Are Tounges a Gift for Today?

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What About Tongues? I think we're certainly confused on tongues. Here's what I mean by that. Tongues are marked by subjective certainty for many. Some of you are thinking, "What about tongues? That's not a question at all. I speak in tongues in my private prayer closet, or I speak in tongues in the church that I'm a part of so why is this even a question?" Subjectively, you've experienced this, so you have certainty there. I want to be careful here, but the only problem is not every religious experience is divine. Just because we've experienced something doesn't make it true. I don't want to offend anyone in saying this, but there are similar practices to tongue-speaking that are in other world religions such as voodoo and witchcraft. There are certainly religious experiences that are not from the Spirit of God. At the same time, tongues are marked by objective confusion for many. There are many people who think tongues are weird, dangerous and should be avoided at all costs. The Cessationists would say that tongues have ceased, but I really believe that there is not strong biblical evidence for the cessation of tongues or prophecy or healing just like we've seen. There is not strong biblical evidence. What do we think about these things then? Tongues defined. At Pentecost, tongues are intelligible languages that may warrant translations. They are speaking in intelligible languages. They're speaking languages that are understood by different people from different nations in Acts 2:1-12. Elsewhere—for example what Paul is addressing in Corinth—tongues are unintelligible languages that may warrant interpretation. Not translation but interpretation because they're unintelligible. They are not understandable without an interpreter. Speaking in tongues involves prayer or praise, spoken in syllables not understood by the speaker. "For anyone who speaks in a tongue does not speak to men but to God." (1 Corinthians 14:2) Speaking in tongues is primarily directed to God—prayer or praise, spoken in syllables not understood by the speaker, primarily directed to God. 1 Corinthians 14:14 says, "For if I pray in a tongue, my spirit prays..." It occurs in the Spirit. My spirit prays. That's what 1 Corinthians is talking about. Unintelligible languages that may warrant interpretation such as prayer and praise spoken in syllables not understood by the speaker but directed to God in the Spirit. Tongues described—in public. We have 1 Corinthians 14:27-28: "If anyone speaks in a tongue, two—or at the most three—should speak, one at a time, and someone must interpret. If there is no interpreter, the speaker should keep quiet in the church and speak to himself and to God." Here's the picture: Paul says speaking in tongues involves an interpreter who reports to the church the general meaning of what is spoken. If there is no interpreter present, then the speaker needs to be quiet. There must be an interpreter. Speaking in tongues is also characterized by self-control. The New Testament does not give us room for frenzy, disorderly conduct. There is self-control that is a fruit of the Spirit, and it's so controlled here in 1 Corinthians 14, you have one, sometimes two and at the most three people who would speak in tongues. The picture here is, even tongues at Pentecost, they stopped speaking in those languages when Peter started to preach the gospel. Speaking in tongues involves an interpreter, is characterized by self-control, and must edify the church and glorify God. All of these must be done for the strengthening of the church. They must edify the church and glorify God. That's what happens in public. Tongues in private. "He who speaks in a tongue edifies himself..." speaks " himself and God." Paul seems to have a favorable view of people who speak in tongues in private. I think it begs the question. I'll be honest, I've never spoken in tongues in private or in public. I know people who have spoken in tongues in private or public. I've been in situations of both. This picture is the private speaking in tongues. I don't think Scripture says there's no way this could or should happen. At the same time, spiritual gifts are given for the edification of the church. So, speaking in tongues in private, at least causes some question of how this is edifying the church—edifying the people of God. If I have the gift of teaching, and I teach in private, it's not going to be very good, but at the same time, I certainly respect a lot of folks I know who have talked about a private prayer language, and there seems to be room for that in 1 Corinthians 14:4 and 28. So, unless you take a completely Cessationist view, I think there's an openness here in the New Testament to speaking in tongues. But the key question I want to make sure of is this: Are tongues normative? I believe Scripture speaks very clearly on this. Listen to this direct quote from a charismatic manual: A person should claim this gift [talking about tongues] in confidence when he is prayed with to be baptized in the Spirit. Yielding to tongues is an important first step and it is worth putting effort into encouraging a person to yield to tongues, even to run the risk of being labeled imbalanced. Often, people can be helped to yield to tongues rather easily. After praying with a person to be baptized in the Spirit, the team member should lean over or kneel down and ask the person if he would like to pray in tongues. When he says, 'Yes,' he should encourage him to speak out, making sounds that are not English. He should then pray with him again. When the person begins to speak in tongues, he should encourage him, 'After you ask to be baptized in the Holy Spirit and ask for the gift of tongues then yield to it. Begin by speaking out, if necessary, beginning by just making meaningless sounds. The Holy Spirit will form them.' I do not believe Scripture backs that up. This is something the Spirit does in His sovereign operation. If we're going to seek anything, we're to seek gifts that most edify the church, which is why Paul says, "Seek prophecy." Even here in Acts 10 and Acts 19, they certainly did not have the charismatic manual. At the same time, this question, "Are tongues normative?" Again, look to Acts 10 and 19. These were very unique experiences that were going on in this period in redemptive history, and I don't think they provide us with a foundation to say, "Everybody should be based on Acts 19 because Paul placed his hands on these guys, and they spoke in tongues and prophesied. Everybody who has the Spirit or is baptized in the Spirit [which is a phrase that's not used there] should speak in tongues." I think that is going way beyond the bounds. I think that's taking, again, narrative passages in Scripture and making them normative. Tongues in Acts occur in groups and their primary purpose is to demonstrate the advancement of the gospel in light of this new period in redemptive history. They occur in groups for the advancement of the gospel. Speaking in tongues in Corinth is different. They occur with individuals who use this in the context of the church and their primary purpose is to edify the church in worship. We have to be careful not to take narratives like Acts 8, 10 or 19 and make them normative for everybody. "Well this happened to them so this has to happen to everybody." This is a very basic Bible study principle. When you look at narratives in Scripture, don't look at the narrative of Abraham offering his son Isaac on the sacrificial altar and thinking, "Every dad needs to do this if he has faith in God." We don't say those things. We don't look at the story of Daniel and think, "I'm going to prove my faith by going and spending the night with some lions," or "I'm going to be Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego and jump into a furnace." These narratives are not normative. There are points of Scripture that give us commands. Let's follow those, and then seek to understand narrative in the context of redemptive history. The conclusions to speaking in tongues are that speaking in tongues is not normative evidence of New Testament faith. I'm not saying that Scripture is teaching that tongues has ceased completely. I don't think Scripture speaks very clearly on whether or not they have ceased, but I think Scripture does speak very clearly that they are not normative evidence of New Testament faith, and they are not a necessary expression of New Testament faith. Mighty movements of the Spirit of God have not been hindered by people not speaking in tongues. This is very important. I'm not saying that if you speak in tongues that's a bad thing by any means. I don't think Scripture speaks very clearly on some of these things, but I think Scripture does speak clearly that we should not say to others, "You need to speak in tongues as evidence that something has happened to you in the Spirit." I think we focus on what we know from the Spirit like the fruit of the Spirit, filling of the Spirit, the proclamation of the gospel and the power of the Spirit. That should be happening—not tongues.
Channel: Radical
Views: 326,621
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Keywords: David Platt, Tonges, Secret Church, SC 5, Exploring the Holy Spirit, Radical
Id: gRTp_JS_5sU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 34sec (574 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 05 2013
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