Are Asian Men Ugly ? - (blackpill analysis)

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do you think white men are more attractive than I do have a preference for Caucasian men I preferably like white men but for me dark meat on the side white keeps me mean and lean you know that's why I can't that's what I like I am attracted to the white guy if you had to choose why I'm into like Surfers and most servers are like white what's your preference my preference is a Caucasian male Caucasian male uh Juliana what about you you're originally from Indonesia who do you prefer to date and why um I prefer today Caucasian man when it comes to a meal what's your favorite race to mess with oh I like white dudes we all know the majority of average Asian men struggle hardcore in Western dating Market they struggle more than the other races hell they even struggle with their own race just like the video I played earlier shows so in today's video we will not discuss the stereotypes or political side of the matter my channel is not about that we will discuss today the difference between the average Caucasians and the average Asians in terms of facial attractiveness we're gonna go balls deep and look at what's underneath the skin and I also reached more than 100 Asian faces so I kind of know a thing or two this video will be split into two parts let's call the first one the difference between Asians and Caucasians the second one is about a study done showing how much money Asians need to stand the chance when dating other races if you want to support the channel you can get your face evaluated by mute personalized look Max in advice link will be down in the description without further Ado let's get this video started so the differences all start from a base level at the skull of each race we have here in this image three skulls Caucasians Africans and Asians first we start off with the lower third region Caucasian people have slightly wider Jaws than Asians not by much just a small difference in Africans have the largest mandibles but the issue is not really demandable with the secret lies in begonian when it comes to Asians they have inwardly grown gonians is the are even a word anyways this resulted in their jaws looking rounder but with caucasians in average the Argonian is outwardly grown resulting in the jaw to look angular which is what is desirable for Africans they do have what the Jaws on average which from all the faces are rigid I noticed that they suffer from protrusions of pragmatism because the lower third don't develop properly this might be environmental in some cases or related to their genetics in others now moving over to the eyes this is where Asians take a big L genetically compared to caucasians so we're going to use the same Image African skull is on the left Asian is in the middle and Caucasian is in the right you can tell from the gauge go that on average the eye orbits of Caucasian is rectangular and compact unlike Africans and Asians who got rounder and larger eye orbit this in most cases will impact the base of how their eyes will look like here we can see the average eye area for the three races you can see that caucasians in average are the only ones that have the desired almond eye shape you can also see that the Africans have sunken orbits and if you look closely you will see that Asians and Africans their eyebrows Don't Sit Close to the eyes they have high set eyebrows unlike occasions the eyebrows Sit Close to the eyes which is desirable you can also see when Asians Africans do get to have almond eyes it changes their looks significantly improving their overall attractiveness goes to show you the importance of the eye area now the only area left to analyze is the mid phase starts enough with the nose you can see the best vermo bone out of the all tree actually belongs to Asians while Africans and Caucasians have almost similar warmer bones but why don't Africans and Caucasians have similar noses then well because noses are affected by climates yes climate anyways noses are boring and trying to pinpoint which exactly causes his shape is hard math so let's skip to maxilla as most people here know Asia's lack forward growth Caucasian Hit or Miss but Africans they are the most forward-grown people you will ever see beside Native Americans now what causes the flat face that's so common in Asians remember the warmer bone Asians on average have a longer and straight warmer which causes the Radix to appear pulled back if Asians were to lower the Radix they immediately become normal this is why rhinoplasty surgery is popular among Asians now for Caucasians the reason they're so hit or miss with forward growth compared to Africans is because of these factors smaller teeth more frequent crowding lower Arch Dimensions Africans have the exact opposites with larger cheats less crowding and higher Arc dimension so this is what's happening behind the skin but you may ask if Asians have soft features wouldn't that make them fish in the searchable category no let me explain soft boys have a mix of strong masculine features with feminine software features but with the majority of Asians it makes them look neotinous which means baby-like which is the opposite of a soft boy neotony is desirable and women wants time not men also add to this the fact that on average the Asian male height is shorter than the Caucasian or African male height also there is the whole controversy about Asian pea size being below average in comparison to the other races which I cannot confirm nor deny when it comes to the second part of the video I already broke down this study on my channel but today we will just look at the Asian side of things so for Asian men to have equal success with white women they're gonna need 247 thousand dollars more above average based income which is already 62 500 dollars so they're going to need in total 300 000 plus we can see that the Black and Hispanic women don't even consider Asian men while the other races have to pay less with white guys having to pay the least amount of money that's it for today's video I hope you guys enjoyed it a like And subscribe would be highly appreciated and like usual catch you guys in the next one
Channel: Nero Angelo
Views: 61,947
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: beauty standards, Asian men blackpill, are asian men ugly, blackpill, blackpill analysis, asian facial attractiveness, why asian men are unattractive, asian men height, why asian men struggle in dating, blackpill face rating, asian men hairstyle, asian men blackpill dating, asian american, racism
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 0sec (360 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 20 2022
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