Are Invitations & Bosses Profitable in Crucible League?

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it is time to blast out some invitations because I've got a bunch of starting with the writhing invitations which are honestly probably going to be a waste of time but that's okay because they all need to go and I'm too lazy to sell them this build should be able to blast through them no problem you must win this one for me my Champion your Champion looks look delicious hey how's it going oh yeah I can easily blast through these nothing good from that one you know I should probably at least ALK them does it matter really I don't think so let's see how this one goes if this one's a problem I won't tell the rest okay doing these first while I wait for people to trickle in a bit I'll do the more interesting ones once more people get here come to feed me a champion right there we go you've uh hit me which stunned me which lets me ramp up my Withers okay so he's a little tankier oh no he's doing his diving thing please stop diving I hate this mechanic so boring oh look it dropped nothing uh I think this is the worst boss ever made I wonder how many of these I'm gonna do before I get a drop that shows up on my filter if it's not completely random any bets in the chat [Music] uh hmm the message I put in chat isn't showing up for anyone is it let me fix that quickly right and see does it show up now hopefully it didn't eat the link that time I really wish YouTube would stop eating my links but uh let me know if you can see the pinned comment s hopefully everyone can see the pinned comment now okay this is uh a waste of time yeah I'm gonna go do invitations that aren't to complete waste probably gonna waste a couple of seconds while I do this but that's okay that's whatever good for any map mod that I shouldn't run probably we'll find out we will find out if there's any map mod that I shouldn't be running right now I'm just gonna go with nah that's fine did not hesitate to inflict intense you're gonna feed all these bosses to the maven might as well do the harbinger while this accident lasts the ancient shard poison spark is very good at just blasting through enemies I cried out for the milk of the mother and it was given they danced rapturously beneath the nourishing rain instant leech feels so good on my Mana actually insane Primal Rex matriarch there we go out I go back to blasting press to the map kind of tempted to do another build after this also kind of not tempted to we'll see and the legion is I think the last thing I forced onto the map oh good we got to fight a boss that's always fun what didn't I kill I'm sure it's only one enemy somewhere but I missed oh that's what it was yeah oh it's a Carnage heart it's never an astromentis go away Sanctus Vox and nobody likes you see that's why nobody likes it his beam hurts oh Imperial though that has plus two arrows on it actually can't do plus two arrows ah the Torchlight season overall the game content is good the reason I'm not streaming it is because the YouTube content has had very low viewership and so I'm mostly just playing it off stream though I may later this week stream a bit of it on Twitch as well hey Minotaur come here I want to give you a poisonous hug thank you buddy oh fight a boss get two boss Maps easy right I used all the juicy stuff from now on we are going to just last through oh that's already captured that's already captured a pit of a Camaro got it so that means I should redo all the sets to account for the fact that I had some lying around now whoops misclicked ah it's garbage all right so one two three one two three one two three one two three hey how's it going and one two three and I can forcefully reroll this into a Camaro with Horizons wait no Hydra uh supposed to reel it to Hydra all right it's done yeah precise casual channeling is very popular at the moment uh yeah when you say could I give my opinions what do you want to know about it also which version because depending on which version you're wondering about my opinion might be well I'd rather just not hit buttons so I prefer summon Grim Phantom or it might be you need a lot of gear uh it by basic you mean without decayed mind and stuff like garbage absolute trash or summon spider tanks to feel really good you need quite a bit of gear though again it also depends on if we're talking order calling or charge calling on order calling much more Gear Reliant on charge calling less Gear Reliant definitely less Gear Reliant but I would still go Grim Phantom's Uncharted calling for the automation unless I was farming path of a brave or something life is celebrated hello Camara please get extremely poisoned thank you much appreciated cast on crit forbidden right should still be incredible especially now that you can get the plus three cold and stuff okay instead of saying dwarf give me a hero trait because I still have no idea what build you're talking about are you on order calling or are you on charge calling oh I didn't get a double boss map I feel scammed and do I have an invitation or do I have to buy one I hope I have one I have one unidentified good enough I don't think there's anything from this that I can get killed by I hope we'll find out very quickly well if a moment nothing seems to be killing me so I've clearly made the correct decision oh yeah I'm fine I'm here Phoenix come get your own poisoned hug there we go I'm gonna kill him before it goes off okay one of my kids were many faces he had kept her true face hidden uh auras on weapons if your weapon swapping is a very bad idea if you don't weapon swap it's really not that bad foreign ly a place where you often have to put them because very often you need your four links for other stuff like I have a Herald of Agony and a Vitality here only because I needed links for other stuff I have blood and Sand here because I needed links these need to be for Linked then soda visor is up here but it's okay I just have a portal gem I can cast so no weapon swap required is that a big hobby no it's a medium Harvey yeah I'll kill the medium Harvey I'm skipping Expedition for now because I'm just kind of running through these Maps I should be doing it but I want to do more bosses but we're not doing the thing that is optimal we're doing the thing that I'm doing reach is it chulula maybe nope it's all the tall all right I'll kill stuff in an old natal breach at least for a little bit all right I've run out of things to kill very nice is so valuable yup sub-optimal for fun and also I'm kind of curious how this build handles the invitations themselves so I'm more interested in those than verestra mapping of the Mind also Joker I don't think I can help you because I still have absolutely no clue what you're doing he did not hesitate to inflict pain now all he feels finally come on at this point I don't know if you're intentionally being vague or if you also don't know but without a better explanation I legitimately have no idea what you're playing how about this uh go to maxroll put your character into the Builder and then put it in the Torchlight channel on my Discord and then let me know when you've done that because if you do that I should be able to help but I don't want to give advice based on what I think you might be doing when it might not actually be the right advice because you might be playing a completely different build well personally I would go poison spark occultist or poison spark anything over spectral Shield throw but that's because I don't like the hitbox of spectral Shield throw um I wouldn't say I made hundreds of divines doing it but I definitely made quite a few divines doing it the main reason that I didn't make hundreds is just because I didn't do it that much usually I would do it as a side effect of just trying to make a weapon for myself I envy you at times service of survival any plans on selling the build when I'm done nope in general I don't sell my builds hopelessness usually I just kind of keep them I probably should sell them but I'll be honest with you I don't know what I do with the currency if I sold this I guess by Mage blood I guess the answer is I would buy a mage blood the oh that's garbage all right one of my captors refused Redemption [Music] to be fair I was a hundred before this was even a build I just bought five ways in AFK in them no those iron commanders sound like a nightmare to make no wonder people bought them if I was playing that build I would 100 buy it instead of rolling it myself too I saw Captain Lane slowly lose his sanity so I actually like that aspect of Mage blood Dominic it opens up a lot of possibilities which you couldn't do without it and if you want to do that on a budget you play Pathfinder because I have the same level of creative freedom without needing to equip a mage blood right now instead what I give up is two suffixes on my belt oh that's yeah that's brutal all right I don't think I'm gonna kill him before he explodes oh that was really close I probably should have just stood there and yeah chimera oh okay so your order calling not charge calling also uh you are way too low level to do anything specific so the first thing to do is go to Maxwell GG and go to the order calling leveling guide and follow whatever that says because most of the things I was talking about earlier were late end game decisions that don't apply to you right now so I'd start with a Maxwell leveling guide once you get to around level 80 or so that's when you worry about