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it's another beautiful day here at luxury bazaar thanks thank you i'll go 10 000. [Music] you know what on second thought let's go 11. well that i got to get that thing from you vlad [Music] thank you all right anyway guys as usual i'm going to give away this thousand dollars to anyone that likes comments shares and subscribes and helps our channel grow [Music] about a year ago a gentleman by the name of chris who runs a small youtube channel called the watch lounge reached out to me said hey roman would you mind being in one of my lives and after speaking with him i felt his love for watches in fact i found out that he was a forklift operator that worked nice for lowe's i went on his channels answered a bunch of questions had a good time had a good conversation and since then he's been bugging me and hinting that he would really love to change his career he would really like to change his life around so finally i decided you know what this kid is so persistent i have a vacancy in the buying department adrian has been drowning in requests and literally doesn't have physically enough time of day with coming in here on saturdays and even sundays i spoke to adrian adrian was game spoke to chris bought him a plane ticket lo and behold he showed up how's it going i'm uh chris come from myrtle beach south carolina come to work for uh roman and luxury bazaar i always want to be a life stealer so i'm definitely excited about it [Music] here's my idea this noise and we're getting our roof changed the entire day all we heard is banging and banging and banging and banging so i apologize for the banking the main buying is done by adrian and all the buy requests that come through to our website sometimes it doesn't have enough time of day to get through all of them physically administratively right so in a nutshell i am thinking two two things number one you become a junior buyer i know that sounds fancy but in reality you're gonna become adrian's [ __ ] for two three three months until you learn right uh adrian is not an easy guy to work with he's very abrupt he can be seen mean at a time but he's actually a really good kid i've known him since she was a kid so you want to know why i'm so angry all the time 63 000 49 000 yellow gold ap dual time i know what to sell to him for what three watches i told you about this two weeks ago so these are just examples of me being passionate i would say not angry i get pulled in a million different directions every day between 12 000 emails 400 phone calls whatsapp blown up every day bro we've been working on this deal for two weeks he's gonna be pissed off don't be a dad please i can't can do this anymore with you we're just here for your uh pleasant commentary because everybody keeps coming into my office at the end of the day it adds a lot of stress we would love to work with you i'm trying i'm trying to kind of walk you through the process there's nothing i can do with that link the watch is going back that's it anna i don't even know your email or instagram that's sweet it's been two weeks already with this marco we can't we can't do this anymore we need to get a tracking number asap adrian you forgot your huge banana in my office adrian you're a huge banana i don't talk like this to you guys our retail customers this usually happens with my fellow dealers the second part of the thing is the fact that you're able to create your own content when you're able to create your own content you're able to create your own fan base you're able to create your own clientele base so pretty much automatically you become a salesperson right here you have access to content all day every day we if we if we have somebody that believes in the company themselves we're going to be there every step of the way to ensure that you're actually successful because it's not in my interest for you to to throw you to the dolls and be like hey do your best sell some watches see if you can make some money it's not that type of environment so what i want to do today is the following you have a few hours here right and that few hours is for you to check out the operation see if this is something you're going to be able to do there's something you want to do i know you want to be here so you know that kind of goes without saying it's also time for us and adrian to sort of get to know you i'm also going to want you to sit with anna i'm also going to want you to sit with nick alex is not here he's not flying back from miami till tonight so i wanted you to meet him as well but irrelevant becoming a salesperson will become an automatic and that's where the opportunity to make serious money comes in i just so happen and if you want to ask me how serious it just so happened it's the end of the month tanya sends me sheets for everyone right well let's look at serrano alex alex serrano this month sold just a little under a million dollars in watches all right his commission check for this month is going to be 11 000 this 22 year old kid has been doing sales for four months that's not too shabby you know why because he lives breathes and wants to and if you do the same thing i don't care what experience you have or don't have we'll show you because my success depend on depends on them let me go introduce you to adrian i know you i know you feel like you know him already adrian chris nice to meet you chris have a seat just break it down to him exactly how it is what his day today would look like he would literally i would sit him literally right there so he'll be right next to you yeah you know what i mean and i have plans for him oh i know you do so you guys you guys take it away chris good luck with this so my job with you is pretty self-explanatory the craziest thing we have is people coming in to buy to sell watch to us and i am far over extended and nobody here can do what i do so we tried the