ARCHON CITRINE | Warframe Build Refresh

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[Music] all right hello and welcome everyone to a builds refresh for Catrine so she of course has a new augment which we will be talking about and unfortunately we will be talking about why I do not think that the new augment is worth using and showing her actual new build so for that let's just jump in uh as we have a bit to talk about with the new augment and why I think it is not worth using of note before we get into that let's talk about these Shar cards uh first and foremost I have a 15% parkour velocity Shard this is just to taste I like to be faster that's all that it is I do have a tow purple Shard which this is the equilibrium effect it is a smaller version of that it's like a third of the effect or whatever um but this is like lets you pick up Health orbs and turn them into energy which is very good on Catrine as she generates a lot of Health orbs and then finally I have a 15% ability strength tow Shard this is going to be important later but I am going to show a build that does not require either of these shards and is not optimized to be equpped these shards so if you do not have shards don't worry there is still a build here for you for that we're going to talk about the recrystallized build first because if you do want to use recrystallize this new augment um it is pretty good I do not think that this is a bad augment it is honestly quite solid and I think that it is a reasonable Choice especially if you do not want to put any helmet whatsoever on Catrine I just think that it's unfortunate that this does not continue to crowd control enemies as they are spread to so for those that don't know how recrystallize works or how crystallize Works in general just to quickly show uh whenever we get these enemies up here if I use my four they will all be crystallized and stopped right obviously this is how it works this is the this is the crowd control of crystallize and then shooting the crystals gives you Red grits that's the basic over under of how this functions recrystallize allows you to kill the enemies that are affected by crystals and spread it to New enemies I'm going to turn on invincibility for this just to make it simple um but for this if I take Rec crystallize and only hit these enemies with it over here you can see these guys over here don't have it I can shoot this enemy to spread it to them you can see uh these enemies now have like the crystals on this leg and on this arm but they are not stunned so while recrystallized is honestly really easy to spread and keep going and you get that really high crit chance all of the time because you're not getting the crowd control effect it's a bit of a hard cell for me it kind of goes too ways I know that some people have expressed that they enjoy that the enemies can like still get to you but for me a large part of recrystallizes value is that they are completely stopped and you can just pop the crystals and just like move through huge groups of enemies and just completely lock down areas uh and especially locking down harder targets like acolytes and stuff is a big advantage of crystallize in general which it doesn't prevent you from just casting crystallized when an acolyte spawns but I I find it to be underwhelming for what the augment is providing there was a leaked version of this augment that had an extra effect on it and I think that that probably would have pushed it to where it would be worth using but unfortunately the release version doesn't have anything else besides the spread to enemies it is worth noting you can continue to spread this and it appears that like each new spread basically has a new timer so you can basically do like sarin spores with it except for with a timer you do have to consider a little bit um but that being said sat Trine generates enough energy that it's really not a problem to continue to cast her for if that's what you want to do that being said I think this build is fine I don't have any problems with this build and if you want to use recrystallize I think it's good and you're going to have a good time in the vast majority of content but what I think is better is a pillage build especially given the new toys that we have access to namely Precision intensify um Precision intensify does a lot of work to make a pillage build very very strong on Catrine because we can replace our four with pillage and then Precision intensify works on pillage with that it makes it much easier to exactly hit thresholds on what we need for getting a full armor strip without having to cast twice on pillage and having to cast twice while not so bad having like just one cast is much much more efficient uh and is very convenient for a much higher level play so with that the strength add up here to get to the numbers that we need to get to because pillage starts at 25% so you need 400% strength in order to get there uh the math add up here is we have Precision intensify for Plus 90 blind rage is plus 99 auger Secrets is plus 24 and then mol augmented is plus 60 then we have the minus 60 on overextended so mol augmented and this basically even out and you need to get the kills in order to get that strength back with that we go from this to this 178 Precision intensifies is Plus 90 so that's 268 plus this 60% that you can't see here that gets us to exactly 328 so the way that the armor strips work here uh corros projection is minus 