Are Mixed Race Faces Truly More Attractive? | Physical Attractiveness and Culture | Beauty Culture

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halibury keanu reeves and wentworth miller are all examples of notably attractive celebrities and theirs and others heritage have not gone unmentioned they are mixed race the question of whether mixed-race people are on average more attractive has been fraught with genetic anthropological and not to mention political debate while many have rejoiced at the notion that a new race of less genetically imperfect people were going to provide an upgrade to the stale homogeneity of the west others have raised concerns that mixed-race people would lead to fetishization and objectification of the exotic which some have used to explain the growing popularity of afro-european eurasian and blasian models a study by lewis and colleagues from cardiff university school of psychology collected a random sample of 1200 black white and mixed raised faces from facebook profiles each face was then rated for their perceived attractiveness to others on a scale of 1 to 10 by 40 female students they found that mixed race faces were perceived as being significantly more attractive than either the white or black faces this effect was significant for both male and female faces and in spite of the highly significant effect the size of the effect was small with racial background accounting for just four percent of the variance or the spread of the data in other words in attractiveness ratings interpreting the distributions of the data from the current findings means that if we were to take a random mixed race person and a random non-mixed race person there would be about a 60 chance that the mixed race person will be the more attractive of the two which is above the probability chance of say 50 where if i were to just take them randomly if there was no difference after all the small difference in attractiveness however occurs across the whole range of the faces as a result the faces that fall within the upper percentiles of attractiveness are greatly over-represented by mixed-race faces for example 40 of the faces in the experiment were mixed race but among the top 10 percent of the most attractive faces and this proportion increased to 65 percent of the top 5 percent most attractive faces where 74 were mixed race in other words the most attractive faces were made up of primarily mixed race faces if we extrapolate the distributions found here to a country say the uk with approximately two percent being a mixed race population then we would expect to see the top 1 percent most attractive people containing approximately 11 percent mixed-race people in general by the demographic of the uk on the basis of male data or 13.4 on the basis of female data the results show that people whose genetic backgrounds are more diverse are on average perceived as more attractive than those whose backgrounds are less diverse this can be predicted by genetic theory heterosis or hybrid vigor is an idea originally conceived by darwin in 1876 that crossbreeding within species leads to offspring that are genetically fitter than their parents duvic 2001 explains that this process has been so vital in the development of agriculture during the 20th century that most of the corn produced in the developed world is now based on crossbreeding which is a so-called miracle of agricultural development at the time of its inception the impact of heterosis however is not restricted to bodine milk production from dairy cows can be increased by crossbreeding cattle and meat production has also benefited from this process there is also even some evidence that guide dogs that are crossbreeds are faster learners than purebreeds lipman and zmer 2006 describe how offsprings from parents with greater genetic diversity are genetically fitter than offsprings of parents with less diversity although the exact mechanism for this is still quite heavily debated one debated mechanism posits that infants who are able to withstand the prenatal toxins or pathogens may be more symmetrical and and less prone to the regular irregularities of asymmetry contrarily the mixture of deferring immune systems subject to different evolutionary pressures has actually been found to increase the overall functionality of the immune system thus the toxigenic stresses that the body is placed under in the womb are lessened in mixed-race people leading to greater facial symmetry less irregularity and healthier skin this is supported by the fact that genetic diversity or heterozygosity is associated with a lower incidence of many diseases including hepatitis b and hiv and have a lower risk of developing the skin disease of psoriasis which is significant because healthy skin plays a clear role in attractiveness as we've covered on the channel many many times before genetic diseases can also occur when a person inherits two copies of a defective gene this is more likely to happen in a homogeneous population with little genetic diversity such as ashkenazi jews who are several times more likely to suffer from tastas disease in 2004 craig roberts professor of biology at the university of newcastle in the uk found the first direct link between diverse genes and facial attractiveness he examined genes of the major histocompatibility complex mhc a set of genes that are very much crucial to the well-functioning immune system and those photos of people with the greatest mhc diversity were rated as more attractive than individuals with less mhc diversity here actual health the ability to resist infection was linked to perceptions of attractiveness and this finding is very much crucial to the whole tenet of this video topic in a second experiment robbers found that women rated close-up photos of heterozygous males skin as healthier than close-ups of homozygous male