process of the sales guys helping me out or and help me out they can't because at the end of the day it all comes back to me so really all i need right now is i need an extra set of hands i'm going to have avi connect you to our system so you see the leads coming in and all i need from you is to send you whatsapp to use what's that uh i don't have but i can download that yeah it's easy um everything here is basically utilizing whatsapp we have like a million different groups through whatsapp uh lead comes in let's say they want to sell this time max extra this rolex you're going to see they're going to send pictures uh description of the watch and then we make an offer they they can choose to either consign it or they can choose to sell very easy you just need to send me pictures of that in the condition i will give you a price and you type it out a lot of my time is spent typing i need to cut that at least in half and that's pretty much it what i recommend is if a if let's say i buy this timex i want you to make an excel spreadsheet for yourself okay and start that's how you learn the market this is worth 150 type it in and over time you're gonna have a huge catalog of watches that's what i used to do years and years and years roman is very um optimistic when he says you'll know the market in three months because nobody knows anything in three months it goes crazy every day a long time to learn but as long as you can get a little better every day maybe learn a price of one watch per day that's great and over time you have a whole excel spreadsheet of things the other thing is the market moves very fast so this daytona that i paid x amount for on saturday in a month might be more but you'll you'll kind of you'll kind of get get the gist of things so that's really all i need all i need is an extra set of hands that i can count on all right i can definitely do that let's get to work so while we were getting chris set up i thought it would be a good idea to go down to the safe and have him review a few watches because he already has a youtube channel of his own so we wanted to put him to the test i'm gonna go pull a few watches for you okay cool well we have a lot to choose from where do we begin this watch right here like he'll find no information should i just give him just a mess oh that's so funny you'll never find information about it i love it give him the old james cameron how am i giving this mob i love it if he can do a review on that he's a keeper he's a keeper that's a that's a roman by ladies and gentlemen really adrian the mabusine tourbillon i couldn't find anything about that damn watch when i bought it so why buy it i got an extremely difficult one i got an easy one i got something right in the middle see how he does all right so i got three watches here for you very easy one to review which i'm sure you've seen before rolling james cameron then we got a mid-tier watch it's a little harder to review a language on time zone okay and we have this gem this is a mabusine tourbillon okay magazine mobuscene tourbillon this is a roman watch let's see if you could do a review on this okay all right this is a challenge moba scene huh what's so special about this watch specifically the movement specifically the movement it was a movement in something else richard mille thank you that i know but everything else about the watch i got no idea what are you telling you tell him to learn and do what now i need him to take this away from me this yeah you play the vienna what's beethoven's favorite fruit that was corny that's kind of funny though [Music] just replying to some customers learn the systems learn how everything operates now everything works [Music] hey sabina are you ready yes okay now that dennis is gone i wanted to talk to sabine about her new responsibilities hello hello have a seat i wanted to just talk to you about when dennis was here he had you know a bunch of ideas that he had for customer service and um he's not here anymore so now it's all you how much of this has he like discussed with you he pretty much had me just do the basic needs for the day um he didn't express on like any ideas right um besides what he already implemented so what what are your what do you do right now like what are your responsibilities so i just have to make sure everything's up to date basically to like a zero right with a d so like what are the first things tips ebay okay so i actually discussed with him when he was here to have you guys kind of um help with uh repairs and um appraisals uh returns of course do you do returns usually yeah okay so with when it comes to watches it's kind of um it's more complex because it's not usually it's not like you know a bracelet comes back we send them a new one it's not that easy unfortunately yeah it's like if my customer sends me a watch and i will copy you an email with natalie and you just have to follow up and be in contact with that customer okay for for all the sales people okay um same with appraisals carol usually does the appraisals i don't know if you want her to teach you how to do it so you could just do it quicker um because when she's not here yeah they don't get done his idea was great but we actually we still need to implement it yeah within the company you know okay so i have faith in you hopefully you can do it all right sounds good thank you so much so alex was down in florida and he went over to our friends at timepiece trading to do some buying and got me an agent on facetime to help i'm ready yo what's good i'm getting ready i'm getting ready to circumcise the tpt boys hello mr roman how are you doing sir anybody order a circumcision uh what do we what do we got boys it's not a way to start negotiation let's start oh baby definitely a lot of options all right so what are we doing i guess we'll start with this the what is that havana or safari that's an old that's a safari what