18% armor on enemies this minus 18% means that the number on pillage does not need to hit 100% it only needs to get to 82 and 328 happens to be the magic number of strength that we need to get to in order to get a full strip in one cast of pillage once Mt augmented is built up that is why we have the single tow strength Shard on Catrine because that 15% is necessary for this math to perfectly work out and line up all beautifully uh that being said it's not necessary to do uh and you will lose not a ton by switching off of the shards the other Shard I have is of course equilibrium uh that is going to be a huge energy generation as we're hitting enemies with our one creating a bunch of Health orbs turning all that Health orbs into energy and it's very very good if you do not have any shards at all and you don't want to use shards budget pillage is this it's very very similar we run the equilibrium mod because you're going to want that for your energy economy and then we just swap out overextended with auger reach and it's no big deal in fact because this pretend this number is 199 cuz minus 15 cuz no Shard of course um from this you have 199 plus the 90% Precision intensify so with that you get to um 289 and then from 289 it actually only requires a rank two mol augmented you don't even need a maxed one in order to get the full strip so it becomes a much much cheaper build um that is much easier to put together whenever you do that also of course you still have the option like instead of augur reach you could run auger Secrets uh you'll still need to find a little bit of strength in there somewhere but I think even a unranked mol augmented will get you to the rest of the way um if you can't get copies of Mt augmented for some reason which is fairly easy to acquire I think um but yeah otherwise for survivability stuff and not like you know the build around for pillage uh what we have in this build is we are going adaptation for 90% damage reduction but more realistically more like 70% damage reduction uh from being shot that is pairing very well with preserving shell giving us the 90% Dr the vast majority of the time and then those two things are also paired with Arcane blessing because we can generate lots of health orbs this gives us 1,00 Health putting us at 1,700 Health which is very very good and pairs very well with our health regeneration of course um and of course we have Prim sh footed so that we don't get knocked down by anything not that Catrine really has a problem with dying if she does get knocked down it's just that it's annoying so if you don't have Prime shf footed you're honestly going to be fine unless you decide that you want to play her as a melee frame because Prime foot it does help with that aspect uh besides that Prime flow just so we can hold all the energy that we're generating and cast at will is great and then the only other thing that I want to talk about are these two archon mods so archon continuity has a very minor at best benefit your three technically will also apply corrosive uh whenever it applies Toxin and that is something it's not it's not literally nothing but it usually is literally nothing but it is more in some way the reason this is in this build and the reason there's room for it and how I form it is because I tested this with two corrosive shards and let me tell you don't do it that build sucks it is awful and does not apply like enough toxin to corrosive to actually get armor off enemies in this Century so don't bother trying that build but it is technically very very slightly better than Prime continuity but it's not worth another Forma if it's going to be the difference there for you uh and also it's probably not worth leveling archon continu either as that's quite an expensive Endeavor archon stretch on the other hand while a much much more expensive mod basically double the price terms of installing it this effect is considerably more helpful this is just abilities that deal electricity damage will restore two energy a second over 5 seconds so you're going to get 20 energy uh or rather 10 energy um every time that your abilities proc electricity and this will refresh your three will put electricity on basically any enemy and its AOE all the time constantly so this is basically a constant two energy per second which is really good having stretch plus almost energy Nexus turns out is very powerful um but it's not going to be a make or break for this build at all if you just want to throw regular stretch in here you are more than welcome to do that and it's going to work totally fine and you're going to save a forma on it but if you happen to have archon stretch um then good then I mean throw it in there if you want to if you really like Catrine it's definitely a big bonus on her and we'll probably help during like deep archimedia and stuff where there's like more energy restrictions and problems there thing that is worth noting is while archon flow does work kind kind of it's it realistically it's never going to proc I would never even bother leveling this even for warframes like frost this is like not worthwhile realistically um so don't bother with archon flow and archon vitality which you can also technically proc just kind of doesn't make the build because the plus health is totally unnecessary in the face of Arcane blessing um so while you can use this the extra damage you're going to get on your three from it just isn't really worthwhile and I would