Arduino Nano Every: The Better Nano? – Tests and Shootout with Nano v3

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that's another in enano version three to be exact three point three if you believe what's printed on its back and this is the well still new arduino nano every question is should every arduino nano be and how do we you know nano every or not i will try to answer that question at least for me in this video and as always i will go into the details i'll have a close up very close-up view on both boards and compare them i will also compare their official specs and i will try to run a little program that uses a bit banging library i've wrote for the v3 on the everyw finally i will utilise the onboard switch mode 5 volt regulator on the everyw in a way that's basically impossible with the linear 5 volt regulator on the v3 and then we shall draw our conclusions let's first have a close up of both ports the elephant in the room of course there is an 80 mega 3 to 8 on the nano version 3 while on the nano every there's an 80 mega 4 809 they do have different USB connectors one is mini the other is micro or the other way around point is you need different USB cables to connect them the Nano every still has 4 LEDs like the nano v3 yeah 1 2 3 4 jet just very tiny and spread over the board here you have here one - that's an LED 3 hand for did I mention there are results witches on both and yeah more important there snow is P header here on the Nano every for the next few parts I had to turn the pronoun over three on its back and there we see first the 5 volt linear regulator which has been replaced on the every by a switch mode back converter that's important and I will come to that back later also the FTDI yeah zero to USB interface trip is gone and has been replaced by another I I don't know pic microcontroller also which they programmed by themselves and by the way I think that's the three point three linear regulator on Devery now the every it's on its back and you see here one two three four five six gold-plated pads which are not an ISP interface but UPD I unified program and debug interface so this is not exactly pin compatible with the Nano version 3 also of note the back of the every is completely clean so without using pin headers you can put that onto a board and solder it on by using these half moon pets here on the site a site from the programming headers they are supposed to be pin compatible so yeah here the first row takes Eric's arrastia you see it ground D 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 and yeah please note the labels on the every on the back of the board so they'll do you they do nothing for you sorry if you have net soldered in somewhere or if you yeah sold in a pin header and have it on your breadboard and the other pin row yeah the in ground reset five volts a seven six five four three two one zero reference three point three bolts and digital thirteen on two suspects I basically copied that from the Arduino website and yeah some lines or some data we're not given for the Nano v3 and vice versa for the every and there I have some yeah editions of mine in italic or in handwriting anyway I already mentioned that the every has an 80 mega for 809 and the nano v3 an 80 mega three to eight both run out five volts both can be powered by the USB ports or via their me in pins and they're the input voltage limit for the nano v3 is 7 to 12 volts yeah remember linear regulator while for the Nano every in the datasheet there is an upper limit given of 21 volts and what I could glean from the datasheet of these which mode back regulator here on the everyw the lower limit should be about 8 volts the 3.3 volt pin of both should supply 50 milliamps but for the Nano v3 I more or less guessed that okay now for the interesting stuff the clock speed of the mega for eight or nine is 20 megahertz while the nano runs with its mega three to eight only at 16 megahertz CPU flash memory you have 48 kilobytes that is 16 kilobytes more than the 32 kilobytes of the nano also Ram you have 6 kilobytes of RAM available in the every which is 3 times the amount you have in there we three of 2 kilobytes but a EEPROM if you are using that feature the every spots only 265 bytes while the Nano has actually four times the amount one kilobyte and I totally forgot to mention that the DC output current or pin for the every is 20 milliamps while for the Nano v3 that is the 80 mega three to eight it was 14 milliamps but you have to take both numbers with a grain of salt because other limits might apply here refer to the data sheets of the processors the Nano every has 5 PWM pins the Nano v36 okay and the rest is pretty much identical yeah one UART you need that Fuzzle USB port one SPI one I squared C and 8 ADC pins with 10 bit resolution no digital to analog converters if you want something analog out of these thingies you have to go through the pwm pins the every can attach interrupts to all digital pins while the nano v3 was limited to to length and width we already seen that is the same 45 by 18 and the weight is yeah 5 grams 4 every and father we three seven grams with headers well we will put that to the test anyway the every is programmed while the UPD I interface if you want to flesh the thingy directly and not via the USB port while we nano v3 is using the ISP header here now let me solder in these pin headers to the every and then play around with it a little hmm I've soldered in the pin headers so let's do something with the every here on the breadboard I have a nano v3 that is a