if there's any Dino you want to scream I'm fast as boy on it's this boy every time you kill something you get a speed bth last in 10 seconds this can be refreshed if you kill another creature and it will set to 10 but this does not stack so if you on 9 seconds and you kill another one it will reset to 10 and not go to 19
Channel: ImmaBeastGaming
Views: 5,542
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 0ojlXQhI8UU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 56sec (416 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 22 2023
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