Are YOU Ready for Theo's Channeled Message? If You Are Seeing This...Listen NOW | Sheila Gillette

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placing with intention and prayer has love in it well you wouldn't pray for another or for self so in a prayer is an ask but it's also a focus of love [Music] I'd like to welcome back to the show returning Champion Sheila Gillette how you doing Sheila hi Alex returning Champion all right I don't think I've gotten that before that's great it had such a fun time talking to you and Theo last time you were on the show and people have really really love our conversation from last time so I'm so glad that we booked this I think we booked this right away we had such a good time last time we're like we got to do this again yeah let's get it in the books yes yeah yeah we had fun so um and I was just telling you that I was watching you uh on on the new uh documentary series on Gaia about channeling which you're doing Beauty they shot you beautifully Theo's there it's it's it's such a wonderful series uh it is it is they've done a really nice job with it and they're putting out that kind of informations like I can't even imagine five years ago that even coming out or 10 years ago even coming for you I could only imagine since you've been doing this for a few minutes now yeah yeah well you know it's wonderful to see it come full circle kind of so to speak and it's just expanding and as we spoke about before this is the Consciousness shift we're talking about the people are interested in the subject because they're experiencing their own personal experiences metaphysically or psychically and they want to know more so I love seeing this expansion because this theater to me about this decades ago uh this would be happening so it's really affirming to see these waves of Awakening if you would happening as they are now it's exponential now I wanted to since I wanted to talk to you a little bit about the past channels that have come before you uh like Seth and Edgar Casey and these kind of pioneers in this space of channeling and you also are one of those Pioneers that came in a little I think a little bit Seth was around before Seth was before you correct yeah yeah a few years yeah it's Seth I came through I think in this mid 60s I think and I had my near-death experience in 1969. so I I was I was of the 70s generation the 70s generation of channelers but it's what I find fascinating going looking back and I've you know I've read a bunch of editor Casey's work and and uh and raw and and Seth and these these channeled works it seems like these these beings uh that are trying to send this information there's constant uh as much as I keep talking to different channels and different reading different materials there's a thread as constant thread of similar ideas similar Concepts that are truth that might be painted slightly different depending on the perspective but the truth is the truth and they're truly trying to Elevate us but I can only imagine someone like Edgar Casey's time for God's sakes can you imagine I mean he was one step away from being burned at the stake yeah yeah you know it there had been over centuries actually you know God didn't stop talking to us you know as God has always been spirit's always been talking to us and through us for centuries but it's been an evolving Consciousness that's happening but also we're now in this higher frequency state that we call the fifth dimensionary state which is has exponential growth in people's Awakening people experiencing because we're Spiritual Beings having a human experience so the third dimension was much denser frequencies and vibrations so there were a few people that connected you know a lot of a lot of the the teachers that have come before in the sense of religion as well that were Messengers so this is just a time of tremendous expansion you know if you think about the evolution of technology is it how it's just happened last hundred years or less I and that's what we're talking about we're ready for this expanded technology if you would um because the vibrations and the frequencies so more refined maybe is a good way to put it um our physical energy our physical vibrations are less dense Theo said in this time we would be able to you know see through the veils of our multi-dimensionality if you would to know more so it's it's an interesting time to be alive they say if Theo says there's uh there's never been any Consciousness shift like this ever in human experience and we've all chosen to be here to experience it and a part of the chaos we're seeing in our world is a part of that because all those other foundations of the way we were thinking the foundations are structures on our planet has to change as well and they are changing political structures Financial structures business you know it's all evolving just like I said look at what's happened my mom lived almost to be a hundred and I thought about her life you know when she was she was born you know she saw cars planes planes you know technology television radio it just in her life the amount of change that happened and in our lives as well you know when you think here we are on the internet right when I started doing this work we didn't have the internet it was it may have been a glimmer glimmer in uh Al Gore's mind bad we didn't have it and we didn't have home computers you know when I when I met with people I met with him in person I would travel to different states and work with people and then I do private sessions on the telephone and I would create cassette tapes of the sessions and mail them to the client because that's what we had then I had a digital recorder and and now here we are we're talking like we see each other we're talking we're we're in the this time this moment wherever we are living wherever we have our offices so it's a spectacular shift and it's just been in the last