Are these the best fountain pens in the world? Visconti Fountain Pens | Now Available!

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[Music] hi I'm Kirby Allison and welcome back to our YouTube channel dedicated to the Timeless world of quality craftsmanship and tradition for those of you who subscribe to this YouTube channel it is no secret that I am a lover of Fountain pins and enjoy collecting these beautiful riding instruments there's just something magical about the way a fountain pin Glides across the paper creating a unique connection between the ride and their thoughts so when we had the opportunity to carry visanti here on Kirby I jumped at the opportunity Visconti is a name synonymous with Italian excellence and artistic prowess in the world of writing instruments founded in the heart of Florence Italy this brand has a rich Heritage dating back to 1988 and it continues to set the standard in both Innovation and design in the world of Fountain pins as part of our Italy series we had the incredible privilege of of visiting the Visconti Factory in Florence where we witnessed firsthand the meticulous craftsmanship and dedication that goes in to creating each of these Exquisite writing instruments from the careful selection of materials to the Precision of every nib visanti truly embodies the spirit of Old World craftsmanship that we hold dear here on this channel in today's video I'll take you through a journey of our carefully curated collection of Visconti pens showcasing the Elegance Style and functionality uh that visanti is so well known for visanti is creating absolutely exceptional Fountain pins and they have a huge portfolio of absolutely beautiful pieces uh and going through their catalog and selecting the pins that we were going to launch here on Kirby I have to say it was an exceptionally difficult task because to be completely Frank I wanted to carry everything uh but that wasn't possible and so the selection that I have here is a curated selection of what I consider to be my favorites uh in some some of the most timelessly elegant pins within Visconti's portfolio now that said if there's a special visanti pen that you see or have had your heart on uh certainly reach out to customer service we'd love to help you acquire that uh we have access of course to their full portfolio uh but here is our core collection that we're going to have online and in stock here on Kirby like with anything that is handmade or handcrafted as these Visconti Fountain pins are uh really the sky the limit in terms of of how much a fountain pin can cost I mean visanti some of their extremely rare and limited edition pins which they release every year go for thousands of dollars now that is not the price point that we have here in this collection but we do have a nice range and so one of the pens that I want to start off with is uh what would be considered an entrylevel pen for visanti this is their Mirage uh myos pin we have it in three different colors they Apollo which is a red a Zeus which is a blue blue and one more color which is a purple this is a beautiful Fountain pin and for someone that is looking to get into the world of Fountain pins and wants to maybe try it out before they uh take the leap and an invest in something like a homo sapiens uh this is an absolutely exceptional pin to start off with uh that really embodies all of those iconic characteristics that one expects from a visanti fountain pin of course we've got the curved clip right here that is meant to Echo the Pono which is the famous bridge in Florence uh and the visanti boutique is really just a few steps away from the Pono and one of the things that you'll find in visanti is really drawing on that uh Renaissance Heritage that you find in Florence their entire collection really weaves the history of the Renaissance period into their pens uh you see it in the designs you see it in their acetates and of course you see it even in the naming uh and so this is an absolutely beautiful pen a great starter pen if you will uh it has a again this beautiful acetate that you would expect from visanti those beautiful colors the marbling opening the pen up we see that it has a beautiful gold nib again it feels great in the hand it's the perfect size uh opening it up uh it comes uh stock with a simple converter so this again allows you uh to fill any type of ink uh into this pen which to me is one of the greatest features of a fountain pen is the fact that you can access all of these incredible wings so it has that magnetic closure you kind of see that right there you know this is a fantastic Fountain pin for anyone that's looking to start off the second one I pulled for this video again has that yellow gold this is the Zeus version of the Mythos right it's a beautiful blue again showing that marbling uh in the acetate that uh for which they are so famous and this of course is with the way that it is made every pen is going to be completely unique in one of the kind so again uh and this is a $199 pen if you're looking to jump into the world of fountain pens these are absolutely beautiful now up next we have two pens from the van go series of course Van Gogh an incredible artist uh and each of these pens uh is inspired by different van go paintings uh the marbling