skin so mixed race versus not mixed race parent and those judgments correlated with ratings of overall facial attractiveness as heterosis can be argued to be a universal biological effect is it likely that given the aforementioned findings that humans are also subject to its influence which might in turn explain lewis and colleagues finding race is a far less clear-cut concept than has been presented by past anthropologists and biologists and it's by no means perfect it is very much a social construct but we can nevertheless use race in terms of european east asian african ancestral origins as a blunt tool to identify related clusters of genetic similarity on average people from the same race will share more genetic material than people of different races even if that's not 100 true for every set of individual however this difference may be as small as an additional ten percent of genetic variability between individuals of different races than within the same race as presented by jordan wooding 2004. heterosis if present in human populations would therefore predict that the offspring of a person with european ancestry for example and a person with african ancestry will have more hybrid vigor than the offspring of parents who share either common european genetic ancestry or common african genetic ancestry for heterosexus to affect attractiveness it is necessary that attractiveness be related to genetic fitness genetic fitness as we've covered on this channel many times is one of the best indicators of physical attractiveness because it's correlated with healthy immune systems and diverse genetic quality and not genetic quality in the sense that one physical feature is better than another genetic quality in the sense that you don't have any deleterious alleles as the biologists would call it these findings also seem to replicate across different cultures the experiment by gillian rhodes a psychologist at the university of western australia found that when caucasian and japanese volunteers looked at photos of caucasian japanese and eurasian faces both groups rated the eurasian faces as the most attractive this experiment would also refute the notion that despite the statistical significance of the findings in lewisha tile study these results could not be explained by random chance in that those selected from the mixed race sample also happen to be the most attractive regardless of their ancestry what this means in very simple terms for the brainless twitter trolls out there mixed race faces were found to be more attractive in multiple studies regardless of what their parents origins are as long as that they're mixed race this means that eurasian faces blasian faces i don't know the mix between east asian and south asian the mix between southeast asian and indigenous aborigines anything that's mixed race is on average more attractive according to the findings of louis atal and then so forth from gillian rhodes this is proven because the methodology from gilean study was based on creating visages which were created by first digitally blending a series of faces from each race into a composite to create an average looking face or the middle of the road feature basically if i face apt a east asian face and a african face and whatever you get from that from past videos and the studies we've covered for those videos that we've shown on the channel average features are consistently rated as more attractive than exaggerated features which is known as coinophilic attractiveness returning to culture the findings that japanese and white subjects preferred mixed race faces was quite surprising because early in that same study most volunteers rated their own race as more beautiful than others that is white people typically prefer people of their own race japanese people typically prefer japanese and so forth and this is because of the familiarity effect which is again another concept that we've covered previously in the defining beauty series this suggests that these studies findings cannot be explained by merely cultural phenomena mixed race people are not attractive because they're shown on tv more often for example rhodes findings also dispel the notion that the offspring of the most common cross-race pairing of european and african have afro-european specific traits which are more preferred an example rather than caramel colored skin being somehow inherently better than regular skin or dark skin or light skin it is more likely that people associate it with higher skin quality because of the immunobeneficial traits that we mentioned earlier of having two very diverse immune systems come together this is supported by robert's second study which mentioned earlier found that women rated close-ups of heterozygous male skin more highly than close-ups of homozygous male skins if we take this theory to its logical conclusion countries in areas with more mixed-race people would obviously score higher in attractiveness than those without one example is brazil whose history has been defined by ancestral heterogeneity with admixes of portuguese european african mestizo and even japanese ancestry being common through a series of migratory waves throughout its history as expected we see a disproportionate number of brazilian models in the modelling industry despite the disadvantage that comes from hailing from a largely non-european country and speaking a marginal european language of portuguese adriana lima seems to be the perfect example of a brazilian model who may highly benefit from her incredibly mixed heritage with portuguese native brazilian african japanese and swiss ancestry given that attractiveness is related to genetic fitness from human montgomery 2001 we might therefore expect mixed-race people to excel in life success outcomes as well when we look at sport we see that although mixed race people comprise of