few years but we take it so for granted every time I I get to do this I just get God bumps and think of how miraculous this is that we can do this yeah there was an old comedian who said that you know it's amazing how we take things for granted like we're in an airplane and the internet goes down on the airplane and people are like oh the internet's down and he's like are you we're flying through the air what is wrong I saw that I saw that it was hysterical and it's really true isn't it it is really true you're sitting in a chair in the air you know flying 2 000 miles that used to take six eight months of travel for you to get to a destination and now you could do it in a few hours it's it is it is fascinating and just in my lifetime you know I was I was I was a child of the 70s from that point to to the point where you are now is oh my God so much technology and it's really interesting if you look at it that throughout recorded human history at least the recorded human history that we acknowledge the last six thousand years or so yeah um there's probably a few things older but just even in this last six thousand years we were using stone tools and you know all that kind of stuff and in the last 130 years 140 years the amount of technology that has been created is so uh it is so insane that when you're saying earlier that we were more ready for it because can you imagine giving the you know the kind of weapons let's say we have two five six hundred years ago it would have been a disaster it's a disaster now by the way with weapons but anyways but just in general like Technologies they wouldn't even know what to do their their concepts of of the technology wouldn't be a lot just they couldn't grasp it they weren't ready for it just like this information that you and I are talking about today and having Theo Channel live to you know tens of thousands of hundreds of thousands of people around the world before that conversation you were you would have been burned at the stake I would have been I would have either been burnt at the stake or I've been I would have been shunned because I was a male uh I didn't know about many males that were burned at the stakes but you know what I mean back in those days but I do know so it's so fascinating now this information is so more openly talked about and and I tell you every time I run into somebody who is that I tell them what I'm doing now they're like so what is channeling or what is that that's surprising isn't it it's to hear that and I by the way I have conversations with people in Hollywood who are big time people in Hollywood who publicly would never ever say anything like this but privately they just like talk to me for two or three hours about these Concepts and they're like I can't talk to anybody else about this this is so wonderful just to have this open dialogue about the fabric of reality and why we're here and all these other concepts are so far beyond the dogmas of religion that has been kind of thrown upon us for the last you know thousands of years oh yeah it's really interesting it really and I'm sure you get that as well you probably much more than I do well what's interesting to me when I started people if they did talk about it it was like to you you know and and it wasn't openly discussed like now on TV and movies it's spoken of you can sit in a restaurant and overhear conversations of people talking about having psychic experiences or going to to see somebody like myself um and and I think it's wonderful really because it opens so much up to people to know that we're more than this physical body you know that that we just chose this physical body this Earth suit to navigate the planet but but our soul is much bigger than that and it's Eternal and this is a point in I'm going to use the word time but linear time of experiencing emotions and human life this is one choice this is just one choice of as Theo teaches us billions of choices that a soul could make the Earth is just one and for some that's even shocking because we have this myopic view but that this is all there is also also egotistical view yeah yeah but you know if you just look at the pictures from space we can know that that's not true I mean it is it's just amazing what technology has brought us particularly because they did the Space Program so much has come from that and I remember talking to this elderly woman one time and this is after I had my near-death experience and my children's father and I we moved to the mountains in Colorado and this lady this was right after they did the the launch and did the moonwalk yeah and she said she she was just chatting and she said you know she must have been at least in her mid to late 80s she was quite elderly and she said I know why they want to go to the Moon because she'd seen a movie where a guy went to the moon and there were all these pretty women Banning them with fans and feeding him grapes and I thought wow this is but this is the perception of that time to for us to walk on the moon you know but since then that's when all the technology stuff started just exploding it exploding and even the things that we take for granted in our houses now you know that we didn't have before microwaves and you know the way we cook the way we lived um it just is exploding it's really remarkable and even when when they went to the Moon it changed the the foundational Zeitgeist of the humanity it was it was a belief that it could never be done it wasn't possible it wasn't a thing but when that happened and that opened up a lot of ideas a lot of thoughts about well if we can go to the Moon maybe can we go to Mars and if we can go to Mars is there other things out there and then now all these images coming back from deep space and the more they find out about space and the more they keep they like oh wait a minute I think at the beginning at the center of every Galaxy there's a black hole oh