Arguing with Oprah Winfrey

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so you probably never heard the story but I actually was the guy who had almost been on Oprah more than anybody Oprah called like five six times their producers did and would tease us like we could get on I've been on every other show back in the day you know I've been on sixty minutes I had been on Larry King remember when Larry King was on the air and Sally Jessy Raphael you remember her with the red glasses you know all that I've been on all these different shows you know everything out there except I couldn't get on Oprah and they would call and tease us so finally they call and we get our Oprah appearance and it was three different families on Oprah and I was supposed to advise them in their trouble on Oprah and the very first family of course I knew what I was getting into and the families knew what they were getting into sort of and the very first couple I'm sitting up there are getting an argument with Oprah why would I do that because Oprah was wrong that's what happened so here's the deal the wife had run up like $70,000 worth of debt and her husband had no idea and I had told the producers I said what's partially his fault because he's not involved in his wife's life enough he's not loving his wife enough to even know what's going on in her life enough that she can run up seventy eight thousand dollars if she unless she's just like a psychopath in her level of deception this guy hadn't got he doesn't know what's going on under his own roof he's freaking clueless in his relationship and so Oprah's reading the script and she's like and Dave you say that it's partially his fault and he owes her an apology I don't think I agree with that and I said well you would be wrong he doesn't owe her an apology because he hasn't been walking with his wife to the point she runs up seventy eight thousand dollars with a debt and he doesn't even know what the flips going on under his own roof and she's like well he delegated it to her I said Oprah this is not a business you don't delegate stuff to your spouse and just dump it on them and even if you delegate it it in business you would always inspect what you expect you'd never just walk away and hope it happened you would know what's going on in business and besides that this is a marriage it's not a joint venture God did not say and now you are a joint venture he said and now you are one and these two are not one they're not on the same page and so you know the poor ladies sitting there crying because she's so ashamed and overwhelmed and the guys angry because he's finding out he's got 80 grand in debt that he didn't know he had and oh man they looked like a Jerry Springer episode or something and you know and I'm a I'm standing I'm making him apologize to her for not being a good husband because if your wife can run up your husband can run up $100,000 in debt you have no idea what's going on you have chosen to not be involved in your own spouse's life or they're a psychopathic liar one of the two but most the time it's you just did you just dump it on them and then and then you gripe because they didn't do it right after you dumped it on them and walked away and closed your eyes and went well though they were handling it well yeah you thought but you didn't even care enough to get involved and know what was going on and so Oprah's all upset with Dave because Oprah was wrong didn't work out well the rest of the show but we got through it so here's the rule of thumb then we see couples who have a good marriage have been married 10 years or 15 years or 20 years sit down and start doing a basic budget together where every dollar has an assignment every dollar has a mission every dollar has a name before the month begins on paper on purpose every month before the month begins a unique budget it takes about ten minutes once you've been doing it a while but it takes about three months of doing it to get really on the same page and get a rhythm going we see couples that agree on their spending before the month begins on paper on purpose increase their level of communique tenfold increased their level of cooperation tenfold increase their empathy for each other for the stress the other ones been carrying that they didn't even realize tenfold they begin to agree on their goals and their productivity with their money goes through the roof you'll feel like you've got a raise when you learn to do this together on paper on purpose before the month begins give every dollar a name that's why we named the world's best budgeting software every dollar the best app for your phone every dollar give every dollar a name hey guys thanks for watching if you enjoyed this video click the subscribe button to get the latest content and check out these other great clips from the show you [Applause] [Music]
Channel: The Dave Ramsey Show
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Keywords: arguing with oprah winfrey, dave ramsey oprah argument, dave ramsey vs oprah, arguing with oprah, dave ramsey and oprah argument, Arguing with Oprah Winfrey - Dave Ramsey Rant, dave ramsey argues with oprah, dave ramsey arguing with oprah, oprah dave ramsey, dave ramsey on oprah winfrey show, Oprah Winfrey and dave ramsey, dave ramsey oprah, dave ramsey and oprah, dave ramsey oprah winfrey show, dave ramsey rants, dave ramsey latest rants, dave ramsey rant, oprah winfrey
Id: S86If2L_Bqw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 18sec (318 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 16 2017
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