most of the other stuff and thank you for posting that that makes it much easier to help yep no problem so you design around Mage Blood by having it replace effects that you'd otherwise need so a really good example of this is you often need resistances as a suffix on gear but if you get resistance as a suffix on your flask with Mage blood you can replace that and that means you get more suffixes for things like omniscience for things like let's just say crit multi or attack speed maybe life regeneration and it lets you use what are those gloves called the ones that tune is always using calm spirit all of those stats can be enabled or enhanced due to designing around a mage blood maybe you use triple Elemental flasks and not only fix your res but get a bunch of Elemental damage reduction as well so you don't need Max res and now you can focus on damage shifting like fizz taken as the maven fixate zones again you can do the same things on Pathfinder now using 90-ish Eli res from Miss flask and another I don't know I'm gonna say 60 all Ellie res I think it's 90 plus 60 with my flask effect it could be slightly off there but I'm assuming it's up 100 of the time because it is unless there's reduced flash charges gained in the map which I think in this map there is and it's still almost up all of the time if I can kill stuff it's definitely still up all the time I can't see the mods yeah that's what I get for doing Blind Maps that's the only map mod that's actually problematic for this build and even then it's not very problematic because I've almost got enough that it's perfect yes I know it'd be easier to just not run those map mods but I'm allergic to identifying my maps that's why I'm playing a poison build that doesn't care about regen and doesn't care about most stuff actually I do like how every time the Chimera hits me it triggers my cast when stunned which then massively debuffs him and heals me that's great like poor boss it's just trying to kill me and it's trying its best yep that makes sense all right and I have a formed here it's unidentified this bow is impressively garbage well let's do an unidentified formed and throw all my uh junk in here I'm gonna switch my map favorite again not because I actually don't like City Square but because [Music] I'm tired of uh not being able to put maps in the tab I'm sure cemetery's fine easy poisons life is celebrating ah I think those are all ones I farmed but when I'm running a lot of log books I do buy them oh wait I did not mean to click that all right let's go back for my loot because that's kind of important but you get a lot of drops if you're constantly running Expedition especially if you use the Scarab and the sexton he did not hesitate to inflict pain now all he feels is intense Unstoppable agony and just go for as many runic monsters as possible this build feels awesome though it's in such a good spot now I think my favorite part is whoops the helmet in theory I could have something better than the suppressed there but in practice there's nothing I'd rather use the moment Necromancer silk nothing good I think you do average an additional logbook per map when using the sexton assuming it's Sextant plus gilded Scarab plus High pack size map which requires a grand design setup okay they're never formed Redemption you did not see value in a new life now New Life surrounds him I like how I'm standing in all the puddles and my health starts going down and so because I'm standing in everything I just hit my life flask and it's like what's damage damage Erasure uh Grand Design does not remove your Scarab you are thinking of the other thing Grand Design removes small nodes in exchange for adding pack size per notable allocated oh another big guy yeah I'll kill the big guy might as well do the legion as well and the essence if I went to the middle of five mechanics I'd feel oh wait never mind I feel perfectly safe anyway well that was a dead end found the dead end guys and pop goes all right so you are thinking of growing hordes I am talking about Grand Design growing hordes would disable your Scarab Grand Design doesn't hit a Beast Within his heart ah no worries gotta love just kind of running through enemies and watching your explosions go alongside you pop pop everything's dead fight fight the void protects its children tight tethers a veil of Safety and Security apparently my haste fell off whoopsie resist the assault the build is very good yeah I know a lot of people weren't very happy with Crucible itself but the state of a core game is such that even if you pretend Crucible doesn't exist and you're playing pseudo standard it's still a lot of fun which is part of why I'm playing a bit of puree right now all right so I'm about to do my second full thing and I waffled for about I don't know let's just say five maybe ten minutes so it looks like it's I probably waffled for more than 10 minutes probably about 10 minutes per invitation set which means I could in fact do six an hour not bad I thought myself different from the countless Reflections I saw etched in the darkness I am free I thought they are not and each had the same thought and each took the same path and each befell the same fate but I am to fail I repeated and heard its Echoes forever wait there are there aren't supposed to be uh did YouTube do something again one second let me get to a safe spot I should probably not stand in that let's see oh sneaky YouTube enabled the automatically placed mid-roll feature all right well it should be off now uh yes it can be removed by the Creator and I believe I just turned it off because I prefer not having the mid-rolls while I'm live and then putting them in for vivad that way when it's live it's more watchable I believe sacrifice tags do affect those Maps yes or do you mean the invitations in which case no one nice thing about YouTube as opposed to Twitch is as the Creator I have a lot of control over how many advertisements show up while live or if they do at all and so yeah I kind of wish twitch had that it's a new feature which I guess was on by default and I just didn't notice and for now now I think the best balance of something that's a good experience to watch and something that also makes me money so I can keep making content having a pre-roll on usually it's a skippable ad anyway I think is fine and then having mid-rolls after it becomes a VOD but not while it's live I have YouTube premiums so I don't see ads at all on YouTube which is probably why I didn't notice it uh YouTube didn't exactly email me about the new feature weirdly enough you'd think they'd be like hey we have a new monetization feature you should check it out I'll probably get an email tomorrow or something that would be very typical YouTube um not for good Finn wait is there a good fiend dagger I don't think there is I should probably fix my atlas tree if I'm doing this but yeah oh well into the Hills let's see if I drop emblems nope strangle yeah that's the case I've been pretty out of a loop so maybe YouTube did email me and I just missed it that's entirely possible as well one of my captors fell to no emotion he did not hesitate to inflict pain now all he feels is intense Unstoppable agony cemetery map there we go but worst is on Twitch when you're watching an actual event or something and you get hit with ads that's just ridiculous uh I do not think 70 divines is enough either at first glance I have absolutely no idea how much a lot of my gear is but you need ashes progenesis a 20 quality phantasmal spark those are all completely mandatory you will feel much squishier without blood Notch and immutable Force and as for the rest there's a fair bit of flexibility in terms of the other gear the other year you can probably fit into 30 divines if you're careful so I don't know let's say the 150 I'm just guessing at prices though I think 150 would feel really comfortable in theory you can use something like diallas before that and really stretch your budget but you're going to feel so squishy with dialys that I would not advise it chess piecewise you have a lot of options you don't have to go if exactly what I did you can go fourth vowel or alternatively you can go with um lightning coil if you go for thou you can use mahuxilato's machination for defenses which might let you drop the blood notch not 100 sure how much those items are I put this bill together a couple weeks ago now so I would assume a lot of prices have changed I think 70 was my flask plus ashes combined so maybe it's not 150 maybe it's like a hundred and ten hundred and twenty but for example how much did my weapon cost no idea I crafted it and made a profit doing so how much did my helmet cost no idea I crafted it and made a profit doing so how much did my rings cost the same answer boots same answer and in that regard I think I paid for the build entirely by making gear from a build there was a time before time and perhaps the time before that I find a struggle a much of My Mind by Petty squabbles constancy swept across like a veil and all beneath yeah EK ignite makes this build look cheap I would not do EK ignite if budget is a concern because eke ignites were sort of build that personally I wouldn't play it without a mage blood as for spectral Shield throw I don't actually know how much spectral show throw is at the moment oh the Bell was cheap the belt was Dirt Cheap I bought I bought three divines probably because it's not something a lot of people use yeah belt was super cheap I actually