Ardenweald Music OST (Complete) | WoW Shadowlands Music
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Channel: Warcraft Music
Views: 29,861
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Shadowlands Music, Shadowlands Soundtrack, Shadowlands OST, Shadowlands Beta Music, World of Warcraft Music, World of Warcraft Soundtrack, World of Warcraft OST, Warcraft Music, Warcraft Soundtrack, Warcraft OST, WoW Music, WoW Soundtrack, WoW OST, Patch 9.0 Music, Shadowlands Alpha Music, Shadowlands Login Screen Music, Shadowlands Title Screen Music, Afterlives Music, Ardenweald Music, Ardenweald Zone Music, Ardenweald OST
Id: c8LM93qOoEs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 234min 2sec (14042 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 18 2020
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Its perfect sleep music! I also enjoy listening to the Ardenweald soundtrack while I work, its calming :)
This one is my favorite of all ardenweald ost