Are the NEW Nintendo Switch GLASSES the FUTURE?!

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over the course of the last year or so we've taken a look at a lot of these powerful handheld PC consoles like the A and Neo and the aneo geek which they literally just sent me their new one yes there's already another one this is us taking a look at what might be possible in the future of gaming but this video isn't about what's playing the games it's about how you are experiencing the games the future of how we all play video games [Music] it out sorry I was just uh well if Kim asks I was I was playing Mario Kart you might be out of town by now but I just love fun gadgets whether it's a pair of glasses that can play my switch or a pair of high quality earbuds that cost half the price of other premium wireless audio brands on the market yeah this video is sponsored by raycon whether you're looking to pick up a pair of everyday earbuds or low latency gaming earphones or even a speaker with a battery that'll last you all night long raycon has got you covered that's a lot of reasons why I love these little bad boys to start with you get eight hours of play time from them and then when you're done you put them back into this little case and it acts as a charge Bank charging them back up for the next time you want to use them also I usually use them when I go for walks or when I'm working out they're great because they don't fall out of your ears no matter how much you shake your head and their sweat and water resistant oh and on top of that their noise isolate look I've been working with raycon now for quite a few years and I keep coming back and they keep coming back because we love each other and even if you know you'll love your raycons as much as I love mine break on wants to make sure you feel great about your purchase they offer buy now and pay later options every purchase has an easy and free return guarantee so if you're ready to buy something small that has a big impact click the link in the description box below or go to buy forward slash beat em ups to get 15 off your order now if you'll excuse me I believe we were all in the middle of watching something I don't know how he does it the glasses are here you know I kind of thought the bucks for a pair of glasses would be pretty small but I have these two gigantic boxes that were sent to me I also have my switch with me because I'm hoping they at least have a little bit of charge in them I want to capture me playing it for the first time I want that experience to be recorded there's another three boxes in here I gotta be honest I don't know how these things work how any of this works there's a mobile doc I gotta bring the glasses around with me and a dock around with me oh okay so we have two ports for two individual pairs of glasses it would have to be a two-player game where you're both on the same screen but that's still cool okay so the switch goes in here okay all right I want the glasses where are the glasses give me the glasses these have to be the cool guys the guys are gonna make me look so stylish they sent two pads that's so nice of them oh that's so neat oh I'm so impressed by the box it's only uphill from here surely I don't know why my little Goblin brain is loving this so much but this is such a satisfying box to open oh they are some chunky frames how do I look I feel like I look one of two ways I either look like a really cool guy or somebody who bought gaming glasses off the internet and it's just looking to kill some Koopas on the go I want to turn them on I wanna I wanna play I go like such an idiot right now oh I couldn't find the freaking cord for these anywhere I forgot about the case they came in the cord is stashed in the top of the case but I checked the other pair of glasses they sent me to see if it was in there and these ones are blue so I don't know if that's making me look any cooler than these guys but nice to have options I guess oh magnetic it snapped on really nice I'm all plugged in oh well it just came on I can't see half of it so there must be a way to adjust uh my eyesight somehow and I finally have it not being blurry I mean it's honestly pretty wild I had Persona playing because I was playing it earlier today I know you guys can't see I can put something on the screen so you can feel like you can it sounds great there's little speakers above my ears here it's playing Persona music directly into my uh my earlobes you can barely hear it when you take off the glasses so people around you aren't going to be able to hear especially if you're on like a busy train or bus the image is really clear it honestly looks like I'm just looking at my switch in handheld mode if you've ever seen uh Heavy Rain where the inspector guy is like playing a game with his glasses and it kind of projects the game out in the world I kind of thought maybe it would look like that but it actually it just looks like someone's holding my switch they're just holding it up for me for me to see and it's literally just blocking my vision of everything else but it's really clear like I can't stress that enough it's bright vibrant looks like I'm looking at my OLED switch the only thing that I'm really struggling with is it's too low I gotta figure out why but when I'm wearing it I'm not looking directly at it I gotta angle my eyes down to look at it and I can't look down because it moves surely that's something I'm doing wrong so when it comes to all these different nose pieces to make it sit differently on your face I fiddled with all four nose pieces even tried to move it around my face to weird positions to see if I can get it to line up just so I'm looking straight at it and not having a look down even a little bit right here is about the best spot and I still have to look down just a little bit I want to be looking here and I have to look here not a big deal it just feels weird it almost feels like I can't relax my eyes and game plugged in the other pair oh no way these ones are way better yeah this is really cool this is really sick I am probably going to be playing more Persona because it's an excuse to play more I've been absolutely slamming this game lately I'm almost 40 hours in so I think I'm about done with the game because that's how long Persona is Right chat chat I've never been live in a month and I'm still doing that I gotta go and play these and find a way to record the footage for you guys I'll come back with my thoughts on if they're worth whatever they cost because at this point I have no idea but they are working and they are cool is it the future I'll let you know all right by now you already understand what's happening here these are what they're calling XR glasses that can stream movies and play your video games on the go right here in front of your eyeballs really freaking cool I mean I