think I spent more divining my belt to get a decent roll on the reduced flask charges used than I did on the item itself ironically I mean that is often how it goes all of the expensive builds look super fun amazing and awesome and just completely crushed the game whereas budget builds are often clunky and slow it's why I don't play budget builds because I find them clunky and slow and prefer something that feels really strong and because I make most of my currency crafting I'm completely fine swapping up my build and pop that stretches the Senate one of my captives wore many faces yet kept her true face hidden now she cannot Escape her true face I have a lot of nice to haves but not mandatory things on this build like my ass and ass they're very expensive I'm pretty sure foreign double corrupted myself because I'm pretty sure I was like oh double corrupted ones are overpriced well I'll just do it myself and I did don't do that by the way it was very unlikely to hit anything good what about the strength stacker didn't you like I haven't played one recently but last time I did that was pretty fun bows aren't that expensive there's definitely a lot of builds that are as expensive if not more so than the average bow build these days especially some of The Crucible tree builds foreign I did enjoy it and as for how far did I delve I think around three four hundred number four all right let's go Let's uh do the formed wait oh that's the wrong like why isn't it activating that's Maven invitation the atlas not before you're super poisoned Phoenix gets super poisoned Phoenix is now super poisoned uh [Music] if you're adding any links to it YouTube loves to eat those if you're not adding any links I genuinely have no idea just YouTube things if it helps at all I'm not doing anything to delete them it's not me I blame the robots oh static strike yeah I don't think I'd like static strike either I'd play a very different kind of strength stacker probably something like Venom gyre at this point because Venom gyro is really strong yeah just YouTube stuff you know and it is what it is oh oh that poor man that poor poor man playing heavy strike yeah strength Wonder sounds good I did a poison strength stacking wander back in oh God what league was it it was so long ago now I think it might have been Heist League it was really fun I remember that I don't remember too much else about it though probably because that was actually years ago I know it's early to be making determinations like this but I kind of feel like there's poison spark Pathfinder is gonna end up going on my list of favorite builds from the past year for 2023. it's just so smooth but in truth nothing changed and we looked upon the ants with Envy awaking hypnotic slumber foreign oh yeah spark is super fun I agree I want to fight us to exist feel your life train away been a while since I played a proper spark build and I know going into this league A lot of people are like oh Sparks nerfed Spark's dead nah that's totally fine I think if you wanted to play something on more of a budget you'd go with The Inquisitor non-poison version because that shouldn't be nearly as gear intensive you don't need things like ashes you don't need progenesis I mean progenesis would still be nice but you don't need it whereas here I mean okay technically you don't need progenesis but I would not play this build about progenesis you will be so squishy like I have 4.7 K light you wouldn't know it from me sitting in a bunch of mechanics but I don't actually have that much life because I don't need that much life yep and then close spaces like delve it's insane I've been trying to get life gain on spell hit I was trying to get it on my rings with a bunch of Crusader slams and I never hit it self bristle and I should check to see if there's a good Watcher's eye I don't think there is though because I really want the malevolence mod and ideally something else to right now I'm using leeches instant and then spell each and then this thing which is pretty darn good the reflected damage taken doesn't matter oh there's actually a few for sale they look to be about 15 divines for a bad one or a badly defined one what about for a well-defined one no are there no well-defined ones for sale or are they just really expensive oh here we go 24 divides hmm 15 to 24 is a pretty big gap sure let's try it see if I notice a difference assuming that they answer of course for this version of spark yes the high barrier of Entry is you need ashes of the Stars you need phantasmo spark and for defenses you want progenesis for sparked more broadly not necessarily all right so uh that seller isn't selling so let's try this one but I want to test the Watchers I thank you perfect oh so instead of going life on hit for forbidden right you go yes on hit because forbidden right also hits a ton it is absolutely a build for unhit Stuff all right let's see how this feels I'm losing life leech but I'm gaining life gain on hit I'll see if I notice it at all but if I don't notice it I'll probably just wear whichever Watcher's eye is cheaper because sometimes as good as a defensive player is your others are so dominant that you don't really notice it now all he feels is intense Unstoppable agony I think it's still correct to have the reaches instant though and release for es recovery but I will see about that it might not be required part of me is tempted to say I feel tankier there but I I think it's too early to tell because that could also just be that that puddle wasn't doing that much damage to me I need to stand in more varied types of things on the ground oh yeah if you're doing the self-cast Pathfinder you definitely get life gain on hit and also instant leech and that's where you use things like fourth vowel because you can use fourth out to mitigate yourself damage really insane because when I put this character together a couple weeks ago the only Watcher's eyes were extremely expensive all right so I'm definitely noticing that's worse than leech on something like that my health goes up much faster with bleach now with ashes it's quite fast because of all quality cyclone one of my captors wore many faces yet kept her true face hidden now she you know I don't feel like waiting on that Legion Let's uh let's just go the stars watching envious life invades yeah it feels like build too good can't properly test life again on hit so far that is rhythmic follow the Stars themselves I considered using a dendrobate but I decided a defensive chest was way better and I didn't need the damage and stagnation my collection is about twin terrors you see here this is where I'm noticing not having the leech let me uh do that all right now I have the leech again and it provides just much more consistent life recovery so I think I thus far prefer leech to gain on hit if it's one or the other obviously if it's both if I could get both here that would be even better I need that strength 181 hmm I guess the answer there is no I don't need the strength but it's nice to have [Music] I wonder what is the mod called again oh here we go life per enemy hit with spells there we go there's one for sale that's decent it's six divines but unfortunately it's got no life on it I don't think it's worth spending six divines to test I'm gonna put this up for I'm gonna say 19. they're actually a really good one offline yeah I could definitely get to test mortal flesh is so fallible handle this handle this Shadow rise and then fight sucks sustaining waiting that makes sense oh yeah I have these but haven't been selling so maybe I should re-roll one of them probably this one do I have Essences to do that oh I also have this right I completely forgot about half of a random junk that I have lying around it's essence of delirium how much are essence of delirium or 20 to a divine sure let's see how this goes doing a little science oh that's an interesting bow but if a 20 per isn't answering let's go 19 per there we go easy yeah I sold quite a few crafts I don't know if you've seen it or not but my last stream was a crafting demonstration and I got most of the currency that I have from the 20 to 30 divines I spent demonstrating stuff there's still a few things but I never ended up selling like this that should definitely put this up for sale wait did I fix The Crucible Tree on it I think that's why okay I did fix it um I don't know let's go with uh this because I think that's higher than what it's worth then I'll sort it out later dot multi thanks the VOD is up if you're interested ideally cast speed but chaos res also works strength not really Max yes no wait Dex int oh it's actually really good um but there aren't really Omni dot multi builds unfortunately oh chaos res but I need an open suffix that's fine and it's dead life and strength life strength all res but I don't think the auras does anything for me I probably should have just sold the strength in one to be honest and don't worry about donating Essences this is more of just a thing that I was doing for the sake of demonstration I'll worry about it later and honestly probably just live search a bunch because I think it's better to live search a bunch than uh keep rolling it myself which that reminds me I should add dot multi to the search is there anything else cast speed chaos res dot multi I think that's everything a live search chat for later go back to blasting some bosses a lot of people stay away from delve because they make most of their money by being in maps I don't make most