ARIES APRIL 2021 - "It's All For You"

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aries hi so this is gonna be a reading for the month of april 2021 and i'll do the reading for you first and then i'll um close it off with a oracle card and these are general readings so they may not resonate for all of you if they do there is an extended at the end of the video you can check it out in the description box below if you want let's see aries what's going on here in april okay ups and downs that's what's going on uh the overall energy for the reading the five of cups so the bigger picture here is a little bit of pain in regards to a connection a little bit of regret maybe looking back at the past and telling yourself oh maybe if i wouldn't have done that or maybe if i would have done that who knows what might have happened um so there's a little bit of looking back at the past here on your side starting off the reading you get the eight of wands crossed by the nine of swords yeah communication regretful communication possibly here um words harsh words maybe or um there's something in regards to communication here that didn't go quite right and it's shown up throughout the reading basically here and there nuances of it and then it closes off the reading basically um your focus here four of wands there could be a marriage or a long-term commitment or just the way that you feel about the situation or about this person that you're dealing with there's that bond right that familiarity to it or in the recent past uh soul connection so there could be that sense of oh i already know this person even though i met them five minutes ago you know um in your strength the tower this is kind of telling me that um you're either in that place of uh what else could go wrong kind of mentality you know or how further can this go in terms of how far can we take this uh in terms of no there's a an inability here to create or to bring to the surface this beautiful bond that you're feeling somehow when you try or when you both try it turns out into something not that pleasant not that great feeling wise so it feels like with this tower it almost feels like you're i don't want to say used to it because if you are used to it and if you are expecting this then this is what's going to happen uh so hopefully you're not there but there comes a sense of that a little bit you know um for you in the immediate future you get the two of wands waiting um the supportive energies you do not forget about you in the process you know that you you could have the tendency to just regard you to be like oh my god my emotions for whatever it is that's happening here are more important than who i am and you know standing in my power and finding myself basically um the energy that surrounds you and you may not be aware of it it's all about this connection i don't know what this connection is to you but somehow even if you're not dealing directly with it and you're actually dealing with something else it's all because of this connection that you're going through whatever it is that you're going through uh in your hopes and fears the two of swords a little bit stressed out about something a little bit overthinking some things and the potential outcome the five of wands conflict let's clarify let me clarify the five of cups four of swords the justice card the four of wands yeah you're trying to find ways in which to create this beautiful harmonious balance here in this connection uh and i feel like that was your goal all along you know even in the past and in the past it's shown up as things going downhill basically but through that you always kind of came back to how do i make this work you know um there's a sense of really really wanting to bring something beautiful to the surface and all of this and almost not being able to because again on the surface i see a lot of chaos a lot of conflict in this dynamic let's do the eight of wands six of swords the emperor the ten of wands you've given up communication here by the looks of it you're like okay i'm not talking anymore i'm done talking even though it's hard it's very difficult for you not to do that but i see you kind of being like okay not saying anything anymore so communication could be very vague to nothing uh let's do the nine of swords for the crossing energies here wow four of cups seven of wands five of wands yeah lots of resistance lots of conflict lots of just not being on the same page right now and a lot of disappointment in the situation as it is as it presents itself uh and that creates a lot of stress and a lot of pain for you you know being in the middle of all of this see the four of wands eight of swords three of cups the world see because you you showed up as chasing this energy not chasing it but trying your heart is to make it work to make this relationship work to bring it into this beautiful uh energy of commitment here and right now it's looking like it stressed you out so much your quest here uh that you're kind of given up by the looks of it let's do the tower in your strength the temperance card the page of cups the two of swords and then some time passes and then you told yourself no i'm not going to do this anymore and then you find yourself feeling the emotions of everything again so it keeps on coming back and when it keeps on coming back it kind of surprises you because you're you're in that place here of determination of this cycle has closed this relationship has closed this energy going into that that's it shut down no more and then give it some time and then poof just like that it kind of sneaks up on you here uh the emotion of everything the love kind of shows back up and that's what confuses the hell out of you kind of like oh man this is still here i thought it was gone um not really let's do the two of wands in the immediate future ten of cups the lowers the knight of wands yeah you're being pulled back in basically uh right now you're in the middle of deciding that you're out but it feels like you're soon gonna be pulled back into it and it's not that that person is doing anything it's just the energy of this connection it's very powerful very strongly it feels like you can't control it and you may want to at times and that's why things are kind of blowing up in your face and there's conflict and there's uh those may be the time when you're trying to get something out of it in you under your terms you know um and then when you don't get your