of colors here uh is really absolutely exceptional uh this is the starry night I mean this is an absolutely just stunning pen again look at the beautiful colors here of that I mean absolutely gorgeous it has again the magnetic top right it has that iconic Visconti clip beautiful detailing uh uh and this has a stainless steel nib but again is absolutely beautiful uh all of our nibs that we offer here have a medium uh point but if you want a fine or a broad of course we can switch those out U beautiful pin absolutely beautiful you know look here uh this is the van go painting of course that is famous uh and this pen you know drawing its Inspirations uh and its coloring uh from this painting is really you know something quite remarkable um so this is the vano uh star KN and then we have the Souvenir de moav uh and again this is a beautiful pink look in the marbling here again echoing the art which at each of these boxes you can see that the art from which the pen is drawing its inspiration is printed on the front of the box and look how that you know lines up right there uh so absolutely a stunning pen again this is maybe a great gift for your wife um magnetic closure stainless steel nib now what's interesting about this one right here is that it comes with a special pink ink and again going back to the fact that uh you can fill your converter with any kind of ink any color and there are literally uh hundreds if not thousands of options out there it's really fun to play around think it's something that I particularly enjoy okay so pivoting back here we have two two other exceptional pens uh now these are a small assortment of the overall collection we have I don't think this is comprehensive for everything we'll be adding new pens as we grow our collection uh but the Opera again another absolutely beautiful pen I love the again the acetate color this has a slightly more squared off shape to it which I like of course that iconic visanti clip this has the um the twist cap for which Visconti is famous right so this simply twists and then locks so look at this really comes undone very easily and then twist so it's just a really not even a quarter turn so it's not threaded it's a simple twist and lock so this has a goldplated steel dib it's an oversized nib quite long uh which is uh really uh beautiful kind of aesthetically uh and absolutely gorgeous pen I mean I love the gold details as everyone knows I love gold on this channel uh and then the other thing that is unique about this of course you've got the see-through window right here where you can see into the chamber to see how much ink you have uh This Is The Blue Fountain Pen I mean blue being one of my favorite colors absolutely gorgeous piece now in addition to this as I mentioned we have the same one in black and in red so this is the black one another really uh interesting really quite Innovative feature of the visanti Opera pens is the actual Reservoir system and so this has what is called a double Reservoir chamber and what that means uh is that you are able to empty the ink Reservoir uh and you know basically put it into a second chamber and lock it in there for whenever you're traveling uh which completely eliminates the risk of any ink leaking out of the pen um I mean it is an incredibly uh Innovative feature for anyone that is traveling or apprehensive about traveling with the fountain pin it really allows you to do that with absolutely no problem so the way that it works is this you know uh the Piston unscrews whenever you fully uh pull it back it's going to empty the chamber right it's a vacuum then you would put it into the ink weld jar right and as you depress this down it is going to fill the chamber with ink and then you screw it all the way down to lock the diaphragm that is in between uh that bottom chamber and the top chamber so let's say uh you're going to travel you're going to get on an airplane or maybe you're going to throw this into your briefcase and you want to empty that lower chamber of all of its ink so that you don't have to worry about it spilling you simply unscrew this cap and then pull it up and you just de press this just a little bit and what it does is it opens that diaphragm that separates the lower chamber from the upper chamber uh and the ink will be simply pulled by gravity down uh into this upper chamber and then you depress this you uh screw it all the way down and lock it and now that diaphragm that's between the upper chamber the lower chamber is locked off and no ink is going to fall into that lower chamber so completely eliminates the risk of any ink escaping this pen uh which is really incredible I mean as long as you travel with the pen on an airplane with the nib facing up you generally don't have to worry about the ink spilling uh and again I'll travel with my pen in my briefcase I'll have the cap on uh so worst case scenario whenever I get off the plane I might have to you know rinse my pen in order to remove any spiled ink I've never had any ink get on out of my jacket or anything but this again completely eliminates that now whenever you're ready to refill that chamber you would unscrew the Piston pull it back a little bit and then simply turn that pen over and that ink is going to flow down into that lower chamber