of my money by being in maps therefore I kind of just do whatever I want let's do some Elder Guardians I don't think I have any no I have none captured so that's perfect I don't like this layout I'm just gonna go look for the boss but for me crafting is a money printer and so I mostly just mapped for fun if delving's fun then I'll do it this build it's definitely been fun I remember I want to go towards the edges of a map to find the boss God for so many doors so many doors look at all the doors found it okay that's why I like lot books yes this is the soul of heist map I just realized on single Target I can measure the effectiveness of Life gain on hit really easily so let's see how effective my life gain on hit will be okay I'm getting well over 40 within the virulence duration Essence is also very good feel death's pull I wonder if I let virulence completely drop off here for a second and just try to cast once oh there's a bunch of ads is celebrating her fear deaths pull uh that was definitely a couple of casts office reminds me I was supposed to replace something right um uh what was I supposed to replace I think it was this pretty sure I was supposed to replace awakened Spell echo with anomalous oh yeah beasts are great I just get bored of uh doing that many maps for the beasts awakens Spell echo is how much looks like about 5.2 divines all right I will keep that in mind here fire down next up the bass does not matter as far as I remember for explodey totems I mean a higher APS might let you use something like blink Arrow more effectively but aside of that it doesn't really matter certainly isn't important for the totems themselves at least unless you're talking about a synth base synth bases yes would matter oh look the map what I might do when I run out of stuff here is actually do a feared uh I can see why because so far even though I've been absolutely blasting these The Profit has not been spectacular I think the old adage of if you're gonna do a couple of bosses it's not going to be profitable if you're going to do a ton of bosses you eventually get enough big drops is probably still holding true temporal test I don't think I've lost money running these invitations yeah I suspect that mod is very dead soon but we'll see maybe not maybe Gigi is like hey here's a new item that enables it I must have less life recovery on this map or something have a good night and thanks for stopping by I have tons of shaper fragments now that's good uh yes City Square I can just run to the middle now this is how you speed through invitations that was a weird one because it forced you to take it for Guardians to be profitable though I do wish they'd give Guardians their special drops back because I think that would go a really long way that didn't do much damage I think most aspects of Crucible are good where they are I mean there's just a couple outliers like explodey totem but definitely need to be adjusted let me hit you to leech there we go who needs a mage blood what fragments do I have but all right so that's a couple of sets this will be a couple of sets a missing act Zary fragments but I can buy those foreign set that might be a fun little demonstration it's a shame they nerfed cortex by so much though also I wonder how this version of a build does if I do like uber shape or Uber cortex that could be interesting also potentially disastrous why do I keep clicking on the legion when I'm just trying to speed through I don't know but I do just like how I attack the boss even though I know the Elder is just going to Nuke it anyway But You Gotta Kill the Boss that's how it is the end of a portal how much is cortex right now Vortex is around 1.3 divides how much are divines in chaos right now roughly 2 30. okay time to do the Twisted me resist yourself doing a few hidden might be fun too maybe I'll do that after this see if any of the unique structure any good way more Crescent splinters doing that so I need breach stones let's go to uh where is there fragments and sets how much is zoth breached stones sure I'll buy 10 of them for 200. assuming that this guy answers no all right well what about five or a hundred oh wait never mind they did answer cool I hate that where someone answers right after gonna need more chaos to buy the others we used its easy math oh and someone's selling wait no it's the same person I wonder what else they have preached stonewise they also have esch 120 40 60 80 9 cool oh okay very bot got it because I just messaged them for ash breach stones and they they don't even know about it okay well time to message about again and to get re-invited and buy them yes that's correct welcome crandor well they're not inviting anymore I may have messaged too many times I only need five of these though so it it's fine to just message anyone else assuming someone actually answers of course which uh hopefully yeah I've messaged three people with any luck perfect and how much are Uma toll breached Stones normally let's find out they are well there's these for about 40. so I'll start with those but if they don't answer there's a bunch up for 60 and I'll just spend the 600c oh wait I clicked the wrong thing there see if they invite me uh what am I doing the uh three million dollar house tour when when I have a house the tour but also I don't think I'm going to be doing a three million dollar house tour for a very long time because even if I got a house I doubt it would be that expensive 300 400 500 600. I'm just going to bulk buy and stop worrying about it oh wait this is oh they did take the invite all right well whatever you get extra currency because I can't be bothered to unstack the 420 which is I think what I have left right one two three four I know a little less there we go oh that's true it could be any dollars uh what other places use dollars that have a low exchange rate to the US although that still requires the needing a house part which uh yeah who has that these days right and I have a whole bunch of breach stones wait how did I end up with seven at I don't remember how I ended up with seven ash whatever I'll fix it later um will I no I should fix it right now three million flame Elementium maybe someday Torchlight infinite will have housing though if it did then it would have a housing crisis and we we have enough of those that's a little too real world now I just fill my inventory with these that's definitely how this works 5 10 15 20. and we will see how many interesting drops I get yep I have that active good here to check before clicking start the nice thing about these invitations is they're fast because you're on a timer I spent what 600 7 8 9 10 11 1200 chaos which if divines are about 120 is like what five divines ish let's just say I spent five divines on this we'll see if I get five divines back uh yes exp I definitely need that absolutely I will definitely gain exp and level up here it's time to hit level 101 world first you are watching history all right time to go fight the boss this one's uncommon might will make I think the most valuable thing that dropped there was the awakened sextants all right I need a keep all right I'm gonna put stuff in the eggs tab for now so far so good I forgot that these are very very uh boring that's the only problem with doing hidden farming I miss the days when these first came out where you could bring six people in and you'd get to do hidden six times off of one set of stones because everyone would capture their own boss whereas now it's only the map owner who captures which I kind of get it because it was a little bit overpowered to have everyone capture but also I feel like there should be a middle ground solution so that people who play in groups and just do it for the sake of enjoyment don't have to be punished by the fact that other people were absolutely ruining the boss Market and the way I would find that middle ground that might actually have killed me of way I do it is you can stack breech stones and it consumes one breach Stone per player so you can still capture six times but it will cost you six breach stones that way if you're doing it genuinely for the sake of enjoyment of group play you're not punished but it also isn't a ridiculous advantage and to prevent people from cheating it would snapshot when the portals opened if anyone comes in later they don't get their own boss which I'm sure that if a programmer at GGG heard that uh they would start hating me because I'm sure that's a nightmare to program one of those oh yeah it would be cool if you could do this and the programmers go we would if we could but that will take 2 000 hours please don't please don't give people ideas it's usually why a lot of stuff like that doesn't make it into games especially stuff where the devs are like philosophically we're on board with this is a good way to level up my Spell echo alrighty here we go into the arena all right I probably shouldn't just stand on ash I should probably tank her explosion though assembled a challenge unlike any other is that really of a wrong invitation God damn it Ash you had one job all right let's do something fun here because I have pure breach Stone bargain let's do a pure bullnetoll instead I think D2 being Diablo and not destiny is a perfectly reasonable thing especially since you play arpgs and not looter shooters or MMOs now if you play a ton of MMOs or looter Shooters um maybe then it's a sign of being old but I'd probably make the same jump just because well I didn't play that much D2 that's