way you're like okay i'm out but then you can't fight this it it it's there you know the love is there everything is there so it could be a matter of you taking a look at the ways in which you're trying to maybe control the situation or maybe have expectations of it or you know i i feel like that's the lesson here i feel like that's why the situation keeps on popping back up for you to learn something out of it um let's do the queen of wands ten of pentacles seven of swords king of pentacles find your own stability create your own stability uh there's a sense here of relying on somebody else to bring that stability for you or to create that stability with you thus for you kind of thing you know relying on somebody else to create that to to make that with you create that with you if you don't have it to begin with nobody can give it to you you know it's a matter of finding it in within yourself first and then you can share it with whoever you want to um but it almost feels like you're putting that responsibility on somebody else's shoulders they're responsible to make me happy they're responsible to bring me stability into my life and not then like a specific person but somebody else in this world has to share this with me uh yes if you want to but you can create that all on your own and again that may come in as a lesson because this situation is not here randomly this is here to help you learn some things let's do the lovers in the hidden energies the sun the eight of cups the four of pentacles you keep on turning your back to this connection as if this situation has nothing to teach me uh there's just something very powerful that i can't control and i just want to forget all about it that's you going against what you feel again another lesson in itself why would you acknowledging how you feel doesn't mean acting upon your emotions it just means accepting that you feel certain things and that's okay you know um even the the fact that you would go against how you feel about a situation you may be acting in the same way about a lot of aspects in your life without even realizing it so this may be i feel like this situation comes in with a bunch of lessons for you a bunch of things to to take a look at but if there's a resistance on your part you're not gonna you're just gonna dismiss this you're gonna be like no it's just one of those things where you know strong emotions but you know because they're not in my life why would i look at it because it's here for you to look at yourself for the two of swords you get the chariot the knight of cups the five of cups it feels like even if this person does show up as opening up to you you still don't trust them based on something from the past [Music] please please please figure out what it is that you want because you're shown up as wanting them but then when they do show up either they don't do it in the right way which means you have expectations on how they should show up um because i don't see you trusting them when they do show up holding something against them so it's like in whichever way they're showing up something's off about them what if they're pointing back to you what is it that you want basically you know um in all of this let's do the five of wands for the potential outcome the hierophant the ten of swords the hermit yeah there's this ongoing it's done no it's not it's done no it's not but i feel pulled but [Β __Β ] them i don't want them i love them no i don't why would i uh there's an ongoing state of that in here and when i look at this reading i get overwhelmed with the um lessons that are in it for you in this whole dynamic right now now it's a matter of are you gonna take them and roll with those lessons or are you gonna keep on pointing to them you need to show up like this they need to apologize they need to do this they need to do that they need that in itself is control you know why would they uh what are you gonna do about all of this so that you don't feel all you know what are you gonna do with your emotions about all this um it all points back to you everything here not to them the empress the three of pentacles the temperance this person is always there energetically this person is supporting you is here a hundred percent energetically physically the way this interaction is going right now again it's for you it's all for you this person is in their power being there being around somehow friendship whatever it is that they're offering and they're going through their own shifts their own transformation their own growth which i feel like they're pretty stable in it just take it one step at a time and start looking at yourself not at what they're doing unimportant you got a lot of things here to look at if you want to of course uh the more you don't the more the pile up is gonna get bigger and bigger and bigger of things to um to show up for you let's see what the fairies have to close off this reading look in a book whatever your question whatever your question right now you'll find the answer in a book the words you find will bring the inside you seek what i would do if i would get this that's just me you can do whatever you want if i would get this message i would um i would go to the first book i see not looking in my uh book stand or whatever it is you guys you know just which book should i no just go to the first book book you see put your hand on that open up randomly and see what's in there uh see what draws you not read the whole freaking thing uh you can but like that's just me that's how i follow my intuition for example i just first thing i see you know because the more i think about it the more that that intuition is out the window um you go with your intuition so whatever is leading you maybe you'll find something there um but that's it that's it aries hope this helped and i'll see you next time bye
Channel: ALI's Tarot
Views: 65,482
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: aries, aries reading, aries tarot reading, aries tarot, aries april 2021, aries april 2021 reading, aries tarot april 2021, aries 2021 reading, aries 2021 tarot, aries 2021 tarot reading, aries predictions, aries predictions tarot, aries tarot predictions, aries tarot love, aries love tarot, aries love april, aries tarot love april
Id: Naa4kSJzJN0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 54sec (1014 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 27 2021
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