that was a concept that raw was talking about the channel that works of raw was talking about in the 80s and now they're just like yeah there's there's really a black hole and we're seeing that now and there's multiple Goldilocks planets that we can even perceive from this distance and it's just a like even astrophysicists are saying it's a lot of it's a waste of space if we're the only ones yeah yeah you know people talking about being fearful of aliens and UFOs and things you know if they're smart enough to get here they're much smarter than we are so it's um it it's just we've we've just lived in this kind of bubble that now is expanding I mean that the the awareness is now expanding because of the experiences people are having and they want to know more but also the that expansion is scary for a lot of people because now what was Rock Solid in their minds is being challenged and not just being challenged by one or two people but being challenged by Society now and a lot of these challenges are what's causing all this Uprising and like no no wait a minute no no we want to hold back to the old ways or no that can't believe that and this it's there's a big just a big jump of stuff happening all over the place and people's foundational beliefs are being challenged in a very very big way and they're they don't know what to do so again you could either get angry and fight or you can be curious and open yourself up to other ideas and that's who comes and listens to the show hopefully yeah well well that's one of the main messages that remain curious I haven't heard a Channeler I haven't met one yet nor have I heard of one maybe you have that does not say or does not preach the idea of love that we are not this physical being that these the basic concepts of but Jesus taught for God's sakes you know these basic concepts I've never heard of one going you need to be more selfish the key to life the key to life is the physical Indulgence like I've never that those things don't come through in a public way at least have you ever heard of those kind of messages coming through a channel and if they did didn't get any publicity out of it no but but I have heard of some conspiratorial stuff in the most recent years coming through that um not necessarily don't love each other not those kinds of messages but just stuff that just isn't true right and and that to your point if the for me if the messages are coherent they maybe use different words but the message itself the basics are there's a code coherence to it with the the love Vibe let's see right then I would say believe it because you know if if if there's a message coming through now I believe it's here for our highest good I would say I don't know what the percentage is but I I would say that you can feel the difference we all have a barometer in us when we hear the truth and Truth can be said to your point earlier in different words in different ways but there's a consistency in that truth and that's what I would look for with any teacher or anybody you're you're getting getting information from you know because Theo often says it would be a really boring life in a boring place if we only had one book to read and if we only had one song or if we only had one movie you know that that there are different Messengers to come forth creatively so that we can all understand because somebody that might listen to Theo and prefer to hear the message from somebody else um that's okay different flavors yeah yeah to to my point about it would be really boring to only have one book no there was a there's an idea that I know Theos talked about before and and this is a concept that's been talked about a lot is uh that we are we are all one we are all part of the Creator the source and that the source has put us out to experience uh have different experiences so he can or hear it uh has a better understanding of who it is uh in the way of our Evolution through these experiences negative and positively charged um I came up with this idea I was like are we the algorithm of God because an algorithm is unpredictable it has its it has free will Within guard rails that have been put up by the Creator so if we use that as an analogy that means we we all have free will and we can go either way we want but there's probability on which ways we think it's going to go but sometimes it surprises us as an algorithm so is that just a nice analogy of what we all are in the universe like giant algorithms for the source to figure out and discover things it's an interesting concept and I think now with all the technology and everybody's um being more aware of Technology it's a different way of describing it but why not you know it's it can make a lot of sense to a lot of people I'm not technologically that well-versed but I even get what you just said well and then that's good that's good because you know the basics of an algorithm is so that's yes you can understand that concept it's just an idea for people to really grasp that idea because it just when I when it that that idea came to me the other day I was like we the algorithm of God and as if that and if that is the case that makes so much more sense to me um because we perform very similarly to an algorithm in the sense of again with parameters and we have Karma we have you know there's certain parameters that we have placed with in this life but anyway it's just a fun idea I just wanted to throw that at you and then you could ask the question are we artificial intelligence well there's that whole that's not that's a whole other conversation and I know I look what's happening with AI right now it's it's very much in the news right now and it's out there you know the tools that are being created AI right now that are publicly being thrown out there it's just baffling and you see what they're doing right now and I'll go oh my God in five years this thing is gonna be I mean everyone's