Area 21: Jason Williams Shows Kevin Garnett How to Do The Elbow Pass | 2.2.17 |

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the guy who is so much fun to watch Jason Williams and I know you guys are going to talk in in one second you and Jay will but let me ask you one quick question kg because I know you've been out in LA working with Doc Rivers working with the big men and working with DeAndre Jordan this week can you make a case for him winning the slam dunk well he's definitely out of that athletic enough I mean you know obviously he's 611 seven feet you know when you see the tall guys coming to the slam dunk contest they kind of get shorter just because they are tall but it's about the creativeness you created in the creativity so I look I look forward to him coming in and having some creative stuff to to show everybody so yeah I'm rooting for all right so here's this new area 21 uniform you guys are modeling tonight you like this like everything we're here except we got all black suit for you right now we got you hey look at the little skinny jeans taste the number one welcome to the TMT family area 21 appreciate it what was it like what is it like hanging out with Kevin Garnett on a everyday basis Kevin Garnett man he's one of a kind you know I mean I can't really explain on camera what a man is like but it's a good time yeah you would ask that show hey assbutt I have a question for Jason as well because first of all I one of my favorite players ever do one man because I think he created what it with which def curry does with Russell Westbrook girl pace and space he created that in Sacramento allow Mike Bibby to come in and flourish into that he created that environment but all I want to see if Kevin could get on one side of the floor and you just threw the elbow pass to him and got a slow motion because I've never really seen it like it no I just would love to see the elbow pad in Kenny only for you I'll try all right all right what if it don't work it's gonna work great go get in there it's got to work hey I shout out the race with France he got fouled man here to finish this right what happened all right slow boys will you just put it there Oh but how easy it is but when do you okay first of all we know that you playing around in a playground but you use it in games what make what makes you use it when the defense is doing what man I don't know if this probably depends on the score and who my coach is to problem and who's behind me I've been around me minutes I've been in the game too but look if I come down and I see something's happening that's what I'm going to do you know I practiced it I'm ready for it and if it goes out about this cool next time on one side again it was really interesting I had a chance to talk to Jason a little while ago before he jumped in the area 21 and just what you talked about Jay will with watching video picking things up that you see on game tapes or and that kind of thing I mean how far back you go do you watch crystal did you did you pick anything up from Maravich you know I've got some table and pistol like some black-and-white tapes and everything I know good video on pistol arm but but like I said earlier and you know I would watch any game it was gonna TV it don't matter who was playing you know it could be you know Gonzaga first Pepperdine 11:30 on that Monday night you know I'm watching it and if I see something I like I'm gonna stick to the rent I mean straight to the gym on my room and try to practice and emulate you know so that's how it is maybe judo to me you're one of the best point guards to ever play the game especially at all your trickery Christian who in today's game would you say it's similar dude good questions be man you know he's telling my sister somebody's got like Kyrie Irving I think he's got that you know he's got a handy finishes way better than me I think he shoots better than me too but but but I don't think he's really looking to past like I was a lot of these players today I think get it mixed up because they say they're a good passer but I think there's a difference between a good passer and a willing passers like you know I was more of a willing passer I knew what time it was I knew who needed the belong where they needed the ball so you know these guys today they're trying to get 30 and you know usually they get 10 just because they're so well Jason show up show kg that look weird in Miami and I didn't touch the ball three or four times you show me leave it are you can with Shaq and get the ball like three four times now what's the look that's the look that's the courage if I start to come get it you know what I ate you know where Tamir only matter what Pat Riley god bless how a great coach one of the greatest ever Hall of Fame shout the pack they weren't the boss that got to get the ball a j-dub the other day I was on the internet and I came across this picture I need you to explain to me what this picture is all about oh man Wow Charlie yeah I read you too however available it was about hey that could be a you know you say put on a t-shirt that looks like the Thunder from Down Under beware burly oh let it go with all of this all 100 soldiers don't forget to tip your bartenders all the time it was a little bow tie Oh Oh his elbow in slow motion I had mmm oh you get it all the way around man that excites me man stuff labruffey your own I appreciate it man good to see y'all man all right I'll check in with area 21 again as the night goes on coming up at the top of the hour hawks and rockets followed by the Warriors and the Clippers here on TNT we'll take a look at the participants in the Taco Bell Skills Challenge when we come back you want a few guys I need one of you I have
Channel: RG's Basketball Highlights
Views: 1,435,959
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: RGs Basketball Highlights Baketball, NBA, Top 10, Facts, You Didn't Know, Elbow Pass, Kevin Garnett, Jason Williams, Area 21, TNT, Shaq, Ernie, Chuck, Kenny, Point Guard, Kyrie Irving
Id: 6ZjoF5sFblM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 16sec (376 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 02 2017
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