once it's full and again you can see through this window you'll simply depress the piston and then lock it uh and there you go so all of the Opera pin feature that double Reservoir which have to say is a you know for less than $500 I mean this pen really features a lot of bang for its Buck goldplated stainless steel nib and then with that same double Reservoir pin uh piston system so absolutely beautiful pens and these are very distinctive I mean you show up at a meeting with one of these and you take your notes with a beautiful visanti Fountain pin like this and it's certainly going to uh make an impression up next we have uh what in many ways is probably visan's most iconic and well-known pen and that is the homo sapiens now what is unique about the homo sapiens pins is that the bodies are created from lava that is sourced from the Mount Etna a volcano in Italy so the pin body itself is actually made from Lava Rock versus uh an acetate which is what we see in the other pins uh now what's special about that of course is that it is an incredibly strong material virtually unbreakable comfortable and warm to the touch uh and the other really unique characteristic is that it is slightly hydroscopic which means that the Rock absorbs the oils and the moistures uh from your uh fingers as you're riding with it and so it just help keep you know your fingers and your hand very dry it has an absolutely beautiful texture again 100% natural material uh now given that this is one of Visconti's most popular penss we have it in four different models of course we have the Bronze Age which has this bronze trimming it has again that lock safe mechanism right here and then at this point you know we really uh you know getting into the higher kind of levels of the visanti pens uh it has a 24 karat gold nib with beautiful detailing and decoration and visanti is now making all of their nibs in house so they stamp these nibs themselves uh and this again has that piston filling system that double Reservoir which allows you to get a really exceptional amount of ink into this pen really much more than ordinary pens so absolutely beautiful pen we have this in the Bronze Age we also have it in the Dark Age which is right here again with that kind of black out Chrome an absolutely beautiful pen the nib is an 18 karat gold nib but this one uh is plated to have that darker look to it so this is again a very very kind of sexy pen and then we have two other really interesting ones this is the uh Skylight right so same very similar design but it has a through ring right here at the basee of the pin allowing you to see how much ink is left and then you have a window you know right here that again allows you to see into the reservoir uh to see how much ink uh is left so uh interesting characteristic of the pen pull this out let's [Music] see there we go I mean again you know visanti is probably best known for their Renaissance inspired designs but uh the technical engineering of these pins uh is really very nice as well uh and then right here we have the crystal dream very similar uh to the Skylight except that instead of a small little window right here you actually have an entire uh part of the chamber itself or the pin body and that is clear it has again and then has that very kind of unique mechanism and again what I like about this is if you're someone that really enjoys kind of the internal mechanism of a pen uh in many ways kind of like the crystal backs to a fine watch I really like how this Crystal element on the actual pin body allows you to see into the filling mechanism and then finally we have two very unique pens these are limited edition pens exclusive to the United States uh and these feature an acetate from a very famous person here in the United States his name is Jonathan Brooks who is known for mixing or really kind of cooking up these incredibly interesting designs here I mean look at this the marblings of greens and blues here is really absolutely exceptional this is the same uh model as the operaen but with that limited edition a very exclusive acetate this is numbered at one to 88 there's only 88 of each of these produced in the United States of course this is a slightly more expensive pen it's right at $1200 uh so it features a 18 karat oversized gold nib and that same piston filling mechanism you have a slightly larger window right here I have to say is an absolutely stunning pen and this is number 75 of 88 and have to be completely Frank I might take one of these for myself because that is just gorgeous uh you can really see the difference uh in the uh the acetate here in the marbling I mean comparing these two together you know just the iridescence that you get from this Jonathan Brooks version uh is a world of difference I mean not to diminish the standard operas I mean they are absolutely extraordinary and beautiful but this you really see the Artistry uh of the mixing or kind of the cooking together of that ocate right here gorgeous so this is the the star gazer uh and then next we have The Firestorm again especially if you enjoy the gold accenting and trimming this is extraordinary and what I love about this is it has this uh transparency to the A that gives it a depth I mean you feel like you're looking into the pen uh