chinese clone of a nano v3 slaving away on driving for this place so there's a little bit of my coat and there's a bit banging library for these this place if you want to know details there are two videos about them yeah two cards and two links below in the description so let's try that so I'm using the latest Arduino development environment one eight twelve and here's my code I'm using that TM sixty fifty library that is yeah the TM 60 X X library that's the driver shape for these displays and now I will plug in the Arduino every end to the USB port and we'll see what happens okay it yeah it recognizes the Nano every okay and it says yeah every is ready but it says install this packet packet packet to use the every so I just click that link bot for yeah I'm in the bottom Anitra of k and it wants to install it so we do that okay so first steps with the every mm straightforward but not plug-and-play I would have expected that if I download the latest version of the Arduino development environment that it would already yeah would have installed that would come with that package okay yeah you allowed no I don't trust you every time okay installed perfect let's see and yeah of course my menu is job no no this is not a normal this is a non Oh every huh no no every and recognized the mono every and I am on none'll every and I have mmm how this is getting complicated huh I have an 80 mega emulation here all I can do no mo emulation this trust for the registers but yeah let's try it first with the registers emulated for the 80 mega three to eight so first I compile it and it says snow oh okay so obviously my library has gone while I updated my Adlon environment give me a second so after yeah some changes to my code yeah obviously you cannot longer write B zero zero zero for binary but you have to write OB and updating all my libraries yeah it compiles at least okay but I get a warning here that the 80 mega three to eight richest the emulation is enabled and I may encounter some speed issues that's okay for the moment we will try it to run without the register emulation and uh the second attempt but for now let's try to upload that cannot find oh come on this is getting annoying okay because we are on come for why is he going to come fourteen okay come for nano emulator do it and I get okay he says he's finished but he says cannot locate flesh and boot memories and description I don't know I really don't know anyway let's drop in that Arduino and see if it works despite that last error message in red when uploading to the every it seems to work perfectly okay oh that's good and yeah you you notice the difference that is an every because yeah the LED that's blinking or yeah that's illuminated is no longer here but that little thingy here right beside the USB port okay let's try it without the richest emulation because they are there was a - you might encounter speed problems we'll see okay let's try the same without the register emulation hmm okay compile it first maybe just to be on the safe side okay compared without no warnings that's good upload it yeah there's that AVR dude a message again but let's see if it works and it also works without that register emulation so at least for the TM 16 xx library of I'm golden I'll will definitely try out other bit banging libraries with me every in the future and see if they are compatible a major difference between the every and the v3 is the onboard 5 volt regulator in case of the v3 that was a linear type L m1117 and now on the everyw we have a switch mode step-down converter to be exact on NPM 3610 and this is really a beast yeah according to the features 4.5 volts to 21 volt operating input range remember it's a step-down converter so you won't get 5 volts out if you put 4.5 volts in 1.2 amps continuous load current hmm but of course these are maximum values and we have to take a little bit deeper into the datasheet to see if that little switch mode regulator here can actually fulfill our application requirements and just as an example I'll take my fault this place I had on the breadboard they draw a little less than 400 milliamps so I need an how put power of 5 volts times 0.4 m/s this is 2 watts and then we have in the datasheet this diagram here efficiency versus load current for output voltage v waltz so at 400 milliamps we are at 2 3 4 at this line here and for input voltage of 8 volts we would have an efficiency of about 90 percent and for input voltage of 12 volt you see the hyper input voltage the lower the efficiency for 12 volts we would end up at about 85 percent now if I'm not running my part by USB I want to run it by a 9 volt power supply so I guess my efficiency is somewhere between 90 and 85% so the 2 watts I need at the output divided by 85% yeah worst case efficiency gives me I need an input power of 2 point 3 5 watts and at the same time yeah difference towards 2 point 3 5 watts I have a loss P loss of 350 millivolts in sight that little regulator and I need to feed in 2 point 3 5 watts at 9 volts that is only 261 millions and that's something found 50 milli watts power loss that this chip can easily handle yeah there are other diagrams here but I digress yeah in comparison if you take a linear regulator and you need what do you want 400 milliamps out you have to put 400 milliamps in and at 9 volts that is you put 3.6 what's in and that means we are 5 volts times 0.4 m/s to watts you have a power loss of 1.6 watts in my application example unknown the datasheet for the linear regulator of the Nano v3 that's the Texas Instruments L m1117 and the