only around 2 of the uk population and afro-europeans are even lower than this they are vastly over-represented in the english premier league 33 of players in the premier league as of 2017 were black or ethnic minority with a significant proportion of those being mixed race in response to the notion of african superiority in sport in 1971 african american sociologist harry edwards wrote the myth of the black male's racially determined inherent physical and athletic superiority over the white male rivals the myth of black sexual superiority in antiquity later in 2003 the jbhe foundation published an article in the journal of blacks in higher education where they pushed back against the idea of a black gene leading to black superiority in athletics a concept referred to here as racist theory the jbh contended that if there is a black gene that leads to athletic prowess then why do african americans 90 of whom have at least one white ancestor outperform blacks from african nations in every sport except long distance running could it be because of their mixed race ancestry we also see this in sports where homozygous ethnic minorities are typically less well represented in formula one the only driver of african descent is lewis hamilton and even then he's a mixed heritage while the only notable golfer of african descent is tiger woods and again his of mixed heritage this is a trend in many sports where ethnic minorities are not present or very poorly represented is lewis hamilton or tiger woods truly better than a all chinese or all thai or all african or caucasian because mind you this is tiger woods racial ancestry then does that mean that is actually better than them because of being mixed race or is he allowed into these sports because he has european ancestry which mind you is much more of a racial and cultural issue rather than a biological topic which is not what we're covering here to round off this video there is good evidence to suggest that mixed race people do benefit from the heterozygosity just like dairy cows do just like bees do just like corn does and every other biological organism follows the rules of evolution i've also mentioned the cliche on this channel that achieving the peak of attractiveness involves both symmetry and averageness but also one or two of these exotic or idiosyncratic features that sets them apart given the larger scope for genetic variation among those of mixed race heritage it is not yet clear that they benefit from the trademark indicators of attractiveness symmetry averageness proportion dimorphism you know those ones or do they benefit from being more exotic looking and thus their appeal would go down if mixed race people became more common then there's also another touchy issue where in many ethnic minorities particularly in the west people have this inferiority complex where they believe that by mixing their genetic ancestry with european or caucasian descent they can improve their looks and thus become more occidentalized i covered this issue very very long ago one of the earliest videos on this channel on ethnocentrism and how it affects our perceptions of beauty we're basically the gist of it and i'm reading off the top of my head in countries like brazil there's this attitude that brazilians mixed with european ancestry are better than those mixed with indigenous south american ancestry so i recommend you go watch that video just to get the quotes and where this idea comes from and to get more information on it because i do remember this being a thing 100 the last social caveat that i want to touch upon just before we end this video is to consider that does being mixed with european ancestry actually provide more social mobility like in the case of tiger woods or lewis hamilton or are they truly better than their non-mixed race counterparts i mean i'm not seeing any blasian formula one drivers i'm not seeing any blasian golfers so could it just be a coincidence that tiger woods and lewis hamilton are both european mixers or could they be a deeper idea at play of social mobility again these are not discussions for our channel this is for a channel to talk about racial identity and racism but the idea that mixed race faces are more attractive very much is represented in the scientific literature now if you want to know how attractive you are then have i got something for you you can go to the curves website and order a facial aesthetic report where you can get your face assessed by our professional team of doctors and dentists who will give you surgical non-surgical non-invasive just tell us what type of advice and how far you're willing to go on ways that you can improve the way you look and have a very meaningful glow up get professional pragmatic advice from our team over at the curves website also if you don't follow us on instagram or tech talk please follow us there i want to get those numbers up we do put a lot of time and effort there's an entire department that makes content for those outlets and i do want them to be seen by people especially my own audience so please do follow us there [Music]
Channel: QOVES Studio
Views: 156,364
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: photoshop instagram, photoshop tutorial, fake models, instagram models, instagram vs reality reaction, instagram vs reality expectations, facetune, instagram airbrush, facial aesthetics, attractive face subliminal, attractive face tips, how to get a beautiful face, rate my face, beautiful face affirmations, lookism, jaw exercise, modelling, modelling faces, vogue, mixed race, adriana lima, gisele bundchen, hapa, blasian model, eurasian model, halfie model, brazillian model
Id: EoKqbxhG8Tg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 7sec (967 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 08 2021
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