going to be that's going to be writing books it's going to be you know it's going to be painful they've already shown that it can you know what is it that chat is it called yeah uh chat jft yeah of course technical guys yeah named it yeah Chad jft or jfbtl whatever that thing is it's open AIS text writing thing but then I just saw Dolly AI which is they you type in draw a painting of Sheila channeling Theo wearing a purple dress uh while riding a unicorn and it will paint that for you in four different paintings and oh in Van Gogh Style it's my I did it just for fun mind blowing so you could see where these tools are gonna go and it's going to alleviate a lot of of time consuming things for us as a society just so then we have even more time to think about the meaning of life I hope kind of like what Socrates and Plato were doing back in the day yeah yeah I think you know who knows who knows where it's gonna go I mean it and again it's what Theo talks about there's going to be continual momentum of innovation happening and it's how we navigate it and work with it that's important absolutely absolutely now since you've brought Theo up is Theo is Theo available for a a session today I'd love to ask him some interesting questions I've been working on a list of questions over the last week hopefully he you know the interesting questions I don't think he's been asked before so I'd love to see if we can uh do that for the audience sure be happy too appreciate it my dude here we go it is the beginning is it no it is we are appreciative of the opportunity to be a upstairs home to you my first question Theo is how does the power of prayer work intention so know that you are creative beings placing with intention and prayer has love in it or you wouldn't pray for another or for self so in a prayer is an ask but it's also a focus of love which has momentum in the energetic fields to produce an outcome however depending upon what you're praying for a prayer could just be a wish unless you decide for what you're praying for and are receptive to the outcome of it fair enough what happens to a soul when it commits suicide every death is a suicide because the soul chooses to leave we know that shocks most when we say this but no every soul will have its own way out whatever that is whether it's by what you call suicide which is misunderstood by many because one cannot understand why another word in their lives but you don't know what you don't know you're looking at them through the lenses you see yourself so there is in each relinquishment or of the physical a process that occurs of evaluation of the life and what has been learned there so that's what we would say whether it's a suicide or any other way of leaving the physical we do not speak a birth to death we speak of birth to birth for you bathe into energetically into your physical body and when you leave you bother into once again your multi-dimensional essence your Eternal Soul so it's not a death energy is constant only foreign changes from the spiritual point of view what is the Quantum field from a spiritual point of view the quantum field is synergy it has no spirituality in it it's like electricity or would be asking if electricity had a spiritual point of view it does not it has a conduit that harnesses it that's put in your home or in the world or an office building to be utilized by Humanity but it in and of itself it is not it's spiritual essence it's a tool isn't it well then how to consider the quantum field does not decide whether what you want in your life is good or bad it just aligns with the energetics to assist its creation it does not discern what you're asking for in other words so then how do we access the quantum field it's all around you just like electricity and you are the conduit with your thoughts and your visions and your emotions and then this energy aligns with that to bring forth an outcome that is desired so it's a co-create it's kind of like a co-creation yes it's a tool actually well then what is quantum entanglement that's an energy wave speaking of quantum entanglement you're talking about people aren't you yes so that's energy entangling on all levels of how one expresses the energy and human experienced and having quite a bit to do with emotions what is the law of one it is the Oneness of all the connectivity that you have to every living thing but is that law of one the one that uh is discussed in regards to the densities of the experience of of consciousness it can be is okay can you explain the vibrational polarities of the energy centers of the body you're speaking of the chakra system correct yes and so the chakra system is let's call it the electrical conduits of energy your soul energy in the body and when spinning all its synchronicity maintains an Optimum balance when it does not then you're out of balanced so paying attention to what you're doing eating sleeping exercising all the good health habits hydration all of these things assist in maintaining the balance of the chakra system or the electrical system of the body well then what is the what is the Kundalini Awakening that I've heard that goes through the chakra system including the Leaning Awakening is is an up leveling of your vibrational frequency so as the energies become less dense you can feel this surge of energy that goes through the body it could be feel about this electricity it would be a buzzing sensation in all your cells but specifically through the creative Center which is your center of sexuality or creation itself yes okay what is your definition of intuition intuition is felt in The Human Experience because you have a body and you are sentient being meaning your body is the has the ability through all its senses to feel intuition gut feeling Body Sensations guidance messages that are heard in the inner mind visions clairvoyance all of these experience is are done through the physical body