is it the g cereal h cereal ice cream i cereal it's a safari how much do they want for it yeah can we make this a little faster half our building is coming down this one's taking 30 minutes there's an old safari how much is that papers or how much is it this is 2014 complete next not this one what about the old one it's recently serviced two straps full set we can do 21.5 off close offer 21.5 right that's so cheap it's so cheap that tpt can't even sell it i sexy goddamn you look even better on oh man look how good looking that's a good looking right there that's a beautiful piece you got off thank you thank you i appreciate it how much is that gold offshore 47 000. how much 2014 complete 47 000 probably just sold one for 41. you should know that alex next up same watch how much i think alex is working for the wrong 17 full set 47 so sorry no the two gold also we just sold them for 41. do you want to pay 20 for that just an old-school themes white doll what's that i got f cereal yeah white papers and the watch only just because i like the way to watch this i don't have room like that unfortunately paid more ah please okay short three lengths watch only uh we can do for you 115. wow adrian just called it from the back it's like he's going to say 115. next um how much is this uh it's watching card retail ready we can do 41.5 15 400. okay next white concept box papers boxing papers marks and papers yeah we're 85 000. we have to get it shipped to us eighty-five thousand like new what watch your papers you want sixty-seven rows yes yeah like four year i'll tell you now that's too much let's go too far one concept how much did you say one step we can do 193 then complete wow like no wow what else yeah what about this how much uh we can do 90. adrian just agent just fell over what's your offer on this make it 39.5 or do 50 and 750. no no that's not for us either how about the old tucson daytona two-tone daytona it's a full set 2006. [Music] what's with the chocolate oyster flex is it converted chocolate moisture folks they're sending back okay i can't hear myself how much is that green offshore yeah when mike comes back from service i'll sell it to you for about nine thousand cheaper where the panerai's and the iwc's that we offered on what the ones we bought i don't know the ones we always offer on the longas the brigades the brigades the [ __ ] that you guys don't sell oh here comes the orange box pulling out the orange box if you're interested how much i can give it to you with papers for three seven five i will let you know on that in 24 hours like i think i have one in coming how much is the rm16 rose that was limited so it's more than a normal pitch i believe yeah you know why they have 10 in the world they couldn't find 11 schmucks to buy them what is that what is that next to the rm16 can you zoom in alex this one yeah is that the is that the erotica striker yes with or without diamonds i can see how much is that 725 retail number eight out of 18. they found 18 oligarchs and then russia took their money away retail 415 000 okay your price for today only yes yes no crazy crazy okay no is that a 5960 platinum i'll give you 50 000 which one i'm not gonna i'm not gonna ask about the bugatti jacob i know where you into that for uh it's been like this it's been like this all day bro what do you want for that round richard meal we don't want that you know i mean ryan but there's honestly some marks here i'm holding a trade in my hand fire like what's the price 470. what do you figure we just bought one bro what would you do in trade if i gave you this and took the frosted and the other very low what i don't care give me a trick give me a trade price give me something else then because this price is not making sense for me forget the sense give me a number who has sense in this business everybody thinks we're nuts as is dealing with uh what else is there to see alex how much is the partial skeleton there's one on chrono for 22. all right sound sounds like sorry we're going to end this meeting because too many people in the room all right peace spend a lot of time on the phone going back and forth back and forth we did ended up doing a few deals so it was certainly worth for alex to make his way down into the office uh where they're spending a couple hundred grand which reminds me i had to go sign up a wire of course as i'm trying to do a bunch of deals and buys and sells with adrian guess who calls the crowd's favorite which is the same thing facetime videos [Music] i don't know i have a proposal for you i hope you can help elliot yeah ellie elliot elliot has two repairs at 97. right elliot has two root beers but how much 97. there's there's about five grah um the trade for me there's about five grand martin in total right right why because i have a 100 limit for me i will lose that i will lose that deal nika has an issue the banking that he uses allows him a 100 pound limit per day which in our industry is a death sentence why why would i do that i could just call elliot and tell him to float you for a couple of days what's the problem i'm you're scared you're scared to tell six million followers how you feel every day but you're scared to ask a fellow watch the other confront you hold on let me add a call thank god well he kind of owes me a hundred grand so you know oh elliot how are you nice of you to join us can you do me a favor can you can you please on my word float this gentleman 90 how much 97 thousand dollar purchase all right yeah sure no problem i appreciate it thank you so much bro i appreciate that and then maybe you should talk to a different bank no we're moving to hsbc net takes about a week and then it's like that's a million days thank you peace thank you love you bye why were you scared to ask because bro you know you know big people in big places now you know adrian you don't know me i don't know hi bro i'm gonna see you