don't look cool I think we've established that they do look kind of dorky I'm not gonna lie they're so thick because they have to be because there's so much Tech crammed in here however they are incredibly freaking cool I am so blown away by these first up I need to do a disclaimer here there's almost no feasible way of me recording what I'm seeing I have tried I mean the meats in what you are here to try and witness today is he hidden behind these two lens and unless you come over my house and if you do please bring cookies and milk why am I Santa Claus unless you come to my house and you put these on your face your yourself there is no way you are going to get the experience you need your human eyes up close to crisscross them and on top of that my camera lenses don't get that close they're blurry that close most camera lenses are unless you have one that's specifically for that and the only way I could get any footage of this is to record on my phone it's not a good representation it looks like I am filming a picture that's this big because I am it's gonna be really hard to actually show anything in this video you're just gonna have to use a little bit of imagination and wherever possible I'll show you what I've got on my phone but it's not a good representation because I can't stress enough how good it looks when you're wearing it you just kind of gotta imagine a giant 120 inch screen right in front of your face here's what I can tell you though it looks good it is so clear clean and crisp it's not like putting on a quest 2 and really having to find the sweet spot so that you see and not blur worry it just looks great there's little knobs on top because these things can go all the way from my 2020 Vision to your prescription lenses obviously you got to do a little bit of tweaking maybe to find your correct eyesight but for me out of the box it worked because I think out of the box it's set to normal eyes I was about to say your eyes are normal normal and pretty and beautiful and great my God you're gorgeous I missed you I am being serious when I say that I like the look of the screen in here more than my OLED screen maybe I'm an idiot but there's something really cool about it in fact I thought maybe I was a dumb idiot poopy head and I was just blown away by the tech and I wasn't giving it a fair Shake that's why I made sure to try these on my friend Bob he's more into this kind of stuff than I am as far as screens and Fidelity and frame rates and plan and I knew if it passed the Bob test than I wasn't insane so while recording our podcast this week I stuck him on his face foreign you ready to Jack in whoa yo I feel like I'm burning my retinas out already don't overthink it too much I'm going to that's my job I am Sora all right he's beating my ass right now barely see anything how do you feel about the screen quality I'm feeling I'm using split joy-con right now I'm not happy about that it's shockingly nice it is very nice I thought I was gonna be able to see pixels they have really good sound they kept boasting about the sound the Oculus Quest has a similar thing where like it's like above your ears but it sounds like you're listening to stereo sound yeah sorry now it's getting intense Bob and I are playing smash that you charged that up for a whole year for what I was waiting for you is that worth it I feel like you've finally adjusted to the glasses and you're just playing now I would never want to do this oh I just shook my head and it got it so last night after Kim and I tried him out in bed whoa okay now I kept playing Persona and I don't know it was kind of sick I could very easily sit here and do this whatever happens I will blame it on the tech that I'm using [Music] can you make the screen go uppies I was trying like I can see black on top I know it's really weird it's like it's it's too low that's kind of a huge problem for spending so much on a screen I like the idea that it has a little dark situation do they look cool no cool though yeah anyway I wanted to try them I hope you like them obviously it's not perfect but the actual screen looks the screen is very clear from what you can see he loved them he was surprised as well by how good it looked and also how great it sounds if you ever used a quest too you've had that experience so if you haven't got earbuds in but the way it's shooting sound down and around your ears it sounds like stereo sound when I boot up Persona 5 Royal the intro scene at the start has surround sound kind of with the Sirens of the police it sounds like they're leaving and coming and like going there I don't want to keep with the fluffing about stuff that I can't even show you so let me show you how it works they don't require a charge you don't need to battery the things at all they're good to go right out the box they never need to be charged how does that work I don't know I assume it just draws power from whatever you plug it into so each one comes with this chord it has a magnetic clip that's awesome all you need is the glasses and this cord to play your steam deck on the go I'm not kidding plug it in that screen's gonna throw straight to these there it's already in the glasses now that's just a little image that you'll see if you're looking from this side obviously if I put them on I have a 120 foot screen floating in the sky right above my face one of the first things that Bob asked was how do you know it's a 120 inch look are they just making that number up because you're just seeing a projection in your face I don't know how to really explain the perspective side to you but if I put these on and loaded up a game and then I went right up to a wall like a wall like a like a flat wall and just looked at it it's gonna look like an image about this big because I only have the reference is the wall I'm staring right at but if I went to like an open area or a football field and I sat in one of the seats and looked out onto the field now suddenly I'm seeing an image this big and I have this whole Field behind me and the image is going to look massive I don't know if that makes sense to anybody but I'm trying to make it make sense either way it's big I promise I can kind of see through it they do send these little covers here if you want to completely black everything out it honestly gives the screen even more pop and it is really nice so I guess it depends if you're like on a bus and you kind of want to be able to see everything but also play your games but if you're sad at home you might just want to throw these on so that you get the full experience so that's how you use it on the steam super easy if you want to use it on the switch you need to have this charge dock it's about 90 bucks so you do have to get an extra thing if you want to play on switch you can also get this mounting case that Clips onto the back of your switch and