Arduino And SSD1306 Oled Display Tutorial

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hey guys welcome to this video and in this video we're going to play with this SSD 1306 went we need by 64 dot-matrix OLED display so let's get started by wiring this thing up wiring this displays are pretty easy because it has only four wires on it SD AFC and ground and VCC so you just have to connect four wires and you're ready to go connect the 3.3 volt of the adrenal to the LCD now connect the ground pins and SCL pins and SDA so that's about it for the wiring let's write some code for this thing okay before jumping on straight to the Arduino IDE we need to download this little float SSD 1306 library so I'm going to click the download as zip now and we need one more from Adafruit which is a little GFX library these libraries makes it very easy to use these displays so it has examples some functions so lots of good stuff then I'm going to click the downloaded zip now so here is the - Adafruit libraries so now we can import these libraries from the Arduino IDE but before we do that you need to rename this library so use small names and don't use underscore and dashes because the latest audrina software doesn't allow us to do that okay so let's fire up the Adreno IDE and import these libraries in that window software so click sketch add library now find your library where it is it's my - on the desktop here that is and click on open I have already added these libraries so that's what it's showing me that and so now add the other library which is the SSD 1306 library here it is I'm going to click that and hit open and that's what is sharing again so now we all say to upload the example code to the arena okay so let's upload an example code to this display click on a deferred SSD 1306 my displays are 128 by 64 you can use these kind of displays as well and it's an a square see I'm going to maximize the ID so you guys can see easily so this is the code for the LCD now I'm going to quickly change the address of my display from 3d to 3c because my display uses this address let's verify the code to see if in that we have any errors or not in this code look like we're good I'm going to go ahead and upload the code to that we know and and it's it's about it done it's done and I can see the ADA food industry in my lcd looks like we have successfully programmed this LCD and I was displaying all sorts of things that we can do with it and now I'm going to modify the code to something simple so that is my code and it just simply writes hello world in the middle of the screen and goes downwards and then upwards as you can see in the loop section of this code you can see there's a displayed of sexy text size which is setting the text size to 1 which is a very small text in the next line setting the text color and then we have the while loop which sets the cursor the top middle of the display and then we print a display dot print prints a hello world statement and then we incrementing the counter so it just increments the row segment of the LCD and then we have the other while loop which does the same job but in the reverse fashion so it just prints the hello world in the bottom middle of the display and then pushing upward now I'm going to wait for the code to check for the errors and look like we don't have any and I'm going to upload the code to that we know and and see if it's working so here is my output in the middle of the screen hello world is going on up and down exactly what I told you to do so that's about it for this video if you enjoy watching this video leaving a like will be greatly appreciated and if you have any question comment them out I will get back to you as soon as I can and if you if you want to you can subscribe to my channel as well so thanks for watching
Channel: Cooltronics
Views: 60,849
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Arduino (Brand), Arduino, arduino, howto, how to, oled, display, tutorial, ssd1306, mono chrome display, 0'96, lcd, Adafruit display, Arduino turorial, IIC tutorial, Display Device, Arduino And SSD1306 Oled Display Tutorial, Oled display Tutorial, arduino oled display tutorial, arduino oled tutorial, oled arduino, ssd1306 oled, oled display arduino, oled display, oled tutorial, oled programming, arduino display, SSD1306, adafruit oled
Id: mggDYVzS-Xs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 35sec (275 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 16 2015
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