that's why it's so interesting for a soul to have a human experience to feel all those Sensations do we all have the ability to channel you all do Channel it depends on whatever form the energy and passion you use your soul energy in the artist is a Channeler of the art the com composer the musician the the book writer all of these things are channeling experiences yes they are but where do where does that come from I understand you're channeling you know Sheila's channeling Theo the the the entities called Theo but when you're channeling music or channeling art or channeling writing or channeling math or physics or these kind of things where does that where is that coming from is it the ether coming in the source of energy of creativity and does do certain ideas have their time and place to come through they do so that's why in the last 100 120 years so much advancements have been done in technology and art and many other uh disciplines around the world yes if you couldn't think about your computer systems when they all came through the home computers they were coming through many people came through Stephen Jobs Bill Gates same timing yes and they were open conduits for this energy to be channeled through them to be created is that why now there is so much more openness to these messages these ideas these conversations that you and I are having right now why it's time for this openness is the fifth dimensionary energy which is an evolved Consciousness that then allows for the individual to have the ability to receive not being blocked from a belief that it cannot be done so it's refined or let's say you broaden the aperture of possibility got it okay what is deja vu remembering remembering what exactly if you've never been to that as we stated earlier the Bales between your multi-dimensionality are very thin now so it's use typically a remembrance of something from before that you've experienced and what are archangels supervisors can you elaborate we can you as humans know about hierarchy in let's say corporations so if you think about the billions of the Angelic beings the seraphim and many others their archangels are supervisory over those different Legions of angels and as Messengers or teachers of the word of source or God and have they always been or have they evolved to that point they have always been how do we connect to our higher selves your you do connect it's just knowing it's possible every time you go within and ask a question and feel a feeling or an answer you've connected and you can call it your higher self your higher power your intuition many words could be used when a soul decides to leave this or this Earthly experience uh do the near-death experiences that have become so popular over the last 30 or 40 years uh is it are they accurate representations of what is happening on the other side to some degree because it's the perception of the person having it each person in their own experience will experience what they experience there may be consistencies in it but it has to do with their belief systems as well of what they can accept we find it amusing that you say near-death experience have become popular why it's just the stories about them that have become popular correct the story of the information is getting out there more so it's become more and more accepted yes and even by those who don't believe in them correct because there's a curiosity about all of it yes um what is your definition of living a good life a good life lived by you is the Fulfillment that your souls desires are met what is your definition of God solid state of unconditional love what is the ultimate purpose of life and you elaborate life is the purpose what most people say is what's my purpose what they want to know is where can they express their life energy passionately so you've achieved purpose by entering the physical body by life itself and life itself is always wanting more life lived through you and for you that's why you keep creating and being interested and and it's life emerging more wanting more lives yes yes and finally do you have any uh um any message that you would like to lead the audience with know that you are more than you think you are and if you could see yourselves as we see you there would be no discontent there would be only love thank you so much for this time I appreciate it Theo we are a president of the opportunity to serve God's love unto you thank you good day good day that doesn't get old [Laughter] no it doesn't get old remind me Sheila do you remember you do remember what's going on or do you get pushed aside you know I don't consciously remember everything or the the questions there'll be little bits and pieces that I remember but if you were to discuss it with me it'd be oh yeah I know that or if I would listen to the your your the recording I I would be like oh yeah okay yeah it's kind of but it's not I don't come out going oh well they said this this and this you know that kind of thing it's almost like a dream state like you kind of remember the dream but if you're if it was told to you again you're like a lucid dream it's kind of like a lucid dream you know what's going on and words are being spoken but I don't remember well I asked Theo some very difficult questions and uh with with the uh he I say he for lack of a better word because his name is uh um he really he didn't hesitate you know where others they never do they never do they they don't hesitate I mean I the one the one really difficult question I asked was about suicide what happens and just like that it they just like is this this this this this this and this and I don't know shocking but this is what's happening it's very a matter of fact I I realize now because we were talking about AI earlier when you ask AI questions it goes straight to the point it does not hesitate it's very similar to talking to Theo oh yeah because because they'll answer