ARK Survival Ascended ALPHAS & ARGIES EP3

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go down is the question oh God oh God I'm almost dead no I am not okay he's the greatest the most amazing and face the trouble he shows no fear he let the danger is good looking a legend in the making monsters bew froggy man best froggy man super froggy man he's going to get you stck a fish froggy man the best he can froggy man he's like Superman froggy man he's going to get you suck a fish suck a fish yo what's going on peeps it is the fat man with the plan of froggy man my big broken Beaver big broken Beaver don't know what to do I don't know what's wrong with it I hope I find out soon broken Beaver hope it gets better cuz this thing really sucks and I'm not happy with her hey check it out I'm gonna go meet with dmac we got some stuff to do it's a crazy day man I gotta hurry things along so kick up your feet grab your popcorn and get ready for another amazing AEG go froggy man what's up buddy bro how you doing today oh amazing as always how are you doing I'm good dude you're looking extra green what's different about you I ate my spinach you ate your spinage it's it's the froggy Hulk Ro froggy a sailor man yeah dude that is so weird oh you're wearing different armor you have like all different sorts of armor on here yeah yeah that's because uh it's easier just to to teleport through the beds got you oh I got you yeah I saw where your house was it is wicked are dude and and really dangerous yeah for real z um do you want to run up and grab my other RG that is up there and take that with you for this uh I mean I don't think I need it cuz I noticed you got no tame whatsoever yeah I I'm the tame okay okay I guess we got bets all right so we are off what are you thinking froggy have you seen any rexes I know you're Scouting For Me Yeah so I saw two on death Island and I saw one on that River uh okay perfect so there's there's loads of rexit so should we go where do you think first and there's like 11 by my house well we know that but you live in the middle of nowhere I can't drive my raft to your house unfortunately let's go to death Island all right uh-huh uh there was a red one right directly where we're going ooh I'm not sure I think it was 200 something I don't know but then when I went to go get the drop there was a 275 and I was like nope I don't want to drop no more all right so you're saying it's on the left side is the uh they were kind 200 I think we're going I'm debating so there's two places we could dock we could dock on the far left side that's you know right across from the beaver area or we can do it on these little Islands over here I want to go to a spot where there's not like a ton of congestion what I would suggest we should probably just C I'm going to lead it I'm going to lead it there well I think we should just circle the island all right um I'll park on this part this one over here first oh well I was just going to go WRA I fig we just wrap around the island really quick just that's why I wanted you to bring in RG oh [Music] gotcha so I do have the th to with me oh don't I don't want that responsibility I don't know how strong like 200 plus rexes are yeah that's what I'm saying um all right let me I know that the closer you get to this corner well cuz we got to set a trap ahead of time and then lead our guy there so let me go ahead I'm going to start to do that actually all right cuz I brought Gates myself o I got four I got five gates on me and I got my nice I got my Tran rifle and Tran Dart so I brought enough Gates so that if my trap doesn't work I have enough gates to potentially make another trap so I'm going to go boom Oh you scared me for a second I'm telling you you are the greenest thing I have ever seen in my life I know I I literally like I I used the well there's three new shades of green yeah and so I am a booger green yep you are definitely booger green no I'm going to do it this much and then I should be able to throw down one or two and that's enough do I'm going to run oh you're going to you are a brave one dude look someone's got to do it I guess but you're on foot dude I know that's the best way okay if you say so that's the best way look there there's no other way of doing this someone's got to get needs needs a a it needs bait yeah all right all right um I set down a bunch of gates I'll I'll come in and then once he I guess grabs aggro I'll pick you up you think that'll work oh oh I see him he's Green Oh God okay well okay I made a mistake green one I made a mistake I made a huge mistake mistake all right come here oh God you can hop like crazy chasing me all right I got him dude that's a 220 or 250 holy crap yeah it's a big one man dude I can't believe the hopping thing worked okay well that was that was an experiment that paid off okay it's the only mistake that I can make I'm going to beat d m my my favorite thing is when people call me groggy man yeah you know what auto corrects to that that's that's why help okay this is isn't going to work I told you to take the thla all right who who's bothering you now this dude right here I oh what hey leave the man dude the kitties love you dude it bit me through the rock all right let me see if I can pick you up all right this is how we're rocking all right I like this hey he was a green guy all right oh yeah there he is oh this one this one that's the one that's the one oh let's [Music] go all right SL is he following he is always he trying to bite me oh man he wants some frog legs he does froggy this was the best plan ever okay all right will will he go down is the question oh God oh God I'm dead no I am not okay he oh Do not drop me so you're saying he bites hard you're testing his bite force yes fly away fly away fly away I'm going to die I'm going to die you're going to kill me are why am are you what what's going to make you die dude there's two more rexes too I'm wait there's two more yeah there's a lot of rexes today all right I'm going to drop you back off at home over here why don't you stay in here to be like you know he's coming oh dude he wants you he wants you so bad he does I don't know if I come on come on come on I don't know if he'll fit through there come on what oh oh okay all right maybe I made it too short dude he he's he's smart yeah he's real smart all right I'm going to pick this op just in case the entrance was too small there ooh ooh ooh froggy oh crap did you get him totally yes sir yeah dude we got this hey hey look at me go let's go you know I've got another long neck and darts inside the raft if you want a wel then let's go to town I came to I came to tame did you chew gum or tame and I'm all out of gum let go that's that's seem kind of dumb anyways yeah I I don't care man this sounds good to me I am loving this I don't care you yell all you want grou you bit me in my butt dude he loves you it was a love bite that was not a love bite that was a love bite if I ever saw