by either definition but I've played more Diablo 2 than I've played destiny 2. yeah especially with Diablo 4 coming out that's going to be a whole can of worms Oh Boy people are gonna be real mad when that comes out and other people are going to be really happy etc etc because of any big release like that there's just so many weird expectations so many yay rewards yay Uber at series stuff well the problem is that blizzard saw all of the Korean MMOs doing it and everyone just buying it anyway and they went oh well they can do it we can do it and especially once Lost Ark did it successfully blizzard was definitely like oh well if they can do it we can do it and so they did it and I guarantee it's working that's a problem with stuff like that as long as people pay the money there is zero incentive of a company to behave well it's why the infamous gamer boycotts do literally nothing now if people actually boycotted like did not buy products as a result of something as opposed to the gamer boycott of well I'm not gonna buy this you shouldn't buy this this sucks buys it anyway I'd actually argue that Diablo Immortal is the one case where but boycott genuinely worked at least in the West because that game did not do nearly as well as blizzard hoped it would probably because on top of being paid a win it was also just a garbage game and when you combine garbage game with pay to win that's when people truly draw the line you can have good game but pay to win and people will complain but play it anyway you can have garbage game but not pay to win and people will complain but play it anyway but garbage game that is also pay to win that's where people draw the line and that's totally fair I think a perfect example recently of the effectiveness of gamer boycotts was Hogwarts Legacy where people were saying oh boycott it boycott it and ultimately it had minimal to no effect on the game's sales if anything because so much of a hubbub was raised it probably increased the sales spark is a good skill for hardcore I think garatha has some videos on that yes it made no sense to me either to be honest and having played through I genuinely don't get it I think it's just that people are saying oh because the author gets some money therefore you have to boycott it and that gets into the other really complicated problem with boycotting things made by companies in a modern day uh who gets hurt by it is it going to be the c-suite executives if nobody buys blizzard games or are those c-suite Executives gonna take their very nice packages and just sit there laughing at all the money they're rolling in while they fire all the low-level employees that did the work because the game didn't sell well I would say no large company is 100 ethical there are plenty of small companies that you can absolutely say are 100 ethical a good example of this is supergiant games the Indie company everything I've heard about them super ethical they're also a studio of like 12 people I think or at least at one point recently they were 12 people pretty easy to be an ethical company when you're 12 people uh 50 divs on Uber either and 20 divs back sounds about right actually because remember those are extremely high variants 50 divines is not enough to know if it's profitable you'd need to probably spend 500 divines because within 50 the invitations are at half a Divine each that's a hundred invitations and some of the best drops are a two percent chance ideally you want to get that 12 times which means you need to do 600 invitations to have a good sample size and if Poe put in a death recap you'd still have no clue why you're dying but if you want to know what to fix with your build Maxwell GG slash Path of Exile look up defenses and defensive layering people want a death recap in Poe um a with how the game is coded there's no way for GGG to make one right now and B even if a death recap was added most people would still have zero clue either dying because the answer is you rolled a map that is too Rippy you just see something like spell damage hit spell damage hit spell damage hit real reason you died your map mod reduces your spell suppression yeah that's kind of a problem with definitive this is how profitable invites are it's why I'm doing the stream more as a kind of fun educational experience rather than a scientific educational experience does you have to do closer to 500 to a thousand invitations before you can get good data a lot of the time and I mean maybe slippery Jim has time for that but even slippery Jim I think got tired of the do 10 000 things over yeah exactly Dave because there's just so many things going on that if they currently recorded every action your death lag would look like you get hit for 50 damage you get hit for 43 you get hit for 22. you get hit for 75 you get hit for 150 and you get hit for 14. and eventually you die and there'd be hundreds of instances of damage and you'd have no clue on a boss Maybe the like last Epoch has a death vlog Torchlight infinite has a death log and I look at neither of them because neither of them provide me with useful information it's like oh well you died to a really big Fizz hit oh maybe I shouldn't have stood in the gigantic screenwide meteor if it was a really big Fizz hit the deathlog provided me zero information there but alternatively it's I died wait why did I die um you apparently took boy damage hmm but why did I doubt avoid damage this time I don't know why did I die to that I'm capped didn't die to have a time before also it wasn't one single hit most of the time the random one-tap deaths aren't actually one Taps they're four or five hits in quick succession okay but how is that different from right now blessing of Ash like compared to Pewee right now why do you need something that just says ninety percent of your damage in the last two seconds was poison in most cases knowing that you died to poison should be obvious from having poison stacks on you and also likely by not running an anti-poison flask not having Max chaos res not having chaos damage instead recovered as life the if anything with the way Poe is made it's detrimental to have a death log because it will give players a false sense of understanding and lead them to make bad decisions which is exactly what happened in last Epoch and what happens in Torchlight infinite I've talked to people who go well according to my death Vlog I died to this and so I got more defenses against this and I die to it anyway what's going on uh why is there nearly no build for cast while channeling volatile dead because that's a very bad build that doesn't do damage it got nerfed several times and at this point you would struggle to do damage with cast while channeling volatile dead absolutely Dave I think the armor indicator should 100 be removed because all it does is lead players to think they are more tanky than they are twin terrors mine mine well no it's not bad use of info it's players going off of a number listed on their screen like if the death recap says ninety percent of the damage you took that killed you was Fizz damage you would think you need more defenses to Fizz damage but what it doesn't tell you is you clicked an altar that deleted your Fizz reduction all right I need to buy a hidden and that's why I have a problem with it honestly the best thing that GGG could do is when you die they could take your map mods here and put them here and take your altar mods and put them here and highlight all of the negative ones in Elemental colors that would be far more effective than displaying numbers or what percent of damage you took because in most cases it is map mods that kill people non-bosses it's honestly pretty rare for someone to die to something that they didn't have a warning of there are a few boss mechanics that are not good but most are well telegraphed enough that you will know why you died or at the very least you should know why you died if you paid attention if you didn't pay attention then uh pay attention that said if you have Nvidia Shadow play that's a great death recap so you can't really color by difficulty but you can color by type because let's just say you can't regen would that be considered a difficult mod or a trivial mod oh God Mrs avoid poison isn't it I think this is avoid poison time to this is there's some really nasty mods on this map oh awakened vicious unless the coloring was something that players could do themselves in which case that would actually be pretty good letting people color map mods based on the difficulty for their build would work because for this build no regen something that is generally considered a mod so difficult that you skip is completely ignorable oh no they don't C2 gaming because there are builds for which one mod is difficult and another mod is Trivial and then there's a different popular build for which that is the inverse there's too much build Variety in Path of Exile and not enough mods that are genuinely dangerous across all builds like you might think oh 60 reduced Aura effect well that's super dangerous across all builds Until you realize there are Mind Over Matter builds that don't use auras then it becomes trivial oh minus Max yeah but there are people who for example don't take very much Elemental damage they convert a large portion of it over to physical or sorry not physical chaos and all right well your minus Max gets reduced still there okay but maybe it's a little less punishing because you have the fourth vowel applying armor alternatively