a question and sometimes it'll be a short answer sometimes it'll be a long elaborate question or an answer but sometimes I'll like elaborate can you do you mind can you can you elaborate yes and but and it's the same thing with AI you ask it a question it will give you an answer you're like can you go a little deeper in that sure and it keeps going so I was just remember I just saw the the very similar energy of the answer question and answer process with with Theo specifically with Theo uh is just a very straight to the point but they are and you know to your point is you can ask for more information and that's what my husband Marcus is so good at when we do our programs and so forth if a question is asked he's so intuitive he knows that they'll give more and he'll say he'll ask another question to to broaden the answer or say could you say more about that and they will they know if they do they do yeah and I discovered I think you didn't mention this in our first interview but I discovered in that channeling documentary that you were prepped for Theo by another entity yes yes never mentioned that before can you talk a little bit about that because I don't think we ever spoke about that in the first interview yeah the first spokesman that came through was an entity called orlos o-r-l-o-s very soft-spoken almost whisper and gentle and kind and told me that my body was being prepared for higher teachers that there was an adjustment energetically for this ability to have them come directly through me and so that was a couple of about two years um did you do readings with Orlando yeah yeah and I did groups and then I was in Seattle doing a group working with a group of people and arzel said it's time time to leave the higher teachers are here and Theo came in oh my gosh the tower I mean and loud really loud loud in your head or loud verbally and verbally in me to me I felt the power in my body um but the people in the room were like wow what was and they came in and they said we'll be known by the name Theo where 12 archangels uh we will not identify individually because it's the message we want you to hear and the you know it's not about the messenger and uh they told me to look up the word Theo in the dictionary they um I mean they just gave a lot of information but they sounded to your point of AI very computer-like very unemotional they've blended with my energy enough now they sound more human but when they first came through and then people would say well what accent is it where are they from well we asked that question and the answer was it's not a specific accident and it used to be much stronger it's not a specific accent because they come through the vibrational frequencies of our planet our atmosphere our world and it's a blending of all language and a blending of all sound that it comes out right there and so a lot of people in you know years ago they would they would say oh it sounds German oh it sounds Indian oh it's a you know but it was however they were hearing the message that resonated in their the way they heard it but they said there's no actual specific accent to a specific place it's all about the vibrations that they come through and enter my body and use the vocal cords to come out and that purpose in that prepping period was kind of like priming the machine to handle the electrical voltage that was coming in essentially yeah yeah because if not you'll blow well it was you know the only way I can describe to people how does it feel it's like sticking your finger in a 220 Outlook I mean you it doesn't look like that but it's a huge electrical energy you're good with it now but now you're you're oh yeah yeah but in the beginning and when that first happened for about the first week that they came in you know when you hit your how that feels talking about this my whole upper body felt like that oh my God and I and I said if this is continues I can't do this because it just it was so uncomfortable in my nervous system and they said oh no no no we're just adjusting it yeah and they have and there there have been a few times over the years where there's been another adjustment because they've they just keep fine-tuning and fine-tuning my body for a greater ease of communication does Theo or the the um the group that identifies as Theo do they Channel Through others under other names the Stars the knowledge is concerned or the source energy is concerned they say not they say not so these group this group is just yours and that's it [Music] mine and yours and obviously yeah yeah but you're the you're the entry point you're the doorway yeah yeah I'm just the megaphone You're The Chronicles of Narnia you go right through the Wardrobe to the other side I I wonder I wanted to ask you you know because I mean the the messages that come out through Theory are so profound but through your work over the over the decades that you've been doing this have you ever has the message ever been lost because people are just more fascinated with how it's happening rather than the message coming out especially at the beginning because it would be kind of it's a little bit more acceptable now but I imagine at the beginning and by the way it's still not by any stretch it completely normal even not normal but accepted widely today but more now than ever before but I'd imagine the first times it would be kind of like they would just be in awe of it and almost just kind of like focused on what was happening as opposed to the message that was coming out yeah there yes and um as we've been received the messages they've gotten broader and deeper you know as we're ready to make the changes psychologically emotionally and intellectually the the the more Curious we remain in our asking the more information they give us so yeah I was very rudimentary well maybe that's not even the right word in the beginning and most people wanted to know like psychic readings