Arduino Workshop - Chapter Two - Building Your First Circuit

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we're going to take a look at using digital and analog pins for reading inputs and controlling outputs but first we need to create a circuit using a breadboard an LED a resistor a button and some jumper wire if this is your first time building a circuit don't worry at all we'll take a look at everything that's going on here what these things are and how you can use them a breadboard is a very simple yet useful piece of gear its name originates from times when circuit prototypes would be made using a wooden board typically yes used for cutting breads with nails or taps having to solder - this method has ever hooked him to what we've seen today which is far more sophisticated in the form of this solderless breadboard you can see I've got one on this box on inventors kit it comes with a nice plastic face it's a half sized breadboard and has the Arduino right next to it so you can easily get prototyping now a typical breadboard consists of a 0.1 inch spaced grid of holes in which you can place component leads which is 0.1 inch or 2.5 4 millimeter the most common format for through-hole components and inside each hole is a spring-loaded metal contact which drives the wire or LED strips as these holes are connected together to allow components to be connected almost every breadboard will have numbered rows of five holders which are connected together and every row is electrically isolated also many of them have power rail strips where all of the holes in the rail are connected together which makes it really easy to power your circuits because you can break out that single five volt pen door the handful of ground teams that are found on an Arduino board let's take a bit more of a look at how they work so a typical bread boil a not my strict angular shape will have series of rows and each of these rows has five holes in them and they are all connected that way so you can see on the breadboard here or in the image on the text area that there's fibers and they're all connected to each other so if I for the length of a component here is the red one lack of a component there it's going to be connected if I put a leg of a component there they're going to be connected because there is an electrical connection running through those holes but petrol is completely isolated from that row they're not connecting at all so if you wanted to connect these three roads together you would first need to get a small jumper a piece of wire or something like that and connect two of the holes together now another handy thing about breadboards most full path mini sized ones are going to have a divider down into the middle this is usually 2 or 0.2 inches or 2 standard pitch units across and then on the other side you will also find rows with five holes in them and these are really handy for when using integrated circuit op amps timers things like that because they perfectly straddle that center divider and go into the first lot of holes there and you can put a pin there in that in that in SA for a dip package and every leg is now isolated from each other really really handy now another feature that most bread boards will have which is super super useful is towel rails and you'll see these running down the sides here while you'll see the grid of the dot and again these are spaced out into five sets of 0.1 inch tens or 2.54 millimeters as well let go the holes here is well and then there'll be a break and then another set of five holes and the beauty of this is that these are connected that way which means you can as we'll talk about before you can take the 5 volt wire from your Arduino say plug it into one of the holes here they usually call it red and blue or red of black something like that you can take a wire plate in there and suddenly every hole on that strip will have access to 5 volts so you can take a jump away from there over onto your circuit and that's going to have 5 volts on it as well very handy and likewise the black line allows you to connect ground and there's also going to be one on this side that these are again isolated from each other so not connected so to run through that ol nor that so you could have a wonderful each year and another ball DC you might want to have common ground so you would run a jumper wire charge black to mix or consistent over to death of your ground are the same season connects both sides to ground you might have five volts here and then take these 3.3 volts taps from your Arduino board perhaps if you have components to run on 3.3 volts really really cool now be warned something that tricks people every time a half buzz breadboard like this the power rail is connected all the way down however full-size breadboard which is roughly double the length of that will have a slightly larger right in the tower rails in the middle now this is where people get stuff that is isolated so these run run of poles and these runner poles isolated from each other you can use a small jump or I think it's a zero point zero point two inches or two standard spacing in that device however you're going to have to jump that if you want power to run all the way down now that's only on the bigger full-size breadboards but just something to keep in mind now that you know how a breadboard works let's use it to build the first circuit of the workshop exciting stuff we're going to be connecting an LED and the push button together which we'll be using to go to the Arduino board to the digital read and digital right functions in the next section we'll be putting these into practice but for now let's get it working so we're going to draw up a schematic now a schematic is a fancy word for an electrical circuit in symbol it's not as physical layout of how the circuit will look when it's on a printed circuit board but it's designed to really clearly and easily show what is connected to where and how the circuit works if you look at a circuit board let the i/o in it it's very confusing and hard to see where everything is going is doable but only if you have a lot of time and patience and schematic really clearly outline everything so we're going to take a look at a third circuit now there's a fuse but we're going to be using here a resistor and that is the schematics and will fall a resistor some jagged lines or squiggly line we're going to be using an LED now an LED has the same schematic symbol as a diode to line that however it has two small arrows going outwards to indicate that it is illuminating light and button now there's lots of different schematic symbols for a buttons but generally we'll treat it as a standard switch I chose to contact usually shown open so that you can tell that it's for switching just not another piece of wire and then we're going to use one to connect them all up to each other so let's take