and honestly this particular one right here really kind of reminds me of just Amber uh you know kind of um you know fossilized Amber being able to see into that again beautiful 18 karat rose gold nib absolutely beautiful pen so this is our inaugural collection of visanti fountain pens again we kind of made the decision to only carry fountain pens I I'm kind of taking a position here we're not in the business of selling roller balls I mean we may add some but I feel that no one uh really has an excuse not to use a fountain pen if you write with a pen there's no reason not to use a fountain pin uh and a lot of the misconceptions of fountain pens are either Antiquated uh out of date or just simply not true you know these Fountain pins are exceptionally wellmade they're not going to leak uh you're not going to end up with ink all over yourself you can travel with these pins again uh as long you keep them vertically oriented so any depressurization of the air pushes air out versus Ink I travel with my Fountain pin quite often and then the other thing is the reason they all have these locking caps is to prevent that cap from coming off in your briefcase or in your suit in the pin leaking so they've given a lot of thought to the design of these pins now in addition to that riding with a fountain pen uh is less tiring on your hand you don't have to apply as much pressure uh so your hand is not EX exhausted at the end of the day uh the pen uh you know really Glides across the paper with the beautiful Fountain uh pin nib uh and then in addition to that you have access to the absolutely extraordinary world of custom inks uh and so that's what I'm going to talk about next inks of course to me in some ways are as important if not more important than the pen itself uh it is that opportunity to further personalize or individualize that pin uh to really being just for you uh and so in my office uh I probably have I don't know 10 or 12 different inks and one of the things I really love to do is to match the color of the ink to the pen itself so say you know for something like this you know I would use a beautiful brown ink something like this one right here this Mythos in the blue uh I would use like a dark Navy so not a blue but like a black blue you know this right here would be fun to find you know maybe something that has a little bit of green in it so in a fountain pen you can fill it with any ink that you want you can fill it with different inks throughout the year uh and this is is just uh really where it gets fun so here in Kirby Allison with the launch of our inaugural collection of Visconti pens we have a small very tailored collection of inks of course we have the standard Black Ink well we have a standard blue but with our van go series uh Visconti has um Blended or created a series of inks that are associated with the each pen so here for this uh Souvenir de muav you can see that this actually comes with its own beautiful pink ink that matches is the pen and the painting and then right here we have the beautiful kind of blue associated with the star night so we have those now again visanti has uh just a massive assortment of inks and so if we see interest in these we'll probably expand the collection uh if there's something that you're interested in that you don't see on the website of course make sure you reach out to customer service we'd love to help you acquire that uh and here it is our inaugural collection of Visconti fountain pens I hope you're as excited as I am uh if you're looking to dive uh into the world of Fountain pins uh there's really a few better places to start than right here with visanti this collection uh is a nice assortment that I think really represents the full scope of pins offered by visanti and we're excited to offer them to you here on Kirby so of course the best way to support this channel is to shop online at Kirby it's how we keep the lights on how we roll these cameras uh and so there you'll find the largest collection of luxury Garment Care and luxury shoe accessories in the world as well as other great clothing accessories for the well-dressed like these Visconti Fountain pins like this beautiful a sovereign great necktie pocket squares braces over-the-calf dress socks and so much more so if you haven't taken an opportunity to visit Kirby please do we really have what I have to say is a an extraordinary catalog it's really quite broad we sell so much more than just hangers and shoe polish and so take a look at Kirby otherwise of course I'm Kirby Allison and I love to help the well-dressed acquire and care for their wardrobes while exploring the world of quality craftsmanship and tradition thanks for [Music] watching
Channel: Kirby Allison
Views: 22,238
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kirby allison, mens fashion, hanger project, fountain pen, visconti fountain pen, fountain pen review, visconti, visconti pen, fountain pens, luxury fountain pen, fountain pen ink, stationery, accessories, luxury, writing instruments, collector, collections, style, writing, accoutrements, italy
Id: lQgddfKSfAI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 19sec (1279 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 15 2023
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