more future what's going to happen to me am I am I going to move to Florida am I you know all of those things that naturally are part of our human life Curiosities but has gone from those first initial asking and a lot of asking about uh deceased loved ones because it's so healing you know when they get them when people get a message and they got messages of of loved ones yes oh I didn't know you did that what was interesting for me is the different things in a global sense like I got information about Watergate two years before it was public and I gotta tell you it was shocking I mean 16 years later I met John ehrlichmann who confirmed everything that I'd gotten so it's um it's been a fascinating ride you might say of Prophecy that now I've worn witness to for several decades and so I just trust so much more well not more now but you know because of all that confirmation all that knowledge all that affirming of the information it's just like oh yeah this doing this with you today is another one because they said this would be happening right in the early times of the 70s that we would be communicating like this and that there's some kind of information would be more widely accepted because of media and because of the ability to to communicate in these ways and you know I had no um evidence in my life about that being possible other than all of the other things that they have they had said that kept being affirmed every day and and so I just thought oh okay and and here we are you know here we are doing it so you you mentioned that as we've kind of grown psychologically and spiritually and kind of Awakened more the veil that is becoming thinner and thinner is that why and I'm asking this question for people listening but is that why like when a Jesus or a Buddha or you know a Babaji or Yogananda there's so many different Masters who walk the earth they only were able to teach to a certain level very basic ideas because the consciousness of the people around them they couldn't can you imagine during Jesus's time going so there's a chakra system and then can you imagine it would have been burned at a steak too probably and he well obviously he was crucified yeah I mean he didn't go too far from that obviously so I mean because his ideas were still out there at that time and even then you look back at the the basic teachings are these basic truths that we all understand and we take for granted today but he couldn't go farther let's say Jesus or even Buddha they couldn't well that was also the density of the energy at the time too you know our energies are so much more refined now um so yeah it was our our ability to receive the information was limited and do you uh you were mentioning that you've seen so many kind of prophecies happen is there anything that Theo said I don't think I've ever even asked you this am I moving to Florida no I'm joking uh but no but is there anything thank you you see you're right I knew you were right but in the but is there any broad brush Strokes of things like hey you're going to be talking through the internet and this information is there any big things like that that Theo has said uh in the past now you know yes and we're living them right now um in my first book The Fifth Dimension they spoke about this time really um that there would be this huge change of Consciousness and political structures would change throughout the world that we would be a global economics you know global economy um that we would gather together there would be a United Nations much more powerful than the one we have now that would be a collaborative group not not so insular uh and of late they've said the pandemic has been a part of that recognizing that there's this Oneness as it were that were one species were all connected there's no lines that separate us um so it's you know it's for the virus didn't discriminate and it spreads like wildflowers fires through the whole world well yeah we're all that connected and so all of what all this chaos that's been going on it's all part of the change so I feel really optimistic and positive as they say out of the chaos will come order and you know we hear all the negative stuff but there's a lot of stuff we don't hear good stuff that's happening right you know for the the planet and for new business and and more connections so I I feel really positive about our Evolution let's say as a species well I'm I'm glad someone's positive about it we're all we keep hearing all the negative it's good to hear this everywhere I think we need to have people talking about the positive stuff absolutely it's so negative well negative cells for your cells that's why you know the the um the news organizations and media in general like fear cells fear definitely sells you know more than oh yeah good news does but you know I always look I always try to look for the good news out there because it's well it's kind of kind of the human species you know negative news travels faster than positive things very much so very much so and it gets addictive too oh no yeah well it's a re it's a kind of like a reinforcement Circle if you will uh it constantly just keeps going and going and you just want more and more and more of it and then you go down a rabbit hole and then like it's if you live in fear constantly it it is so stressful it it's it is but that's how people have been controlled correct first centuries and that's what's changing you know we need more critical thinking on our planet people to say is that true you know really check themselves about it what's true right it's not yeah kind of like so Jesus was born then he showed up 30 years later and nothing happened in those 30 years like how like just give me that I just this just that was a second grader's critical thinking when I thought that I was like this doesn't make sense yeah exactly exactly and we all know that we all know how to feel that feeling you're talking