Are You SMARTER Than a High School Student? 🎓 General Knowledge Quiz 🤔

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are you smarter than a high school student take this fun general knowledge quiz to find out and let me know at the end how many questions you get correct let's get started first question who wrote Romeo and Juliet that's right a William Shakespeare what is tempo in music yeah it's B speed what is a right angle the answer is B angle of 90° in what year did World War II end correct it's C 1945 how many players are on a basketball team that's right there are five players what is the Milky Way the answer is c a type of galaxy what year did the Titanic sink correct it's B 1912 what is the periodic [Music] table it's b a chart of all known elements what is the largest mammal in the world that's right a blue whale which country has the largest population the answer is a India what is the unit of electrical resistance yes it's a omm what does DNA stand for it's c deoxy ribonucleic acid what is the national language of Brazil That's Right a Portuguese what is the most abundant gas in the Earth's atmosphere correct it's C nitrogen what is the sum of the angles in a triangle yes it's B 180°. which country is known as the land of a thousand lakes correct it's C Finland who discovered America in [Music] 1492 that's right B Christopher Columbus what is the chemical symbol for mercury yes it's a HG calculate the area of a circle with a radius of 5 cm correct it's B 78.54 cm squared what does URL stand for it's B uniform resource locator what's the basic unit of life yes it's C cell what is a bite it's B eight binary digits who was the first emperor of Rome it's C Augustus what is the genre of The Great Gatsby yes it's C novel of manners what is the hardest natural substance on Earth correct it's a diamond what is the main economic activity in rural areas yep it's a agriculture name a noble gas correct it's C helium name the largest ocean on earth that's right B Pacific Ocean what is the sum of the interior angles of a pentagon the answer is B 540° what does RAM stand for it's C Random Access Memory what year did the Berlin Wall fall correct again it's C 1989 what is the smallest country in the world by area it's B Vatican City what is the standard length of a marathon it's C 42.195 km when did the French Revolution begin that's right a 1789 name the ancient civilization that built the pyramids in Egypt yes it's B Egyptians which African country is known as the rainbow Nation correct it's a South Africa what is the tallest building in the world as of 2024 yes it's B bur Califa who developed the theory relativity that would be C Albert Einstein what is the tallest mountain in the world it's B Mount Everest what is the name of the first computer virus yes it's a creeper what is the largest planet in our solar system correct it's B Jupiter name a symptom of dehydration yeah see dry mouth and dizziness what is the slope of a horizontal line [Music] yes it's c0 name the organ that pumps blood through the body the answer is B heart what does congruent mean in geometry it's C same shape and size what is the primary instrument in a symphony orchestra yes it's B violin who was the first president of the United States correct it's C George Washington what is the value of pi up to two decimal places that's right B 3.14 which mountain range is the longest in the [Music] world correct it's a Andes name a famous work by Vincent Bango yeah a starry night so are you smarter than a high school student tell me in the comments how many questions you got correct and please give this video a thumbs up if you had fun thank you for playing
Channel: Fun Quiz Questions
Views: 165,533
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: General Knowledge Quiz, High School Quiz, Smarter Than a High Schooler, Trivia Challenge, Educational Quiz, General Knowledge Test, 50 Questions Quiz, Trivia Questions, Learning Quiz, Brain Teasers, Test Your Knowledge, Trivia for Students, Education, Knowledge Test, Trivia Game, Quiz for Kids, Quiz for Teens, Brain Challenge, Learning Challenge, Pub Quiz, Interactive Quiz, General Knowledge Trivia, School Quiz, Education Trivia, Knowledge Challenge, Online Quiz
Id: shXUfZ6bC4w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 26sec (866 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 15 2024
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