Are Italian Style Stilettos Switchblades Practical? Part 2

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hey guys what's up Carter here I really hate to do this video and I debated back and forth whether I wanted to or not but what the hell why not this is a follow-up video to my are italian-style switchblades practical that video i put up what was it two weeks ago something like that sir sighs received a lot of flack in fact it's kind of the video with the worst likes to dislike ratio that I think I have and oh yeah in fact it may be the not only the video that has the worst ratio but also I think it's the video that has the most dislikes I think it's got like seven or eight and a lot of people hated that video I don't quite don't quite understand why but this video is in response to that and by no means am i changing my position back quite the opposite I'm kind of wanting to push it further and kind of get some more examples of my position first off I have some switchblades here and well first off I love Italian style stilettos I do it's been a while since I've kind of really been into them but man there's just you know nothing cooler than when you pop these suckers open that sound and just the look of them growing up in the 80s all kinds of movies had switchblades absolutely love them but you know I'm not gonna just because I like something doesn't mean I'm going to make believe it's some sort of you know something that it's not first off here we have switchblades of Italy this is written by Tim Zinser dan fuller and Niel punctured I'm sorry if I'm the spell or mispronounce any of those names excellent excellent book if you are into Italian style stilettos this is really the only book for you there's not a whole lot of stuff out there specifically tailored to it there's a few and this is by far the best this is not a novelty book you know this isn't like a little crappy book I mean this is serious research went into this into the history which isn't easy because you know the history of italian-style switchblades is murky at best a lot of it wasn't documented a lot of it's just memory and hearsay so a lot of effort was put into compiling all this data getting all these photographs of all these historical Switchblade pieces and presenting it a lot of these guys are still very very very active in the Switchblade community a lot of them are on top blade and sharper deals you know and they're just guys that have an extreme passion for switchblades so first of all shout out to this book if you are into something like this definitely pick it up I believe it was kind of scarce there for a while but they did a I mean look at this here is the patent of a it was a lot Touma an original lot to my very old school switchblade and you know this is that the patent drawing the different figures of how it works all laid out here just really really cool stuff a long long time ago so definitely yeah I think it's they did another print of it so I think you can actually go out and get it relatively easy now or at least last time I checked so definitely worth looking into but most notably no and this is all very solid information but most notably I wanted to point out some stuff in here particularly paragraph I'll just read it here so it's not so print I'm reading just directly from this book here this kind of the the introduction setting everything up before it gets into some specifics so it's not surprising that the hottest area of switchblade collecting in the richest area for historical study is the Italian stiletto not that much background is known as with the word itself much of the history of the Italian switchblade is rather murky but a good bit of painstaking researches provided some answers before we dive into that discussion however several things need to be observed first these Italian switchblades have more in common with baseball cards and comic books than with fine Renaissance Renaissance daggers or even Randall knives I point that out because in that video a lot of a lot of people would leave comments and say you know stiletto daggers were designed to penetrate rip rib cages in close quarters assassination attempts and a right back yeah absolutely but we're in this video did you think I was talking about daggers you know just because the stiletto name is present in both stiletto is just it's a descriptive word it just means long and skinny I mean you could say you could describe anything as having a stiletto shape just because that word is present both I mean they're completely different knives and in my title I specifically said Italian style switch blades and in the video I only showed automatic Italian style switch blades and that's all I ever talked about so it did get a little annoying you know just over and over again people bringing up these stiletto daggers and basically saying I was wrong because of these stiletto daggers but these have nothing to do with stiletto daggers just because that word appears in both that word doesn't actually designate anything other than the shape I mean it would be like comparing it'd be like saying you know if I had like a slip joint knife that had a clip point blade and I was saying yeah this lip slip joint knife it's not good for stabbing because it doesn't lock open and somebody wish to say no you're wrong because clip point daggers were made for stabbing you know it's ludicrous to make that argument but anyway so sorry this is an aggressive video guys but I just you know wanted to talk about it let's see where were we even lotta none of the purveyor of perhaps the finest quality knives advertised switch blades as novelties and even the Italian craftsmen who made the knives didn't take them seriously the blades were seldom hardened meaning they would not hold an edge nor were they intended to be working knives or used for anything except perhaps stabbing perhaps part of the enduring charming Italian stiletto is their essential uselessness in truth they're only real virtues are that they look neat and that there's something quintessentially cool about a knife that opens by pushing a button with while there are a few instances of Italian switchblades being used in a fight and those instances are very few despite what of stance eiated media reports say it would not be a serious knife fighters choice of weapon any decent fixed blade military or honey knife would be much better choice but the psychological effect slim blade whipping out with a sinister snick the characteristic that Hollywood has exploited in over 400 films that is an advantage that belongs to the switchblade alone so right here out of this book right out of history these were never intended to be a working knife a fighting knife anything of the sort obviously it is a piece of steel and you can stab a piece of steel into something but that's a far cry from saying that it's a practical use of such a device so that's that I don't know I'll probably get 50,000 more thumbs downs on this video but I don't know I just wanted to substantiate what I was saying I wasn't expecting the backlash had I been expecting the backlash I probably would have presented this information in that video I kind of thought you know that obviously there'd be some younger stiletto fanboys that might you know just like me or or argue which is absolutely fine unfortunately none of the people that really disliked that video or left negative comments actually provided any sort of information to prove any other point they just kind of thumbs down me and said I was wrong and I'm dumb so that's where I was coming from and I'm not saying that this is 100% right but it's kind of hard to argue with all the things that are put in front of you when you kind of think about the history of these knives why they were made what else was out there and also when you consider the fact that the word stiletto just means you know a long skinny blade it doesn't really designate anything other than that all right guys take it easy
Channel: Carter Thomas
Views: 29,856
Rating: 4.3747325 out of 5
Keywords: automatic, blade, knife, knives, switchblade, folder, fixed, OTF, cut, cutting, review, reviews, steel, blades, sweet, awesome, cool, tactical, gear, EDC, every day carry, xiuxiu1313, Knife network, SHTF, custom
Id: nTqdjS2iau0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 38sec (518 seconds)
Published: Sat May 12 2012
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