Are Super Aggressive Podcasters Secretly Gay?

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what's up with these um I think we lived in an era man to where some of these guys and I'm really starting to think this right I was talking to one of my homeboy I play ball with he's a psychiatrist right he told me that these hyper aggressive older men that sit around barking all the time they have a lot of latent homosexual tendencies know but listen what I'm saying it kind of makes sense because when you spend so much Mike che's Moore and bravado and you just up trying to just challenge everybody that means you got some stuff that you don't feel good about inside yourself I'm very comfortable with my own skin man I don't have to prove to a mother I'm the hardest [ __ ] in the walk in the block and doing all that that's ridiculous man you know what's going to wind up happening you go wind up get [ __ ] out there [ __ ] backs going to be giving out [ __ ] legs going to be giving out we old now man knock it the off I I I like I said we we come from a time you know we have disagreements upon mother and you know it's just it's just like it's like people talk so much about us as a people and why we can't never get no recognition or respect or nothing because we do dumb [ __ ] man I mean like not not not calling nobody dumb I'm not saying nobody dumb I'm just sometimes our actions you know our actions get in the way of what can be maturity for us you know um I I've I've never heard a situation within you know within the white Community where a [ __ ] got you know this situation arises and next thing you know you got you know threats and and all that and whatever you know in in they situation they do amicable splits and then it's over and done with you know in our situation it always got to be taken back to the hood you get me everything results in the hood nature you know um you it's it's it's unfortunate man on some other stuff though man we could get off that negative tip for because listen on on that last note we've all came you get me and and I'mma say me you I'mma say them I'mma say him look at look at look at what you came through man you get me and and I'mma put this in the mother picture form of [ __ ] you came in as a mother you know Vietnam you're a recruit you're a young mother 17 you join the hood you going through all the Bob wire and mud and you know how [ __ ] be under their training went through all that you done it's some [ __ ] who don't even make it you get me you done watch your homies die you done seen [ __ ] awall you done went through all that trench and made it to the other side been through Wars been through mother [ __ ] getting their legs cut off and arms and you done been through all that made it to the other side you clean right now and you mean to tell me you want to keep crawling through that yeah man man you got you got to be you got to be amazed at what we've came through to get to this mother if you from Compton or South Central LA watch Long Beach whatever Cleveland God damn man if you done crawl through that mother mud and you sitting up right now doing a podcast come on man you got to be appreciative of where you come through [Music] if I lie my nose will grow like Pinocchio we going to tell you the truth and nothing but the truth [Music]
Views: 1,576
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: aggressive podcasters, S#C%P&, smooth cut productions, gangster chronicles, gangsta chronicles, aggresive podcasters, aggressive podcast, aggressive interviews, aggressive life podcast, aggresive podcast, aggresive interviews, aggresive life podcast, podcasters, aggressive
Id: E3FU3muuVnU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 14sec (254 seconds)
Published: Thu May 09 2024
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