about just doesn't make sense it doesn't it doesn't make sense yeah but then when you start hearing these ideas from channels and from spiritual teachers and you know Indian gurus and uh you know all sorts of spiritual masters from around the world again and I've said this before on the show and I'll say it again because I have a very unique perspective because I get to talk to people like you all the time I've now done close to 200 of these episodes in a year uh which is a lot of information that has come at me but I keep seeing the patterns I keep seeing these these patterns from every Walk of Life whether it's a guru in India whether it's a channel like yourself where it's a medium where it's a Quantum physicist these ideas there's patterns that I'm seeing to recognize now again and again which just reinforces the truth because the truth is the truth period you can't it's what it is and the more it rings true the stronger it is the stronger the vibration of the of the information is and I just keep seeing it again and again and again and like I said I haven't spoken to a channel that goes hey you know drink more it's all about the physical uh you forget about that spiritual stuff like I never be selfish don't be of service like no I've never I've never heard that because those aren't truths and we are and and if I would come out and say that like you know guys I've been talking I've been thinking it's really all about yourself everybody would go this doesn't smell right something yeah some people might like it because they're like oh yeah he's right but most people would go up this this doesn't smell right yeah it's been it's been a pleasure talking to you Sheila um I asked these questions of of Theo but I'll ask some of you as well my my last question I want to hear what you think this time um what is your definition of living a good life all my dreams and desires being met and and that doesn't mean uh winning the lottery not that that wouldn't be nice but um it just means waking up in the morning just grateful for that day of life and love what is your definition of God unconditional love and I got I can say that because theosis that yes exactly what he said yeah he said it he said it a little differently than you did it's just it's a little a little bit more forceful a little bit yeah a little more and what is the ultimate purpose of life lines that's what they said see I'm a good student see the first one you had to think about but the last two years that was that was Theo that came out well yeah absolutely I mean I've been a good student of that because we all want to know what our purpose and if you really think about it it's true because all we want to do is survive from the minute we're born right and and so life is important obviously if we didn't have that life in us we couldn't paint the picture write the book or sing the song one last question did you and Theo speak on the other side prior to your Incarnation like they chose you or did you have this conversation on the other side have they ever spoken to you about this well I don't remember it but I I um they have been asked in and it they come through Me by agreement so I'm thinking oh yeah there's paper we have there's paperwork involved there was a notary I'm assuming there's a notary on the other side [Laughter] and where can people find out more about you and the wonderful work you're doing with you oh um at our website and we have many great things coming up oh very cool what's coming up yeah we have the art of relationship seven week course coming up starting in February and it's really about all relationships um primary work family end of life but most importantly love of self the relationship to the self because it that ha that's primary to everything else but it's really a good course so it and it's fun it's really fun and we have an art of relationship book that's newly that just come out or is it coming out it is out and we're revising right now because yeah uh I'll just unabashedly show you please yes of course of course yes yes and it it talks about well it's it was born out of these programs the art of relationship program and it's uh Theo we asked you a few years ago what's next what do you want to talk about and I said relationships because everything's relational everything we do it's a different relationship to somebody else even at the the supermarket when we're checking out we're having a relationship with the clerk so it it helps us navigate all those things and is there a method you would like to lead the audience with you know the typical love yourself but just know you're more than you think you are and you have more than you think you do and just remain curious and become that moreness in your life Sheila thank you so much for coming back on the show you're welcome back anytime you and Theo to come back and and chat with me I love having you on and uh and thank you for all the amazing work you're doing in the world I appreciate you oh Alex it's my pleasure and I love talking to you so you just let me know when and where and I'll be there okay appreciate you I don't feel like [Music]
Channel: Next Level Soul Podcast
Views: 202,270
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: spirituality, meditation, yoga, Yogananda, Alex Ferrari, Next Level Soul, Near Death Experience, spiritual, love, healing, peace, life, god, wisdom, motivation, energy, awakening, soul, inspiration, selflove, mindfulness, believe, consciousness, quotes, happiness, nature, law of attraction, lightworker, enlightenment, positivevibes, universe, guidance, grace, nde, ACIM, a course in miracles, spiritual awaking, Medium, Spirit Guide, lifetips, Theo, Sheila Gillette, Channeled Message
Id: f6hst0DiJEQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 5sec (4025 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 05 2023
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