Arizona’s Vote Recount - Jordan Klepper Fingers the Pulse | The Daily Show

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I find these kind of dumb because there are similar videos that can be done showing liberals as idiots. Then they had ken Bennet and he was like, “what’s the Hungarian thing?” And I lost it.

The best thing to happen is for Trump to choke on a chicken nugget and pass away so we can move beyond the worship of a disgusting old man

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Sardonic_007 📅︎︎ May 13 2021 🗫︎ replies

Someone better be looking into that Hungarian vector. That sounds serious...

👍︎︎ 16 👤︎︎ u/Beyond_Re-Animator 📅︎︎ May 13 2021 🗫︎ replies

So glad he decided to cover this so the world can see how fucking dumb and insane some of the people we have in charge here are.

👍︎︎ 46 👤︎︎ u/agentadam07 📅︎︎ May 13 2021 🗫︎ replies

If we can’t laugh at ourselves, who can?

👍︎︎ 17 👤︎︎ u/RobertAPetersen 📅︎︎ May 13 2021 🗫︎ replies
[Music] last week i traveled to a sweltering arizona where republican state senators are auditing results of the 2020 election in a giant arena next to an actual carnival sure there's already been two audits and a recount and it's 101 goddamn degrees out but there are still men like this ready to throw their support behind election integrity i've been here all week uh and i'll be here until the audit's done it's my plan so this what's going on right back here is the most important thing going on in our country right now what do you have there on your hip smith and western 357 magnum there has been word that antique and blm may be coming in so they're trying to be careful and uh secure the premises have you seen any signs of antifa you guys have probably heard about the carnival that's going on here there's a little concern about whether or not uh that would provide those kind of folks an opportunity to come in and try to infiltrate and get access so there is some fear that blm might meet behind the tilt-a-whirl organize and then bum rush the situation bad people can do bad things i'm not going to say what they may try to do outside of possible antifa carnies which was laid out in official documents outlining potential security threats what's the harm in one more recount i know that it's comical to watch what's happening here in arizona but i think that it is also important to note that this is really dangerous to our democracy and you know what we saw how dangerous the post-election misinformation was this is a group of people who are clearly partisan it is headed by a company that has no auditing or election experience and they're making up the rules as they go along so who's running the audit cyber ninjas did you say cyber ninjas i did say cyber ninja is it run by a 12 year old boy uh it sounds like it right while the cyber ninjas website looks like the invitation to my ninth birthday party we must not judge audit companies by their splash page but you give it to the pros let the pros handle this these are not pros well they're cyber ninjas that takes some amount of training i assume their firm has nothing to do with audits or elections well maybe they're newish to it how many audits have they done none they've never done an audit no well i mean give them a wide berth right first job you want to root sometimes you make some mistakes with your first job i remember my first job i burned a lot of hamburgers you know and i worked in a tj man there are a lot of arizona voters who are very very concerned about this and i don't think they like the idea of their ballots their election being in the hands of these rookies turns out the audit has had some issues in the trust department starting with cyber ninja's conspiracy theorist ceo an auditor who attended the january 6th insurrection and mysterious uv lights used to look for chinese bamboo in paper ballots really to help clear the air i talked to john brakey and ken bennett who are inside working on the audit there's been so many bizarre stories going on through the media you can have some pretty far-fetched ideas on both sides and what we're doing is simply proving or disproving as many of those as we can speaking of somebody on the outside this feels like it's just feeding into conspiratorial thinking we're mythbusters great okay we're doing things we think are foolish but people believe it's real what is this i hear of a uv light there was a uv light that was being used to uh supposedly check for water marks in the ballot i want to follow up on this bamboo bizarre huh that's because southeast asia has uses bamboo in their paper supposedly okay we're myth busting but are you looking for traces of bamboo we're looking for everything in there so that's a yes we're looking to disprove that it's not there some people believe that paper from outside of the authentic ballot paper that should have been part of the maricopa audit got introduced into the system and might be the paper on which 40 000 people cast illegitimate votes all chinese ballots are on bamboo is it because soy sauce would be too obviously racist oh my goodness is there a chance people believe this because people add fuel to the fire by elevating this and and therefore letting that be part of the conversation if we validate that something they think might have happened didn't happen then we're not throwing fuel on the fire are you looking into the hungarian vector i didn't know about that one hungary it's a thing i just made up that sounds cool and a little bit spooky i was fortunate enough to see the operation firsthand and the people led by the cyber ninjas were definitely counting and observing but there is still one thing that can at least temporarily derail this audit teenagers we've known from the very beginning that there's some high school graduations coming in in uh two weeks so we'll have to step aside for about a week while the graduations occur you don't have a place to count the ballots in two weeks no just wait one week we're going to shut down we'll secure the ballots and when the graduations are over uh we'll come back and this is not a joke i know it's not a joke but you want us to trust you but you're like we're gonna lock the ballots in there and then let a bunch of teenagers walk through for a week and then we'll start counting again now that is not the case at all secure the balance right let's get you yeah no i got it no that's serious let's be certain this is a very serious it's very serious okay so it's not a joke it's not a joke let's go back to the bamboo talking but it's not a joke until we settle the very serious bamboo situation you can find me in a place that's run by professionals not attempting to thwart our democracy the other carnival you
Channel: The Daily Show with Trevor Noah
Views: 2,509,060
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the daily show, trevor noah, daily show with trevor noah, the daily show episodes, comedy central, comedians, comedian, funny video, comedy videos, funny clips, noah trevor, trevor noah latest episode, daily show, trevor, news, politics, Jordan Klepper, Klepper, arizona, recount, trump, MAGA, election, 2020 election
Id: AO44QtXYgR8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 0sec (360 seconds)
Published: Wed May 12 2021
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