Are children better socialized in daycare? - Dr. Gordon Neufeld

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absolutely not the kind of socialization that occurs is is confused with with the construct of socializing is becoming more social do children become more social when they are sent to full-day kindergarten yes in fact they do they do become more social but this is for all the wrong reasons they lose their shyness and we find an attachment that shyness is important to be able to protect existing attachments and so when they lose their shyness with peers they become more shy around adults this is not a good thing they also they also tend to become peer attached and when they do so they pursue contact and closeness with with their peers we think this is social development in actual fact it is it is coming at a great cost because when children orbit around their peers they're pulled out of orbit around the adults that are responsible for them and that is absolutely essential for healthy development and and thirdly a children that tend to lose their separation anxiety so we think oh my goodness there they're dealing much better but they're only losing their separation anxiety because they're more attached now to their peers than their adults this is not a good sign and there's a fourth thing here is that when when children are are in a position of stress and the research shows that when you're outside of your attachments that cortisol levels go sky-high and you're in a position of stress is that the brain equips us for a wounding environment when it does a child talks less about his hurt feelings cries less and we think that children are becoming more resilient and these are false indicators they're actually false indicators of of socialization and that's what we misinterpret and so the research that is not informed by the developmental needs of children and very little research is get get these markers wrong and but you need to understand children if if you have an intuitive parent they know something is wrong with this
Channel: IMFcanada
Views: 23,551
Rating: 4.8194447 out of 5
Keywords: Dr. Gordon Neufeld, Attachment, Child Development, Development, Developmental readiness, daycare, preschool, kindergarten, socialization, peer attachment, separation anxiety, shyness, IMFC, Institute of Marriage and Family Canada, Institute of Marriage and Family, Gordon Neufeld, Child
Id: 8SpAtY3m-1g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 20sec (140 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 20 2013
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