a look move over to this bar here so the first thing we need is up to arduino and posted any rest now this is going to be connected to pin 2 and industry for a leds so using chemistry in step now 10 3 is that LED and the first thing we need is a current limiting resistor now if you're not sure what an LED is what a resistor is what a fun is don't worry I've included some links in the workshop written content to some more articles on all about LEDs all about electronic components and analog electronics crash course so that you can get an understanding of how these things work the current limiting resistor simply put is there to stop the LED drawing too much current and to give us the correct voltage who have our current limiting resistor then our LED poorly drawn led and then that's going to go to ground now ground is that an example of five volts as we're talking about before when we say zero volts it's usually referred to as ground ground is the reference voltage where everything connected and that symbol there the three lines or it's also drums must side down triangle or an arrow is usually called ground so if we draw another bit of circuit over here it also has the ground single means that those who will let electrically connected usually on a ground plane on the PCB or a really big tree so that is our LED we've got a current limiting resistor we have the positive side of the LED or the more positive side which connects to a higher voltage and the lower side of the LED which connects to ground now for our button we're simply going to take this guy and connect it to ground as well for those suit would be electrically connected and that's all there is to the schematic that we're going to be using now let's take a look at putting it together on our breadboard all righty so now that we have an understanding of how the circuit works and how everything connects up let's actually put that into practice on our breadboard and get everything connect it up so that we can move on to using digital inputs and outputs so there's an image of the wiring diagram and how you can connect everything up in the resources section of the workshop and again as mentioned before I'm going to be using a stock binding vintage kit in every circuit in this workshop can be followed and built using one of these tips so first up I've got my Arduino you know with a breadboard on the plate here again you can use a different ID we no border at that base nicely and your different Arduino board a different size breadboards know how to use this particular one this pipeline advantage gives a great place to get started let's use a red LED really good color so we have our LED now I'll position the breadboard like this so you can see how I'm following the wiring diagram so it first up you'll notice that the LED has two legs one that is longer than one that is shorter than the other and this is because one side of the LED has to be more positive than the other in order to allow current to flow it's a polarized component and an LED or a diet in general is a bit like an electronic valve it only allows electrons to flow in one direction but the LED allows current to flow allows the electricity to move from one side to the other in the process it will light up again check out the linked tutorials for more information on this but we're going to take the longer leg or you can identify the negative leg on the epoxy case you can see one slapping side one side it's a little flatter than the other that is the negative side so I'm going to put this into breadboard here and use these two rows that are adjacent to each other make sure it's pushed down nice and securely so that makes a good connection with their contacts now the next thing we need is a current limiting resistor now you can work out the value of these current limiting resistors there's only some simple math and using Ohm's law again LEDs tutorials do that but a really good safe value especially when driving it from a microcontroller is going to be 330 ohms as the bag of them in the sky fundamentals kit and this is just our LED drawing too much current and burning out so pull the legs up on these guys and we're going to take that from our positive pin at LED so then I'm going to grow back to the jumper wire the jumper wire and just why they're just bits of wire with contacts on the end of the design to plug in really well through 0.1 inch or 2.5 four millimeters again to those size connection on bread boards or unhealthy and things like that so it take your jumper wire I'm going to use red one for wearing a power and then dark colors wiring up ground and we'll look at some signals later so from the leg of the resistor remember that connecting through our Arduino plug that into pin three come and take a blue wire plug that into the negative log of that LAN can't start up to this negative power rail here take a push button these are nice I've got a really good plastic cap on top of the easy to push with fingers take a green one for example and I'm going to use that to straddle that Center device now with the push button you'll note that there's two sets of connections on it you only need to connect up one of these so it can be really stable it's mounted in a breadboard so we just need one side on the side that has both legs on it makes the switch to an inch short these together when we're pressing it and then they'll be isolated when we're not pressing it breadboard going in the top leg and that's it now we need jumper wire we're going to be connecting one leg of our button to ground on to zero volts and the other leg leave the yellow wire doesn't matter what color use it just helps to keep track of things we're going to use a yellow white take that to digital in to okay so now we just need to connect the ground of our Arduino board up to the ground rail here of our breadboard all right so now everything's connected up it looks a little messy there's jumper wires going everywhere but if you look back to the schematics to our circuit that we drew before you can see how everything connects up and I'll put that intersection resources as well Lego everything's connected up on the breadboard and we have our circuit ready to go to using some digital inputs and outputs if you have any questions on this or you can't get your breadboard working remember the way here to help to post a picture of your breadboard the informations out the problem person in the comments there and we'll get right onto it and help you get started with your first circuit
Channel: Core Electronics
Views: 46,089
Rating: 4.9078693 out of 5
Keywords: arduino workshop, how to use arduino, arduino tutorial, building circuits, prototyping circuits
Id: q-jgnvvQQO8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 31sec (871 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 28 2017
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