Are You a Mutant?

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Vsauce, I’m Jake and I’ve been thinking a lot about mutation, not just because of X-Men Apocalypse coming out but because I am a mutant...well at least part of me is. Cancer is a mutation of a cell, specifically the DNA inside the cell is damaged. That cell doesn’t stop dividing and growing and growing, faster and faster until we get a lump of cancer cells like this, a tumor, my tumor. Unfortunately it didn’t lead to me having any enhanced special abilities like mutations do in the world of X-Men. But that didn’t stop me from trying, I had to go to 8 weeks of radiation therapy, and if I’ve learned anything from comics, that exposure to radiation should have at least given me some sort of physically mutated power. It didn’t; but what I did find interesting is that we use radiation to cure cancer, yet radiation can also cause it. Non-Ionizing radiation like infrared, microwave or radio waves don’t cause tissue damage but ionizing radiation: gamma rays, x-rays and ultraviolet light can and when it does, it damages DNA. Sometimes the damage is repaired and nothing changes. Other times the damage is not repaired and the damaged cell dies. Occasionally, the damage is not repaired but the cell lives on with mutated DNA. The aim of radiation therapy is to expose just the affected area to so much radiation, about 10,000 times the normal amount, that it kills every cell. Since you started watching this video you’ve had at least 7 instances of DNA damage and by the end of the day you’ll have had over 10,000. The good news is that your cells usually fixes it, if the cell just doesn’t die first. But mutations happen all the time. A human has an average of 60 at birth and a lot of them developed over centuries: For example, originally we all had brown eyes. Six to ten thousand years ago, a genetic mutation caused one person to have blue eyes. And they’re the one common ancestor for everyone with blue eyes today. The truth is we are all mutants, however some are more mutant than others. Timothy Dreyer has incredibly dense bones due to a disease called Sclerosteosis. Because of a specific mutation in the sclerostin gene, Timothy and around 100 other people have such thick bones that out of 60 patients surveyed, none had ever broken one despite living normal active lives, and one had even been hit by a car. Then you have someone like Michel Lotito, who we’ve talked about before, that was able to eat things like 18 bikes, 15 shopping carts, 7 televisions and 1 Cessna airplane. This was because of two things: one a disease he had called Pica where you have the urge to eat inedible objects and because of a mutation his stomach lining was twice as thick as an average person’s. But let’s talk about pain, eating something like a bicycle would probably hurt going down even if broken into small pieces. And that’s where the mutation CIP comes in: Congenital insensitivity to pain. As the name suggests, it is a condition where the person can not feel physical pain. There is a fantastic New York Times article about a girl named Ashlyn Blocker who has CIP and it chronicles how she and her family live with it. They talk about how Ashlyn dropped a spoon into a pot of boiling water and then she stuck her hand in to retrieve it. She didn’t feel anything but just because you can’t feel it, doesn’t mean it won’t cause permanent damage. For example take Steven Pete who discusses how his parents discovered he had it: Let’s imagine something, let’s imagine we can’t feel pain. I’m sure it is a fantasy that most of us have had before but think about what it would actually be like. Steven Pete has done so much damage to his left leg without knowing, that he can’t walk properly anymore. Or what if you had an internal injury? How would you ever know? Timothy Dreyer might never break a bone because of sclerosteosis, but the increased pressure on the skull could cause instantaneous death. And there are plenty of other mutations that on the surface might seem like a superpower, like having incredible height similar to the almost 9ft tall Robert Wadlow, or the mutation that causes Ehlers–Danlos syndrome which gives your skin hyperelasticity. But all of these come with a trade off. In Robert Wadlow’s case, his circulatory system couldn’t sustain his ever increasing height and he died when he was 22. But there is some good that comes from these mutations: by looking at the genetics of people with sclerosteosis, doctors are trying to create a drug that increases bone growth to help patients that have osteoporosis - where their bones become brittle and fragile. And with CIP, researchers are trying to figure out a way to use this mutation as a painkiller. I think Steven Pete says it best And we tend to say that someone is a superhero or that someone is special because they can run faster, jump higher or swim longer than an average person. But then you have people like Steven Pete, or Timothy Dreyer, or the people I saw every today at the cancer center, who have such incredible strength, the fact that they continue to push and continue to live even with such immense odds, the fact that they hope that what they face, what they live with, might help others, is incredible, is super. To take the analogy one step further, these people with the help of doctors, are using their super power to help defeat villains like osteoporosis or chronic pain. In pop culture we call mutants super heroes. And I think in real life, these people are no different. And as always, thanks for watching.
Channel: Vsauce3
Views: 1,946,869
Rating: 4.9647055 out of 5
Keywords: Vsauce3, Vsauce, vsause, jake roper, x-men, mutants, mutation, genetics, dna, marvel, science, biology
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 7sec (427 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 22 2016
Reddit Comments

Is Vsauce 3 made for teenagers? I feel like 2 and 3 are targeted towards a younger audience.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Tszemix 📅︎︎ Apr 22 2016 🗫︎ replies
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