one that hurt man whatever it was yeah that was my bad dude he CH me and I saw my health go to a little red sliver I was like is he still behind us and I was going to turn around to look and I stopped there's an RG stocking your racks you know he's not going to attack the racks though he might attack us so I want him close by though so that we have fresh primes oh it's down froggy yeah oh Baby that took a long time yeah um but we spaced out the shots so I'm going to need that RG back so I can get the prime yep on my way soon as you said that I turned around and I'm going to grab a whole bunch of Oh I thought I uhoh oh another they're I'm almost right there I got doors too to put on the gates so that nothing I don't think anything would get into them but just in case N I don't think so I think you're good there you go thank you L to me just snoozing yeah I thought I could find some Crystal on the island I think it's over there by I think it's in the cave I don't know if there's actually well no you know that you know that spot where at getting argies the other day yeah yeah in that area should be like a bunch of Crystal got you but I mean we're actually in a good spot because on top of this mountain over here there's also a bunch of Crystal one across the water there's actually a lot of Crystal around here all right so definitely uh going to have to sit and starve him out for a while yeah and then we can hopefully come back and get it all done in one go yeah sounds good all right good job froggy yeah man it turn out to be epic froggy I can't thank you enough so much seriously buddy bro oh man no worries dude I got you awesome well I'm going to be here for probably a hot second waiting for him to starve and I think I have everything I need but um do you want to stick around or you got other stuff to do luckily I got a wrapped over there you do you sneak butt and I I know where I live from here all right so it might be better appreciate it buddy hey no worries man hey I might get wck too there's a bunch by my base I can just lure one in so oh you lucky duck all right well if you need any assistance let me know and also if you want to refill the darts that you used and repair your long neck I should have more than enough in the boat oh I grabbed some darts all right cuz I'm perfect I got to get some Tams too I got to get Argy man oh yeah dude the RGS are not hard honestly you can do it on foot just hop on they they don't run away they do not run away I'm not even going to joke dude they're landing on my base too all right as I sail home in the sunset definitely want to stay out the middle of the ocean though man oh it's not not a good spot to be in yeah see the volcano's right over there and I just live on the other side of the volcano man that it's night time so it got super dangerous oh oh my God look at it's about it's eating that makes me happy man all right people well I'm going to go meet you back at my Base today it's going to be a while I'm going like to like take it easy I'm no hurry no quick Adventure here man I mean there's a possibility I might not make it back so I'm not going to try to mess with that so I will talk to you guys here in a minute well oh oh oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my [Music] God oh go go go go go go don't stop don't stop got to keep on going don't stop there big old Alpha Don't Stop Don't Stop Don't Stop Don't Stop well people I have a a problem I have a big problem let's go oh he hurts come on go let's go oh dude [Music] yeah what I get for doing that [Music] though but I don't understand I I didn't get anything like I guess we got to send a crossbow I can't really get anything dude there there's no way oh no oh dude there's there's too many we're not doing that Alpha is not the day take that come on keep going keep going this one hurt this one strong man come on come on come on come on come on come on come on fuy let's go oh jeez dude there one t no wait 20 I'm out oh that's a look how pretty that female is oh I'm out I'm out I'm out I'm out I'm out wow yeah hey what up people um crazy story uh I was building this pen catch uh argies and uh Pro a concept it worked pretty easy actually pretty quickly it's not a great one but the start I mean I just got to wait until a better one comes and then I'll pretty much just trap him in there but this was super easy man yeah I've just been working on like uh making this place a little bit better and I was like man he you know you know what come in handy right now and I just seen an RG so I shot at it and it flew right in there like it didn't even uh it didn't wow really like every last piece already spoiled okay well whatever it really matter I guess I don't I don't [Music] [Music] uh I mean I want to get wrecked still [Music] but I'm going to lure one here once I build the re cage out [Music] front well kind of I'm build a re Rex cage like off to the side man it was kind of crazy let me show you guys what I've been up to so while this is taming U so I started building this thing I don't know what this slow slow frame detection is oh hey so the AI is crazy oh my God ter bird still down there no way dude that's crazy so is he stuck chill be nice ow yeah so it's Terri they can run upstairs man and like I I guess he got himself stuck which is hilarious so I guess I knock him out too I mean I'll take a level 200 ter bird I mean why wouldn't I want to level 200 ter Bird yeah this is crazy man he straight got him still stuck in my [Music] stairs that's like the best thing ever so I got me a RG up there I'm going to be honest man this base is genius it's a Trapper base like I'm telling you if y'all playing this and need an idea of like where to build this little Edge where I built just start building traps on it and things will just come to you hey uh I'm I know I'm recording again but man do you guys know these walls open like like what like what when like what the hell I didn't know that was a thing anyways I just want to point that out yo people I think I'm done man I'm tired look what I got though look at that thing right into my cage pretty amazing look at that blue man that was worth it anyways hey if you're new to channel subscribe PR frog Squad hit that Bell icon as always people I will see you [Music] [Applause] [Music] tomorrow oh
Channel: FroggyMan
Views: 935
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ark, FROGGY MAN, Epic, Alpha, Ark Modded, New Update, Taming, Lets Play, Manticore, New Dino, Gameplay, Modded, new dino, lets play, modded, update, PC GAMING, MEK, CORUPTED, broodmother, kingdaddydmac, velonasaur, managarmr, ark pvp, ark snow owl, ark taming, ark survival evolved extinction gameplay, scion, apex, monster, new, dmac, ark omega, ARK SURVIVAL ASCENDED, ARK ASCENDED
Id: QnrrbhOCpgc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 1sec (1501 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 04 2023
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