say just to skip it and not try and fit it into the build although I did spend some time doing that but yeah that's um that's what's up with the archon mods and also obviously archon intensifi doesn't even work on Catrine uh so don't bother with those but for these two they work and archon stretch is the one that has value so with that the build basically is I can rip all the armor off enemies I can provide a large status buff with Prismatic gem which got it Buffs uh and is now a much more reasonable like good ability and is like a team buff your two obviously is giving you and your whole Squad usually 90% damage reduction which is excellent uh your one generates a ton of health and energy orbs and you're constantly regenerating Health all the time with your passive so catrine's very good is really the off just like how big the armor removal is also cuz I just realized I didn't like say the reasoning why pillage is so much better between that and crystallized is if we look at crystallized this is a 300% critical chance buff so it basically lets you crit like crazy with that that buff doesn't even come close to rivaling the damage increase that you will get by removing enemies armor the damage increase you get by removing enemies armor is often like a 100 times damage like just insane amounts more damage than what you were doing before and 300% crit is cute and the numbers are red but that doesn't it doesn't compare at all in terms of actual damage dealt uh to enemies unless they are Health only enemies which the murmur are for some part of them um but again it's not really going to like matter or come up and those enemies because they are Health only or the ones that are Health only anyway also pretty much just die to weapons fire for that though I using a couple of weaker things obviously a weaker it is still the bolt or prime incarn but that's on kind of like the lower end of the incarn and then I'm also running the acarius prime which are just like a good secondary that we recently got with the gos PA that I actually like quite a bit on Catrine and then I just have like the Nana Prime on here which I probably won't use very much but like using melee weapons on her especially ones that can proc slash a lot or are mainly slash and have decent status is definitely worthwhile and I wanted to point that out uh in terms of our Sentinels I am running dirga this will just give me some free energy cast uh or free energy cast free ability cast and then we also get the crit damage modifier which is nice manifold Bond uh for reducing the coold Downs on it it's going to be zapping enemies all the time and because of the vlock build that we have going on this this is electricity radiation and viral pretty much just happening in my AOE all the time uh and for anyone that wants the build on the vlock it's uh not very high requirements but yeah that's what's going on with Companions and things and you know being Catrine turns out it's uh very nice these enemies really don't stand much of a chance at all as long as you have like your two on uh throwing out this here I mean even with just like the basic armor strip these enemies even with like the bolt or being what I'm using the extra status plus like even the first level armor strip without even building up is more than enough to like very easily take these enemies down uh they don't like it also I believe this enem is up here but yeah yeah being in the AOE the extra stat applied from this uh and just just being able to like mow down enemies very very quickly get all of our Buffs generate a bunch of energy get a bunch of damage reduction it's really just the whole hog like you're throwing out your one all the time to generate a bunch of energy orbs uh and health orbs for that matter you're hitting your four whenever enemies look like they wouldn't die instantaneously you're getting a bunch of shields off that which only makes you more survivable between your two and adaptation um yeah and it's it's just generally good at low levels your one on this build has enough range to just simply kill enemies that you're looking at it works a lot like Dante's dark first for those of you that have been uh using that except for you get energy and health orbs of course um and that's pretty much what Catrina is up to she is like a semi weapons platform like debuffer team support Warframe and she's excellent uh so yeah let's jump into steel path and kill everyone kill every shoot a bolor a lot and have crystals happen Okay jumping into t but yeah uh I know a lot of people are going to be disappointed that it's like not a recrystallized build which is why I did want to show that build off but um you know it's just it's just better to remove armor not to mention that pillage could also remove Shields it's just a just a considerably stronger effect turns out little a little bit of energy generated start with the aarias they're fun also really like her three that energy generated down there 250 energy and 6700 Health we already are at 800 Health see the crystal giving us the buff there the aarius is actually one of the weapons that really likes the big status buff that you get from her Crystal you see enemies at this level like just just with her Crystal buff it's like you know even if you're not using incarn enemies don't like this they're not fans of weapons that have like tons and tons of status especially if they are heat or slash based throw our two back on get some of the extra