in an hour i only pick up my phone every 10th time peace adrian don't be jealous just because i have a better hairline than you ah [ __ ] nico wait wait i got this ready what do you have that i can flip real quick so what are we thinking about the rm that we can't show we're talking about we can't show it realistically how much am i in it 5.95 5.95 u.s realistically right did you just get heartburn from that price like what about what happened no us dollars huh what is there what is the i'm just gonna ask it um what is the seriousness of this watch popping up everywhere in the uk what is the what do you mean like i'm like if i if i lay out 600 grand it's 5.95 don't don't don't jack the price what do you what do you mean by that so i want to know i i don't want to risk a big drop can you talk english are you are you worried are you worried about investing 600 000 that's what i'm getting and then what yes and then what why but why do you gotta invest that money i'm thinking of stalking it but let me ask you a question why do you need to stock it if i already paid for it what why do you need to stock it if i already paid for it in a habit fair enough because i want something my what is my risk if i what is the risk here if i if i it's the same risk with every single watch we buy every single day i can't answer yeah if you pay if you pay ten thousand dollars for watching what's the worst thing that can happen you lose ten thousand it's not it's not about the money but what is my risk i i get all these guys like stones okay they're not all right no my market all right it's not my market okay so i so what with all this says the manager just sold the richard but with all due respect if that's the case then you don't then you don't pay such a premium for a watch if you don't know the market a dealer who's paying this type of price for this watch has been in the game for a while and has a lot of outlets to sell it there's no need to risk that type of money i would rather sell you i'd rather i'd rather see you flip if you if if you feel like you may have somebody for it i'd rather so you actually sell it with and take no risk why need why do that yeah the bottom line is there is only three i guarantee you three on the market as of right now that i personally know of and the other two are asking more money okay i told you one simple thing don't go crazy don't lose your mind and don't spend the penny sid chill analyze okay i would rather instead of you putting 600 into that you take your first million quid i'll give you the merchandise to invest it into you don't need to jump to a six hundred thousand dollar watch i know i told you earlier that to sell half a million dollar watches and to sell million dollar watches you have to have million dollar watches you've been in business two years you gotta crawl a little bit i've now sold several rms no yeah you bought three or four from us so it's not it's not the point but you didn't have to take any risk when you did that yeah hey nico i have this watch oh roman i sold it here you go i already took the first when i bought them i appreciate that i'm gonna see you in about 17 minutes let's go to adrian's office adrian's office for a second i know you gotta say as you guys have heard by now some of you may have visited the show we had an opportunity to help our friends over at beers jewelers in jacksonville florida with a trunk show they were holding a big event for their vip clientele and they wanted to showcase some watches which is not something that they do they reached out to us i sent alex and nick down there before we did that i wanted to run it by my sales team as well as my partners let's just say uh i got mixed emotions gary you know you heard of beer diamonds in jacksonville they've done we've done a little bit of business anyway they have a huge store it's like a 15 000 square foot store in jacksonville florida they're doing a private event on november 11th so he wants us to display our watches there he doesn't want anything out of it he said you sell under your name i don't care i just want people to know that i have access to watches that i'm with you guys and whatever you sell you keep all right we're gonna we're gonna ship all we're gonna ship our inventory we're gonna send two salesmen down there to to stand there and do what look pretty that's that's all i'm afraid of you don't you hey you don't know that is the possibility there's a pasta there's always a possibility like anywhere we go any given time how much the question is how much do we need them how much do we need them we don't but we're so what how do they differ from any other wholesale account that we have since it's not it's nothing to do with wholesale accounts what is this is a retail show but what is what what what is our purpose there to sell watches we can sell those watches here and pick up clients here why do you need to take the risk and send people down there they're going to pick up the lines we are picking up the clients that's what i've told i'm trying to tell you he told me he's like i understand it you have you're going to have a signed luxury bazaar you're going to sell watch okay mr negativities just look can i finish my sentence no well why because this this this is why we have one it's one night the goods are going to florida anyway on the way to the trade show it's going to take four it's going to take a day out of myself are there additional costs selling the product they're picking up there and applying it to my own they're going to have expense maximum three thousand dollars if they make one sale they're going to make up for it you guys meet 100 clients in an hour if you want adrian one has nothing to do it does what do you mean it does one has nothing to do with the other physically they're with the watchers and their clients coming i've you you asked the question i vote no you vote yes you vote yes leah