you wear lore weave and you ignore minus Maps so unless the mod system could scan and understand your character and dynamically flag it right but multi-projans for example completely ignorable for my build small hits can't kill me and so multi-proge doesn't matter I can get shotgunned by projectiles and just laugh right AI aggregators can determine it across all builds but not for your specific build and I can tell you right now the things they would determine are dangerous are the things that most players skip which this league would mean no regeneratively tagged super dangerous because it's very dangerous to RF builds which a majority of people are playing but then there's a lot of other builds but aren't our app that don't care about no region yeah I'm using the immortal Pathfinder setup that I've talked about previously and shotgunning projectiles just don't mean anything we'll see if till lives long enough for me to stand in her spell barrage because the thing about map mods in Poe is if you build your character in a certain way you can negate every single map mod in the game I just think having a system like that where GGG spends millions of dollars developing it only to have players complain that it's outright actively misleading them would be a huge waste of their resources especially when a much much easier solution would be five times better which is just let you color the mods yourself it has to be easier to implement the ability to color mods yourself then a system that tracks and Records them and all that and the same thing would work for Expedition just you can make whatever you want yellow now and you can do it on a build by build basis that would solve a very large portion of player deaths color map mods color Ultra mods color Expedition mods even if it's something as simple as you pick which ones show up in yellow I mean ideally you get to do all sorts of fancy colors and make essentially a mod filter that would be really cool but even if it's just oh hey you can highlight any mod you want in yellow okay So eventually the spell barrage will kill me but it takes a while yes exactly a loop filter for map mods note uh tools spell barrage is one of the highest damage shotgunning skills that I can think of which is why I stood in it for demonstration yeah loot filter for map mods solves the problem doesn't need a ton of fancy development or AI will some players download someone else's mod filter and get misled I mean if you allow sharing yeah but that's why you just don't allow sharing and you tell people hey make this for yourself and then if a player misleads himself by marking the wrong mod that's on them that's not the game telling you something that's incorrect of course saying that a programmer at GGG could be saying oh but it would be an absolute nightmare to change the color of that that would take tons of work it's why we haven't done it already never underestimate how much work it can be to change simple things when programming is involved you have a problem I have with the idea of a death log is players see it as a Magic Bullet for solving all of your deaths and at the end of the day if players had a death blog I don't think it would fix very much I think most people would still say okay but I know what killed me how do I fix it I don't know now I need a thing in the game to recommend defensive layers for me and if it's that they'll go oh but the thing the game recommends is too expensive I need something to recommend cheaper stuff for me and it's it's a never-ending cycle but we have two very good case studies in both Torchlight infinite and last Epoch where a death blog does not in fact help players understand why they died so funnily enough in both cases it's almost always you stood in a big boss thing that you really deep down knew you shouldn't have or it's map mods map mods are the number one killer in arpgs which is why people in Diablo 3 generally say that they don't have that issue because in D3 there aren't map mods they're just rare monster mods and it's much easier for a player to not get greedy and not just look at the loot if there is no mod to increase their loot and so I guess the question now is would you want to see monster mods alter mods and Expedition mods all removed in favor of just rare monster mods so that you could more easily know why you died personally I would say no I would rather have the compounding rewards even if that means exponential compounding Danger that if I stack it too much will lead to my character just instantly exploding but also have the option to make a super awesome character that can do all that and then can add delirium on top because you know my map wasn't dangerous enough already but I would like the ability to filter or highlight just built into the map mod system what a mysterious presence time bends to my will what a delightfully unusual Peewee ramads are also quite simple it's just that puree rare mods changed a lot and D3 mods haven't so people are much more used to the D3 ones at least in modern Poe there's actually a lot of mods that are almost one-to-one analogous between the two games like you have Waller and then what is it ice prison or something obviously not all of them are one-to-one but a pretty decent number are because there's only so many ways to make a modifier in an arpg I think I'm making a decent number of invitations here not that I really want to do the maven but I'm making a decent number so far I don't think I've made back almost 600 chaos though maybe the awaken gem did we can always hope so far I Look to be losing money at least on the hidden on the formed and the Twisted decently profitable if you can go fast enough oh yes uh D3 doesn't stack a lot of stuff correct nope you're remembering right now because I've been bouncing around between a bunch of different tests I don't have definitive answers for everything but it does seem like yes before I'm just profitable uh Nova hidden is not profitable so far could easily turn around it's a pretty high variance thing and yes the Twisted is profitable though not as much as before also Twisted is much more annoying than performed which uh could mean that I just didn't do it enough I'll probably end with a couple of uber feared just for fun I doubt doing one or two feared is gonna you know prove anything at all and by I doubt I mean it's absolutely not special oh carcass Jack there we go on to the next one oh I've almost fully leveled my replacement gem very nice that was a one of my goals in doing these hidden well ah I'm stuck I need phasing speaking of that's Waller from Diablo but one thing that I remember about Diablo 3 wallers plus mortars equals bad time because you get stuck in walls although I think they added the Zoltan cool thing to fix that so hey at least there's a fix Ed pandemonious I wonder if anyone's using that these days uh which spark did you look for because are you sure you found the spark or are they all the Sparks I think finding one spark here would be like looking for a needle in a stack of needles but you only get to use one specific needle for whatever task it's needed for but it's a haystack sized pile of needles I do like how I can just sit in this room and fill it with Sparks and as the monsters are revealed they all instantly explode it's great and how's it going dread thought it got stuck per second but I just realized something I should have phasing I'm just not getting hit enough oh no I'm not getting hit by enough spells to have phasing that's the problem spark is too good all right see now I have phases because I'm suppressing spell damage by standing on edge easy wait builds and games are bugged tell me it isn't so oh I got a blessing of Ash earlier and I just tossed it in here by mistake didn't I yeah that's gonna go here and the valuable stuff pile now is it bugged in a good way or a bad way I'm assuming bad because you said you had issues oh see your problem was having DPS dread because my bill doesn't have DPS it has BPS that's bosses per second DPS stands for deaths per second right you should definitely try to avoid those I love having cloak of flame and just not worrying about bleeds it's very nice but I like this item so much easy oh a hoarder ah good luck of that dread [Music] s also why do people still do that in last Epoch streams I swear some people have it in their head that there's this invisible Specter that's out to get them and they just bring it up whenever they talk about any game I guess it's just suck at games wanting to think they're good and so they think there has to be something stopping their success that isn't their complete unwillingness to learn because if you are willing to learn you will improve at a game but if you just go oh it's uh rmt that's stopping me or it's Bots or it's this stuff in a vast majority of cases oh thank you very much for the five dollars [Music] I'm glad that you found the information helpful and uh do you remember this is a little bit more of an entertaining kind of test than a super educational one I'd have to do hundreds of invitations to come up with a definitive answer but I also think that doing hundreds of invitations is uh really boring and hopefully this is amusing uh but yeah a lot of people do not try to fix their problems they just blame other things for them and when you try to fix your problems that's when you will improve the fastest and I've noticed that rmt or streamers or Rich players or all sorts of things are brought out as these specters