Shields that we probably don't even need move our three into here cuz we have plenty of energy just to kind of move it to wherever we happen to be hanging out then anytime enemies get like a little frisky just got to just give him the old I pressed pillage you can see I have over 3,000 combined Shields and health um the two potential 90% damage reductions on top of that means that it's like very very difficult to die like enemies even like dealing damage to me is uh not much of a problem and it it remains not much of a problem for like a large majority of the time the one the one place where you will always Mis crystallize on Catrine is acolytes because it hyper trivializes them uh but it's really overall I think not not worth keeping compared to the ability to get a big armor strip especially on large troups and stuff like that and just like use you know you get a larger pool of weapons they're going to make it to much higher levels uh if you are on an armor strip as opposed to crystallize enemies being armorless does make it harder to charge my incar in so there's that does that count as a downside for me personally I think the answer is no and you can see like with with this status buff it's actually pretty interesting that you can kind of see some stuff of like oh if the boltor andarin actually had like a little bit more status than it does with like the like buff choices that are on it right now it would actually be like really good like it would be like a very solid weapon suddenly as opposed to like just a bit underwhelming and part of that is also that I I do have um like the galvanized statuses mod on this so that is of course making a big differ difference you can see just like our three hanging out and like having access to pillage like we're killing like enough exus and stuff that like we honestly don't have to cast our one that much but we can and you can see how good that is at killing enemies whenever our Three is out and enemies don't have armor cuz you can actually you can actually get away pretty easily with this even at even at this level like your your one can just like kill these enemies with like your threes back up our three ran out you can see that there like you can just kind of like laugh and like laser them down it works it's not it's not super efficient it's not nearly as efficient as like using a gun uh but it is funny and at lower levels it shreds and lower level enemies really are they are not a fan don't even have my two on these enemies just can't handle ITR satrina what a fantastic Warframe Catrina is like I wish her Farm was a little shorter but like other than that what a great Warframe throw our three back out here get this orb off me shoot malice real quick there he goes he doesn't like having a bunch of statuses on him it's weird bunch of statuses plus the mod that makes it so that you do more damage when there's more statuses on an enemy that couldn't be good no way it is also worth noting that that mod I I think I mentioned this every single time this bug comes up but it's very frustrating that it's still in the game so I'm going to continue to mention it um all incarn on like galvanized shot type effects the condition overload effects on guns uh actually all of the melees as well they're all bugged so that that extra base damage is not affected thankfully for the bolt or it doesn't get a lot of Base damage uh from its Evolutions which is kind of funny to say uh because you know of course it would want more if things were working appropriately but it's in a position where it is affected much less by that bug than um than it would otherwise be also wor about 5 minutes 520 kills and like honestly I've been taking things pretty casually like as I said I brought weapons that are like a bit on the worst end just to show the power of like what Buffs you're getting from Catrine and also keep in mind it's worth noting um her three Buffs are for everyone in the AOE so like this thing will be helping everyone on your team if you're like on a defense Mission or something like that and people are standing you know relatively close to it cuz it is like like a 30 m radius um that is going to help very significantly with like your teammates damage output so if you're concerned about like you know your teammate's maybe not having the best builds uh it'll it'll give them a little push sometimes that will uh make them much better people like you know if someone's bringing the boltor Prime with a suboptimal build turns out 100% plus more status will do pretty well for them so you can help them out that way and of course the survivability you get from Catrine give everybody 90% Dr it's also not going to hurt I mean even on top of I mean if they need any more help like you're removing all of the shields or rather all of the armor from all of the enemies and if your teammates aren't doing stuff at that point I don't think you need their help like you're not going to get their help if you're not getting it at that point like you're basically doing the entire mission for them once you're once you're past that threshold but uh from what I have uh from what I have gathered from the twitch streams that seems to be usually the case anyway but you know that's that's what's going on if you want if you want your team to feel like they can do something you can give them every every conceivable that they won't immediately notice and make all the enemies feel like they're level 30 again and uh