then you can also clip the power bank in like this all you gotta do is plug it in with this cord that comes with the power bank you just plug your headset into the power bank as well and now it'll throw straight to the headset so now I've got my switch in there just like that the reason why it has this power bank I think just because the switch doesn't have the technology to throw to anything other than a dock at least it doesn't recognize the glass as the way the steam deck does literally everything else recognizes the glasses I mean I can even plug it into my Android phone yeah the switch won't let me do that so you need this thing but the added advantage of having this thing it has two ports for glasses so you can play two player games from the one switch or you can just have someone plug in and watch whatever you're doing another one is it will charge your switch it does act like a charge pay and on top of that this Bank also comes with HDMI yeah I plugged my PlayStation 5 straight into this bad boy and it works the same way as the switch I was playing God of War Ragnarok in the glasses it really is that simple and it's playing the games at 1080p it's just playing them one big complaint that's been happening throughout this video it happened when I tried them on it happened when I gave them to Bob and my friends the screen getting cut off by the bottom of the glasses I messaged them about this too and asked if there was any solution and it was something that they're aware of apparently there is a neck brace you can get the neck piece connects to the glasses and you can wirelessly cloud game and you can stream TV movies and stuff and that's the best way of doing that I mean that's pretty sick but with that neck brace thing apparently you can adjust the size of the screen too you can even lower it in a corner if you want to quickly see what's going on around you without that neck brace you can't adjust the size of the screen at all it is just the big 120 inch screen and you really have to get the glasses in The Sweet Spot to not have any part of that screen cut off from the edge of the frames I went through all the different nose pieces I went through shuffling this thing around my face the way I found that it looks best is the first nose piece keeping it just a little above my face and then and then just scooting them down a little bit and then I can see everything I'm really okay with it if you get in that sweet spot you'll see everything and it works really really well something I didn't mention is that they can do 3D I was actually downloading Sonic Generations earlier because I I heard that has native 3D oh wow oh wow oh geez oh God it's made of 3D but it's made it 3D in a tiny little box I don't know what aspect ratio that is because I'm an idiot but it is a square of Sonic I would not want to play the game like this so this company they're not the only company to make these smart glasses and I would love to get my hands on more and see what else is out there because I feel really confident in this product and this idea being something that is future bound we are headed there it might take a little bit for the tech to get to the point where people might want to wear them but sitting in public with glasses on and watching a movie or scrolling through Twitter that is absolutely something that is coming it's here it's just how long is it gonna take for it to become affordable and to catch on but this is going to be a thing is it the future of Gaming yeah I think it's going to be a big part of future at gaming now again this isn't like the replacement of TVs monitors VR or anything like that it's an addition too you're already taking your switch or your steam deck on a train you're already taking sunglasses with you in summer when you go somewhere you even take headphones or headsets a lot of the time to listen to your games that you're playing chances are you're already wearing or having something on your head while you're already taking a console out with you what's the difference in putting the headset into the pair of glasses putting on the glasses you probably would have been wearing anyway and I know right now we're having to use a cord and I'm honestly fine with it a lot of headsets use a chord anyway eventually we're going to end up figuring out bluetooth for these suckers too I've been on a plane before and I've turned on my switch and the OLED screen has lit up like the entire section I'm sat in and I feel like I'm bothering people also like when you're lying in bed next to someone you don't want the same thing the lights the sounds all of that there are so many practical uses is to it just being a thing only you can see for you heck you could sit in class and watch a movie or your parents don't do that I want to give a huge thank you to vit Rue vitrue for sending these over because I mean they're not cheap I probably should quickly talk about the price each pair of these glasses are gonna set you back about 500 the power bank if you want to use it for switch is another hundred dollars that thing that wraps around your neck if you want to get that accessibility is like another hundred dollars it's not cheap and I'm not sitting here trying to recommend any of you rush out and buy this I'm not sponsored by them so I don't have to but I wouldn't want to anyway because it's so hacking expensive I'm just letting you know that these are sick and when they become affordable this is going to be insane are these right now worth it yeah because there's nothing else I can do this right now so if you want these this is how much they cost the tech is new the tech is expensive would I buy it out of my money no I probably wouldn't otherwise because it's insane all right that's it I had a lot of fun working with these things for this video let me know what you think of them down below if it's something that you think is the future of how people are gonna play games or if you think it's just silly like subscribe and thank you guys for watching and sticking around after my long break this is my actual first video I'm making back so I hope you guys liked it bye
Channel: BeatEmUps
Views: 573,270
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Nintendo Switch, AR Nintendo Switch, smart glasses, mixed reality, ar glasses, nreal air, nreal air review, nreal air smart glasses, nreal air ps5, best ar glasses, augmented reality glasses, Virtue, Virtue XR, Virtue XR Glasses, Virtue Glasses, Virtue Unboxing, Virtue Glasses Review, best AR Glasses, Best AR Glasses 2023, Nintendo Switch Glasses, breath of the wild, tears of the kingdom, zelda, AR Glasses, nintendo switch vr, nintendo switch ar
Id: _Ar7gk84DM8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 16sec (1216 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 18 2023
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