or Boogeyman and that's not really how it works in most cases sure there are edge cases where it may actually be true but usually anyone who is good enough to be affected by it oh that's hilarious oh that's hilarious yeah I feel like he did not follow the right guides because he probably got guides from rmt sites that are meant to make you fail to sell you more stuff that is why rmt sites are very bad uh I'm not planning to do a farming strategy video for a Torchlight in fact I'm probably not going to be doing any more videos for Torchlight for this season I may play it a little bit over on Twitch but unfortunately the videos have done really really poorly and so I need to focus on other things now especially with Diablo 4 coming up soon hidden oh hey thank you very much for becoming a channel member dread and helping to support streams like this one I bought 10 sets of a hidden it's getting kind of boring but maybe I won't do 10 maybe I'll do five for now and see if I came even remotely close to the 600 chaos that I spent spoiler alert I don't think I did because I'm pretty sure that most of a value in these is in the higher variance drops but I don't know maybe I'm underestimating yeah and that's why at the moment I'm not making more increase I don't want to spread myself too thin because if I'm trying to do stuff for Torchlight and trying to do stuff for Poe Etc yes but profit is hidden I don't think they could have really waited until later in the poe League with Diablo 4 coming up I think it was either now or wait until I don't know August or September I think August or September would be the next window like um definitely September because June is D4 July is D4 and Exile con and then Late July early August is poe League now that isn't just a Torchlight thing that's just a everyone releasing arpgs is probably in that same boat tightly oh wait that amulet's garbage I don't need that on the midday I've underestimated how much the breach items I've been picking up are worth that could easily be we'll find out soon keeping them all in my uh eggs tab because they are in fact eggs don't ask me how also I keep hitting this button and swapping blood and saying to blood stance which is unfortunate yeah over the past week I've released several Torchlight videos and the Moto build pretty good it's doing okay the starter build did okay for a bit an interest in that is now completely kind of died off and for most of arrests there just isn't that much interest in the content and uh content creation is my full-time job so I need to make enough money from the videos to be able to pay my bills to keep making videos no nice I'm glad someone's using that mastery yeah last feedback has a patch coming up in about a week I think it is though I don't think it's a big patch um I got everything's dying before EO even activates right now but yeah it's a tough spot to be in for anyone releasing arpgs right now because there's just so much competition in the space shuttle rise and fight and this makes me exquisitely happy wait they're doing the ladder but you can't inspect people's builds why can't you inspect people's builds that's the whole point of a ladder oh no instructions unclear ladder stuck in ceiling fan wait how would opening chests ruin someone's Quant also what is a blight party I have a lot of questions there both of those things seem uh seem a little odd to me okay so a blighted map but one why would you do that in a group and two why are you Quant farming in a blighted map I'm very confused as to why someone would want to be wearing Quant gear in a blighted map no character quad doesn't have any impact on the chest that's why I'm so confused yeah more choice is better but there is going to be a lot of fomo now I can't really speak to that because I don't really get fomo for Stuff like I'm not like oh there's a patch coming off of this game I absolutely need to play it or else there's plenty of stuff that I've missed and don't care about um okay consecrated ground could potentially be an issue or not or they're just gonna die cool where's toll come here toll and yes yes Uma told you come over here and fight me away from a consecrated ground good job all right so I've done five of these which means I've got 2.5 Maven invitations and remember this was a 600 chaos so what is a maven imitation worth 1.3 divides that's 3.25 divides oh well I'm already in the positive you know maybe this is profitable after all Maybe uh this is not self-chill spark no this is poison Spark is it good profit though well blessing of Esh is a hundred C so 200C awaken vicious 35 melee fizz I'm gonna go 15. till fall how much does that cost 60c and that is without a crucible tree end of thought and motion worthless cool [Music] um formless Flame worthless zoths what I should ID these so I can come up with item names because I can't remember them all off the top of my head there we go oh Inception zoth's Inception worthless no blind Grace awaited zodiac leather now it's really nice that they improve the basis for these it's worthless so this this all of these are basically vendor trash because this stuff over here is worth money Ash's mirror it's a vast Spirit shield now nobody's using it really I'm sure no one's using the infinite Pursuit oh it's Titan now yeah no one's using it so that's all junk this stuff is where the money's at and voice of a storm should be worth more of inquiry of a storm at this point 20c all right and halcyon Tennessee so I got 1147.5 chaos in value let's just say 1150. I roughly doubled my money which is about 2.5 divines and those five sets took me a while um I don't know if it was quite an hour I don't think it was an hour but I think it was more than half an hour so we're looking at probably four or five divines an hour on the good end and we're looking at two or three divines an hour on the bad end which for how easy this is maybe that's fine but it's nothing to really write home about it's just kind of fine I think the other invitations were more profitable honestly well yeah I can do this now I can witness an Uber at Theory let's witness an Uber at Siri but no worries the weathering step isn't super obvious because it's not like I'm spamming it I think unlike a lot of the other stuff I've been doing this could actually kill me the hidden and stuff I'd have to try pretty hard to die on but umbrezery hurts I don't have any real way to negate her penetration so empowered flame blast would be a very bad thing for me to stand in all right there we go I like how my yes pops up instantly when I start being able to actually hit stuff and leech a bit of leech with instantly just so good for Mana sustain on this build it solves so many problems I'm gonna fight the boss and if they still want the gloves after that then cool but I don't want to waste Uber at Siri portals even if I'm sure I'll be fine kind of uber at Siri all right she's phased ow please stop hitting me thank you be healed and fight on bow to your queen Immortal all right now she'll face don't want to stand in that that's bad because I convert fully to chaos I can just fill the room which is good because otherwise I'd have no way to know which one is the mirror clone and even less ways to not hit the mirror Club well I killed the boss again fire in sanctity the good news about this is the curse reflection doesn't actually matter those have lightning pen you know the lightning pen ones probably wouldn't kill me but fire pen though the double empowered flame blast that would probably kill me well yeah that's what I don't want to stand in that would be spooky bow to your queen mortal and I think she dies on this one okay next up the shaper uh do I have a chulula I bet I don't nope we can do the shaper in the Elder real quick and fun let's do Uber shaper sure I can grab some notes from somewhere to do that where won't I forget let's go with this I would do Uber Elder but I don't have the fragments give yourself to the void grasp your mortality tightly give yourself to the void grasp your mortality tightly ah yes the classic just sit in the middle of a room Strat I bet I can sit over where Zana spawns make it even easier on myself now I got maven's taking this so seriously resist the assault Exile uh no thanks I'm fine I've noticed because I don't have a Nova it's a little worse at hitting things directly behind me but even then enough Sparks pop over there but it's fine the restroom's getting absolutely blasted wait why are you not there we go I don't know why I canceled twice like that give yourself to the void I think this will be the last one yep what a delightfully unusual struggle Watchers I nope all right Uber shaper time should be noted that shaper is generally consistently profitable no it's one percent off I'll do it anyway see what we get I see you little mouse because Mrs Uber shaper he has some extra drops in general if there's an Uber version of a boss it is more profitable to farm the Uber version due to exclusive drops and also because they share the same Keys which D values the normal version and I wish that would change foreign bosses doesn't matter at all there we go you know I forget if I've done Uber cortex on this build that's going to be interesting ow the light of divinity let's not scanning that yes I can stand in though there we go come on over here Dominus there we go good dominance it did but it still wasn't good enough to actually sell because you can make much better with influences that's two down things you do not