you know just kind of work with it and also you'll be totally Invincible basically so like like this build even when Catrine comes up with in circuit it's like oh yeah what weapons did I get it doesn't really matter like as long as I got like not the hottest garbage it doesn't really matter I got something workable because I'm Catrine and I have a full armor strip and so on and so forth like if if if you can't make the gun work with Catrine it means the gun isn't worth putting mods in like that's that's like really effectively what it just actually means the gun was not worth installing a mod into if you did cuz it wasn't going to change and also the benefit here like these enemies are like you know 135 Steel path um so like just using your one not the worst thing in the world like armor stripped enemies like just like throwing your one out at them like it's really not bad obviously your three kind of needs to be around but it's certainly not the worst thing in the world if you really want to go crazy with it you can run the uh the non overextended version of this build if you don't mind sacrificing the range cuz I know some people don't feel like they need this much range uh just anyway and if you go the route of uh not taking that range one of the things that you can do is swap out an augment uh with egis and then you are like truly Invincible on this build like if you're dying it's it's going to be pretty rare like you have to be those digits there's got to be at least four of them on the enemy level um and the that first number is probably not a one two or a three either or you're not shooting the enemies that could do it too if you're just not fighting back um maybe they'll get you oh yeah it's really I really you know Catrina is a Warframe I don't play a whole lot but I just really enjoy her every time I do play her just throwing her crystals out like getting her Buffs down and stuff like I was not a big fan of her three at launch but it receives some Buffs that have made it considerably like improved um what a good Warframe like just just doing good stuff she's she's a very do whatever you want Warframe 2 like you want to like mess around with melee as long as you have psf of course for that um you can just like do melee stuff like I just swap to the Nana right now and it's like it's not like it's going to be a problem Nana with extra status is crazy and I get like the super high um status for my three and everything like that plus like the extra if you were using like condition overload you get four statuses right away uh for your melee weapon from your three being out and that's great I meany for for like for the sake of argument let's just like hit this hit torment with this whenever it comes in here you go goodbye like you can just do this as a trange you can just like swap up and just do whatever very free form style very just like hanging out and you know not much to be said we're at 891 kills but you know I've been kind of goofing off um and also this is a support Warframe so you know it's the thing that she doesn't look it doesn't look it but she gives 90% damage reduction in like a 50 m area with her two her three is above with pillage she's even more of a support stripping giant aoes of armor and like you know purging statuses off enemies and or off allies rather um what a good Warframe like bit unfortunate the recrystallize didn't live up to the leak hype uh but you know I think it's pretty clear that it didn't exactly need to that build is also still really good because Catrine is a hyper flexible Warframe that's super strong so you know it is what it is recrystallized wasn't as good as I hoped and this is still fantastic so you know not a ton to complain about really really really could have taken taken it or left it um newr build it's excellent go go go do crystal things go go jussy oh all right thanks for watching everybody and also of course thanks as usual to the patrons for supporting the channel especially the $10 patrons Alex parum Andrew ARB Daydream benen platic Brutus Salazar KRA Dylan dorski arrain paon James harthorn jc4 science John lobal Joshua Adams lanth Malik X Williams Mel minty ginja mcha nerve oxidate Ruby Sonu scur sharp 247 tamarc wastelander the coupon of death Tom worm Victor Palmer Wu Wars Wad and Sarah Fe and of course thank you to all of the $5 patrons as well your support is extremely extremely appreciated uh yeah the we're about to get the Dante update uh should be an excellent time expect tons of videos to be coming about about all the changes and new stuff that we're getting in that update and should uh should be excellent and then the tier list will will hopefully shortly follow
Channel: Brozime
Views: 31,257
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: games, ftp, free, to, PC, war, frame, Warframe, new, update, news, build, review, rare, fast, why, brozime, buff, prime, warframe, rework, warframe update, warframe cross save, warframe gameplay, warframe 1999, cross save warframe, warframe gauss prime, netracells warframe, citrine warframe, citrine warframe build, citrine, citrine build, warframe citrine, warframe citrine build, warframe citrine fashion frame, warframe citrine build steel path, warframe citrine brozime, warframe citrine build 2024
Id: rKJr23e9NuI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 25sec (1645 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 19 2024
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