what do you vote i don't know you vote no personally i'm saying i have this one why the question is long-term why do because i'm going to why immediately i'm going why immediately jump into it and do it just because you're not immediately a nice guy but i'm actually talking about it so just can you chill for a second no it sounds like you already made up your mind i didn't make up my mind i'm trying to i'm trying to explain it to you but you don't let me because you you miss a negative right away i think it's a bad idea and one of the things that i was trying to relate to roman that if you're going to come to your partners and your advisors and other salespeople and ask their opinion and come to a meeting don't already have your mind made up if you already have your mind made up then just go do it so if you come to me for my opinion you're going to get it so for us it's an opportunity to i'm not i'm not planning on taking everything there we're going to take 50 60 watches top stuff that people are going to want to buy we sell a few watches worst case scenario ask the kids how many clients they picked up at the new york trade show besides what we sold a ton of numbers how many and it wasn't even the main guy that was talking it was his friend that was something and then there's like seven or some of those friends that are all gonna buy watches my goal is very simple if these guys first of all if these guys can sell watches and if that crowd can sell hey we get that client he said i don't need a penny from you i don't need anything i just want you guys there with watches okay who's gonna go there alex and nick we'll prepare for we'll give them all the pricing we'll set up mauka to go there from there they'll ship it to right to the show to miami they'll just drive it over that's it listen their clients already have watch dealerships i guarantee you my goal what happens my goal is exposure so i don't like to argue for argument's sake but there's always a reason that so why i argue with roman sometimes he likes to jump into things without really really thinking about it and i just felt that there really was no upside to this trunk show i've done many trunk shows in the past i know exactly what they're about and the trunk shows that we did didn't really yield great results but like why not though yeah that's that's what do you mean why not did i not did you not hear what i said you want to go go i vote no i don't i i've been in business long enough to know what these shows we have never done this there's nothing to talk about the expense is three thousand dollars at the most okay the boys will fly in for a day no problem okay malka will will send the merchandise with malka malka will pick it up and send it to the show we should prepare everything and that's it there is nothing to talk about it's not make it or break a deal send the boys there okay let's see what happens he's in tampa bay but close enough okay yeah all right anyway whether we sell 10 watches a watch or no watches bottom line is we get to meet and greet new clients and for somebody to open their doors to us and invite us in which will cost us an additional couple of thousand dollars in transportation costs and a day out of my salespeople's week this is a good opportunity so why are you bitching alex let's take a shot why don't you uh go book your tickets to jacksonville [Music] natalia yes good morning yes good morning how may i help you your english is getting outstanding eli can you shut down the russian gangster music for a second thank you so much the show in miami november 15th right yep so this is there's a little bit of a twist to it we are doing a trunk show on november 11th in jacksonville at beer diamonds what i need to happen is that partial shipment is going to have to go to beer diamonds is going to have to get there on the 10th find out when they're going to pick up for the actual show and then find out if this is enough of a time frame for them because they have to get it there on the 10th partially then i don't know if they want to come back later and get the stuff for the show then it's going to have to go then they definitely have to pick up that friday and ask them if they pick up that friday is it going to make it to our trade show on monday for beers do you want to only watch it so you want uh it's going to be it's going to be a little bit it's going to be a small it's not going to be a lot so i'm going to take everything i'm going to take maybe 50 60 watches maybe and i'm going to take a little bit of jewelry okay all right okay and then once you once you tell me when i'll scan it all out and we'll go from there as we usually do i think it's time that we take our talents to south beach i'm dead at serious i'm dead serious so for a while now with this amazing exposure and success that we've gained through youtube i thought that it would be absolutely essential to open up a brick and mortar some type of location in my favorite city and i think in the most booming city of miami the first thing i walked in here and that's what did i tell you i said i know we're considering miami as a market for a destination store a big store design district concept store and the likes of chrome hearts and a likes of just a nice concept store with a cafe with a bar then i walked around new york there was a store literally a block off of vancleaf and arpel on 57th street available listen i have nothing against new york i love new york as a city i just feel it's an oversaturated market and i feel like there's a lot of growth potential to be had in miami there really isn't anything like what we have to offer down there in new york they have a lot of boutiques they have a lot of points to sail selling the same type of stuff we do and miami it's a little bit more wild west right now it's not there i think it's i think it's in like the beginning stages i mean the biggest plus to