understand I do wish there was a way to fight all four of shaper's bosses at once in the room with him ah so you can't but I had used catalysts on it which gave 20 increased effective strength mods and that's how you got the 70 strength in one line with avocadalyst you wouldn't be able to good day killed the spider before it fades and yup correct tier one plus catalyst oh no I'm being lasered whatever will I do I'm drawing pictures think I can stand in that but I probably shouldn't try until the end probably shouldn't eaten may even witnessed Uber shaper can be quite spooky there are lots of copies of a shaper all over the place also I think before puddles never go away so maybe me being very haphazard about them will come back to bite me later we'll see um I could see them nerfing blood notch but I don't know if the rust really needs a Nerf like this is good but with the amount of gear that I have let me help you grasp your mortality tightly Artemis is just the effects of having a really well put together character oh okay he did phase what's better uh in what way what does the term better mean in this case all right there we go now let's do the same to shaver oh he's doing this yes in fact I can tank shaper Slams on Uber shaper good to know irrelevant hmm I I think laughs budget is a relative term for something like poison Spark because the thing is Inquisitor spark and the poison spark I'm playing are two different builds so that's kind of like saying what's better Venom gyre Dead Eye or RF jug mean they're two completely different belts I need a triula breach Stone now if you've been playing lightning Arrow Deadeye and RF jug and you got bored and you wanted to try spark but don't want to respect your Dead Eye you're going to have to level either way and it's much more about what kind of build you want to play do you want to play a damage over time build or do you want to play a hit-based build and what sort of defenses do you want do you want pure life-based defenses where you can stack Fizz or Ellie taken as and abuse armor with fourth vowel or do you want something that uses Aegis Aurora and splits damage over life and energy Shield foreign s definitely aren't better totems are definitely worse because they are way clunkier to play similar level of defenses but overall feels way worse to play than something like Spark now I'm sure of his feared that I'm doing is going to be the most scientific feared ever and will determine if feared is in fact profitable you can definitely do that from a sample size of one as a note for anyone who takes that seriously no that's the 100 sarcasm yeah but poison spark can also do every single math mod in the game something dark and severed in sleep I bet someone's using that still now I just need a cortex 100 200 20 40 60 85. foreign do an Uber cortex here yep I'm using the immortal Pathfinder all right and refund these grab that and put these here to hopefully remind me to respect I wonder what mods I got hopefully not poison avoid yeah I'm actually not using full Le conversion I'm just using most Le conversion because the small amount to Fizz that I do take isn't all that relevant uh Pathfinder and Mage blood don't go together if you wanted to use your Mage blood Inquisitor is definitely of a better option for that I mean okay you can use Mage blood still it's not like it completely doesn't function or anything but it does feel a little bit weird to waste some of the power of your ascendancy by wearing a mage blood why am I even picking those up that's almost good what are the mods monsters cannot be stunned monsters take 70 percent less damage monsters gain a power charge fifty percent chance to drop a currency Shard uh Jewel oh oh this is an easy one cool that's good to know yeah you could go something like Dead Eye hit base spark if you wanted not many people are doing it um probably because I don't think it's good without the Mage blood but since you have the Mage blood that's not a problem you could also go poison spark a cultist which is still really strong and again I would go Pathfinder over occultist without vermage blood but since you already have it that would be totally fine well stuff on the floor while I'm reading God damn it stupid puddles I wonder if reverse teleport slam hits hard enough to kill me here it actually might Reckless defense hmm does anyone use that probably not liked gloves ah defense wise Pathfinder or Inquisitor will beat out occultist but not by a huge margin and all of them will beat out Deadeye but again with a mage blood not by a huge margin you'll be able to get enough defenses on any of them however you'll have to pay more attention on the occultist and especially the Dead Eye to scaling your defenses as opposed to on the Pathfinder and The Inquisitor you get your defenses and you primarily scale your damage so is this build Uber cortex viable well I'm currently in Uber cortex [Music] oh there's reverse teleport slam doesn't even matter Dominus thinks something about him or venarius sorry not Dominus frankly adorable doesn't he know that if a ranger bows to no man passing weather resistance so that's why it's still alive that makes sense this one across the ground yes speed yeah I'm just gonna kill him before he explodes wait is it still going to explode nope [Music] all right no impossible how this isn't over this will never be over I will unify Humanity oh will you oh I hadn't done Uber cortex yet nice spell damage Global accuracy ignite duration something tells me that is not in fact wait why did that one not show up it's a triple synth implicit it could be valuable I don't know where my filter hit that last one maximum energy Shield maximum life reduced Mana cost of skills oh probably because it's a mess I think that's the better one let's find out all right this is that Siri I want a new cat Siri that Siri is spooky oh God damn it uh Inquisitor can't really use blood Notch as effectively no but the main defensive layer there is Aegis Aurora so what I should have done is not stood in the shaper beams I think we've got turbo here so as soon as I kill that Syria the fight becomes easy all right fight is now a joke that series down but also I spent way too much time tanking shaper beams there and uh as it turns out shaper beams can kill me eventually I'm just gonna stand over here and let this explode because there should be yep okay now chiula is super poisoned where's the synth guy gonna go stand by him void because oh wait why are you still alive all right Elders poison to death now Trio is poisoned to death uh oh I have just enough Health to tank that perfect and now it's super poisoned stand outside of a big circle slam and it's dead that's a feared Chris you know a bit of quantum of that 1.3 maven's Ritz gets me most of my currency back a shaper's touch a bottled faith a severed in sleep and awaken vicious projectiles so yeah I profited from that so overall thoughts invitation farming seems like you don't make money at first you in fact do make quite a bit of money from the drops you just have to factor in everything in Aggregate and especially for maven's Ritz uh General boss farming very Hit or Miss more Miss than hit you have to do hundreds of them or you're probably going to lose money feared farming um out of a sample size of one extremely profitable 10 out of 10 would do again if you're going to do it though you really should be doing the Uber versions of the bosses for additional drops under those are my thoughts plus I think that's about the stream been going for about three hours here and I'm getting hungry it's getting pretty close to dinner time oh so uh the dodri's tenure probably actually sellable since it has a despair on hit but to address your question just a little bit more music covers DK Aegis Aurora is one of your best options on Inquisitor it kind of turns your energy shield into a damage reduction similar to Ward where it's constantly coming back also Inquisitor has enough recovery that you can easily run righteous Fire for more damage and has really really good regen which makes it feel good to play but uh thank you everyone who tuned in glad you enjoyed and if you did be sure to get subscribed so you don't miss the next one also well you're down there leave a like and maybe share with a friend next time I ask is bossing profitable in Path of Exile I know this wasn't a super scientific here's how you get exactly the most money from bossing or anything like that but oftentimes uh I get bored running tons and tons of sets of stuff and this way I get to answer questions chat hang out all that sort of stuff it feels a little bit more attractive and hopefully you guys like it more as well with that thanks for watching thanks to GNC for sponsoring the stream and
Channel: Tenkiei
Views: 2,676
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tenki, tenkiei, tenkiel, tenkie, tenkei, poe, path of exile, arpg, crucible, crucible league, live, youtube live, livestream, craft, boss, boss killer, invitation, formed, feared, twisted, hidden, boss fight profits, invitation farming, invitation profits, farming, farming strategy, how to make divines, how to make currency poe, poe boss fight, poe invitation, maven invitation, witness, maven witness, spark, poison spark, pathfinder, spark pathfinder, poison spark pathfinder
Id: 8nV71PB2cEI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 178min 40sec (10720 seconds)
Published: Wed May 17 2023
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