maximum Junction temperature for that thing is 150 degrees C and the diagram I will use later is assuming ambient temperature of 25 degrees C so we have a temperature budget of 125 degrees C yet divide that by the 1.6 watt power loss we would have feeding that thing 9 volts 400 milliamps we need to have maximum thermal resistance of 78 degrees C per what and now if you look at that diagram here where they give you the thermal resistance independency to the copper area where that thing is soldered on you see that yeah 78 degrees C this is a little below that 80 degrees C line and yeah best case that is all top cup copper where that thing is soldered on we would need a area of mmm a little below 0.4 square in just to give you an idea what 10.4 square inches are yeah about the width yeah of the Nano s square and you see yeah there's no way in hell that this linear regulator has that much copper area okay and even if it had yeah that much copper area here yeah a square with the width of the Nano which it doesn't 25 degrees C ambient air is a fantasy because yeah the regulator is on the back and if you put that in into a breadboard you have here maybe 2.5 millimeter gap where air can circulate so yeah no way that regulator would survive that kind of treatment theory is one thing praxis another so I have here are 9 volt power supply yeah a simple switch mode AC to DC converter yeah no more use B power for my nano Avery and I'm jumping over here to the ground and to the the in pin and everything is hunky-dory it runs ok my 9 volt rail from here is that 9 volts and my 5 Walt real over here is at four point eight volts it's all a wee bit noisy as you can see so my 5 volt rail has about 600 millivolts peak to peak noise and you see this is really high frequency noise from the switching and my 9 volt rail has about 800 millivolts switching noise and maybe we can improve on that but before I try that let me have a touchy-feely here with the switch mode regulator and yeah it's it's noticeably warm but it's absolutely far from being hot so yeah we are gold and just a talk putting 2 470 none of our capacitors here in the circuit here one at the output of my 9 volt switch mode power supply and one here on the 5 volt rail of the non-library yeah took care of most of the noise so that the five fall trail we are now at yeah 400 milli volts peak-to-peak and the 9-ball trail is about at 500 milli volts peak-to-peak yeah you can improve on that but yeah for digital circuit that's absolutely okay to summarize will a nano III program run on a nano every in my case using one big peg library it did however we saw that red text the warning error message at the end of the upload to the every so maybe the integration of the every into the Arduino development environment is not perfect yet are there cases where you can't replace a nano v3 by a nano every yes there are if you need to supply it with an absolute minimum of seven volts I strongly suspect that's not possible with the every where you need eight walls and I derive that from the fact that in the datasheet of this which more generator on the every year and the diagram we have seen yet the lowest voltage they gave for 5 volt output is eight walls and eight walls has the best efficiency so if that thing would run on seven volts with 5 volts output with even better efficiency they would have put in the curve here just for sales reason other now goes for the every you need 40 milliamps output on an i/o pin Oh possible you need a larger EEPROM of one kilobyte here 265 bytes is not enough or you need all PV and pins all six of them where does every shine I mean for my special application obviously the on-board switch or voltage regulator that's a big plus you can do things with that you simply cannot do with a linear type regulator on the nano v3 you got 25% more clock speed you got 50% more flash memory and you got 200% more SRAM and you have interrupts on all digital pins to be honest I don't know what I should think about the change from is p2 u pd i software wise probably not a problem but yeah mechanically yeah contacting these UPD ipads on the back of the nano of bit fiddley antia if you actually sold or that in into a board don't forget to leave a cut out here in the bot so you can access the pins last but not least the every is cheaper than the v3 so official price for v3 is about 20 bucks and a single every I think a little less than 10 bucks you can get three packs for 20 to 23 bucks but keep in mind you can still get Chinese nano be three clones for just a few bucks and I mean a few bucks $1.99 $2.99 399 whatever so is the Nano every the better nano I'd say in almost every aspect yes and I will definitely switch over to the Nano every for my everyday development and with that conclusion I say bye
Channel: Robert's Smorgasbord
Views: 4,512
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Keywords: Robert's Smorgasbord, Robert’s Smorgasbord, unboxing, review, test, comparison, shootout, Arduino, Nano, Nano v3, Every, compatible, compatibility, specs, specification, specifications, regulator, regulators, voltage regulator, voltage regulators, software, code, pin, pins, Arduino Nano, Arduino Nano v3, Arduino Every, Nano Every, Arduino Nano Every, software compatibility, software-compatible, code compatibility, code-compatible, pin compatibility, pin-compatible
Id: CHDnw7W3SoQ
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Length: 28min 54sec (1734 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 21 2020
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