miami is south america and we have a lot of south south america like i mentioned has not even opened this board like they haven't even come back to argentina the venezuela not venezuela argentina brazil we have jet fuel behind us right now with youtube with the exposure also let's think from a logistical standpoint first and foremost marcus goes to college i mean that's a big that's a big plus think about it you're opening up your second location physical space marcus goes to miami you're already renting in miami my pops is building a condo in miami alex has a condo in miami my father-in-law has a condo miami i don't have a condo in miami it's a two and a half hour flight logistically it's not like we're moving across the world so i'm talking to our accounting firm right now i'm looking to raise about 150 million unless we're raising a significant capital what's going to happen is we're going to still end up in the same position we're in today if we open up a location be it miami new york be in zimbabwe i don't give a [ __ ] right we'll make that decision that location is literally going to become a shipping room for luxury bazaar i don't want to one of the things you have to also understand is that the concept story that i have in mind is it's going to be very techy web-based so as they walk up to a rolex showcase for example right oh you can't see what you find here scroll through here holy [ __ ] here's a built-in ipad we have we have inventory displayed however should you decide to display it but also a tech vibe tool where if we don't have something they can just inquire with their own some type of tablet some type of piece of tech right and that automatically sends it to all of our sales people to send it third but at the end of the day as much exposure we have as big of a company as we are and have gotten people still like that retail people still like to walk in people so like to shake your hand who's going to talk to you in that store i'm going to be in that store so why not miami beautiful climate beautiful people my family pretty much is slowly but surely moving there anyway and not to mention it's just a better quality of life well that's an issue for luxury bizarre all together losing adrian to a different location no matter how close it may be if it's miami yes it's a two and a half hour flight but he's not physically here that's an issue this guy's a earner right he sells a million plus a month here at lb i just don't see how all that is going to play out i think step number one is we raise a little bit of money step number two we decide what the landscape of the staff looks like for that destination location wherever it may be there's no move to miami unless i'm able to do two things afford to buy a ton of additional inventory literally double eye inventory of course and have the cushion to be able to afford to hold that image before you and alex decide to go there there better be a badass replacement here speaking of which we still have to make a decision on chris and ultimately so i spoke to him last night ultimately i wanted you to make that decision because that's he literally will be under you he so i i reached out to him yesterday i thanked him for coming while he was uh had his layover in charlotte and i just get a good like you feel his willingness to work you know willingness bro he's willing to he was up earlier than me this morning how about that 4 30 in the morning he was he was forwarding me he worked 4 30 and he works nights i was like damn bro like you got me beat so that's good so as i told him before he left i said listen if you lived around the corner here in philadelphia area i you i would have hired you right here and now the only thing i said i'm considering is uprooting your life from south carolina moving you to philadelphia is it how necessary is it to physically move him it's absolutely necessary why do you say that well the content that he's gonna create for one uh the support he's gonna get too by him sitting here next to you living and breathing buying [ __ ] watches all day every day in three months time you're gonna create a [ __ ] monster i get a good feeling from him i do too so um so i'm gonna text him and tell him to give us two weeks notice well let's let's let's think about let's think about what i need from him moving forward okay i really do and so why don't why don't you why don't you get vladim glad you got a minute we like to do things properly here so we're thinking about we actually want to hire this kid from south carolina uh you sit down jot down some bullet points vlad would turn it into a document and we'll we'll we'll email him a uh an official offer so we made the decision to hire chris and see how he does yes it's a big to-do i am a little bit nervous that i made him uproot his life and move here both myself and adrian are confident that he will do well here they're parading because nick's in town i feel like megan would hold this stallion you mean tried to bring out the big guns you know what i mean i have so many people that ask for these watches they're just designed like crazy go with luxury bizarre they're the best
Channel: Roman Sharf
Views: 138,071
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: luxury lifestyle, luxury watches, watch, watches, luxury, rolex, audemars piguet, richard mille, roman sharf, roman sharf rolex, what's on my desk, q&a tuesday, luxury watch reviews, luxury bazaar, Patek Philippe, Grey Market, Roman Sharf Grey Market, Watch dealer, theo and harris, timepiece gentleman, tim mosso, watch eric, how to be a watch dealer, producer michael, david dobrik, stevewilldoit, gray market, bark and jack, timepiece trading, miami, manny khosbin, hodinkee
Id: gcGku-7Vs4Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 36sec (2376 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 15 2021
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.